When people who like to call themselves wrestling fans think WWE is actually good (Sorry Jeffry had to say it)
I disagree with this. If this were true, then the multiple football, baseball and basketball fans that only watch MLB, NFL and NBA aren't fans of football, baseball and basketball. All three of those sports have multiple companies, with only the large ones getting majorly watched. Similar to WWE (or another countries/regions equivalent).When people who like to call themselves wrestling fans and only watch one company like a zombie
It was a joke...obviouslyI disagree with this. If this were true, then the multiple football, baseball and basketball fans that only watch MLB, NFL and NBA aren't fans of football, baseball and basketball. All three of those sports have multiple companies, with only the large ones getting majorly watched. Similar to WWE (or another countries/regions equivalent).
If you read the previous replies, you could kind of figured it out, but coolSarcasm cannot be read through text.
Ok, now I'm confused, who's impersonating who? XD
SaRcAsM cAnNoT bE rEaD tHrOuGh TeXtSarcasm cannot be read through text.
Go FuCk YoUrSeLfSaRcAsM cAnNoT bE rEaD tHrOuGh TeXt