Subway, McDonalds, Culvers, Wendys

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Subway Culvers Mcdonalds Wendys

  • Subway

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Culvers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mcdonalds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wendys

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
hey pick from these four Subway McDonalds Culvers or wendys the four i go to the most ok i would vote Culvers i love it alot


May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
You should add a poll, and put burger king in the poll

Out of the four though, Wendy's. Subway is a close second


This is very tough through. I like Subway and Mcdonald's...I go with Mcdonald's, just because I like their chicken.


Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
I love Wendy's 99 cent menu. Im cheap :D


Wendy's is forever the uberpwnage (spelling?) of fast food, but I am offended you didn't put BK!


Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The little place in the back of your mind that you
from Wiki:


Culver’s (corporate headquarters: Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin) is a privately owned and operated fast casual restaurant chain that operates primarily in the Midwestern United States. The first Culver’s opened in 1984 in Sauk City, Wisconsin. Since then, it has steadily grown to over 350 stores stretching from Kentucky to Colorado and Texas to Minnesota. Culver’s success is due in large part to its fresh, made-to-order butterburgers and frozen custard, as well as a reputation for cleanliness and excellent hospitality.


In 1984, local restauranteur, George Culver, purchased the A&W on Phillips Boulevard (U.S. Highway 12) and began renovating it. On July 17, along with wife, Ruth, son, Craig, and daughter-in-law, Lea, he opened the first restaurant bearing his name. Despite its current popularity, the restaurant struggled mightily losing money the first year, and breaking even the second. As Craig Culver recalls it, “It was pretty lonely to tell you the truth. If I were a smarter business man, I’d have gotten out of it.†However, by the third year, the concept seemed to have caught on, and Culver’s showed its first profit.

Expansion throughout Wisconsin

With the success of the new restaurant. It didn’t take long before someone wanted to copy it. In 1987, the Culvers were approached about franchising a restaurant in nearby Baraboo. More flattered than anything else, the Culvers quickly agreed, granting the franchisee a very loose licensing agreement, charging no fees or royalties. Due to the fact that the franchisee in Baraboo had invested very little of his own money, it was a simple matter for him to walk away a year later when he decided he no longer wanted to be in the restaurant business.

The Culvers quickly learned a number of important lessons from their only franchising failure. They established a set of standard franchising procedures which form the base for those currently used by Culver’s Franchising System, Inc. Three years later, they tried again in Baraboo and business quickly doubled. Soon after, the increased recognition that the second store earned this small-town chain prompted expansion into the Madison and Milwaukee areas.

Expansion throughout the Midwest

As Culver’s expanded throughout Wisconsin, they began receiving applications for franchises outside of the state. At the time, Culver's was still a small, local chain, with only 14 restaurants across southern Wisconsin as of 1993. However, despite initial trepidation about how these stores would fare outside of the Badger State, Culver’s eventually acquiesced. The first restaurant in Illinois opened in December of 1995, one in Dubuque, Iowa in November of 1996, and Minnesota in February 1997.

February 1997 was also important for another reason. It was in that month that Craig’s sister, Georgia, and her husband opened up the first Culver’s in Texas. The leapfrog down to Texas was very significant in a number of respects. Firstly, Texans had had little exposure to this Wisconsin chain. There were no Culver’s on its borders as had been the case with Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota, and it was hundreds of miles away from corporate headquarters. The distance also affected the supply situation, making it more expensive to get products to the restaurants. Thirdly, the distance between Texas and the other four states meant that advertising was limited and largely ineffective. The thousand miles between Austin and the nearest Culver’s market meant that for the first few years, television advertising was completely out of the picture.
Number of Culver’s per State
Number of Culver’s per State

Expansion beyond the Midwest

However, the Texas leapfrog represents the proverbial “exception that proves the ruleâ€. According to Vice President in Charge of Franchise Development, Gary Rudsinski, “If it hadn’t been Craig [Culver]’s sister, we wouldn’t have gone into Texas like we did.†This quote belies the current franchising strategy of contiguous growth at a pace of about 40 new stores per year as is evidenced by the concentrically expanding swath of ‘blue states’. This strategy was evident in the chain's cautious contiguous expansion into Colorado Springs, Colorado, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Mason, Ohio in 2005, followed by a new opening in Bowling Green, Kentucky in July 2006. While Culver's is still regarded as a small regional chain, this expansion into new states and new areas of the U.S. represents an important deveolpment in franchising strategy as Culver's shifts its attention to developing markets beyond the Midwest.

Future Expansion

Notwithstanding the current emphasis on contiguous growth buoyed by word-of-mouth advertising, it appears that Culver’s will be leapfrogging again in the near future with its expansion into the Phoenix metropolitan area. According to an article in The Arizona Repulbic, Culver's hopes that the two restaurants due to open in north Phoenix and the eastern suburb of Mesa in the Fall of 2007 will be the first of "up to 30" such franchises in the Phoenix Valley[1]. While Arizona technically shares a border with Colorado, Phoenix is over 800 miles away from the nearest Culver’s in Colorado Springs. The expansion is also significant in that it will bring Culver’s into direct competition with In-n-Out, a California-based burger chain with a reputation on the West Coast rivaling that of Culver’s in the Midwest.

The same article in The Arizona Republic also mentions that Arizona was chosen as an expansion site over the state of Florida. The large number of snowbirds who have relocated permanently or temporarily to Florida from the Midwest, in conjuction with the estimated 70 or so calls that CfSi receives annually from prospective franchisees in the Sunshine State suggests that it is extremely likely that Culver's will be expanding there as well in the near future. The company website also lists Arkansas and Tennessee as new states in which it is looking to establish a presence[2].

One important aspect of Culver's future expansion strategy hinges on the success of the Metro-98 prototype. Developed in 2006 and first constructed in Fort Dodge, Iowa, the Metro-98 is much more compact than the traditional 120-seater commonly built through much of Culver's expansion. While the Metro-98 has less seating to offer guests, it also reduces the amount of land needed for construction by around 20%. CfSi hopes that the smaller size and lower startup costs will enable them to penetrate urban markets such as Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, and Denver where space is at a premium. Another significant departure from the traditional design is the flat roof in place of the sloped blue roof that has become iconic of Culver's throughout the Midwest. Additionally, CfSi is considering the development of an even smaller 75-seat option at this time [3].


The first time that customers walk into a Culver’s, many of them are overwhelmed by the expansive menu. While prominently featuring Culver’s trademark butterburgers and frozen custard, the rest of the menu runs the gamut from pork and fish to salads and specialty sundaes. The menu can be divided up into seven separate sections: Sandwiches, Sides, Drinks, Kids Meals Dinners, Salads, and Desserts. One of the most common misconceptions about Culver’s is that menu items come with certain things on them. As everything is made to order, the customer can put whatever they would like on their food.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Should have included more though, I voted for McDonalts only because KFC wasnt there :(