Superior Championship Wrestling - SCW

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KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
For years, a billionaire by the name of Donald Trump had an interest in Wrestling. He watched it, and had friends who were big names in Wrestling. The likes of Ted Turner, Vince McMahon Jr., And others. He had enough to buy a company, and decide to further his income, and do what he likes to do, and run a Wrestling Company. It is called SCW, better known as Superior Championship Wrestling. Donald Trump has brought in all his resources he could, it took about one year to do, but he has the TV Deal on NBC, the roster, and staff that he wanted. And with his celebrity status, he will bring in all the names for the debut show on TV, called Monday-Night Mayhem. And now with everything Donald Trump has, there is a friendly war going between two billionaire buddies, Donald Trump & Vince McMahon. We'll see if the friendly competition will turn into a return of the Monday-Night WARS!

Donald Trump

Eric Bischoff

Hulk Hogan
Joey Styles

Ring Announcer
Michael Buffer

Kristal Marshal

Bobby Lashley - Face
Ric Flair - Face
Ron Killings - Heel
Big Shad - Face
Kevin Nash - Face
Scott Hall - Face
Marcus Cor Von - Heel
Orlando Jordan - Heel
Umaga - Heel
Elijah Burke - Heel
Reid Flair - Face
CM Punk - Face
Randy Orton - Heel
"Wildcat" Chris Harris - Heel
Dustin Rhodes - Face
Cody Rhodes - Face
Raven - Heel
Scotty 2 Hotty - Face
Chris Masters - Heel
Billy Gunn - Face
Billy Kidman - Face
Bill Goldberg - Heel
Sting - Face
Syxx Pac - Heel
Finlay w/Hornswoggle - Face
James Storm - Heel
Diamond Dallas Page - Face
Rob Van Dam - Face
Bubba Ray Dudley - Heel
D-Von Dudley - Heel
Spike Dudley - Heel

Tag Teams
The New Breed
(Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von)
Dudley Boyz
(Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike)
The Rhodes Family
(Cody & Dustin)
Ric & Reid Flair
Finlay & Hornswoggle
The Outsiders
(Scott Hall & Kevin Nash)

SCW Champion - Vacant
SCW Tag Team Champions - Vacant
SCW Primetime Champion - Vacant
SCW Light Heavyweight Champion - Vacant​


Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
ill review this, but i dont see goldberg as a heel

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Monday-Night Mayhem Preview

September 1st, 2008

New York City, NY

Madison Square Garden

Next Monday will b ethe very first show for Superior Championship Wrestling. Donald Trump, the ounder & owner of SCW will make an appearance with a special guest, Tito Ortiz! What will happen when UFC Fighter steps inside a Wrestling Ring?

The SCW Primetime Championship will be on the line when Bobby Lashley faces Ron "The Truth" Killings, to determine the very first SCW Primetime Champion.

A Ladder Match will take place in the main event, with two briefcases hanging from the ceiling, and the two men that grab the cases will face off at the very first SCW Pay Per View for the SCW World Championship.

Tune in to see a brand new organization debut. The SCW Is Here, and here to stay!

Mayhem Card Thus Far

Tag Team Title Match
The Dudleyz vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle

Primetime Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Ron Killings

14 Man Ladder Match - SCW Title Oppertunities
Bill Goldberg vs. Randy Oorton vs. Sting vs. Ric Flair vs. CM Punk vs. Raven vs. RVD vs. DDP vs. Orlando Jordan vs. James Storm vs. Big Shad vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Dustin Rhodes vs. Chris Harris

{I need a name for the PPV, I am not very good at making PPV names, if anyone could hep me out, thanks a lot.}
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
Nice backstory man, Donald Trump finally taking over the wrestling biz is a nice idea. His a rich and powerful man who can bring new things to wrestling and having Tito Ortiz as a special guess is one of them. I'll be reviewing you're shows just pm me if i forget to.

As for the names, Here are some suggestions I got from the Ultimate Name Thread over at the EWR forums.

(insert year) Anniversary
(Promotion Name) TV
(Promotion Name) Wrestling
Aggravated Assault
Another Brick in the wall
Anything Goes
Back from the Dead
Backlot Brawl
Backyard Battle
Backyard Wars
Bad Breed
Baptized In Blood
Barbwire Brawl
Best Of The Best
Beyond Reason
Black Out
Blood And Guts
Blood Fest
Blood 'N' Guts
Blood Runs Cold
Blood, Sweat, and Beers
Bloody Murder
Bloody Sunday
Boiling Point
Born To Be Wired (Stollen from ECW in 97)
Brain Damage
Break and Enter
Break Down!
Breaking Point
Breaking The Rules
Bring The Pain
Brutal Brawl
Burn Santa Burn
Burning Desire
Burning Hell
Carpe Diem Baby
Caged Fury
Capital Carnage
Changing History
Chardkore Chanukah
Clash of Champions
Climaxed to the Max
Code Red
Cold Blood
Crash and Burn
Criminal Intent
Danger Zone
Day Zero
Death Bowl (Tourney and/or Battle Royal)
Death From Above
Death Match
Death Wish
Deep Impact
Devil's Dance
Dirty Deeds
Down And Dirty
Downward Spiral
End Of A Legacy
Extra Crispy
Extreme Evolution
Extreme Rumble (Royal Rumble but with gimmick matches before it)
Extreme TV
Extreme Warfare
Faces Of Fear
Fade To Black
Fatal Frontline
Featured Attraction
Feel The Pain
Fight For Your Life
Final Appeal
First Blood
Friday Fury
Full Force
Full Throttle
Garbage Trucks R Us
Gathering of the Champions
Generation Gap
Gettin' Medievil
Gone Too Far
Ground Zero
Hardcore Halloween
Hardcore Havoc
Hardcore Hell
Hardcore Holiday
Hardcore Revolution
Hardcore Rulz
Havok In The New Year
Hell in a Cell
Hell On Earth
High Incident
High Voltage
Hobo Wrestling
Holiday Hell
Homicidal Hannukkah
Honor Thy Allies (more of a stable based PPV)
Hostile Takeover
House of Hardcore
House of Hell
House of Pain
Illegal Intentions
Impending Doom
In Dreams
In The End
In Your Face
In Your Yard
Indecent Exposure (or Xposure)
Indecent Proposal
Iron Man
Justice for all...
Kick A$$
King Of Extreme
King of the Death Matches
King Of The Yard
King Of Xtreme
Last Dance
Last Gasp
Last Laugh
Last Resort
Law and Disorder
Live and Let Die
Live and Unleashed
Lock Down
March Madness
March Massacre
March Of Madness
May Day
Ménage eh Twa
Mind Games
Never Enough
New Year's Bleed
New Years Revolution
NIB (Nativity In Black)
Nigh of Champions
Night Of Champions
No Dignity
No Escape (titles defended in Cage Matches)
No Laughing Matter
No Pain No Gain
No Regrets
No Return
No Rulz
No-Holds Barred
Old School
One Last Time (retirement show)
One Night Stand
One Step Closer
Out Of Control
Outer Limits
Over The Edge
Pain Barrier
Pain Game
Passion For Pain
Path Of Destruction
Payback's A Bitch
Pushing The Limits
Rage In The Cage (All Titles defended in cage or HIAC)
Reckless Behaviour
Rest In Pieces
Return Of (wrestlers name)
Rise from the Ashes
Rock Bottom
Rot In Flames
Ruler of the Ring (my version of KotR)
Scars and Stripes (Good for July)
September Sorrow
Sex, Drugs, and Wrestling
Simply the Best
Sons Of Liberty
Souled Out
Spring Frolic
Super Sunday Showdown
Tables, Ladders and Chairs
Technical Superiority
The Career Killer (Tourney)
The Crimson Mask
The End
The Fire Within
The Main Event
The Memory Remains
The Metro
The Next Big Show
The Night Of Legends
The Rematch
The Sickness
The Warning
This Is A Test
This Is Extreme
This Time Its Personal
Time Crisis (Royal Rumble)
Too Xtreme For TV
Total Annihilation
Total Carnage
Total Elimination
Tradition Rules
Ultimate Down
Up In Flames
Urban Decay
Voilence Fetish
Welcome to the Jungle
What Goes Around
When Worlds Collide
Winter Wipeout
Wrestle War
Wrestlefest (my version of Wrestlemania)
Written in Blood
X-Rated (Loser of one particular match gets fired / retired)
Xtreme Overdose (would be great for a PPV that will involve many good hardcore matches)

Also please review DZW's latest show :)

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score


Hulk Hogan: Welcome to the brand new company, Superior Championship Wrestling! And finally, all of you Hulkamaniacs out there will be ablke to see a new brand of Wrestling.

Joey Styles: That's right, Hulkster. When I heard about this, with the billionaire himself Donald Trump owning this place, I had to jump at it. No doubt about it, this is a new place, and soon to be the fastest rising company ever.

"Money" hits and Donald Trump comes walking out to the ring.

Donald Trump: Ya' know, I have to say, people ask me why I opened this company. Why did I do this? It's simple: If there's something I want, I will get it. I always had a big interest in Wrestling, and with my buddy Vince pretty much ruling the world of Wrestling for so long, I think the fans needed some new blood.And with that said, and with this being our debut show, I would like to introduce the man in charge, the commissioner.....

"I'm Back!" hits, and Eric Bischoff comes walking out to the ring!

Eric Bischoff: Thank you, Mr. Trump. I've worked for multiple billionaires, but you are my favorite billionare I am working with, by far. And with billionaires, come celebrities, come talent! And Trump and I have gathered multiple celebrities.

Donald Trump: Eric is right. And one was apart of my Celebrity Apprentice last year, none other than Tito Ortiz!

Tito Ortiz comes out from the back with a grin on his face as he slaps some of the fans hands, and gets in the ring.

Tito Ortiz: Mr. Trump, it's an honor to be standing next to you. I'm used to beating people up when I'm in a ring, not shaking someone's hand.

Donald Trump: Tell me about, Tito. But that is not all, because ringside are members of the local team, New York Yankees!

Camera shows ringside, where mulriple NY Yankees are sitting, including A-Rod, and others. But just then Scott Hall & Kevin Nash are seen walking out to the ring, and climb in. Scott grabs the mic, and waits for a few seconds.

Scott Hall: ......Hey yo. Man Kev, look who it is. Former UFC Champ, Tito Ortiz.

Kevin Nash: What's up man? Don't worry, we didn't come to crash the party. We came to welcome you to the SCW...

Just then "Dont Waste My Time" hits and outcomes Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von together.

Elijah Burke: Aww, well look who it is. THEE most overrated UFC Fighter around, Tito Ortiz. So Tito, what brings you to a WRESTLING ring? This is Wrestling, not UFC. Anything goes here, daddy. And me and Marcus right here, we're the real deal, not you, and especially not those two dinosaurs in the ring right there.

Scott Hall: Hey Kev, maybe it is because I'm older, but exactly who are YOU two?

Elijah Burke: Very funny. Hey Scott, I'm glad you made the show this time.

Burke & Marcus laugh, as scott looks not pleased.

Donald Trump: Hold on guys. There must be a reason you two interupted us, and what is it?

Elijah Burke: Actually....Donald, there is! See, we've heard how Tito Ortiz will be here, and all that crap. Well, me and the Alpha Male here have friends too. And we invited him. The best UFC Fighter around today. Our main man, come on out Champ.

Some generic music plays, and out walks Quentin "Rampage" Jackson! He shakes hands with the New Breed, and then grabs the microphone.

Rampage Jackson: You see, all of us standing right here, we ARE the New Breed. Tito Ortiz, you're nothing but an old washed up has been who's scared to fight. And as for you two go, your even older, and more pathetic!

Kevin Nash: Don't sing it, bring it! You want to run your mouth, then all three of you bring your asses in the ring, and we'll show you how old we are.

Rampage Jackson does not look scared as he goes to climb in the ring, but Donald Trump makes sure security come to the ring stop anything from happening.

Tito Ortiz: Hey, Rampage! Forget these security, forget everything else. You want me? You want me in the octagon, I'll be gladly to smash your ass just name the time!

Rampage gets between a few security, and he and Tito Ortiz begin braweling, but it gets broken up again. The New Breed sneakingly attack The Outsiders, but Nash & Hall over power them, and send both men over the top rope.Nash and Hall, with Tito Ortiz are standing tall in the ring, as they all shake hands.

Hulk Hogan: Brother, what a way to kick off a huge night. I did not expect all of this to happen, but something tells me this is not the last we heard of these six men here in SCW.


Light Heavyweight Title Tourny
Kidman vs. Spike Dudley
Both men start it out sizing each other up, but Spike Dudley gets a cheap kick in on Billy Kidman, and takes him down with a Dropkick to the face. Spike gets an early cover, only for Kidman to kick out at two. Spike slaps Kidman a couple times, and picks him up. He goes to Irish whip Kidman, but Kidman reverses it, throwing Spike into the corner. Kidman runs at him, but Sike gets his boot up kicking Kidman right in the jaw. Kidman gets turned all the way around with that kick, and Spike jumps up on the turnbuckle, sitting on the top turnbuckle. He grabs Kidman from behind as he's still up there, and nails a Reverse DDT! Spike covers Kidman, 1...2...Kick out. Spike gets more frustrated as he chops Kidman in the chest a couple times as he in the sit-up position. Spike then stomps down on Kidman, and trashes the fans as he does this. Fans begin booing Spike more now, and Bubba Ray and Devon argue with fans at ringside. Spike grabs Kidman by the hair, and locks him in a headlock. For a few seconds the headlock is in, and Kidman gets out of it as he pushes Spike against the ropes, and when Spike is coming back to him, Kidman hits a Dropkick, taking Spike down! Kidman begins getting more in it, as Spike gets back to his feet, Kidman takes him down with clotheslines on two occasions. Kidman gets on fire now as he takes Spike Dudley down with a modified spinebuster. Kidman covers Spike, 1...2...Kickout! Kidman wastes no time, and runs against the ropes, but Bubba Ray grabs his foot, then looks away with his hands up as if he did nothing wrong. Kidman turns at him, takes Ray down with a Baseball Slide! Kidman then jumps on the middle rope, and over the top rope taking D-Von down! Fans go nuts cheering Kidman, but that quickly changes as Spike Dudley comes from behind and knocks Kidman down with a hit to the back. Kidman goes down near the announcers table, as Spike Dudley stomps down on his back. Spike then bounces Kidman's head off the announcer's table. Spike goes to Irish whips Kidman into the ring post, but Kidman reverses it, and Spike goes running shoulder first into the ring post! Kidman slides into the ring, breaking up the count, and then slides back out, and kicks Spike a couple times. Kidman rolls Spike back into the ring, and covers him, but only gets a two count. Kidman drops a couple elbows, and goes on top of the turnbuckle, calling for the Shooting Star Press as fans cheer. Spike Dudley, however, runs up to the turnbuckle, and knocks Kidman off, hitting the post groin first. Spike climbs up with Kidman, and the two exchange blows, with Spike getting the better of them. Spike slaps Kidman multiple times in the face, humiliating him, Kidman then out of nowhere hits the BK Bomb off the top rope! Referee counts, 1...2...Bubba Ray pulls the referee out of the ring! Kidman can't believe it, and the ref orders the Dudleyz out of ringside! Bubba and D-Von argue with the referee, untill they finally go leave. Kidman is distracted with all of it, and Spike rolls Kidman up, referee runs back into the ring, 1...2...Kick out! Kidman barely gets his shoulder up off the mat. Both men get up just about the same time, and run at each other, Kidman ducks a clothesline attempt from Spike, and then hits Spike multiple times in the face, and then takes Spike down with a quick DDT. Kidman gets up to the top rope, and calls for it, then nails the Shooting Star Press perfectly!! The cover, 1...2...3! Billy Kidman gets the win, and advances to the Pay Per View to face the winner of the next match for the Light Heavyweight Championship.

In-Ring Segment
After the last match, and the ring is cleared, "Masterpiece" hits, and outcomes Chris Masters himself. He heads to the ring, with a chair inside, ready for the first of what he said will be many Masterlock Challenges. Out comes the first participant, who is a hometown wrestler. Chris asks him his name, he replies with "Roy Stone" and says he's from right here in NEw York City! Fans cheer, and Chris looks not impressed, The guy is about 6'0, 232 lbs. The kid sits on the chair, Masters gets prepared, and then goes and locks in the Masterlock, tightly! It's in for some time, but the kid passes out, resulting in Chris Masters successfully does the Masterlock Challenge. Chris tells everyone to get used to seeing that, as noone will break the Masterlock, ever!


Light Heavyweight Title Tourny
Syxx Pac vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Both men begin with a lock up, followed by a side headlock from Syxx Pac. Scotty pushes him towards the ropes, and goes for a clothesline, Syxx Pac ducks, and takes Scotty's head off with a Spinning Heel Kick! Syxx Pac then taunts in the ring, getting the fans rowled up as they chant "Syxx Pac Sucks!" Syxx grabs Scotty picking him up, but Scotty gets some shots in on Syxx's mid section. When Scotty gets up to his feet, he lays in some hard chops on Syxx Pac, and then takes Syxx down with a dropkick. Cover only for a two. Scotty picks Syxx up, going for a Snap Suplex, but Syxx reverses it, jumping off of Scotty's shoulders. Syxx then rolls up Scotty, 1...2...Kick out. This match goes on for a couple more minutes, with it being a one sided contest favored by Syxx Pac. And when Scotty got some fuel in the engine, he hit the Bull Dog on Syxx Pac, and the crowd goes wild. Scotty begins going for the Worm, "W.....O.....R.....M" he does the worm, and does all his usual stuff, then nails the elbow to the face. Cover, 1...2...Syxx gets his foot on the bottom rope. Scotty grabs Syxx, throwing him across the ropes, andwhen Syxx comes back at him, Scotty puts Syxx up in the air, going for a Flapjack, but Syxx reverses it, and in mid air hits the X-Factor! Syxx covers Scotty, 1...2...3! Syxx Pac gets the victory, and will face Billy Kidman at the PPV for the Light Heavyweight Championship.

Backstage Segment
Eric Bischoff is in his office, excited how the show has gone so far, even liking the whole opening segment with Rampage Jackson making the surprise appearence. Just then Umaga walks in with his manager, Armando Alejandro Estrada. Eric has a big smile on his face.

AAE: Hello, Mr. Bischoff. You asked for uh, my Samoan Bulldozer and myself to come here. What is it you need, anything.

Eric Bischoff: Welcome, welcome. Glad you two can make it. I called both of you here for a special reason. Ya' see, when Mr. Trump signed all of these people I couldn't have anything to say about it. But there's a certain thing around here I need disposed, if you know what I mean. And only Umaga can do that for me.

AAE: Well, Mr. Bischoff, what is it you need, how you say, disposing?

Eric Bischoff: I'm sure you seen this little freak. That little Bastard, Hornswoggle! Now that I am the commisioner, I need athletes on my show, not soem freaks. And only a man like Umaga can do that task for how about it, Estrada? You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Umaga: Samoa!

AAE: Hold on there, big fella. Mr. Bischoff, I would be honored for Umaga to do the disposing for you! I how that little Bastard had Life Insurance, because he's gon' to need it!

Eric laughs with AAE, and they shake hands, and the scene fades to a commercial break.


Tag Team Title Match
Dudley Boyz vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle
The crowd is really behind Finlay and Hornswoggle in this match, and D-Von and Finlay start it out. Finlay shows off his technical skills early on, as he takes D-Von down with a hip toss. Finlay grabs D-Von's arm as he's on the mat. Finlay locks D-Von in an arm lock. and keeps it on hold tight for some time. D-Von breaks out of it when he gets a thumb to the eye on Finlay, both men get up to their feet, and then D-Von runs at Finlay taking him down with a hard clothesline. D-Von then tags in Bubba Ray Dudley, and they take Finlay down with a double team move. Bubba Ray covers Finlay, 1...2...Kick out. Bubba talks trash to Finlay a bit, and then mocks Hornswoggle as he gets on his knees, challenging Hornswoggle to get in the ring. Bubba Ray laughs, and gets back up, then drops an elbow on Finlay's chest. Ray tags D-Von back in, and drops Finlay down with a Neckbreaker. Cover for only a two count. D-Von Irish whips Finlay across the ropes, and hits a Corkscrew Back Elbow Smash. D-Von then mounts on Finlay, and hits him in the face multiple times, til the referee stops it. Tag back into Bubba Ray, and he hits Finlay in the gut, then elbow's him in the back of the head. Bubba and D-Von continue to make hot frequent tags in and out, dominating over Finlay. At this point, Finlay begins fighting back, starting to get the fans back into it as they chant his name. Finlay fights out of headlock he was in, and runs against the ropes, hitting Bubba with a clothesline. Finlay then knocks D-Von off the ring apron. Bubba goes after Finlay from behind, Finlay ducks, and lifts Bubba above his head, dropping him down on the mat. Finlay then hits a running seated senton, and covers Bubba. 1...2...Kick out. As D-Von slides back into the ring, Finlay hits a short arm clothesline, and then eauropean uppercut taking D-Von down. He he goes for the Celtic Cross, Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada are seen walking down the ramp! Estrada gives Umaga instructions, and he walks around the ring, headed to where Hornswoggle is. Hornswoggle loosk terrified, and begins trying to run away, but runs right into Estrada, and falls down. Umga grabs Hornswoggle by the collar, and just drags him up the ramp. Finlay puts D-Von down, and threatens Umaga with his Shillelagh. Finlay tries leaving the ring, but D-Von turns him around, and him and Bubba hit the 3D! Bubba covers him, 1...2...3! The Dudleyz win the Tag Team Titles, and Umaga is seen holding Hornswoggle, as he drags him to the back, with Hornswoggle looking scared, and yelling for Finlay.


Backstage Segment
Backstage, Bubba Ray & D-Von are with their Titles gloating, and then run into Cody & Dustin Rhodes. Fans cheer when the Rhodes' are seen. Bubba begins mocking the Rhodes', and then go as far as trashing their father the great Dusty Rhodes.

Bubba Ray - Me and my brotha D-Von, were the only great brother tag team around here, not you two. Dustin, you're a has been who made a career off of wearin' a wig and a dress! And you, Cody? You're a never been! Your still wet behind the ears, hell, I could take you out in a second boy.

Dustin: Whoa, hot shot. You want to disrespect us? You want to disrespect the name Rhodes, huh? Well, Bubba, you can disrespect me all you want, but when you talk about my brother here, and especially my father, then you've crossed the line, you got that? I promise to ya' the Rhodes will be a remembered name, and the Dudley will be a forgotten name.

The four men continue mouthing off a bit, then have a fierce stare down.

Primetime Title Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Ron Killings
The match starts out with Ron Killings doing a bit of show boasting, as he dances around, but quickly gets taken down with a clothesline from the powerful Lashley! Bobby smiles as he looks down at Ron. He picks Killings up, and rushes him into the corner. Boby backs up, and then hits him again into the corner, with about three shoulder thrusts. Ron falls to his knees holding his stomach, and Lashley lifts him up, and Irish whips him into the opposite corner, so hard that once Truth hits the corner, he falls face-first to the mat. Ron then crawls on the mat, in pain, and when Lashley walks over to him, Ron gets a cheap shot in on Lashley hitting him in the gut. Ron gets back to his feet, and takes Lashley down with a dropkick to the knee. Lashley goes down to one knee, and Ron hits him multiple times, including a Ensuigiri type move, taking Lashley out. Cover for only two. Truth slaps Lashley in the back of the head as Lashley was on his knees. Truth then picks Lashley up, and gives him some hard chops across the chest, followed by a Hip Toss, taking Bobby down. He kicks Lashley while he doesn a few times, and when Lashley gets up, he runs at Truth with a clothesline, Truth does the splits getting out of the way of the Clothesline, Truth pops back up to his feet, and then takes Lashley's head off with a kick right to the face! Truth gets the cover, 1...2...Kick out. Truth runs against the ropes, and hits a Leg Drop on Lashley. Another near fall for Ron Killings. Truth runs back, and hits a Snapmare on Lashley as he was sitting up. Truth then goes up to the top rope, and jumps off, hitting a Missile Dropkick! Cover, yet again another near fall. Truth begins getting very frustrated. Truth begins hitting Lashley over the head, as he trash talks him in his face. Referee breaks it up, and Truth doesn't care what the referee did as he continues hitting Lashley, but the referee finally gets him off. Ron argue with the referee for soem time, and turnes around to go back to Lashley, but then gets taken out with a huge Spear! Lashley takes Truth down, and covers him, 1...2...Kick out! Lashley pulls Truth up off the mat, and lifts him above his head in a Gorrila Press Slam position, but Truth fights it out, and jumps off, in front of Lashley. Truth kicks Lashley, runs against the ropes going for the Axe Kick, but Lashley ctaches his legs, and drops him down with a Powerbomb, keeps his arms locked, picking Truth back up, this time hitting a Dominator! Cover, 1...2...3! Bobby Lashley picks up the victory, and becomesthe SCW Primetime Champion, the first in it's history.


Main Event - Ladder Match
Goldberg vs. Ric Flair vs. DDP vs. Raven vs. RVD vs. Dustin Rhodes vs. Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Sting vs. James Storm vs. Chris Harris vs. Big Shad vs. Orlando Jordan
After everyone's entrances, all men stand in the ring with ladders surrounding the outside. Bell rings, and a few are hesitate to start things off, but Big Shad starts thing off with a staredown to Goldberg. The two look at each other, and begin exchanging rights and lefts. Goldberg ends up clotheslining Shad out of the ring, and cimbs out, bouncing Shad's head off one of the Ladders. The other men begin brawling in the ring. Raven and RVD are noticable fighting it out in the ring, as RVD takes Raven down with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Orlando Jordan then attacks RVD, and kicks him a few times as he's down. As multiple guys fight on the outside, trying to get the Ladder's, theres two men standing in the ring, staring each other down, with fans going crazy.

Hulk Hogan: Styles, this is huge, brother! These are two future hall of famers right here.

Sting and Ric Flair stare at each other as they point up at the two briefcases, as they made a deal to get them so they can be the two to face off for that World Title! Before the two can do anything, randy Orton gets back in the ring, attacking Sting from behind with a Ladder. He then hits Flair with the Ladder, and he goes right down. Orton sets the Ladder up, and begins climbing it, but does not get too far, as Sting is on his feet, and he oushes Orton off, and Orton goes flying out of the ring, onto the outside! Ric Flair then gets up, and chops Sting right in the chest, followed by another one, taking Sting down to the mat. Flair sets the Ladder back up, and then drops a Knee on Sting, going back up to climb, but before he can even start climbing, James Storm slides back into the ring, and attacks Flair. CM Punk gets back in, and Punk and Storm begin exchanging blows, with Punk getting the upper hand, and takes Storm out with a kick to the side of the head, followed by a chop to the chest, and clotheslines Storm out of the ring. Goldberg comes back in the ring, and goes to climb the ladder, with CM Punk on the other side. Thw two climb to the top, and each reach for one of the briefcases. The two then begin hitting each other, trying to get a briefcase, but Cody & Dustin have a Ladder in their hand, as they get into the ring and hit the Ladder that Goldberg & Punk are on, knocking it down, and knocking them off! The Rhodes go to set the Ladder up, but Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley are then seen running down to the ring, and attack Cody & Dustin! The beat up Cody & Dustin, as they fight with them up the ramp, taking Cody & Dustin out of the match. Meanwhile, Raven is in the middle of the ring, setting up the Ladder. Raven is shown with a Crimson Mask, and they show a replay of how that happened, which was RVD hitting him with a Steel Chair on the outside of the ring from earlier. This hectic match goes on for several minutes, and with bodies flying everywhere, and laid out everywhere, the Ladder is up in the ring, with Flair and Orton up at the top. They exchanging many blows, including soem chops from up there, but Flair takes Orton down when he hits him with a Poke to the Eye, and knocks him off! Flair tries grabbing the briefcase, and succeeds! Ric Flair gets the first briefcase, which means he will meet the winner of the other briefcase at the PPV for the SCW World Championship. Fans cheer Flair, as he heads to the back with his briefcase, and the show takes a commercial break.

When we return, Goldberg just hits a huge Spear on Punk! Goldberg then hits another one on Orlando Jordan, and then DDP! Goldberg is taking out everyone who comes in his way. Goldberg looks like a mad man, and then takes down Chris Harris with a modified Spinebuster! Goldberg grabs one of the Ladders, and then begins beating DDP with it as he's on te canvas. RVD is seen up on the turnbuckle, when Goldberg turns, RVD jumps off, but Goldberg throws the Ladder at RVD in mid air!! RVD goes down hard, and Goldberg grabs the Ladder, setting it up. Big Shad is seen getting back into the ring, and he goes after Goldberg, but again to no avail as Goldberg Spears Shad! Goldberg goes climbing up the Ladder, but then Sting is still one man left that was not taken out by Goldberg! He climbs the other side. Sting said earlier he wanted to face Flair for the Title, we seen Flair get that Briefcase, now it's Sting's turn to get the second one. As both men are up there, Goldberg hits Sting with everything he has, multiple rights and lefts. He climbs up another step, but Sting hits Goldberg in the gut. Sting chops Goldberg a couple times, and he goes up one more step. Fans chant for Sting, and as Sting begins getting the upperhand, out of nowhere comes Randy ORton, who doesn't try to go up the LAdder, but instead hits Sting in the back with a chair! Orton the drops the Chair, climbs up the Ladder a little on Sting's side, and RKO's Sting of the Ladder, onto the Steel Chair!! Orton just looks down at Sting with a crazy and sadistic look over his face. With this, Goldberg grabs the Briefcase, which means at the PPV it's Golderg vs. Ric Flair for the World Title!

Joey Styles: Oh!...My!....GAWD! Randy Orton taking Sting down withat uneblievable RKO! Hulkster, Orton could have probably gotten that Briefcaseeasy, why the heck would he do that?

Hulk Hogan: Ya' know Joey, I have no idea, but this means at our first Pay Per View, Bill Goldberg and the Hall of Famer Ric Flair will square off for the SCW's Top Prize, the Heavyweight Title! Tune in next week, Hulkamaniacs!


Feel free to leave comments, both good or bad, either way I like it.​
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
Best Promo: Opening Promo - I loved the storyline you have going there. I mean Tito Ortiz with The Outsider taking on the New Breed and Quentin Jackson. Something I didn't expect coming. Like what I said earlier, Having Trump as owner of the company can really bring out something new to the table.

Worst Promo: N/A

Bes Match: Main Event - Feuds developed and was really nice to read.

Worst Match: N/A

Additional: Nice debut show dude, I really enjoyed it from top to bottom. I'm quite curious on how the Outsiders/Ortiz - New Breed sotryline is going to go. I also like how The Legend Killer's next target is Sting. Great start and I'm looking forward to you're future shows.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Ladder Match

Worst Match: n/a but I really didn't liked the Dudley's vs. Finlay and Horny match.

Best Promo: The Opening promo indeed.

Additional Feedbacks: Good start, you've managed to build some fueds for the first episode and it was impressing. Now, we are going to see Flair and Goldberg for the title and I never see that coming at all. As horza said, the Ortiz/Outsider and New Breed one is pretty interesting and so does the Sting/Orton one, it will be good to see Orton kill the legend of Sting.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Monday-Night Mayhem Preview

September 8th, 2008

Phoenix, Arizona

Next Monday will be the second show in SCW's history, and what a night it is to be. Randy Orton has stated he will tell why he did what he did to Sting last Monday.

With Bobby Lashley winning the Primetime Championship, who will be next in line to get an oppertunity at the Title?

Bill Goldberg will be in action after becoming the first #1 Contender to the SCW Championship. Bill Goldberg has said he wants that SCW Title, and he will go through everybody and anybody he has to go through to get that Title, even the Nature Boy Ric Flair at the Pay Per View.

Tune in to Monday-Night Mayhem!

Mayhem Card Thus Far

Bill Goldberg in Action!

Umaga in Action!

Six Man Tag
Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman, Cody & Dustin Rhodes

Single's Match
"Wildcat" Chris Harris vs. Rob Van Dam

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score

Opening Video - Recap of Previous Week


Joey Styles: Welcome everybody to the second show of Superior Championship Wrestling! What a week it was last week, wouldn't you say Hulk?

Hulk Hogan: Oh without a doubt, Styles. And the entire world is talking about it the confrontation between Tito Ortiz & Rampage Jackson. It was a shocker, but tonight, will either of them be here? We'll have to wait and see.

Just then, Lashley's theme hits and he comes walking out to a big pop from the crowd, wearing the SCW Primetime Championship over his shoulder.

Lashley: Well, as everybody sees, I did what I said I was going to do, and that was defeat Ron Killings, and become the first SCW Primetime Champion. So it doesn't matter when I lose this baby, because I'm already in history...

"Whats Up" hits, and Ron The Truth Killings come walking out, not looking happy or dancing like his usual self.

Ron Killings: Hold on there, dog, hold up. You want to come out here, and actually make it seem like you won that Title? I don't think so. You got a fluke over me, thats all that was, period! So since you call yourself the SCW Primetime Champion, then why not defend that Title, be a fighting Champion. Right here, in Primetime, Monday-Night Mayhem!

Before Lashley can answer, Big Shad comes walking out to the ring, getting a decent pop from the crowd.

Big Shad: Wait, wait, wait. Ronny, I don't have a beef with you, I just have a small, little problem. And that problem is you thinking you get a Title shot. Last week, you had your chance, and you failed. Now it's time another guy steps up to the plate, and that superstar...

Orlando Jordan: ME!

Orlando has a mic in hand as he walks out from the ramp, and heads inside the ring. Fans boo him instantly.

Orlando Jordan: Look here. One question to you, big man. WHO exactly are you? You're a nobody. You're a never-gonna-be. Why should you get that Title shot? If ANYbody should get a Title shot, it's me. The best pure athlete in the game today, the guy who will be Primetime, I assure you all of that. So Lashley, if you're man enough, give me that shot, and give me it now.

Lashley again goes to speak but another interuption, coming from CM Punk!

CM Punk: Whoa, whoa. It looks like I should come down here and join in on the fun huh? In all seriousness fellas, I'm not going to give Lashley my opinion of why I should be facing him for that Title. Fact is I do want a shot at that Title. And I know for a fact Lashley and me could tear the house down whether it be tonight, next week, or at the Pay Per View.

"Sorry! 'Bout Your Damn Luck!" hits, and another wrestler comes walking out, this one being "Cowboy" James Storm. He drinks his beer as he enters the ring, with a mic.

James Storm: Hey, Mr. Straight Edge, listen here, boy. The only one who should get that Title shot, is me. Now you could go run off to your boring life, and get tatoo's of Soda, or whatever you do! But you listen, and you listen good. The Cowboy is getting that shot, whether you like it or not.

CM Punk and Storm have a bit of a staredown, but then "I'm Back!" hits, and out comes Eric Bischoff standing on the entrance ramp.

Eric Bischoff: guys, guys. No need to argue. With me being the fair man that I am. I will give you all what you want. Lashley, you want to defend your Title vs. someone, at the very first SCW Pay Per View, you will defend that Championship against Ron Killings!.....Shad!......Orlando Jordan!......CM Punk!.....and of course, James Storm! In a Six Pack Challenge. You want to be a fighting Champion, so there you go Bobby. Oh and tonight, in our main event, there will be a huge six man tag team match, featuring you men. On one side it will be you, Bobby Lashley, teaming with Big Shad & CM Punk. Vs. Ron Killings, James Storm & Orlando Jordan! Good luck to you six men.

Eric smirks, and all six men stare at each other, with Lashley looking down at his Primetime Title.


Opening Bout
Rob Van Dam vs. "Wildcat" Chris Harris
After their individual entrances, Raven's theme hits and he comes walking out. Raven joins Hogan and Styles ringside, as he trash talks RVD a bit. RVD gets distracted by this, and Chris Harris gets an early star as he attacks RVD from behind. Bell is sounded and the match is underway. Chris Harris hits RVD over the back multiple times, then begins stomping on him. Chris Harris knee's him now, not letting RVD even get up. RVD cralws a bit over to the ropes, and Chris Harris places his head on the bottom rope, and Chris puts his neck to the back of RVD's neck, and begins choking him with that bottom rope, referee begins his count. 1...2...3...4...Break it up, and he does. Chris backs up a bit, and RVD is able to get to his knees. Chris Harris runs at him looking to kick him in his gut, but RVD gets out of the way, and RVD rols Chris up, 1...2...Kick out! Both men get back up, and Chris goes for a clothesline attempt, but is blocked as RVD ducks, and Chris turns back around, only to get met with RVD's heel kick! Chris goes down, and RVD has enough time to get himself back together, getting some rest time. Raven is heard talking about what occured last week between him and RVD, and what exaclty is his problem with him Raven tells Hogan & Styles that he's never liked RVD, and especially since last week when RVD made Raven shed blood. Back in the action, RVD has Chris Harris in a chin lock. He has it in for a couple minutes, untill Chris Harris is able to get up to his feet, and elbow RVD multiple times in his gut, and then takes RVD down with a short arm clothesline! Chris shakes his head a little, after that Chin Lock from RVD. Chris grabs RVD by the hair, lifting him up, and strikes him in the face. RVD gets knocked into the corner. Chris Harris chops him a couple times, hits him directly in his face, and then begins stomping on his gut. Chris Harris gets cocky as he does this, and back up to the opposite corner, sizing up RVD. Chris runs, and RVD gets out of the way by sliding his legs through the middle and top ropes. Chris gets met with the top turnbuckle, and then RVD raises his legs up, kicking Chris right in the side of the head. Chris falls back a bit holding his head, RVD jumps up on the turnbuckle waiting for Harris to turn around. Once he does, RVD jumps off, taking him down with a Heel like Kick! RVD covers Wildcat, 1....2....Kick out! RVD mounts on top of Chris, and punches him furiously multiple times. RVD then gets off of Chris, and nails him with a Standing Moonsault! Another cover, 1...2...Kick out again. RVD takes a bit time getting back to his feet, as well as Chris Harris.The two exchange blows in the middle of the ring, but RVD gets the upper hand when he begins using his Lethal feet. Chris leans against the ropes, running at RVD, but RVD ducks down by doing the splits, Chris runs against the other ropes coming back to RVD, and then RVD catches him with a Monkey Flip! Chris Harris gets rolled out of the ring, and fans chant RVD's name as we take a commercial break.

When the action returns, Chris Harris just throws RVD into the rign steps, and is now in complete control again. Announcers show the replays of what went down during the break, and how Chris got back into the match. It shows him getting a low blow behind the referee's back, and then bring him to the outside of the ring. The action is back live now, and Harris has RVD down on his back, leaned against the steps, and Harris stomps him a few times. He rolls back into the ring, breaking the referee's ten cunt which was at 8. Chris goes back on the offense, and drops an Elbow on RVD's chest. Chris Harris climbs up on the apron, and backs all the way up. With RVD still leaned against the ring steps, Chris runs off the apron, and goes to jump on RVD, but RVD moves, and Chris Harris hits face-first onto the ring steps! RVD slowly is able to slide back into the ring, 1.....2......3.......4.......5.......6......7......

Chris Harris is still getting up to his knees slowly, and the camers shows him with a bloody face. Chris tries getting back into the ring, and RVD runs at him going for a Baseball Slide, but Harris catches his legs, and just pulls him out of the ring, and RVD falls hard on his back on the mat outside the ring! Count is broken again, and Chris shows signs of anger that he's bloody. He kicks RVD right in his back, and shoves RVD into the barricade. Chris begins taking the matt off of the outside ring area, showing the cold concrete ground! Chris occasionaly slides in and out of the ring breaking up the count. Chris Harris picks RVD up, as he slaps him in his head a couple times. Chris Harris stands RVD up, but RVD begins hitting Harris in the face, and Chris gets pushes against the ring. RVD backs up, and runs at Harris, but Harris lifts RVD up against the ring/ropes when he catches him, but then RVD reverses that, and drops Chris Harris down onto the conrete skull first with a vicious DDT!! Fans chant "Holy Shit!" as both men are seemingly out of it, especially Chris Harris. The count is going higher, and at this time is up to 7. RVD tries getting up to his feet, and barely gets into the ring in time. The referee mends to RVD, and as Ref's back is turned, Raven gets out of his seat, and actually rolls Chris Harris back into the ring! Raven rushes back to his chair like nothing happened, and the ref turns seeing Harris barely in the ring, but in the nonetheless. RVD looks exausted, and covers Harris, 1....2...Foot on the rope! It was nothing but extinct, as Chris got his foot on the bottom rope. RVD pulls Chris up a bit, and Chris has enough energy to push RVD off of him. RVD runs back at Chris, and somehow Chris Harris gets his leg up, and Superkicks RVD right in his jaw! Both men are down again, and Chris Harris with the crimson mask, crawls over and covers RVD........1....2....Kick out! Just barely is RVD able to get his shoulder up. Chris Harris gets up on his knees now, arguing with the referee about the call. Chris now gets on his feet, and slowly walks over to RVD's body. Chris grabs RVD by his hair, picking him up off the mat. Chris lays in some hard knife edge chops. RVD follows it up with some chops of his own, and Chris does one of his own again. RVD gets a couple more in, and Chris Harris gets a knee in RVD's mid-section. Chris Harris then grabs RVD by his signlet, and throws him right into the ring post shoulder first! RVD turns around, holding his shoulder in serious pain. Chris kicks RVD in the gut, and takes RVD down with a big Suplex! Cover, 1...2...Kick out! Chris Harris does not waste time complaining now, and he just goes to work on RVD's shoulder that was just thrown into the ring post. Chris stretches RVD's arm out wide on the canvas, jumps up, and drops his knees down on RVD's arm/shoulder area. Chris drags RVD by that injured arm over to the turnbuckle. Chris climbs out of the ring, and wraps RVD's arm around the turnbuckle post hard. Chris then does it again, except hoilding it to inflict the pain even more untill the referee starts the five count, and Chris stops. Chris gets back into the ring, taunting a bit as he has his confidence back, but still showing a bloody face. Chris Harris walks over to RVD's lifeless arm, and stomps down on it. Chris then tries picking up RVD, but RVD kicks Chris off of him, and Chris accidentally hits the referee, taking him down! Chris looks down at the referee, but before he tries helping him, he realizes what he could do. Chris gets a smirk on his face, and climbs out of the ring. Chris walks over to the announcers table, and grabs a folded up Steel Chair. He slides it back into the ring, and climbs in himself. Chris Harris unfolds the chair, setting it up in the middle of the ring. Chris picks RVD up, and then hits him a few times before putting RVD in the Catotonic position. Chris swings RVD around going for his finisher, but RVD reverses it, landing on his feet. Chris turns to RVD, and he kicks Chris multiple times in the side of the head, then kicks Chris in the stomach, backs up running against the ropes, and hits Chris with a Cross Body, and Chris lands right on the steel chair back first! The chair looks like a crushed chair now, and RVD has a hard time getting up, but he does. He slides the chair out of the ring, and kicks Harris in the face before climbing up to the top turnbuckle. RVD calls for it, and then nails the Five Star Frogsplash! Cover, but the referee is out! Just then Raven climbs into the ring, and runs at RVD, but Rob gets up on his feet and ducks Raven, then takes Raven down with a Super Kick! Raven goes down, and out of the ring. The referee is slowly getting up now, and RVD gets up to the top turnbuckle again, but Chris Harris is barely up to his feet now. He goes up to the turnbuckle with RVD, and the two exchange blows, and RVD gets the better of it, and knocks him off, then hits a bigger Five Star Frogsplash!! RVD has the leg hooked, referee is crawling over, 1.........2.........3! Rob Van Dam wins the match, and right after the victory Raven climbs back in the ring, and begins stomping on RVD. Raven grabs RVD by the hair, and throws him out of the ring. Raven bounces RVD's head off the announcers table, then throws RVD into the Steel Steps. Raven just kicks on RVD as he's down. Raven punches RVD over the head, picks him up, and nails him with the Raven Effect! Raven stands over RVD doing his trademark taunt, as fans boo him, with a few cheers. Raven then heads to the back stage.

A graphic is shown saying up next Randy Orton explains his actions of last week's attack on Sting!


Mayhem is back live, and Randy Orton's theme hits. Fans boo instantly as he comes out wearing an RKO T-Shirt, and blue jeans. He climbs in the ring, grabbing a mic as fans boo.

Randy Orton: Shut your mouths! There's a reason I came to this ring tonight, and it's to 'explain' what I did last week. People have ben asking me why exactly I did what I did. Incase some of you have forgotton, show the video.

Video shows of Bill Goldberg & Sting climbing the Ladder to grab the final case, but then Randy Orton comes and hits Sting in the back with the steel chair! He then lays the chair down, and climbs up on Sting's side, and RKO's him onto the Chair! Orton is seen with a sadistic look.

Randy Orton: You see that? You seen what I did? I took out, I knocked out, I laid out "The Icon" Sting with one move! All of you morons around the world actually cheering Sting, hoping he'll win, and he didn't. Ya' see, I did what I did because thats what I do! Sting is considered a Legend to many, and I'm considered a Legend Killer to ALL. I could win that SCW Championship whenever I feel like it, hell, I could have gotten that briefcase, but the thing is, I know, and all of you know deep down that I will become the Champion sooner or later, but I decided, hey, why not add another Legend to my list. Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, Triple H! All of them, and many more to come, including Sting will have fallen to me....courtesy of the R...K...O. It's just a way of life. And Stinger, I have a little message to you. You should run back to that dump down in Orlando, stay there, the third rate company. Because there you had a chance of winning matches. There, you even won the World Title. Why? Because lets face it, that place was and will always be nothing. Thats where has beens go to resurrect their career, to live in the's perfect for you Sting. You were a has been fighting other has beens, and never beens. It was easy for you to win that Title, but here? I don't think so. You will not last it here, Sting. You have not been in a Major League company in what, ten years maybe? You can't handle it Stinger! so right now, you have two options. Leave, walk away like nothing ever happened. Go back to that place for all I care, hell, go back at being Mr. Mom. Or I can put you out, permanately. Andf that's a way you don't want to go out. Because I guarantee you Stinger, you're going to get hurt, and get hurt badly.....So what is it Sting? The easy way, or the hard way?

Randy waits for a couple seconds, and nothing. Randy then begins leaving the ring, but the lights do dim, and the music plays as Sting comes walking out not his usual happy self. He comes out with baseball bat in hand, and climbs into the ring. Fans chant his name, and he takes the mic.

Sting:...........The easy way, or the hard way, huh? You know Randy, I've probably been asked that more times than I could remember. Seems to me that when they feel competition! When they think I could actually beat them! They tell me to leave, easy way or hard way. Well Randy, I've never ever met a guy quite like you. Nobody as arrogant, as cocky, or with such a bright future, as you. You are the total package Randy, you have it all, yet you flush it down the toilet by coming out here, whichever organization you're in, you come out here, and want to Kill the Legends that made it possible for you to stand in this ring! You mentioned the names. One of those names stood out for me....Ric Flair. A friend of mine, and to be honest Randy, a man that made you what you are.

Randy Orton: I don't think so! I made myself who I am. Sure, Ric Flair helped me earlier in my career, but he was using me. He was trying to get to his glory days through me! I know that.

Sting: Well whatever you think Randy, because the truth is it f were not for the Nature Boy, people would be asking Randy who?

This angers Randy, as he paces back and forth a bit.

Randy Orton: Just answer the question! Because by what you're saying now, it sounds like you want the hard way.

Sting: Wait, wait. Before you go and do something you regret, let me answer that question. I'm not going to say that I want it the hard way. Is that what you want to hear?

Randy smirks, as he looks more cocky.

Sting: You want me out of this company, you want me to leave for good so you can take my spot Randy? Well, as I said, I'm not going to tell you I'm leaving the hard way.

Sting looks around at the fans, as he has a bit of a grin on his face, and Randy just smirks thinking he has Sting where he wants him.

Randy: That's good Stinger, you made the right choice.

Sting: I know I did Randy, because I'm not going to tell you, but I'm going to show you I want it the hard way!!

Sting runs at Randy, hitting him in the gut with the Black Bat! Randy bends down, holding his stomach, and and Sting swings the bat hitting Randy in the back with the bat! Randy holds his back in pain, and crawls out of the ring, and up the ramp. Sting picks up the mic as he yells at Randy half-way up the ramp.

Sting: So if that isn't clear enough for ya' Randy, then I don't know what is! But we'll go on this jounry together. Because the only way I'm going to get rid of, is if you take me out the hard way. But Randy Orton, I hope you're ready, because as of right now, it's Showtime folks!

Sting drops the mic, taunting as Randy looks on still in pain, and the scene fades to a commercial.


Hulk Hogan: Welcome back Hulkamaniacs! Styles, wow, what just happened between Randy Orton & Sting?

Joey Styles: It seems to me that Randy Orton has a target on Sting now, and this has heated up now.

Hulk Hogan: If these two men face off, that could tear the house down, Brother.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman, Cody & Dustin Rhodes
The match starts off with Kidman and Spike Dudley, and Spike gets the early upper hand, takes Kidman down with cheap shot to the face, followed by a couple chops that took Kidman down to the mat, Spike stomped on Kidman a few times, and then taunted Cody & Dustin on. When they tried to enter the ring, the referee goes to stop them, and this gives Spike an opening, as he pulls Kidman to the Dudleyz corner, and Bubba & D-Von choke him with the tag team rope, and Spike runs at him hitting him head-first into the gut. Spike tags in Bubba Ray, and he climbs in, and elbows Kidman in the face, and then on top of his head. Kidman goes down again, and Bubba grabs Billy by his hair, and charges him face first into the top turnbuckle. Kidman gets turned around, with his back to the corner. Bubba Ray Dudley then chops Kidman right in the chest with his palm! It makes a loud noise, going through the entire arena, as Kidman crenges in pain. Bubba bakcs his hand back, and chops him again! Bubba Irish Whips Kidman to the opposite corner, and Kidman hits the corner stomach-first, and holds his chest. Bubba pulls Kidman to his corner, tagging in D-Von, and D-Von comes in hitting Kidman in the stomach with rights and lefts. He Irish whips Kidman across the ring, and takes Kidman down with the Corkscrew Back Elbow Smash! D-Von covers Kidman, 1...2...Cody breaks the count up. The ref makes sure Cody gets back to his corner, and D-Von takes the referee with his back turned to his advantage, as he tags Bubba back in, and they lay Kidman out with a modified reverse 3D! Bubba Ray covers him, 1...2...Kick out! Bubba Ray looks at the referee, telling him to coutn faster, and this gives Kidman some time to get up, and when Bubba turns, Kidman hits Bubba with a Dropkick. Bubba staggers a bit, but does not go down. Kidman again with a Dropkick, but Bubba is still up. Kidman quickly tags in Cody, and Cody jumps off the top turnbuckle, taking Bubba down with a Flying Cross Body! Cover, 1...2...Kickout. Bubba gets up, looking shocked he almost lost, and when he turns to Cody, Cody knocks him on his ass with a Dropkick of his own, excuting it perfectly. Cody tags in his brother Dustin, and Bubba quickly rolls out of the ring, wanting a breather. Dustin tells him to bring his ass in the ring, but Bubba, D-Von and Spike say "Forget you guys!" and look to be leaving, but Kidman goes on the top turnbuckle, jumps off, taking all three Dudleyz down! Fans go nuts cheering Kidman. Cody and Dustin then climb out and roll them back into the ring. Dustin covers Bubba, 1...2...Kickout. Dustin begins to mount on Bubba, hitting him over the head multiple times with his fist. Dustin gets another cover, only a two. Dustin tags his brother back in, and Cody kicks Bubba right in his back as Bubba was in the sit-up position. Cody gets another near fall, but can't come up with the win. Cody grabs Bubba, and locks him in a Sleeper. Cody has it locked in for some time, with the referee raising Bubba's arm to check, and Bubba drops it the first two times, but not the third. He grabs Cody, and drops him down with a Sidewalk Slam, stopping the Sleeper. Bubba tries crawling over to his corner to make the tag, but Cody is able to make the tag firt and does so to Kidman. Kidman runs in and kicks Bubba a few times, not letting him get the tag in to one of his partners. Kidman tries picking up Bubba, but when he does, Bubba takes Kidman down with a Jawbreaker, landing on his knees! Bubba gets the tag into his brother, Spike. He enters the ring, and walks over to Kidman, covering him only for a two count. Spike begins choking Kidman, but the referee breaks it up. Kidman slowly gets back up to his feet, and he and Spike go back and forth hitting each other. Spike goes for a clothesline, Kidman ducks, and takes Spike down with a Back Body Drop! Kidman makes a tag to Cody Rhodes, and Cody comes in. He picks Kidman up, and chops him multiple times in the chest. Spike gets pushes into the corner. Cody lays in more chops, and as Spike goes for a reversal, Cody pushes him back into the corner, backs up, and runs at Spike in the corner, hitting him with a elbow to the face! Spiek falls down to the mat, he covers Spike, 1...2...D-Von breaks it up. Dustin comes into the ring now, and he fights with D-Von. Bubba now runs in, and they double team on Dustin. Referee has a hard time trying to seperate the three men, and Cody now gets involved. As this is happening, Syxx Pac comes running down, sneekingly, and takes out Kidman on the ring apron. Syxx kicks his feet, and Kidman falls onto the outside of the ring, hard on the mat outside. Syxx then goes back up the ramp, looking on as if nothing happened. The Dudleyz take out Dustin, clothesline him over the the top rope. Cody is down on the mat, about to get up on his feet, and D-Von and Bubba set it up, and nail the 3D on Cody Rhodes! They tell Spike to cover him, and he does, 1....2...3! The Dudleyz steal the win


Masterlock Challenge
Mayhem returns, and Chris Masters is inside the ring, with a steel chair set up for another edition of the Masterlock Challenge. Chris begins talking on the mic, challenging a hometown wrestler. And out comes a man by the name of Johnny Thunder. He gets inside the ring, Chris asks his name, and he gives it. The guy looks bigger than last week's challenger, he's about 6'3 287 pounds. Chris orders the guy to sit on the chair, he does and Chris locks in the Masterlock! Chris has it in, and seems to be taking this man lightly, as the big man Johnny Thunder is looking like he has a legit chance of breaking the Masterlock. Chris then has a struggle, but is able to lock it in more tighter, and the man's head is getting red and purple, as the referee calls for the bell, declaring Chris Masters winning via Pass Out! Chris Masters still has it on, and then finally throws the man down to the mat, and taunts in the ring. Fans boo, and Chris Masters just smirks as he stands inside the ring.

Backstage Segment
Scott Hall & Kevin Nash are with Eric Bischoff in Eric's locker room. Hall and ash have grins on their face, while Eric is not pleased to see them. Fans cheer, knowing the history these three men had together back in WCW.

Kevin Nash: You know what we want. Those two curtain jerkers from last week, we want them, and that punk Rampage.

Eric Bischoff: Wait, so you're telling me you two want a handicap match, against Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von....and Rampage Jackson? Well sure...

Scott Hall: Hold on, don't get ahead of yourself. Yeah, we want them three, but not just me and big Kev here. Us, and our new found friend.

Tito Ortiz then walk into the room with an Outsiders T-Shirt on, as he slaps both Hall & Nash's hands, and gets a smirks when he looks at Eric.

Tito Ortiz: And me. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Tito Ortiz. We want the three fools from last week.

Eric thinks about it, and thinks of the money and ratings this could be. He smirks.

Eric Bischoff: You got it! At our very first Pay Per View, it's you three, vs. the New Breed and Rampage Jackson!

All three men like that, and walk out of the room.


When Mayhem returns, Hogan & Styles discuss last week's main event. They show Goldberg grabbing a briefcase, as well as Ric Flair. A video is shown saying at our very first PPV, it's Goldberg vs. Ric Flair for the World Title, now the new match added New Breed & Rampage Jackson vs. The Outsiders & Tito Ortiz. As well as the brand new match made from last week, Syxx Pac vs. Billy Kidman for the Light Heavyweight Championship, and of course the Six Pack Challenge made earlier tonight for the Primetime Championship, with Champion Lashley defending the Title vs. The Truth, Orlando Jordan, James Storm, Big Shad & CM Punk!

Single's Match
Bill Goldberg vs. Billy Gunn
Goldberg makes his entrance, and gets to the ring. Billy Gunn then makes his entrance, and as he enters the ring, Goldberg runs at him and nails the Spear! Goldberg then stands up taunting a bit, grabs Billy Gunn and nails the Jackhammer! 1...2...3! And just like that, Bill Goldberg wins the match-up. Goldberg taunts in the ring, and raises his hands. He grabs the mic.

Bill Goldberg: Cut my music. Ric Flair! I have a couple things to say to you, old timer. I respect what ya'...Actually, let me take that back. I DON'T respect what youv'e done, or what you will do. I don't respect you, or anything about you. In fact, ha, I pretty much hate your damn guts. I'm sick of all of the idiots out here chanting your name, cheering you, saying you're the best ever. Doing that stupid Woo. You say Woo......Well, I say your next!

Bill drops the mic, looking intense, and leaves the ring to the back.


We return from commercial break and Ric Flair gets interviewed by Kristal.

Kristal: I am here with the Legendary Ric Flair!

"Wooo's" heard all through the arena"

Kristal: And Ric, I must ask, after hearing what Goldberg had to say about you, what are your thoughts?

Ric Flair: Woooo! Kristal! I don't really care what Bill Goldberg thinks of me, or says about me, because I know, and all of these people know that the Nature Boy is the greatest of all time! Oh yeah! And Goldberg, you can do all of this talking all ya' want! But what counts is in that ring! Our match, SCW World Title on the line. You don't have to talk about it, we're just going to go in that ring, and I promise to you and everybody else, that the Nature Boy is walking away the Seventeen time World Champion, I guarantee that, boy. Now Kristal, I hand it to the son of a gun, he's a bad man, and a big man. But nobody is badder, nobody is dirtier, nobody is better, than Naitch! And we will see that at the Pay Per View. WOOOO!

Ric begins Strutting and shouting Woo more. Camera cuts back to ringside, and a replay is shown of last week, where Umaga grabbed Hornswoggle from Finlay's match, and just took him with him.

Single's Match
Umaga vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Scotty is already in the ring, and when Umaga's theme hits, he comes walking out with Estrada.....and Hornswoggle! He is dragging and pulling Horny by his collar, with his mouth taped shut. Estrada sits Finlay down ringside, and threatens him not to move. The bell rings, and Scotty attacks Umaga early, trying to get an advantage somehow over thus mammath of a man. But Umaga pushes Scotty back, and Scotty runs at him, but gets caught with a high kick from Umaga! Scotty goes down, and Umaga then picks scotty off the mat, and takes him down with a Scoop Slam. Umaga then drags Scotty to the bottom corner, backs all the way up in the opposite corner, jumps up taunting, and runs at him hitting him hip first in the head, giving Scotty that whiplash! Umaga walks around a bit, and grabs Scotty picking him up. He holds his throat, and gives Scotty the Samoan Spike!! Umaga covers Scotty, 1...2...3! The easy win for Umaga, but then out from the crowd comes Finlay with his shillilagh in his hand! Hit hits Armando Estrada over the leg with it, and quickly grabs Hornswoggle, taking him up the ramp with him, and taking the tape off of his mouth. Umaga is still in the ring, and is yelling in Samoan. Finlay runs to the back with Hornswoggle, and Umaga grabs the lifeless body of Scotty to Hotty, and gives him another Samoan Spike, as if he's trying to send some kind of message.

Joey Styles: Poor Scotty 2 Hotty, Hulk. This Umaga is a serious monster. He just destroyed a veteran like Scotty in an instant.

Hulk Hogan: Tell me about it, Styles. But this thing with Umaga and Finlay seems to have gotten personal. But up next Brother, we have something huge. Elijah Burke & The Alpha Male has promised that Quentin "Rampage" Jackson would show what he would do to Tito Ortiz if they were inside the Octagon together. This should be interesting, to say the least.

UFC Challenge
Rampage Jackson vs. UFC Fighter
"Don't Waste My Time" hits and out comes Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von & Rampage Jackson headed to the ring. Out next comes some UFC/MMA Fighter. Before it starts Rampage gets on the mom and apologizes to his opponents momma for sending him home with a broken nose! Big Mike McCarthy is the referee, like he is in UFC Bouts. Bell is sounded, and the two meet gloves, and the match is under way. They size each other up, circling around, the the guy goes for a punch, rampage ducks and kicks the guy a couple times. Rampage then just attacks, and begins pounding on the man's stomach, then his face with a huge Haymaker!! The guy goes down, and Rampage continues the hitting, Big Mike McCarthy declares the match ended by Knockout! Rampage Jackson wins it in record time, and the camera shows the man indeed with a broken nose, and bruises. Rampage, Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von taunt in the ring. Elijah Burke gets an idea, and picks that UFC Fighter up, he's barely able to stand, and Burke holds him up from a distance. Burke points to his hand, doing the "4-Up" signal, and knocks the guy out himself! Elijah laughs, but then Marcus Cor Von says he wants some of him, so Burke pulls the lifeless body of this man up, and Marcus runs against the ropes, and hits the POUNCE! The man is out of it, and now has rolled to the outside of the ring. The New Breed and Rampage taunt in the ring, saying thats a sign of things to come.


We return to Mayhem, and up next is the main event. a Video recapping earlier tonight when is Eric made the PPV Match, as well as this main event is shown.

Main Event - Six Man Tag Team Match
Orlando Jordan, James Storm & Ron Killings vs. Bobby Lashley, CM Punk & Big Shad
After all the entrances of each man, the bell rings, and match is started with Orlando Jordan and CM Punk. Thw two men lock up quickly, and try taking the other down, and CM Punk succeeds with a Side Headlock Takedown. Punk has it locked in now on the ground, but OJ manages to get back to hsi feet, throws Punk across the ropes, however when Punk comes back, he knocks OJ down with a Shoulder Block. Punk jumps over OJ, running across the ropes, OJ ducks a clothesline attempt from Punk, CM Punk turns around, and OJ hits him in the face with one of his trademark punches. OJ does another hit, and does the Johnson Shuffle, followed by another hit, taking Punk down! Orlando tags in Storm, and he gets in the match, and begins stomping away on Punk. He covers him only for a two. Storm pulls Punk up off the mat, hitting a bout three chops across his chest. CM Punk then quickly turns Storm around, and chops him in the chest, Storm runs at Punk for a clothesline, Punk ducks, and then catches Storm with a sweet kick to Storm's jaw! Storm goes down, and Punk tags in Lashley. He comes in the match, and Storm crawls away, tagging Truth in. Truth is hesitate, but does enter the ring after a few seconds of waiting. Truth and Lashley go to lock up, but Truth instead gets a cheap kick in on Lashley, he runs against the ropes, only to be taken down with a Quick Power Slam by Lashley! Hooks the leg, 1...2...Kick out! Lashley picks Truth up, and then nails him with a Snapmare. Lashley then kicks Truth right in the back hard. He tags in Big Shad, and he enters the ring, and jumps up hitting a huge Leg Drop on Truth. Cover, 1...2...Storm stops the count. Shad picks Truth up, and rams him into the corner. Shad then begins hitting quite a few shoulder thrusts on him. Shad then backs up, sizing Truth up, and runs at him looking for a back elbow, but Truth jumps up and over him, then does the Splits, ducking out of the way of a Clothesline from Shad. He turns, Truth jumps up, and takes Shad down with a Heel Kick! Truth hooks the leg, 1...2...Kick out. Truth is able to crawl over and tag in Orlando Jordan. Truth kicks Shad in the gut, holds up his arm, and OJ backs up some, and runs hitting Shad in the gut with his fist. Orlando picks Shad up and takes Shad down with a Scoop up into a Side Slam, Cover for a near fall. Thsi match begins going on over the next five minutes, with nothing but frequent tags between the hell team, working over Shad badly. Right now Storm is in the ring, and he stomps down on Shad, being a little bit too cocky. He has his back turn to Shad, and is drinking his beer. But what he doesn;t know Lashley has just gotten the tag, and when Storm turns around, Lashley runs at him taking him out with the Spear! Lashley then knocks Orlando and Truth off the apron. Lashley stomps on Storm, and waits for him to get up. Storm does get up, and Lashley tries to run, but OJ has Lashley's foot. CM Punk drops from the apron, runs around the ring, and knocks Jordan on his ass! Lashley turns around, and gets caught with a Superkick from James Storm!! Storm covers Lashley, 1...2...Kick out! Storm is in disbelief, and looks for his partners, but are out on the outside after Punk taken care of them. Storm them looks for his 'fourth' partner, his handy Beer Bottle. He grabs it from the mat, and waits for Lashley to get up. CM Punk jumps on the ring apron, trying to prevent Storm from using that Beer Bottle, but Storm sees him, and he knocks Punk over the head with the Beer Bottle! Punk falls off the apron, and outside. Storm goes back to Lashley, but Lashley takes Storm down with another Spear! Lashley covers Storm, 1...2...3! Lashley picks up the win for his team. Big Shad gets into the ring, gives Lashley five, but then drops Lashley on his back when he delivers a Big Boot! Shad stands there, and grabs the Primetime Title, holding it up, but then Truth comes in the ring, and low blows Shad. Shad is bent over, Truth runs across the ring, and hits the Axe Kick on Shad! Truth grabs the Primetime Championship, and taunts with it as the show comes to an end.


The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Both Six Man Tag Matches are awesome to me.

Worst Match: squash matches

Best Promo: Sting/Orton was great, it do really builded up their fued

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show, your promos are quite good but I do really think Lashley can't talk like that lol... Now, I am pretty interested on the Orton/Sting fued. I wonder who will win between this two. I am checking out your next show.


BM - Both Six Man Tags where good along with the opening match.

WM - Well the squash match.

BP - Randy and Sting

WP - Well........ I got to go with none.

AC - Great Show. I like your style of writing. Good matches and promos are in character. Pretty Impresive show. I'll review your next show if you return the favor :)

Evil Austin

bm - Main event
Wm - none all were good
Bp - Randy And Sting were good
Wp - None

Once again a great show as i read both before just hadn't reviewed them until now, they are great and i really see you going far with this btb if you keep at it.

The Mac

Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
BM - Both six man tags were excellent

WM - Goldberg match

BP - Randy and Sting

WP - n/a

AC - Very good show, I will review the next one.