TEW/PWS Wrestling Simulators Discussion

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Aug 3, 2011
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I think some menus it worked but not most but I could have just been dumb too lol on 16 it worked for every screen for sure. I'm thinking specifically in my Sim save where I was just trying to quickly look at the Power 500 and stuff, no booking screens they may have it
Yeah I think that's correct. It's just some menus that you're able to do that with.
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Jun 21, 2023
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Anyone else ever use ChatGPT or Gemini to help come up with stuff? It’s surprising pretty good at it. My save is a league structure so there’s schedule for matches so I don’t use it for that but it’s helped me come up with names for my end of the year awards and PPVs and even some storylines

Bobby Barrows

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Another day, another update:

Day 7

Enhanced Eras

The eras feature has been beefed up to offer a much finer degree of control over a lot of the figures that are used in the behind-the-scenes game engine.

The categories this covers are: Wage Demands, Sponsorship, Attendance, TV Viewership, PPV Viewership, TV Revenue, PPV Revenue, Merchandise Income, Marketing Expenses, Admin Expenses, Misc Expenses, Show Costs and Venue Hire.

For each, you can set a percentage of between 1% and 500%, with 100% being the default level. So, as an example, if you set PPV Revenue to 1% then whenever an event is on pay-per-view and the revenue is calculated the result will only be 1% of what it would be under normal conditions. 100% would mean it'd be as normal. 500% would make it 5 times greater than normal.

This therefore allows database makers a lot of control over how the game runs and can allow historical / fantasy scenarios to be constructed.

Era Specific Contracts

In addition to what was discussed in the previous entry, era can now also be used to set whether written contracts are enabled or disabled. If disabled, they can't be offered at all. This may be useful to some database makers constructing historical scenarios such as the days of the territories.

New Battle Royals

By request, a number of new battle royal configurations have been added; any number of competitors between 10 and 60 can now be booked.

Automatic Renegotiations

To close an annoying loophole that has existed for a while, when a worker retires or comes out of retirement the game now automatically triggers a limited renegotiation process for each of his or her contracts. This prevents the situation where a worker's wage and / or primary usage are set at a value that is no longer appropriate to their status, but does so without requiring a whole new set of negotiations to take place to make things right. These automatic renegotiations happen on the same day, are dealt with in one go (rather than needing to wait for offers to go back and forth) and don't allow others to come in and make steals.

So, for example, if you lock down your main star on a $100,000 a month contract and he retires a few weeks later to become a colour commentator, you're not stuck with a vastly overpriced broadcaster - instead you'll get to renegotiate for a fairer amount (or release them, without incurring a huge bill).

Historical Rosters And Champions

In an addition that has proven very popular with the testers, the alumni section (from a company's profile) now has a second section where you can pick a specific historical date; if you do, it will show you who the roster and champions were on that date (by using the dates contained within the employment and title histories to calculate it). As well as it being interesting to take a stroll down memory lane, this also has a secondary benefit for database makers as it means there's an easy way to compare / check historical data.

Wrestling School Affiliations

Companies can now affiliate themselves with wrestling schools. This takes the form of them paying part of the school's running costs in return for getting first refusal over the graduates. This just adds an extra touch of realism and is useful for companies who may not have the funds to actually open their own facility.

Move Descriptions

Wrestling moves, including tag team finishers, can now have an (optional) short text description attached to them. This displays when viewing the move in-game. This is particularly useful for fantasy databases and for wrestlers who have not acheived much fame, as it saves having to use up biography space to explain what a move is. (To answer the question in advance: yes, the default database does have this filled in so that people no longer have to open up Wrestling Spirit to find out what moves are meant to be.)

Team And Client Relationships

As they are likely to spend more time together than normal, tag team partners and manager-client duos are now more likely than normal to develop a personal relationship - whether good or bad - over time when they are in the same backstage environment. This adds a little more realism to the game world.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I don't play past eras as much but that's very welcome bc when I do the more realism it can have the better

Daddy Deville

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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So, for example, if you lock down your main star on a $100,000 a month contract and he retires a few weeks later to become a colour commentator, you're not stuck with a vastly overpriced broadcaster - instead you'll get to renegotiate for a fairer amount (or release them, without incurring a huge bill).- The amont of times Jushin Thunder has done this to me should be a crime.

Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
Mar 7, 2019
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Oh hey, two big updates:

Day 8

Request Call Up

When playing as the booker of a child company, the player can now choose to contact the parent company (whether the parent is controlled by the player or AI) and request that they consider calling up a worker. This is something that's been requested quite a lot. It adds some extra realism and also allows those who want to play with an eye on producing talent a little more control.

Import Job History

From within the editor, the user can now import job histories (either individually or in batches) from one worker to another. This was requested by a couple of database makers as a way of speeding things up. It's particularly useful for tag teams who have moved around together, as it means that once you've completed one partner you can just then choose to import all of their job histories in one go to their partner.

Increased Diversity

In order to better simulate the real world, a range of new diversity-related settings have been added to workers. These include:

Gender ID: This has the choices of Cisgender Male, Transgender Male, Non-Binary Male, Other Male, Cisgender Female, Transgender Female, Non-Binary Female, Other Female. Note that the male and female versions of Non-Binary are purely for behind-the-scenes purposes (as the game needs to know which of the two "paths" they take for things like physical development and retirement ages); whenever this text tag would be seen during gameplay it would simply be shown as Non-Binary without further elaboration. The "Other" terminology is designed as a catch-all for any definition that doesn't fit into any of the other categories - if anyone would like to suggest a better name for this, you're welcome to make suggestions in the discussions thread and this may be incorporated pre-release. Overall, the new Gender ID settings are mostly used to add a little more realism, for searching, and for the handful of calculations where gender is important (like what awards they qualify for). In almost all cases, all that really matters from an in-game perspective is whether they fall into the male or female "paths" that the game has. A worker's Gender ID setting does not change during gameplay and there are era settings that can be used to control the percentage chance of what Gender ID newly generated characters can have.

Pronouns: The choices are He-Him, She-Her, They-Them, He-Them, She-Them. This is purely a cosmetic touch and affects how text relating to that person is shown. Note that I've specifically made this section easy to alter, so if there are further categories that people particularly want, this is something that can easily be patched in post-release.

Sexuality: Either Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Pansexual. These settings are primarily for relationship calculating purposes, but some products may use this data (in conjunction with the gender ID) - for example, LGBTQ+ friendly products may explicitly look at it when choosing who to hire.

The converter will automatically assign the Cisgender Male / He-Him and Cisgender Female / She-Her settings based on the gender the worker had in TEW2020, so in the vast majority of cases database makers will not have to do any extra work to incorporate these changes.

Men's And Women's Divisions

The way women's divisions used to work has been expanded, providing the same set of options but for the inverse - i.e. women's wrestling companies that have men's divisions within them. Additionally, there is now a Tiny size that can be applied. This was something that was requested a few times.

Gender Competition

Each worker now has a "Competes Vs" setting that can either be Any, Men's Division Only, Women's Division Only, Primarily Men's Division or Primarily Women's Division. Additionally, each contract now has a "Competes In" setting that is either Unassigned, Men's Division, Women's Division, or Unrestricted. The contract setting can't contradict the worker's overall setting, but doesn't have to permanently be on a single choice - for example, you might set a female wrestler to Primarily Women's Division and have her contract set to be in the women's division, but move her to the men's division for one-off matches or a specific storyline.

These two settings work in conjunction with a company's men's and women's division settings so that the game knows who to hire, who they're competing against, etc. This means that you can simulate pretty much any real world scenario and have quite a lot of flexibility to move people around based on the situation. By adding this, this covers some of the real world scenarios that were previously not able to be simulated properly.

Note that the converter will automatically set male competitors to the men's division and female competitors to the women's division; as such, other than a handful of edge cases, database makers will not have to do any work at all with regarding to setting this up.

Expanded Awards

The end-of-year awards - both the overall and company-specific versions - have been expanded to have male and female versions of each (including the non-wrestling awards like Manager, Referee, etc). The converter automatically takes this into account when moving awards from 2020 to the new game.

Gender-Specific Hiring Rules

When assigning hiring rules to a company, they can now be set as to whether they apply only to male competitors, only female competitors, or both. This gives database makers a finer degree of control and means that limits on things like weight make more sense.

Same-Sex Marriages

For realism purposes, same-sex marriages cannot happen during gameplay prior to the data that they became legal (based on the area in question). This doesn't affect preset relationships via the editor.

Gender And Divisional Searches

By request, tag teams and title belts can now be searched by gender and men's / women's division limits.

Road Agent Experience

Road agents can now continue to build their experience rating just from doing their job. Previously, once they'd retired from active competition they couldn't build up experience, which meant that some people - especially those that retired early - were very limited in how good they could become.

More Precise End Dates

When setting the end dates for things like excursions, scandals, starting injuries and starting absences in the editor, there is now a much wider range of options to choose from, including being able to pick a specific date. This gives database makers a finer degree of control.

We finally getting more diversity in TEW, great to see.

Day 9

More Realistic Avatars

The way the user avatar functions has been made more realistic, removing the more overtly "gamey" elements like the user talents and the iron fist / velvet glove system. In their place, the game instead uses the avatar's personality, skills and attributes for evaluating how they interact with people and what their ability level is. Additionally, it keeps track of their decisions and actions in order to figure out how they'd be viewed by other people and what their reputation would be. The end result is that you've got a more realistic system where it should feel more like you "are" the avatar and, as it's all handled by the game without the user needing to do anything, it's a smoother process that requires less work from the user.

Mortal Avatars

In previous games the user avatar has always been immortal, a situation that was necessary for coding reasons. As this is obviously unrealistic and the code reasons no longer apply, this has now changed and the avatar will eventually pass away. However, they do get special protection in that they aren't eligible for random deaths and can't die before the age of 66 under any circumstance; these special conditions are to stop it ruining games by having your avatar suddenly die when you're in the middle of something. Once you get close to the point where your avatar is eligible to die, the game will explicitly warn you and recommend that you utilise the next feature to be covered...

Changing Avatars

...which is the Change Avatar button. This is available from the Options screen and can be used whenever you want (i.e. you don't have to wait for your avatar to get old in order to use it, it's available all the time, even if you just want to change things up). This gives you the following choices:

New Avatar: Either Selection or Regeneration. If you choose Selection then you choose an existing character as your new avatar (exactly as you do when you start a new game or choose to add a new player). If you choose Regeneration, your new avatar is created by applying the normal regeneration process on the old avatar. You get to pick the name, picture and biography, and can also select whether it's a legacy character (if you do choose to be a legacy character then you start with a relationship to the old avatar).

Career: Either Choose or Replace. If you select Choose then you either select a company to work for or choose to be unemployed (again, exactly as you do when you start a new game or add a new player). If you choose Replace then your new avatar simply replaces the old avatar in the job they had; any existing storylines, pre-bookings, stables, etc, are all retained, so it's a direct continuation.

Old Avatar: Either Retire, Normalise or Normalise & Release. Choosing Retire means that the old avatar leaves the business immediately. Normalise means that the old avatar becomes a normal AI-controlled character and keeps whatever their current status is, including remaining on the roster of the company they were booking. Choosing Normalise & Release is the same as Normalise, except the old avatar is released from whatever company they were head booker of.

You still retain your user-specific features (like your user log, shortlist, etc) after changing the avatar as it's a continuation of your journey as a player rather than a hard reset.

Note that if your avatar does die before you choose to change, the game will then not be able to continue until you pick a new avatar (or leave the game, in multiplayer scenarios).

Overall, this new system gets rid of the unrealistic nature of the avatar mysteriously being immortal whilst giving you much more flexibility over being able to change characters whenever you want. It also means that you can very easily create a legacy, with your original avatar potentially being succeeded by their children (and potentially grandchildren). The Change Avatar button is also really handy if you just decide you want to move on to a different company for a fresh challenge, as you no longer need to go through the process of adding new players, having old players leave the game, etc.

Avatar Wealth

If the user's avatar has a Wealth rating of Rich or greater, they will automatically be able to donate some of their personal funds when founding a new company. Previously this was a feature that could only be used by AI characters. This is just another little move towards better integrating the avatar into the game world rather than being an exception.

Gimmick Memory

When a worker leaves a company, the fans will remember their gimmick for three months - if the worker returns within that time period, the company has the option of restoring the gimmick in the state it was when they left. This is especially useful for workers who are likely to make several one-off appearances (such as local workers or alliance trades) as it means you don't have to restart from scratch each time. It also means that if someone happens to land upon a great gimmick, you've not lost it once they leave - you could resign them in order to capitalise on their good fortune.

Crowd Heat Display

The crowd's heat level is now shown on screen when displaying a show's segments to the user. This makes it easier to follow along with how it's altering over time and makes crowd management a little easier.

Wrestling And Crowd Ratings

For added detail, the match output screen now lists the individual wrestling and crowd ratings for the bout as well as the overall rating that you're familiar with. This is just a little extra detail that some people have requested.

Editing During Booking

The in-game editor is now available during the evening phase of the game so that you can make edits during the booking phase if you want to.

Power 500 Placeholders & Alternates

By request, the power 500 editor now allows placeholder text to be added - this means that workers who aren't in the database can be included. This is particularly useful for historical data. Additionally, the text can be used to create alternate names for workers, allowing them to appear with an alter ego or a past identity. This all just gives database makers a little extra control.

Company Editor Sub-Screens

By request, the company editor now has sub-screens that allow the user to alter events, title belts, tag teams and stables. This makes editing quicker as it removes the need to go to a different section of the editor.

More awesome stuff, especially being able to switch characters mid-game.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Yeah I like the avatar changes a lot
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Hidden Blaze

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Still waiting on them to announce being able to defend another companies title. Really cool part of what makes me love PWS so much, if you are partnered up with a company, you can have them defend the belt on your show, or if you're in a company that's so small you do PPA, and you sign someone on a PPA deal and they have a title, again you can have it defended on your show. I hope TEW adds this.
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Jazz Wolf

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Oct 20, 2022
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That 'Request Callup' for child companies is legit one of the things I specifically mentioned as a potential update, fuck yeah. Little thing, but now it means I can try to offshoot an immobile lunk rather than be stuck with him for years.

I can't wait to run an all-LGBTQ company.

Bobby Barrows

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I'm low key interested to see how smaller companies end up in the Cverse, like ACPW, PSW, CZCW, and SNP, and if any of them end up becoming bigger players. I'd love to see a Medium sized ACPW.

I'd also actually prefer to have Medium split up into two different sizes: Cult and Medium. I think Cult should be the early Medium size where rising costs and written contracts become a thing but getting TV is a little more difficult and Medium is finally getting over the hump and allowing for more "mainstream" broadcasters to air your stuff.
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Jun 21, 2023
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I posted this over in a BTB thread but figured I’d post here in case some don’t read it.

If anyone ever wants any help with their BTB or a save they aren’t posting either creatively or just someone to brain storm or bounce ideas off of please feel free to message me. I wish I had the time and energy to play my save more frequently and post it here. So I’d love to help anyone with theirs anyway I can, whether it’s just as simple as giving my opinion on something or you want an “assistant booker” “right hand man” whatever I’m just a message away.


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Jun 21, 2023
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Before I started my save I decided to ask Gemini to structure something like this and this is what I got back and kind of used as a guide for my save. I didn’t use PWF, I used WCW because it’s a modern day mod and had new WCW logos that aren’t used so I went with it. I was really impressed by Geminis help tbh, I made a few minor tweaks to what it provided.

Pro Wrestling Federation (PWF) - Where Wrestling is a Sport

Concept: The PWF presents professional wrestling as a legitimate competitive sport, with a focus on athleticism, teamwork, and strategy.


Teams: The roster is divided into permanent teams of 4-6 wrestlers. Teams can be co-ed or single-gender.
Seasons: The PWF operates on a seasonal schedule with playoffs to determine champions. A season could last 6-12 months.
Matches: Matches are structured with a points system based on specific criteria:
Takedowns: Points awarded for successful grappling maneuvers.
High-impact moves: Points for impactful maneuvers with proper execution and safety.
Teamwork: Points for successful tag-team maneuvers and coordinated attacks.
Submissions: Points awarded for successful submission holds that force a tap-out.
Pins: Matches can still end in pinfalls, but award fewer points than submissions.
Standings and Stats: Each team's points are tracked throughout the season. Individual wrestlers accumulate stats like takedowns, successful pins, and assists.
Championships: The team with the most points at the end of the season wins the championship. Additional championships could exist for individual achievements.
Referees: Referees enforce the rules and award points based on the established criteria. Replays and challenges to point deductions can be incorporated.

Commentary: Announcers focus on athleticism, strategy, and team dynamics. Plays can be broken down and analyzed like other sports.
Medical Staff: Emphasize safety and showcase the athletic conditioning of wrestlers.
Minimal Kayfabe: Wrestlers maintain their characters, but storylines focus on team rivalries and championship aspirations rather than over-the-top theatrics.

Appeals to a wider audience: Fans of traditional sports may be drawn to the athleticism and competition.
Emphasis on teamwork: Highlights the collaborative nature of professional wrestling.
Statistical analysis: Provides a deeper dive into the performance of wrestlers and teams.
Fresh approach: Offers a unique twist on the professional wrestling industry.

Balancing entertainment and realism: Striking a balance between exciting action and maintaining a believable points system.
Fan acceptance: Wrestling fans accustomed to traditional storylines might need to adjust their expectations.
Wrestler training: Wrestlers may need additional training in grappling and athletic performance.
The PWF model offers a unique take on professional wrestling. By emphasizing athleticism, teamwork, and competition, it aims to attract a new audience while still delivering exciting in-ring action.

Thoughts? Questions?
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