Thing is, you aren't in a kliq, you don't flame (maybe a bit in HIAT where it is allowed but I haven't seen anything outside HIAT), you've been here for a long time and you have already proven you can handle a staff spot, amongst a few other guys here. -Constantine and his smurf friend (which is still a bit iffy to me since I will argue with one of them and then the other one jumps on and randomly gets into it like 30 minutes later when it had nothing to do with him) are always dropping the soap together so I'd call that at least a buttfucking tag team, he has 200 posts in a week, which A. shows he has no life and B. most posts are forgettable, yet Mike somehow sees this as the correct decision.
Idiot has been here a week and talks to us like we're fucking below him. Like hell I'd fucking listen or respect some wigger bitch who thinks he runs the place. Fuck you.
I would love to be enlightened right now.