For shits and giggles since deep down every fan likes fantasy booking...
Main event: 80's Legends vs. Attitude Legends
Hogan, Savage, Andre, Piper, Warrior vs. Austin, Rock, HBK, HHH, Foley
Elimination: Foley, Warrior, HHH, HBK, Savage, Piper, Andre, Hogan
Survivors: Rock and Austin, who naturally, stuns Rocky afterwards!
The essential others:
DiBiase, Perfect, Edge, Demolition vs. B.Hart,Razor Ramon, Taker, L.O.D
Elimination: Perfect, Razor, Animal,Smash, Ax, Hawk, Taker, DiBiase has a crooked ref fast count Hart who is the final elimination after Edge avoided tags the entire match but spears Hart when he is busy with Ted.
Survivors: Edge and The Million Dollar Man!
Monsters vs. Underdogs:
Vader, Yokozuna, Bam Bam, Sid, Kane vs. Barry Horowitz, Eugene, 123 Kidd, Rey Misterio Jr., "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (he beat cancer!)
Eliminations: Barry Horowitz, Eugene, Duggan, Kane and Vader get counted out after brawling to the back over who was going to hurt the next little guy, Kidd, then Rey finally gets put out of his misery.
Survivors: Yoko, Bam Bam, and Sid
Tag Teams:
British Bulldogs,Bushwhackers, The Hardy Boyz, The Killer Bees, The New Age Outlaws vs The Dream Team, The Brainbusters, The Duddleys, The Natural Disasters, The Twin Towers
Eliminations: Bushwhackers, The Bees, The Disasters, Dream Team, Outlaws, The Towers, Duddleys, Hardyz, Busters
Sole Survivors: The Bulldogs!
Awesome Heels/Famous Faces
Owen, Rick "The Model" Martel, Rick Rude, Goldust, Kurt Angle vs. Jake "the Snake" Roberts, Kerry Von Erich, Tito Santana, Rob Van Damm, Booker T
Eliminations: Martel, Tito, Booker, Goldust, Kerry, Van Damm, Jake Roberts
Survivors: Owen, Rude, Angle