If Triple H came out at this years Summerslam to make a special announcement regarding The Authority. He kicks off the show and Big Slow, Lame, J and J, and Rollins are all standing in the ring together. Triple H begins to discuss how Seth seems to be the only one who can get the job done lately. He explains how Big Slow has only lost to Roman and others, while Lame has lost to Ryback and Ziggler, not proving themselves.
He looks over at J and J and iterates a similar message: incompetent, distracting, and not helping Seth in the long run. Everyone's face in the ring would be stunned and confused. Big Slow would try to interrupt Triple H and apologize as well as say they'll all get better. Triple H gets in his face and tell him to shut his big ass mouth before he shuts it for him....there's a hush over everyone in the ring.
Triple H calms down somewhat...then continues on to say that "failures breed failure. This why I've decided to make some adjustments, if you will, with The Authority. Some of you may not like these changes, but you don't have a choice, because, quite frankly, I run this damn company....and, well, the future is now."
All the sudden Neville's music hits and he's accompanied by 2 other members of NXT. He grins as Big Slow, Lame, and J and J turn their backs to Rollins and Triple H. Rollins and Triple H both low blow Big Slow and Lame as the seemingly new Authority members rush the ring. They all begin to beat down J and J, Lame, and Big Slow. Rollins curbs stomps both members of J and J. Neville hits his finisher on Lame. Triple H pedigrees Big Slow followed by a Rollins curb stomp.
The new Authority are the only ones standing in the ring. Every one else is out cold and beaten down. Triple H stands in the middle along side Seth and they all hold arms as Triple H raises them and keeps mouthing "welcome to the future!!!."
Obviously, the 3 guys who come out can be whomever you'd like them to be. However, I'd prefer them to be new comers to WWE or current NXT members. I simply feel this idea would be amazing. Can you imagine how much more legit the Authority would look if this happened? Not having 4 old fucks run around with Rollins for protection. 3 young, talented, fresh, trainable talents. Now this a faction I'd want to see.
What do you guys think? Would something along these lines be awesome, or no?