Match Steve Sanders vs. Jakefield - Revival

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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Lights Out

No Disqualification Match
"The Franchise" Steve Sanders vs. Jake "The Snake" Wakefield



Remember that role-plays are to be received no later than 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, Jan 30th, 2020.


If You Smell....
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“The events surrounding you all begin with a precursor, something that if you are paying attention you can see. But, there are your subtle precursors, things you can’t see or your other senses don’t register. They happen every day. To each of us. The peasants, the royalty. The past, the future and the here and now.”

It is quickly realized those words were being spoken by the man himself, who came into view from off what appears to be a camera. However, that is unknown to those watching this if there is indeed a camera. His stone-cold blue eyes focused on the camera, the messy dark mattes of hair resting neatly atop his head. The location is unknown, what could be seen behind the man is a wall-length mirror. The wallpaper that was visible down the hall was light-colored red. It’s a color palette that is a reminiscence of blood that is slowly being washed away in a sink. The Franchise smiles as he stands tall and proud, in a tailored suit blood red, with a white tie, and white dress shoes. The hallway where he was standing comes into view and we see a light oak wood desk with a flower vase and various colored flower petals sprouting from the flower vase itself just a couple feet away. There also in front of the flower vase laid an open book that appeared to have a black matte finish to the cover as well as a black ink pen lying next to the book.

“It’s been making its subtle actions since 2011 really. Only on January fifth of 2020, it did become louder and more pronounced. Everything has started coming full circle. It’s fitting really. At the top of a new decade, the things that beckoned me for so long have finally become a language I could understand. The very fabrics of my being slowly being reinvigorated. My shadow would once against manage to show to the business itself signaling that its savior is still among the living. My torch hasn’t faded. As I stood before myself in the mirror looking at my face. Something most of you can’t do. I saw the uncertainty in my eyes for the first time in my of my life. With my own eyes, I saw the uncertainty of what if the world now just accept that their new heroes that happen to be flimsy remnants of the past. Then, I had smack myself in the face to remind myself who I am. I am The Main Event Messiah. I am the Franchise. The Chosen One.”

The sinister look of his eyes can be seen now staring into the mirror, he is just standing there looking at the mirror. The look itched across his facial features is one of confidence, not a hint of fear or anything. It just radiated confidence. The man raised his arms up which could be seen in the mirror as his hands connected as he rotated his right-hand fingers along the inside of his left palm as he started to speak again. The look with its dark abyss dwelling into your soul as he speaks. His voice dripping with a deep baritone with a midwestern twang to his words.

“It’s very fitting that my first-person face me when I return to this wretched business is you, Jake Wakefield. It is people like you that you and others that I’ve witnessed on these long roads. Cyrus Riddle, Apollo Duke, Kevin Putteet, Akio, and countless others who saturated this business with their mediocre abilities. But, I also feel like the script of destiny is giving me a chance to right the wrongs of the past. I last remember it was you and Randall who defiled a god. We go away back Jake. And, it ain’t because you are my State Farm insurance agent. We go back before XWF, and some of the people may have forgotten. But, I haven’t. It’s only faith that put you here. You have to understand Warfield. Your arms are too short to box with a god. At the 2300 Arena in Philly, it’s gonna be real simple. I’m going to show you the final credits. I’m gonna make you pay for your transgressions of the past. This match I will show you, Jake, why I am considered the savior of this business. You are gonna understand that this, this right here. Me. I am the future of this business. I plan to beat your ass like your redneck mama used to do boy. Consider this your precursor Jake.”

The hand rubbing stopped as he turned away from the mirror and slowly walking down the hall as slowly as possible. The walk mimicking someone who knows they are walking toward something they do not want to confront. The Franchise stopping at the oak table that had that open book sitting there. He looked down at the book in front of him on the table. The camera appeared to slow and gentle move closer onto the back of the man in the blood-red suit. It is still is unclear if it’s zooming or the camera moving upon him. As the camera pans over his shoulder to get a glimpse of what is being seen by The Savior of XWF’s eyes. We see a book, that appears to be a guest book from its visible writing. Above the book neatly sat out is a program which shows who the book is for, and finally explaining where they are and why they are here.


The Franchise examines the book for a moment before reaching his right hand forward to pick the pen up off the book. The book appeared to have a lot of entries written already. It’s a shock outside close family and friends that his man had a fan base of this magnitude when he lacks the abilities of main event material much like myself. The quick writing of Sanders started and finished, with Steve leaving this behind in Jake Wakefield’s funeral guestbook.

“I’m sorry I had to put out your torch. You refused to accept the difference in our abilities. Jake, you now can sleep knowing that the messiah that I am will save this business.” - “The Franchise” Steve Sanders.

As the man finished the scribe written in black ink he laid the pen down on top of the book’s pages as he silently turned away from the oak finished desk that the book sat on. Off in the distance almost seeming on cue you can hear the piano keys being plucked by someone playing a sad tune. It was faint to the ear but wasn’t entirely overbearing. The Franchise turned to look back at the camera or what appears to be you, with his cold stone blue eyes fixated on you for a couple of seconds before his lips part for him to speak.

“This is just the precursor of the road you that Oliver Thawne is sending you down. To be honest Jake it was predestined. I plan to purge the wrestling business of people like you. Jake, look at me Wakefield when I am speaking to you. Listen to my words. Hear the conviction in my voice son. I am giving you the chance of a lifetime here. I plan to make you famous however it may break down at the end of this Lights-Out Match. You will just have to experience the ending credits to finally understand.”

With those words, the man known as “The Franchise” Steve Sanders turns to walk down the hallway away from the camera and toward the sad piano music that has been playing quietly in the background for a couple of moments now. The camera focuses on the man until he leaves the room as the piano kept playing as the scene faded to black.
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Ricky Smarks

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Requiem of a Dream
The undeniable true story of the fall and fall of Steve Sanders


Our story begins on the 2nd day of the 2nd month of the 2nd decade of the 2nd millennium.
A groundhog sees his shadow


Once upon a time there were two bros trying to cut their teeth in the professional wrestling business and they found their way to a place called the Pulse Wrestling Federation. I lied, this story actually starts in the year 2011.

Our underdog champion found himself an obstacle he never knew he had to face as a white man in this business, the Establishment didn't want him to succeed. So they threw every roadblock at him. No blow was too low.

They even got in the ear of the princess and had her seduce our would be hero. But, your princess is at another castle.


The Establishment eventual put our hero into a coma and not one that could be cured with a simple true love's kiss.


The dastardly villains even used this sleeping beauty to lure his cousin, Kevin, into a trap and cost him his win against the regime.

The lure of the dark side eventually became too much for our other hero, Jake, and when the risen messiah came back to enact his revenge for his fallen comrade he was betrayed by his peer and his girlfriend and her minions.

The kingdom had a funeral for their dear sweet prince and mourned him greatly as the it was never quite the same again. Legend has it a few years later we would see him again until he was once again betrayed by his former ally Alex Scott and Jake Wakefield.

After having his face kiss the strange land's paved ground to prevent meeting Jake in a new land we would never see this man again until now. How will our franchise overcome his biggest obstacle and protect his legacy?

This brings us to today in Philly.

Road to Philadelphia
The pathway to Revival starts here


During the replay of the Steve Sanders promo the video distorts and cuts out. It jumps to Jake Wakefield in the 2300 Arena.

Jake Wakefield: Pardon me, I don't mean to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming.

Jake puts his thumbs up in the air in sarcastic approval.

When have you ever been the Franchise? When have you have been the savior of anything? The messiah? Do you remember the time we whipped your ass so hard we sent you to the hospital and then we pulled the plug on you? Who really chose you?

Jake flicks the bow tie on the person holding the microphone before continuing his rant on Stevie.

Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, what do I need to do to get rid of you? Can't you take a hint? The wrestling world doesn't want you. We never did. You are a cancer that spreads to everyone you come into contact with. No one wants to deal with you. In the back, in the front, in the concession stands, at the bank. Can't you take a hint? How do you think I knew exactly where you'd be and when you'd be there the night I stomped your face, your ugly mug, into the cement three years ago when we were going to face off in the Close Quarters Combat tournament? I was tipped off you'd be there and I was told to take care of it. Not even the booker wanted you there, Stevie. You are a boil on all of our asses. Please take this not even remotely subtle hint and go away.

Jake indicates to the backstage interviewer, Aidan, his displeasure by turning his thumb upside down.

Have you ever even been in a lights out match? Where anything goes? The referee can't end the match for any reason because XWF washes their hands of it? This is an unsanctioned match. Do you really get what that means? What that means for you? That means I can literally do anything I want. ANYTHING. Do you understand how vivid my imagination is? I wasn't labelled the Antichrist by Sean Cutter for no reason, Steve. I am hell on Earth and you've personally been a victim of my scorched Earth policy.

Jake begins to play with his lighter staring into the flame as he speaks to Aidan.

You ever hear you can never go home again? Well, I always knew one of these days I'd have to go back to when life was more simple. I'll have to now when I send you back to 2011 where you belong. That's where your ass belongs and where you're as relevant as you have ever been, but at least then we didn't know who you were. XWF deserves to have her palate cleansed before they are incapable of differentiating good wrestling from the mediocre cancer you bring to this business. You're a cancer Sanders and while some may call my language as outdated and heel in nature, I ensure you I am the good guy in our story. The fans don't want you here. I don't want you here and the XWF whether or not they know it, certainly doesn't want you here. Someone has to be the gatekeeper of this business and since no one else is stepping up I guess it that responsibility falls on my shoulders. Doesn't it?

Jake takes control of the microphone, dismissing Aidan.

I am the fuckin' gatekeeper. I don't just let any trash come into my home. Getting its filthy, disgusting paws all over my linens and my girlfriend's delicates. We're not heathens. If you try to break into my home and force a confrontation. Well...

Jake makes a point to show how pristine his dresswear is.

Let me tell you how this lights out match is gonna go. You're gonna beat me down and down and open me up like a stuck pig and quite possibly make me taste my own blood. You're gonna revel in it like you've won. I'll let you in on a little secret.

Jake begins punching his own forehead opening himself up.

The taste of my own blood fuels me. You can't drain me of my juice and expect to best me. As you strike me down I become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I never feel more alive then when I have a full crimson tide running down my face. It's not a mask, it's my soul leaking out of my pores.


I have unlimited power. And you think I can't reach you?

Jake becomes unhinged.

Too short to box with God? Bendejo...


At my feet you'll bow to me.

I have a surprise for you. Roll the footage, monkeys.

Outside Northgate Park Assisted Living in Cincinnati‎
The feed picks up in what appears to be a semi-packed parking lot in the middle of the day


Do you recognize where I am right now, Messiah?

Jake cockily looks around his environment letting Steve ponder what he's looking at. :Cocky

Would you look at that. We're in Cincinnati Oooohiiiooo. Home of the great bulls... and cowards.

Jake takes a brief pause.

Certainly not home of a former PWF world champion.

He pulls out the old PWF world championship. She's rusty and the center pieces are coming off the leather.

I mean, you've never even come into sniffing distance of this thing, have you? Not even once. You were never worthy of this.

Jake throws the belts to the ground and smashes it to pieces with a sledgehammer he pulls into frame.

I think I'll mail this to Jason Randall. It was never really mine. Maybe he can stitch it back together and become the inaugural FWA Hardcore Champion. He needs something to do now that he's no longer riding my coattails.

Jake spits on the shattered PWF championship before kicking it and the sledgehammer aside.

You know who I thought could have been a contender? Good ol' Kevin McAllister. He was a sturdy bull. I wonder whatever happened to him? I think he was dragged down by the albatross, or I guess you could say the bull rope, he foolishly let become attached to the diseased corpse that is your friendship. It's a shame really because he could have been one of the all-time greats. If only he had the good sense to 127 hours you. You were that boulder and your relationship was his crushed hand.

Jake pulls out a switchblade for emphasis.

I heard he did finally cut bait once he realized how toxic your relationship was, but too little, too late. It didn't save him the heartbreak, the headaches, the hassles, and the trauma of having your life and career being over before turning 40.

Jake has the camera pull back to reveal Northgate Park Assisted Living.

Just look at this place? An assisted living home. Can you imagine taking so many knocks to the noggin and having such severe CTE that you would be forced to live here before you've even lived half a century on this good planet?

Jake waves to the camera indicating that we're about to follow him inside.

Why don't we go see our old friend. I'm sure he's dying to catch up.

Jake pulls the cameraman with him as he enters the hallway of the building. He is met inside by a rather large, scary looking individual with dreadlocks and a mask covering his lower face. He hands Jake a baseball bat.

What exactly do you foresee coming full circle? I know you can't be talking about the ass beating you're due this Sunday. Coming full circle would mean I once again stomp your mongoloid looking face into the concrete and send you back to the hospital where my man here can pull the plug on your ass one last time.

Jake and his comrade sneak past reception to a door down the hall. Jake slowly pushes the door to room 202 with his bat before turning back to the cameraman to continue his address.

I hope your 23 followers on Twitter don't get used to seeing your ugly mug on XWF programming because this will be the last time any of them see you ever again. The XWF won't be your Revival I promise you that. Come this Sunday I will quite literally turn the lights out on your career, your life and whatever you want to call your legacy. You really should stop calling yourself the franchise. From this day forth, you will be forever known as a footnote. A footnote in XWF history, and a footnote in this business. Say your goodbyes now because come Revival you won't be physically capable of conceptualizing your thoughts out loud and you'd be lucky if you could even get a translator to speak for you. Not even in this assisted living home. As the voice of the voiceless, let me speak for you now and tell your followers that you want to express your deepest apologies and sincerest regrets that you couldn't really be the savior your hype team promised you to be. Remember these words when your mouth is wired shut should you even still be conscious when you get to the dentist. Tell whomever you got to prepare your statements that maybe your ass wrote a check you teeth couldn't cash. We've been down this road before you and I. We have done this dance many, many times before. The precedents aren't in your favor here. Whenever and wherever you've reared your head and exposed your neck, I have put you down and then you've tucked tail and disappeared to not be heard from again, for years. I don't know why you think this time will be any different.

Jake creeps into the room as the man flicks the light switch. We see someone sitting in a rocking chair with a thousand-yard stare.

I am looking for a challenge, though, and I don't want to disappoint our fans in Philadelphia so let me make sure you are properly motivated for our match. I know you don't care about much, but I do know what you do care for.

Jake puts the butt-end of the bat under the gentleman's chin and lifts his face to meet his eye line.

What's a matter, Kevin? Don't you recognize me?

The man pulls the resident out of the chair and forces him on his knees. He has no idea what's going on.

No, Stevie, this isn't The Walking Dead, and this isn't Lucille -- Actually, this is Lilith and she's one thirsty bitch.

Jake is giddy with excitement as he paces back and forth.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

Pierce Donovan: What is he even talking about? There's only one man kneeling before him? And he's not Negan.

Jasper Phoenix: He can be anyone he wants be be. He's the one with the bat.

Jake strikes "Kevin" with a thunderous thud across his left eye socket. Blood trickling down the gentlemen's face as Jake's goon lays stomps into his upper abdomen. Adding further insult to injury.

Are we even sure this is the Kevin the Bull from PWF fame?

Are you calling Jake a liar?


Jake lifts up Kevin's head by strangling his throat with the baseball bat and pulling back his hair, letting his blood flow freely.

Do you see what being your childhood friend has done for him, Stevie? All you do is put him and the people you care about at risk. Don't forget I never travel without a pack and you'll never see them coming.

Jake finally lets him go as his associate warns him it's time to go. Jake lets him fall into a pool of his blood.

This right here is only an example of what I can and will do to you in Philly. Oh look, lubricant.

Jake smears the blood across his own face.

It's not only my own blood that gets my motor running if you catch my drift? Are you properly motivated?

Jake brushes past panicked orderlies as his associate tosses a security guard over the reception desk. The cameraman stays on Jake as he exits the building and dusk begins to set in. Jake tells him to zoom in on his face.

Look at me. You talk about my lack of material...the...main...event...messiah?

Jake grabs the camera and gives it a good shake nearly toppling the cameraman on his ass.

You don't need to sign in to my funeral. I have already arisen. I will always rise again for I am the Antichrist. Just remember I have been to one of your funerals, 5 years ago, and when I put you back into the ground it will be your last.

Jake stops at the bottom of the steps and pulls a lighter out of his pocket to light a cigarette.

Speaking of funerals...

Jake begins to fumble around in his pocket for something. He pulls some paper out and holds it.

I don't know who died and made you the messiah, but if you know your lore that before the rapture there will be an Antichrist that will test the will of the people. As the Antichrist I'm here to test you. I'm going to test your will to survive, your will to live, your will to endure this pain I plan to inflict upon you like the very locusts that descended upon Egypt and ravaged its lands. You don't belong in the main event, "Messiah." And I plan to prove it one last time. I told you to save me the last dance and I meant it. I will be your last dance partner. When I am done with you, there won't even be enough of you left to guest star on the hit Dancing with the Stars. You'll be finished in this town. I ain't even about to let you be a martyr for this. There will be no bloody crown. No thorns. No nails. No crosses. Just your corpse and the blood I spill from it that will stain the canvas of the very first XWF event. This will make mass transit look like Child's Play. When the history books are written people will talk about this match as it if were the Crucifixion, but make no mistake about it no one will revere you 2000 years later. This is the end, friend.

Come hell or high water it all comes to an end. Even if I have to put out your "torch" by lighting it a blaze. You may wish your torch faded after I engulf your rotting corpse with it. So don't worry about anymore subtle precursors.

Jake winks at an orderly in the parking lot coming in for the shift change before tossing a fireball into his eyes.


Nobody makes me pay for my transgressions. I am the house and the house always wins.

Jake walks out of frame admiring his handiwork.

There will be no mercy, no remorse, no sanctuary.

Turn the page for it is already over.

The Franchise Has Been Shutdown

(Roll) The End (Credits)
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