Darksidetrin said:
Defiantly in need of new tag teams... Being back carlito and pair him up with well anyone... He's that good.
Put drew in a team as well...
So many underused stars....
They mentioned teaming him with Swagger earlier in the year, but that sounds just as ridiculous as that pointless tag title run with Rhodes that started his burial. (It was a step away from obscurity for Cody)
On NXT, they showed Alex Riley and Percy Watson playing basketball together, and they tagged together a few times in a feud with Young and O'Neil. Their characters are similar, so them teaming together actually makes sense. Novel concept, I know. Santino and Brodus could make an entertainment team (and combine their screentime), Bateman and Ryder would be an awesome combination.
@Leo C: Hunico and Camacho, plus that other team (Corey Graves and somebody) who debuted on NXT.