I'll probably get a bunch of hate for saying this, but outside of the ending and the Lesnar/HHH segment, I thought the 1000th episode sucked big time. Way too much focused nostalgia without anything to it (i.e. the returns of pretty much everyone was just for "look who's back!' mark out effect), and while those types of returns are nice, three hours chock full of them not only kill the effect quickly, but it gets to the point of ad nausea. Granted I've only been watching since 06, but I was more than familiar with everyone who showed up and it was still just unneccessary nostalgia, which doesn't do it for me. I was begging for something of substance injected between all these return, clip shows, and Charlie Sheen crap. All matches outside of the main event and Miz/Christian didn't mean a damn thing. The decision to make AJ the GM is still a terrible one as well as most of that wedding segment. I can't say I was disappointed though, I didn't really expect anything but a nostalgia show.
And I'll admit seeing Mae Young with her son all grown up brought tears to my eyes.