When I go to shows, I stay so long that the arena staff has to start pointedly looking in my direction like, "you going to leave?" before I finally get my shit and go

The only time I didn't was a few Manias when we had a bus waiting to take us back to our hotel, and it would have left without us if we hadn't made it back within a certain time. But at shows when we made our own way back, we'd stay till they were taking down the ring LOL.
It's like people who leave RIGHT when the Raw or SD taping is finished. They always do a dark match or segment so you never leave. Last Raw I went to had Mox's WWE farewell afterwards and it was like half an hour long (it was like 11:45 when we finally go out of the arena and headed to the subway), I don't know why anybody would leave and miss that unless they hated Mox or something lol.