Thank you Jeff Hardy

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The Rated R CMStar

I failed because Cena has had 4 matches in the last 5 weeks and Hardy has had 3? Right

No,you failed because you implied that Cena was in the same condition of Jeff Hardy not wrestling every week, and clearly he isn't. In fact, I'll give to you a week to week analysis:

Week 1: Hardy barely wrestles with Vladimir Kozlov, as quickly Edge comes in for the DQ. Meanwhile, Cena tags with Batista for tag match in which he does most of the work. I give the edge to Cena

Week 2: Cena tags with Trish Stratus. Hardy wrestles Big Show.

Week 3: Cena wrestles in the 10man Tag Match. Matt Hardy does all the work in practically a Handicap Match against Edge.

Week 4: Cena tags with HBK. Hardy in a hit and run.

Week 5: Cena wrestles for 25 minutes against HBK. Jeff Hardy gets his face burned by pyro.

Cena and Hardy arent in the same condition, they aren't both not fighting champions, as you tried to implied.

No, it wasn't
It's my opinion, and I wont even try to defend it or explain it to you.

If you look at his entire run up until Judgment Day, there was a week where he didn't wrestle, which still proves my point that champions don't wrestle every single week.

NOBODY WRESTLES EVERY WEEK, champion or not. It's one thing not to wrestle one week, than not wrestle in 5 weeks and when you did wrestle, it wasnt longer than 6 minutes.

Jeff Hardy missing last weeks show and not being able to wrestle was part of the storyline that helped build up to the ppv, just like the Undertaker having a match each week. If he doesn't wrestle this Friday, it will most likely be to sell the injuries he suffered last week, which again is to help build the ppv match

And that's the main point of all of this. Thanks to Jeff Hardy not having any mic skills and WWE for some reason not wanting to have him wrestle since he became champion, we have to sit through those "things" to help build the PPV match.
Sep 29, 2008
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No,you failed because you implied that Cena was in the same condition of Jeff Hardy not wrestling every week, and clearly he isn't.

How did I imply that? I was just pointing out that Cena didn't have a match this week on Raw in response to the one guy saying that Hardy doesn't wrestle. As for match length, Cena only had 1 long singles match during that time and 3 tag matches that didn't last that long and he obviously wasn't in the match the entire time.

NOBODY WRESTLES EVERY WEEK, champion or not. It's one thing not to wrestle one week, than not wrestle in 5 weeks and when you did wrestle, it wasnt longer than 6 minutes.
Not wrestle in 5 weeks? He had 3 matches in 5 weeks. And if nobody wrestles every single week like I have been saying, why are you getting on Hardy for not having a match for 2 out of his 5 week title reign?

To add another reign, Edge only wrestled 1 time in his 4 week reign from ONS to the Raw after NOC. Now I know that Edge is a heel and not wrestling fits his character, but like I already said, Hardy missing last weeks show was to help build to the ppv.

The Rated R CMStar

How did I imply that? I was just pointing out that Cena didn't have a match this week on Raw in response to the one guy saying that Hardy doesn't wrestle

You answered your own question.

Not wrestle in 5 weeks? He had 3 matches in 5 weeks

Keep reading the statement, and when he wrestled, he didn't do so for more than 6 minutes.

why are you getting on Hardy for not having a match for 2 out of his 5 week title reign?

I said Hardy's reign sucked. You asked a reason and Gates gave you one. I gave you reasons of why Gates would say that. As for me, while I agree lack of wrestling is one of the reasons it sucked, it gets overshadowed by other, bigger reasons.

Hardy missing last weeks show was to help build to the ppv.

He missed last week, and the week after that, and by the look of things could very well also miss this Friday's show as well.

You are just adding to the point. Thanks to Hardy being who he is, WWE has to do this kind of shit hype.

CT Styles

It's the wrong timing imo. Hardy, is not Wrestlemania material, well he hasn't proven himself to be yet. Giving him the title before 'Mania makes you know he's going to drop it at some point. He should've won it at Backlash after Wrestlemania or some time after so he can have an opportunity to not be overshadowed by other 'Mania matches. Another reason it's shit is because like I said, the timing. Christian's coming back therefore they're (which they shouldn't be) using the title as a stepping stone for a Christian feud. It makes out like the title isn't the priority of the show.

It's not Jeff, it's mainly bad timing imo.


WWE gave Jeff the ball and then refused to let him run with it.

IMO they should have let Jeff feature heavily through January - Lots of ring action, lot's of confrontation with Edge about wanting his title back etc. - to see if he'll can sink or swim and if he's sinking, have Edge screw him for the belt @ RR and if he was doing ok THEN shift the 'attacker' story into top gear through Feb. (Afterall, as most would agree the initial attack pre-Survivor Series was long forgotten once Jeff had actually won the title at Armageddon so it would have made sense Jeff just pushing on as champ for the initial month or so.)


Jan 1, 2009
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I think the biggest problem here is he beat all the big boys on his way to the title. WWE won't let him go over HHH or Undertaker again. He already owned MVP. They don't want him to wrestle Kozlov because we saw what happened last time he went one on one with him. He lost. Only other choice they have is Big Show really or put him in a tag match. The champ isn't going to squash some nobody when he's a face. The other problem is Jeff was always good because he was the underdog. Now he's the champ...he can't be considered the underdog. They're doing all this shit so he goes into a match at the RR lookin hurt, beaten, down and out. Only to come back as the champ on the next smackdown so JR can rave about his intestinal fortitude and underdoggism :smilie4:


New Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Hardy's run was always doing to be weak. He isn't THE MAN and most people on SD roster could beat him so they are hinding him

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I agree with the opinion with whoever said that just having Jeff Hardy not be the champion isn't going to fix everything. Edge being champion is still going to be stale main eventing. They've all fought Taker, they've all fought Triple H and Kozlov, hell the only guy not heavily featured on Smackdown who still has fresh feuds is Big Show. And do you really want to see Edge Vs. Big Show at Mania? That's why Christian is coming in, he's going to help freshen up things a helluva lot. But beyond that, things are still going to suck. I just think CMS is blowing this 6 week title reign way out of proportion. The product isn't going to die with 2 months of a storyline that a few people find lackluster. Other people may be enjoying it, but thats not the point. Just giving Edge yet ANOTHER title reign is not going to freshen up things anymore than his last few title reigns on Smackdown.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

My God, this thread is so amazingly Blue.

K, so Jeff got given the WWE Title, and now you hate him for your 'golden boy' Edge losing it? Super fucking duper.

Explain to me, how is this Jeff's fault? How is it Jeff's fault that he is being made to look like a muppet? How is it Jeff's fault he isn't being booked in matches? How is it Jeff's fault that WWE chose to go with this storyline? How is it Jeff's fault that Edge is involved in this feud? How is any of it Jeff's fault?

Fact is Jeff is WWE Champion. Yeah, he's got the gold. But why does he have to answer for the shitty booking of his brand? Fuck, last time I checked, the champion of the brand didn't book his show (Triple Haters can jump in here if they wish, I don't give a fuck). The WWE champion can often be pinned down for ratings, as it shows whether or not he has the ability to draw. But he cannot be pinned down for your lack of enjoyment of a show when he doesn't get the opportunity to do anything. It quite simply defies logic.

You need to stop worrying about the lack of gold around Edge's waist, and start worrying about something else, because you're dellusional at best here.

Hardy's run was always doing to be weak. He isn't THE MAN and most people on SD roster could beat him so they are hinding him
Um, no.

a) They're booking him for his next feud, and

b) Wrestling is pre-determined. Sorry, Santa's not real either, fyi.

CT Styles

If the wrestlers booked the show then we'd have a lot of undeserving WWE Champions. It's not Jeff's fault.

The Rated R CMStar

Jeff is booked like this because of who he is. If he had any mic skills, this feud would have been booked different


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Sorry but IMO i cant see how the blame lies with Jeff TBH. You can hardly blame a guy for something when he ain't actually doing anything. And the reason for that is down to booking. I agree with whoever said that its the same shit but diff Champ dont mean it got worse. HHH reign was horrid i mean really bad. I'm a HUGE Trips fan but i don't see anything diff on the show creative/storyline or booking wise from then to now why Jeff is champ. Well apart from Jeff being champ that is lol. personally IMO They are building up for Rumble. Were Jeff will over come the odds and win underdog style. So what if he is and underdog does it really matter. I hope they are using this shitty booking of Jeff for it to turn out to be the start of a good feud after the rumble hopefully with christian. I think they will see if Jeff sinks or swims after the Rumble and see how he does. Then if he cant carry SD as Champ then Christian(or whoever) screws him and get the gold. And we have a new feud/storyline happening. Jeff really hasn't had a chance yet so to totally blame him is a bit unfair.


I don't think the blame lies entirely on Jeff for this one. Horrible timing to put the belt on him...hell yeah.
Does he really lack on the mic? Hell yeah.
This whole month has been more focused on building the return of Christian rather than actually pushing the champion.
If they wanted Jeff to be the assaulted Hardy the belt never should have been put on him at this point.
Having Matt as the target would have made a lot more sense and given a reason for Swagger going over him for the ECW title.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Jeff is booked like this because of who he is. If he had any mic skills, this feud would have been booked different

So the WWE couldn't think of a better way to have them feud? They could have had Jeff work the mic, just with Edge carrying him. This is WWE's stupidity, not Jeff's (Jeff's stupidity is in hibernation, for now).

And of course this has NOTHING to do with the fact that we're going to see Christian (probably) return.