Taker tapped out like a bitch. Love it.
Undertaker may have been awarded the official victory in the end, but everyone knows that Brock was once again the better man. A dumb-ass time keeper ringing the bell when they shouldn't have, and Charles Robinson's refusal to reverse the decision even after seeing a replay of Taker tapping out are the only reasons Brock isn't the winner right now.
That said, I loved how Brock went out. Taker gave in to the pain of Brock's submission, but Lesnar refused to do the same for Taker's Hell Gate, and went out like a bad-ass while giving The Dead Man the finger instead. Very reminiscent of Austin passing out to Bret Hart's Sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 13, although not quite as well done. I wish Lesnar had been busted open more, had been trapped in the Hell's Gate for longer than he was, and had his arm raised and dropped three times before being declared out, but it was an otherwise noble way of Lesnar going down.