Stone Cold is the General Manager next week

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May 1, 2011
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Milwaukee, WI
While it's been more entertaining, is Truth-Cena going to sell any PPVs? I highly doubt it.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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While it's been more entertaining, is Truth-Cena going to sell any PPVs? I highly doubt it.

I dunno I'd pay more for Rtruth at the moment then Cena. Rtruth just has a good thing going right now how many people can be funny in the wwe without looking like complete clowns. Even fewer can pull it off near the top spot.


Feb 25, 2011
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While it's been more entertaining, is Truth-Cena going to sell any PPVs? I highly doubt it.

Marks are going absolutely insane over Truth. Not a day goes by without a few people posting on the WWE facebook page that Truth should be fired for his actions. All of them are probably willing to pay good money to see their superhero take him out.
Meanwhile smarks are loving the Truth character, but don't feel it's worth watching another great character job to Cena.
This seems to be the same problem WWE has been running into for a while now. Until they make things less obvious and build more face talents for the marks to get behind they won't be pulling in as many buys as they can.


Nov 13, 2010
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Would Cena vs anyone else sell more PPVs is the bigger question. Since besides Truth right now, there isn't anyone else who could carry a PPV on Raw.


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May 11, 2010
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Whilst Cena vs. Truth may not be the biggest drawing feud of the year the issue WWE has is they need to push more stars so that Cena vs. Truth is a money making feud. At the moment Truth is easily the best opponent for Cena. They have shot themselves in the foot by having SuperCena dominate RAW and SuperOrton dominate Smackdown. Not enough wrestlers have been pushed strongly enough to make the fans want to pay to see them. A lot of them have a good following but it isn't universal through the whole WWE universe because they haven't been given the chance. Faces are the ones that sell PPV's and who has been given a chance to become that big draw other than Orton and Cena? Now they have to rely on Cena selling every single PPV.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Sorry, Slim, but I think you have unrealistic expectations. What I'm curious about, What do YOU want out of Raw? (to go slightly off-topic a bit)

Is it unrealistic to expect a decent show? Is it unrealistic to expect to be entertained? Is it unrealistic to want a show that is watchable for at least half the time it is on TV? My main point that I was trying to make is that people is saying that it is decent... but it is still shit. Those glimmering spots in it doesn't make it all around better. Is it going to be pure gold? No. Is it going to be top notch like it was back in the day? Oh hell no. What do I want from Raw? A watchable show. I want to be able to watch at least half of Raw without falling asleep, face palming, or just feeling like this time is completely and utterly wasted. I don't think half a show being watchable is unrealistic.

Punk went over the World Champion (and Super Hero) John Cena last night in a very very good TV match. He's a heel. That means he loses more than he wins. It's PRO WRESTLING, Wins and losses are pointless, relevance is and Punk is still VERY Relevant towards the top of the Food chain.

Punk is and will always be gold... but in a shit show... you get his presence for a few minutes tops and other than last night it is always on a losing effort. The guy should be at the top of the food chain but instead he's just fodder.

That's just to show that I did catch and acknowledged that point in my previous post. And I know the idea of heels. I've been watching wrestling for over 20 years. My thing is... he is a talent that can help put on good matches. How many top level heels are as good in the ring as CM Punk? How many can carry a match as well as CM Punk? How many can put Cena in a good wrestling match? Is he always going to win? No he's the heel. But do heels have to lose everytime? No. Because then that destroys the believable chance that they even belong. Yeah there is the suspension of disbelief involved with wrestling... but when you have a guy that goes into a match and constantly loses... do you believe that he is supposed to stand a chance against the guy if he paired up against him again? That is why I say he needs to win more. Not everytime... no. But more than he has been.

Truth is having the run of his career, but to say "he should have gone heel and given this push a long time ago and it's years too late" shows that you are both a Psychic and aren't watching RAW. Because, only a Psychic could know R-Truth had the ability to do what he's done in this promo, because he's never shown nor had the opportunity to show any glimmer of him having this. Yes, I've been watching him since K-Kwik. And if you've been watching Raw, it's obviously not too late because he's possibly the most over heel in the company right now.

It isn't being psychic. There is another federation that has been out there for years as well... called TNA. And it was there that he was heel. And it was there he was a damn good heel. And that is where I derived the belief that he could have been a good heel and would have gotten over if he was given this kind of push with a heel gimmick. It isn't that I just all of a sudden came up with it. I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears during his TNA run as a heel what he did, how he did it. And it is too late because his heel run could have been a whole lot longer than it is going to be because his career isn't going to last too much longer considering his age. So yeah I've been watching Raw.

Riley and Miz has been great, Riley's music is crowd pop-worthy, and Riley might be on the ride of his life here. I expect the Miz to win at Capitol Punishment in the typical WWE style of "This guy gets over on his opponent for 3 weeks so we can have him Job at the ppv" booking, but if Riley can have a strong showing, then he's pretty much set.

Riley is on the ride of his life right now. And if things at the PPV goes well... as in he doesn't look out of place and he doesn't get flat out dominated he will continue to look damn good in the WWE. Miz/Riley... like I said is the only decent thing going on right now.

Del Rio/Show has been comical, Rodriguez is hilarious and that beatdown last night was fantastic. Show running at a sprint to the ring in street clothes was pretty scary looking. I'd expect a pretty decent match between the two at the ppv.

Comical? Eh. Hilarious? It has had its few moments. Maybe it's just my opinion but I don't see much humor in it is all. It's okay but I want more from Del Rio than a feud with Show.

Kofi/Ziggler is just taking off, but they have a match at the ppv. I hope this continues after, maybe adding in a few new stars to the mix and making the US title relevant again.

The US title has been buried into oblivion. It will not ever be relevant in the WWE. It will only be a belt that will make the title holder look like "something" for the moment. The only thing that could save it would be a long title reign with big victories in it. And by big victories I mean over main event players. Orton's IC reign... it featured that big win over Cactus Jack, featured WrestleMania XX win. Shelton long reign... featured him in really awesome matches. Like against HBK, seeing him in the MITB ladder match. Ziggler and Kofi are going to have really good matches no doubt about it. No doubt at all. But unless bigger names get involved... it won't even look like a second tier title anymore.

While the lack of Zack Ryder in his hometown turned me off to last night's Raw, it was still a great show. I wasn't bored for a minute. Wish I could say the same watching TNA.

We need more Zach Ryder... I just wanted to quote this one cause I was quoting everything else. Ryder....... Ryder.

Back ON topic, I was wrong and I was right. Stone Cold was gold on RAW last night, added a great bit to the show. His promo with Punk, as Troy said, was freaking gold.

Austin was better this night than he has been in previous showings since this time he actually contributed instead of the same beer bash, stunner crap. He did something different so it was good. His interaction with Punk... freaking gold? Nah. But it was good.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Slim I gotta ask TNA or WWE which is the better show.


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Jun 8, 2011
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My main point that I was trying to make is that people is saying that it is decent... but it is still shit.

I didn't say RAW was decent, I said it was a great show. Your point being "Other people are stupid, RAW is shit because I think so" doesn't really hold a lot of weight in my opinion. If you don't like the program, great. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect your right to it. That doesn't mean I'm any less entitled to mine.

You still didn't answer my question. I asked what do YOU want out of RAW. "A watchable show" is about as vague as the Check Engine light on my car. You're so adamant that RAW is terrible, then pray tell, what should they do to make it better?

TNA is, almost always has been, and will for the forseeable future, be a big piece of wasted time spent watching bullshit illogical television. What I meant to infer is that I followed him from K-Kwik, through TNA and back to WWE. You mean there's another wrestling company besides WWE? Whodafuckinthunkit! Smartass. He was terrible in TNA. But I don't hold that against him. Par for the course in that piece of shit company. Until recently, he's been freaking terrible in the WWE. So yes, I said you'd have to be psychic. I stand by it.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Slim I gotta ask TNA or WWE which is the better show.

Better overall... WWE. better in ring wrestling... TNA.

I didn't say RAW was decent, I said it was a great show. Your point being "Other people are stupid, RAW is shit because I think so" doesn't really hold a lot of weight in my opinion. If you don't like the program, great. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect your right to it. That doesn't mean I'm any less entitled to mine.

Being that not once did I ever say that but you are simply inferring and implying that is what I am stating because I don't agree with other people's opinions on how great the show is... makes your point moot at best. If you like it... like it. If others like it... they can like it. They wanna say it is great... so be it. I won't call it great. I'll call it decent at best.

You still didn't answer my question. I asked what do YOU want out of RAW. "A watchable show" is about as vague as the Check Engine light on my car. You're so adamant that RAW is terrible, then pray tell, what should they do to make it better?

Rather vague and not as good analogical comparison there. Better comparison might have been my assessment to say an MMA fight. Instead of watching someone lay and pray and literally do nothing... make it "watchable" with some action. Just saying. But what could they do to make it better? Hmmmm... longer better feuds? Actual feuds that make sense? Stop relying so heavily on John Cena and create one or two more top level faces so top level heels can have more to feud against? I mean you can only see SuperCena against a top heel so many times and SuperCena win so many times until you can't just believe the heel is going to stand a chance anymore. I mean look at the Miz/Cena match where Miz and Riley beat up on Cena for about 30 minutes with weapons. Then a minute worth of offense from Cena and he is victorious. Does Miz look like he even stands a chance against Cena? Not at all. Does a heel need to look close to Cena? No. But the gap created there is astronomical that there isn't anybody close that looks like a threat and if someone were to win it would look like a fluke. So yeah... stronger heels and more faces. would definitely help make the show more watchable. And giving the midcarders something to do besides random matches.[/quote]

TNA is, almost always has been, and will for the forseeable future, be a big piece of wasted time spent watching bullshit illogical television. What I meant to infer is that I followed him from K-Kwik, through TNA and back to WWE. You mean there's another wrestling company besides WWE? Whodafuckinthunkit! Smartass. He was terrible in TNA. But I don't hold that against him. Par for the course in that piece of shit company. Until recently, he's been freaking terrible in the WWE. So yes, I said you'd have to be psychic. I stand by it.

And like you stated earlier... you have your opinion and I have mine. That was my opinion of TNA and Killings when he was in it. This is yours. To each their own. You say I'm psychic... I say I saw it when he was there.

Agree to disagree pretty much.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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The key for WWE is the long term, I have slight issues with the R-Truth/Cena feud going into the PPV, but fact is Truth has been refreshing and effective so far in this role. If he can do it long term, and they can build on this is the key, and that is the same with Raw, sure in recent weeks they have had some good shows, but for years it has sucked, so it is about being consistant.

Also the thing with Truth's push, while I agree with deezy's point about guys drawing the big money later on, I don't think this is a case in point, because this just a ramdon decission by WWE to put him in main events, I doubt they really did thought that he had reached a certain point in his career so now we will give him the shot, fact is Truth could have done this ten years ago, it is not about his talent but the gimmick and character [yes of course it is his talent that is pulling it off, but I mean he just needed the change to heel, and this different character], also it remains to be seen if he can draw money, so far he has attained some good heat, but can he sustain it, and will he be in the main events for years to come, lets see.