Survivor Series...

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Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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...Looking forward to it?

...Predicted teams/match ups?

...Other thoughts?

More specifically though, does anyone else think that what with Bragging Rights and the numerous 7v7 elimination matches around Summerslam time, the return of WWEs second longest running PPV is a bit of a non-event? ...I really can't see them managing to set up an interesting angle for the trad. SS matches in just a few weeks so am expecting just a typical match up heels vs faces for the 2 respective shows and thus am having trouble mustering up any kind of enthusiam for it.

Edge vs Kane = Meh.

IMO this show dependent on them a) delivering the goods with regard to the finish of the Orton/Barret/cena thang (regardless of the actual outcome) and that Bryan get's a nicely compatible 1v1 opponent (rather than being on team Raw)... That said I wouldn't mind seeing Team Cole vs Team Bryan! : oD


Active Member
Jun 29, 2009
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I'm looking forward to seeing David Hart Smith out on his own and since I also a Team Morrison vs Team Sheamus (they won't get a singles match until month), THD can break up and be on their respective teams. Unfortunately, I haven't been following Smackdown much so I can't really predict what'll go on on their end.


Apr 1, 2008
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Long Island, NY
The Cena/Barrett/Nexus storyline is so weak I could honestly care less. They dropped the ball on this angle so bad it's ridiculous... could care less.

Edge/Kane is such an obvious last ditch replacement for Kane/Taker's final chapter that it really doesn't appeal to me at all. Get the title off Kane and spare us of another 4 months of waiting until Taker returns to take it off of him.

What is the actual point of this Survivor Series right now? The RAW vs. Smackdown event was just done. Who's surviving... Cena? The only thing I can think to look forward to is the possible match quality of a few lower card matches.


Mar 29, 2010
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Edge vs Kane doesnt exactly interest me much. I am just hoping Edge wins because not only does Smackdown needs a face champion, but because Kane doesn't need the belt anymore. He has been on fire as of late but he lost the great foil to his current character in Taker. Let Edge win the belt to let us salivate on the following Edge vs Alberto del Rio or Edge vs Cody Rhodes matches.

Anyways, you know we will see two survivor series elimination matches....and I have no idea where they will come from. WWE could create some matches that make kinda sense in this situation, in for example Team Rhodes vs Team McIntyre. I also think Miz will be captain in one team, and probably against The Big Show in some sort of Raw vs Smackdown deal....again.

Rey vs Del Rio probably will happen again if Rey recovers from his ear thingy.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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^^^Edge vs Cody for the WHC is SO not happening! LOL

Cody's blatantly gonna be embarking on a rivalrly with Drew which will see them both chasing the IC title which MVP will win on next week's SD (when Vicki screws Dolph in revenge for getting jiggy with that NXT chick).

The Cena/Barrett/Nexus storyline is so weak I could honestly care less. They dropped the ball on this angle so bad it's ridiculous... could care less.

S'funny you should say that; the current phase of the Nexus angle is the only time I've genuinely given a shit... Up until Cena was brought into the fold they were just a squash waiting to happen.


Mar 29, 2010
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Meh, I know Edge vs Cody wont happen, one could hope though. Specially considering Royal Rumble is coming, and you know WWE doesnt give a shit about their title matches on those events and sometimes it results in the weirdest of challengers.


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Mar 29, 2010
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Don't understand why they didn't just make it a 4-way at SS. Edge vs. Kane is gonna be a shitty match probably, and I too would realllly love to see Cody in the main event, he's the best thing going in the WWE behind Miz, imo, as far as heels go.

sharkboy 3:16

Jan 30, 2008
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New Zealand
So what matches have been announced yet? All i know of is Kane vs Edge and Barrett vs Orton and both don't interest me very much. Hopefully Edge takes the belt so Kane can have his match with Taker without the title involved and Edge can do something until the Rumble winner decides to face him. I don't know what's going to happen with Cena, I have a feeling he'll be fired and Orton will stay Champ and they'll find some shit reason for Cena to keep his job, maybe the G.M will finally reveal himself and keep Cena or RAW, either way its gonna be lame but finding out who the GM is would be good.

Any other matches decided yet? Maybe Sheamus Vs Morrison or Team Sheamus Vs Team Morrison? I think they'd be good in singles action but not leading teams plus there hasn't really been a build up for them to lead teams. The only big team match I could see is Nexus vs a Smackdown team since they're invading them. Team Smackdown could have the likes of Ziggler, Drew, Rhodes, Big Show, MVP, Kofi, Swagger any of them while Mysterio Vs Del Rio would be good too. They really should have made more matches early to build hype for them imo.


Mar 13, 2007
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London UK
Wade Barrett wins the title
Cena beats the life out of him
Miz cashes in


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Wade Barrett wins the title
Cena beats the life out of him
Miz cashes in
Yeah, that's what I said earlier, could really see that happening but I REALLY think Miz would be better off going to SD. Idk, I can't see him doing much with John Cena besides making fun of his acting career and dumb jokes, every feud with him turns out the same. That Miz vs. Edge promo on Edge's last night on Raw was truly epic, would love to see them feud, sigh.


New Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Well am really looking forward for this events coz i really like it from the bottom of my heart, & i hope that my favorite players is gonna won their fights..
live tv channels

Alex C

Jun 9, 2010
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Yeah, that's what I said earlier, could really see that happening but I REALLY think Miz would be better off going to SD. Idk, I can't see him doing much with John Cena besides making fun of his acting career and dumb jokes, every feud with him turns out the same. That Miz vs. Edge promo on Edge's last night on Raw was truly epic, would love to see them feud, sigh.

Maybe you're right,but then they would have to send World Heavyweight Title to RAW, if Miz (when wins WWE title) goes to SD.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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Pretty poor PPV....

* Bryan didn't drag Dibiase to the heights he has with his previous few opponents. Are we to take from this that DBiase isn't the in-ring performer that Ziggler is? Hmmmmmmmm....

* Ziggler vs Kaval = Tumbleweed city! Not to mention the horrible use of the NXT title shot. I know in reality Kaval had no chance of scoring a world title win, but (in kayfaybe) why would you go for a mid-card title? ...Add to that the fact that he lost, not only does Kaval looks dumb, but any steam he could had garnered from NXT, the title shot etc. is now gone and the way he's being booked you can't see there being any more title action any time soon, so; question: What's next for Kaval? ..They've already played the 'get behind the loser' card once; no-one's instantly buy into it again.

* JoMo & Sheamus worked nicely together, but as said before it feels like their fued is playing out in reverse.

* Team Rey v Team Del Rio felt like just another night on SD. I assume they weren't expecting such a hometown reception for MVP... Felt like a complete waste him being eliminated so quickly given that he had the most 'heat' in the whole match (APART from when he was actually in the ring! LOL). Terrible idea writing Del Rio out so early too, I mean, unless they were gonna use this match to push one of the young heels like Drew or Cody then any/all of them vs Rey and Show (given how they're both portrayed week in, week out) is a total mis-match.

....Cody fucking rules tho'!!!!

* Divas title: Nice moment for Natalia and good to finally see her being booked in the division. Shoulda waited til Raw to bring back Beth though... Ushering in the reign of the most physically imposing ACTIVE (face) diva on the roster by having the return of the most physically imposing diva on the roster, period, (also currently in a face role) totally stole her shine IMO.

* Kane v Edge: Meh.... I just don't feel Edge's ring-work as a face... Never have. Hard to put it into words, but he has a really counter-driven moveset and it just doesn't work for a face who's firing up on a heel.

* Tag Team Titles... Again, poor TV-esque fodder that had no right to be on PPV... I mean, yeah, maybe if they were gonna actually put the titles of Santino & Koslov, but this was just a couple of jobbers laying down for an as yet uncredible set of tag-team champs.

*Orton/Barret: WHAT AN ANTI-CLIMAX! ...Cena gave it all away just to get a punch in on Barret (when all along he's been saying win lose or draw he'd be coming for Barret)??? Bullshit! ....I'll try and hold back any further venom until I've seen the aftermath on last night's Raw.


Mar 29, 2010
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I liked the PPV in general. Is really funny because if you have analize every match, I will say nothing was really, really special, but all together, it made for a nice PPV. I liked John Morrison vs Sheamus, and tbh, apparently unlike you, I liked their little feud. If one thing could get critiqued about it was that Sheamus never really got Morrison in danger during the build up. But their match was really nice.

I don't get the hate on the Elimination Match. It is one of the best, imo, that we have seen in the last couple of years. Team Kofi vs Team Orton was only good when it was down to Punk/Orton vs Kofi. Team Miz vs Team Morrison wasn't anything to write about. Don't get me started on the year before that when we saw the horrible Team HBK vs Team JBL, and I don't get the hype about Team HHH vs Team Umaga. I liked this match, it entertained through out and the only bad part was Rey and Big Show winning. Alberto Del Rio should have come back and take the win.

I blame Kane for the bad Edge vs Kane match. Edge is not as a good as he was 2 years ago, but he comes from having great matches with Alberto Del Rio, Ziggler, practically against everyone he was put against on Smackdown...until Kane. Kane comes from putting bad matches with The Undertaker. People put the blame on the Deadman...but Kane is still putting bad matches against other opponents. Seems to me Jacobs is the one to blame.

Orton vs Barret are just boring together. BTW, imo, they should had avoided pinfall covers in general throughout the match. The moment Cena made the first count correctly, it killed the logic that he would turn. The ending was not bad, as some people claim. The thing is, WE had gotten all hyped about a turn or some elaborated plan about something big happening, that when WWE delivered one of the actual things they said it might happen (WWE never hyped HHH appearing, Cena turning, Otunga turning nexus on Barret, Miz cashing in, they hyped either Cena reluctantly helping Barret win or Cena getting fired) we got let down.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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I liked the PPV in general. Is really funny because if you have analize every match, I will say nothing was really, really special, but all together, it made for a nice PPV.

As we discussed before the PPV, the show was massively focused on the Cena/Barret angle. To be honest, if the pay-off at the end was better, I would have prob ended up with a similar verdict as you. ...Not like anyone dramatically stunk the house out.

I liked John Morrison vs Sheamus, and tbh, apparently unlike you, I liked their little feud. If one thing could get critiqued about it was that Sheamus never really got Morrison in danger during the build up. But their match was really nice.

Nice pairing, but we've had already had Sheamus beat JoMo clean in a falls count anywhere match in VERY recent memory... T-h-e-n JoMo, THE FACE, starts fucking with Sheamus in the Santino segments each week... To me, it portrays JoMo as a poor loser, regardless of what anti-bullying message they hastily tried to tie in later down the line(*).... And now they're trying to sell JoMo's win as something special? He's beat plenty of former world champs in the past. I don't see how anyone benefits from any of it....

(*Not to mention, a side note, why has it fallen to JoMo to look out for Santino in the first, 2nd and 3rd instances when his buddy is a 300lb "sambo master"...?)

I don't get the hate on the Elimination Match. It is one of the best, imo, that we have seen in the last couple of years. Team Kofi vs Team Orton was only good when it was down to Punk/Orton vs Kofi. Team Miz vs Team Morrison wasn't anything to write about. Don't get me started on the year before that when we saw the horrible Team HBK vs Team JBL, and I don't get the hype about Team HHH vs Team Umaga. I liked this match, it entertained through out and the only bad part was Rey and Big Show winning. Alberto Del Rio should have come back and take the win.

....Well I wouldn't say I exhibited any 'hate' towards it.

Was extremely mediocre, that's all. The only guys with any real heat between them was Rey & Del Rio and they 'removed' Del Rio from the match way before the finish to leave us watching 2 ME-er faces easily getting the better of the SD low & mid-card heels.

100% agreed about Del Rio tho', however it woulda taken some damn inventive booking to get him past Rey AND Show.

...Any thoughts on how you'd have played that one? (Jus' for the hell of it, like...)

I blame Kane for the bad Edge vs Kane match. Edge is not as a good as he was 2 years ago, but he comes from having great matches with Alberto Del Rio, Ziggler, practically against everyone he was put against on Smackdown...

I know you're big on Edge, but "great"? ...You're way overstating the level of his matches since returning to SD....

*Vs. Swagger on PPV was dull.
*Vs. Del Rio was TV fodder with a dirty finish. (No direct criticism of the workers, but equally so, nothing to write home about as a result.)
*Vs. Ziggler.... TBH, I remember the segment with Vikki & Edge, but not the match.... Didn't make anywhere near the impression that his matches with Kofi & Bryan did though.
*Vs. 3-way qualifyer... Was ok I guess, but again "great"?

...Has he even had any other notable matches during this period to consider?

...til Kane. Kane comes from putting bad matches with The Undertaker. People put the blame on the Deadman...but Kane is still putting bad matches against other opponents. Seems to me Jacobs is the one to blame.

All that said, I acknowledge Kane has never been one to set the ring alight so-to-speak.

Orton vs Barret are just boring together. BTW, imo, they should had avoided pinfall covers in general throughout the match. The moment Cena made the first count correctly, it killed the logic that he would turn. The ending was not bad, as some people claim. The thing is, WE had gotten all hyped about a turn or some elaborated plan about something big happening, that when WWE delivered one of the actual things they said it might happen (WWE never hyped HHH appearing, Cena turning, Otunga turning nexus on Barret, Miz cashing in, they hyped either Cena reluctantly helping Barret win or Cena getting fired) we got let down.

You're honestly saying that WWE didn't hype/tease an Otunga swerve or Miz cashing in? You're joking...? What has all that shit on Raw been in recent weeks (see Otunga) or the promo that very night (see Miz) then?

Regardless, I'm not condemning it because those things didn't happen and I acknowledge they, belatedly, brought a little 'sizzle' to the situation by having Cena screw Barret in the rematch on Raw, but I'm simply saying as bigger deal as this was made out to be; the culmination of how many months TV?... The pay-off was weak.

Last night's Raw pissed all over Survivor Series IMO.