So RIPW needs a lot of fixin'
like enough Adam should probably look into it bc no wonder they were putting on these shitty shows and couldn't make any stars (which therefore means SWF doesn't have much to call up and negates the whole purpose) but it was losing money every month which SWF absorbed no problem. I signed a broadcast deal with the SWF network to fix this, and it's kinda newish so I don't blame the AI for not doing that yet, but I'm profitable now. I wanna get close to breaking even most months bc no point in making a profit if I can't keep it anyway.
But the main problem I'm noticing is that since 99% of the wrestling roster (sans one guy
) is under an exclusive written contract to SWF as a developmental deal which is accurate to the world, but the problem there is that the talent obviously can't work any other indy shows like NXT talents but since RIPW sucks so hard they run one small show a month, that's not any fucking ring time for the workers to actually be able to improve.
So to hopefully fix this, I added a TV Show to the SWF network that's as small as can be for now bc I don't really have the roster to manage one and I have it set as a B show anyway bc it's just going to be a showcase for workers. I'll follow a similar format each weeks of like two singles and a tag match with some interviews mixed in. I've found that even 1-2 minute backstage interviews (which I imagine would be used a lot for this company) net me good ratings and the fans expect a lot of short segments anyway.