Best wrestling forum poster of 2009: Airfixx
Best non-wrestling forum poster of 2009: Kizza
Most improved poster of 2009: seX-Power (thank me for the name, bitch)
The next big thing for 2010: spiralshock
Most overrated poster of 2009: MikeRaw
Most underrated poster of 2009: spiralshock
Favourite staff member of 2009: Pretty sure Lucas was staff at some point this year. If he doesn't count, then ms, since he's always amusing.
Best GFX maker of 2009: jwind
Best BTB writer of 2009: CMS
Funniest member of 2009: Stinger and Catsa. Special mention to Lucas, Kiz, Trav and ms.
Best debater of 2009: Airfixx
Worst Member 2009: Famou$187.
Memorable IWF moment of 2009: The Aussie user group being made. Honestly, people hated it, but I got a kick out of reading the reasons people applied to join.
Best avatar for 2009: Lucas.
Best signature for 2009: ms.
Best thread of 2009: The threads in 'Gaol' were quite amusing.