JBL is WAYYYYYY better than Tazz. Tazz was good while paired on SD with Cole then he just seemed to care less while on ECW and has never really regained his former stride on the stick. I thought he'd step it up with JR, but he's become a fatter, blander King. "Oh baby!" "Whoaho man!" Repeat about a hundred times and you have a Tazz broadcast. At least he'll be an upgrade over Don "Home Shoppin Network" West after he beats him in a mic on a pole match while Tenay is locked inside an empty arena and both commentators start the fight outside.
WWE should draft JR to Raw to work with JBL, send King to ECW to work with Grish and let Stryker get his shine on doing SD! and since Cole is still under contract I guess you gotta throw ol boy a bone.