Star Wars: Time of Chaos (RP)

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The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
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In this section will be your actual RP posts, whether they be big giant pieces or small interactions. Either way, as long as you have fun writing that is all that matters.​


The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
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The torrent of rain falling from the sky on Coruscant was poetic. Ever since the formation of the First Galactic Empire, Coruscant had suffered terribly, now being the planet that housed the Emperor himself. Previously known as the Jedi Temple, however, now called the Imperial Palace was the home to Darth Sidious, but also several his Royal Guard’s and occasionally the Palace would receive visits from high-ranking Imperial officers and generals. This seemed to be the case on this miserable day.

Just outside the building was a small area where Imperial Ships and Shuttles could land to directly deliver something to the Emperor or this was used as a way that high-ranking members of the Empire could inform the Emperor or his Imperial Ruling Council on important current affairs that needed attention directed towards them. Currently on the landing station was an Imperial Shuttle. It looked as if it could probably only hold barely two people, due to the small size of it. Stood just outside of it is a man who seems to be patrolling back and forth in wait, he looks like he’s in his mid-thirties, his hair isn’t grey but in his face, you can tell that he is starting to age more as time progresses. His raven-colored hair is slicked back and he is wearing black armor which has scratches and marks all over it showing that whoever this man is, he has returned from a mission very recently.

Pulling a device from out of his pocket, he holds it close to his mouth and starts speaking into it. This pretty much confirms that it is a personal comlink that he is using to talk to someone higher up in the Empire’s hierarchy.

“Grand Admiral? I put an end to the Hutt situation on Nar Shaddaa, now I await your orders to make my next move. The Empire’s next move.”

Hearing a positive response from the Grand Admiral on the opposite end of the Comlink makes the man dressed in black armor smile confidently.

“Yes, we heard the good news, General Novar. Very good work on dealing with the Hutt’s accordingly. However, now is not the time to celebrate, we need you for a very important task that needs to be completed as soon as possible. It is in the Empire’s best interests to have this ordeal dealt with before we can discuss our upcoming plans with the Emperor.”

An expression of curiosity can be seen on the face of General Novar, having dealt with the Hutt’s on Nar Shaddaa in what was a somewhat boring task, he could only hope that his next move is to do something that would get his hands dirty, something more combat based.

“What is this task you need my help with, Grand Admiral?”

Using his arm to lean against his ship, he awaits a reply from his superior. With a devilish smirk on his face, Novar is relishing the thought of what this task is, the urgency of it makes it sound all the more dangerous and that excited him. After a short pause, the Grand Admiral finally gives him a reply as Novar is told what he will be doing next.

“You will go to Tatooine, more specifically the Mos Eisley Cantina. There will be an Informant sat in a booth near the counter. Due to his knowledge about what is currently ongoing within Tatooine and where to find what you are looking for, he will be able to update you when you arrive. Once he has done that, we will contact you on the general objective of your trip to the planet. Do I make myself clear, General?”

Mulling over what he has just been told, Novar doesn’t really know what to think. Sure, he would never be one to turn down a mission, however, Tatooine was sparsely populated so why would the Empire have business to take care of there? Also, the roasting heat would make things even more difficult when it comes to comfort. He quickly questions the idea of him going to the desert planet.

“If you don’t me asking. If it’s really that important, wouldn’t Lord Vader go and deal with this by himself?

Instantaneously, the Grand Admiral responds to Novar’s questioning.

“For unspecified reasons, Lord Vader cannot go to Tatooine meaning we’re handing this task to you. This is a good thing, General. If Lord Vader notices your hard work then it will benefit you greatly in the future. Now again, do I make myself clear?”

Without reluctance, Novar gives a simple response after the Grand Admiral’s explanation.

“Yes, Grand Admiral.”

“Good. Remember, look for the Informant at the booth. Good luck, General.”

As the communications between the two ends, Novar looks up at the spires of the Imperial Palace. Thinking to himself for the moment, his full attention is now on the biggest spire in the middle of the Palace. After a few seconds, he notices a figure in the window of the spire that overlooks Coruscant, but he can’t seem to make out who the figure is. Looking back at his ship, General Novar boards the shuttle as he gets ready for takeoff and his visit to the desert planet of Tatooine.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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In the heart of the Imperial Centre, Coruscant, the once Republic operated place has turned into the heart of evil. Storm Troopers march the streets in the rain. The drops pelt the ground and not a single trooper stops as they are being led through the city by a group of generals, three of them. The number of troopers is around fifty and all of them are armed. With each step, a loud bang with them moving in unison apart from one member. He is near the back of the pack and his pace is slower than the others and his weapon is not held up.

On a nearby building, a dark figure watches them from above. With her intimidating dark armour and a trusty blaster pistol in hand, she keeps her gaze on the troops. She keeps herself still like a hunter looking for her prey. The battalion gets under her and one of the generals turns around and holds up his hands.

"And hold!"

On cue, most the army stops except for the one who almost runs into the person in front of him. He quickly gets back into place and everyone waits for a command. The general look up towards where the mysterious woman in black armour has herself perched from above, out of the line of sight of the rest of the army, and he nods.

The woman leaps down from her perch and dropkicks the Stormtrooper in the back who was behind everyone. The noise causes everyone to turn around and arm their weapons, but the General in the front immediately jumps in, shouting.

"Hold your fire!"

The Stormtroopers back away and the trooper which was targeted gets to his feet and stands face to face with the woman who attacked him. Rather than firing her blaster, she places it on the ground and they fight hand-to-hand. The Stormtrooper runs at her and the woman drags his arm and takes him to the ground. Ruthlessly, she knees the Stormtrooper in the spine and rips off his helmet, leaving his head exposed. But, with her grip on his helmet, the trooper escapes. She throws the helmet away just as the Stormtrooper grabs her from behind.

He throws her to the ground and the assailant has to go on the defensive. She wraps her legs around his arm and kicks him in the head multiple times, trying to get him down. She pulls him to the ground and she has his arm in her grasp. In an act of desperation, the Stormtrooper reaches over the helmet of her and by accident, pulls it off. The helmet flies off and the stormtrooper looks back rather shocked.

The girl has long black hair and her face is expressionless. She gives the Stormtrooper a stone cold glare and he starts to crawl back, feeling off-put by the girl's look. The general looks at the girl and nods, before she rushes him, giving him a kick to the unprotected jaw, leaving him in a daze.

The General holds his hand up, and the girl lets off, backing up to grabs her blaster she left on the ground. The General points towards two Stormtroopers and gestures for them to grab the Stormtrooper which was targetted. They hold him up by the arms and he looks across at the girl who attacked him, her expression still cold. His face is cut up from the boot of her armour and the General talks to him.

"If there is one thing the Empire doesn't need is weakness and, Stormtrooper XD47, have failed us for the last time."

"What?" The Stormtrooper pleas. "Please, give me a chance."

The General looks towards the girl.

"Azraelle Mite, you did well."

"Thank you..."

Her voice is rather monotone and the girl who is named Azraelle holds her blaster up and points the end of it towards the trooper, causing him to shake in his boots.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. We do not need weaknesses. You're only as strong as your weakest link and we must cut our losses. Azraelle put him out of his misery."

Azraelle puts her finger on the trigger and holds its place and the Trooper pleas.

"Have mercy on me, please. I'll do better, I promise!" The rain soaks his face and his lip quivers.

Azraelle looks at him, hesitating the final shot. The Trooper mouths the word "Please..." and something changes a bit in her expression. The coldness in her eyes begins to fade away and her grip on the blaster lossens. The General sees this and stands behind her.

"Miss Mite, I didn't think you'd be this sympathetic? Don't be weak, do it."

She closes her eyes, obviously feeling conflicted, and the General brings out a smirk on his face.


Hearing that, her cold look immediately returns and she aims her gun, ready to shoot.

"Good, now fire..."

On cue, she shoots the trooper in the head, dropping him to the ground, killing him in an instant. She stands still, the rain soaking her hair, and turns to the General.

"Excellent work, that is the type of strength we expect from you."

She speaks, keeping her voice monotone. "Of course, General..."

And with that, the General motions for the Stormtroopers to once again get in line and begin to march through the streets. Azraelle Mite stands in the rain, with soaked hair, looking forward at them, expressionless. She grabs her helmet from off the ground and places it on her head. Azraelle flies away using her jetpack as the scene ends.
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Apr 13, 2016
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Coruscant, the once Republic operated place has turned into the heart of evil. Storm Troopers march the streets in the rain. The empire has taken over in full force. Yet in the Uscru District.
The upper sections of the Uscru District reached to upper levels of the city where the Galaxies Opera House was located and in the lower levels of the Uscru Entertainment District was a variety of establishments, most notably the Outlander Club. The club was situated in a less developed area of the district and did not garner as much attention from the police, a fact that worked in the club's favor. It's labyrinth of bars, gambling rooms and sleeping quarters allowed for a wide variety of visitors and entertainment. In the center was a large bar, usually crowded, that catered to all parts of Coruscant's society..In one of the many bars we see a woman with deep red hair and in a black and white outfit sitting in a booth far in the back with her head down and her body shaking like she is having a flashback. She was awoken by the slam of a glass on her table. Ahe snaps out of it and looks up to a tall older pale man with a large scar on his face he looks to be in his mid to late 40’s. His voice lifeless and cold as anyone under the empire.

“Winter, The empire is in need of your service once again.”

She looks around to see no one around then. The loud music is drowning out them to everyone else. She takes a drink of her water before responding.

“Alopax, What doe the empire want of me this time? Rob, smuggle, kill what?

“Your task is to kill a Jedi supporter in the upper levels of the city.”

Alopax shows her an image of the target and it’s a middle-aged man. She takes a drink and nods.

“Ok, what’s the payment?”

“ Information.”

“What kind of Information is worth the life of someone?”

“Your mystery in your back pocket.”

She locks up and reaches for the broken lightsaber in under her jacket right behind her baster. Her face is frozen and her eyes go blank. She stands up with her baster ready, but He puts out his hand in front of her.

“No Winter, You will follow.”

Her face change to one of stone and she lowers her baster and walks out of the bar, She makes her way to an apartment building in the upper levels. She enters an apartment with her baster drawn. She sees a barricade built out of furniture and behind it was the target, but he was also holding his young son in his arms. The man has tears in his eyes, but the boy was asleep. Her arm starts to get weak and she lowers her weapon.

“You remind me of him. You remind me of Chrjean, but his daughter died with him.”

Winter freezes and she starts to have a flashback when from nowhere Alopax and a pair of stormtroopers storm into the room blasters aimed at the man and boy.

“What is this? I thought the Red Snow would have done her job by now. Don’t be weak Winter. “Follow” “

Again he says that word and she without a second of doubt she shoots the man, but not the child and she walks away, but as she does she hears the sound of a blade being drawn. She leaves before anything more happens with one of her eyes cold and soulless and one with a lone tear running down her face.
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The Architect
Dec 5, 2017
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"Cover me, goddamnit!"

Blaster fire consumes the Ukio spacedock as Imperial soldiers ambush one of the many resistance cells stubbornly attempting to free the planet from Palpatine's iron grip. What was supposed to be a weapons sale turned out to be little more than a trap, and the Confederate loyalists were paying the price in blood. A near endless swarm of stormtroopers marched through the halls, each that died being replaced by a dozen more. The resistance cell was outmanned, outgunned, and above all else outmatched.

"We can't take 'em here!" cries the leader of the forces as a man to his left has his facial features violently melted off by a blaster shot. "Mariya, find us a ship! We'll try and buy you as much time as we can!"

The Mariya in question was the cell's engineer, who had created primitive armor for the resistance from the remains of super battle droids. While talented in that regard, her combat ability was always subpar, which made her a liability in the firefight. She was one of the few humans in the cell as a result of her grandparents' immigration to the planet before she was born. Her smooth skin and small frame making her easily discernable from the ethnic natives of the planet. She remained a fanatical supporter of the cause, however, and so, despite her clear wishes to fight alongside her Confederate comrades, she doesn't question the order. Breaking off from the squad, she sprints down the decadent hall of the spacedock as the fighters behind her do their best to provide covering fire despite the numerical advantage of their foes. Mariya takes one glimpse back as she rounds the corner of the hall to see two more of Confederate loyalists fall, and with that her pace quickens even greater. "The Confederacy won't die today!" she vowed silently to herself with every step as if repeating the line would improve her force's chances against the unstoppable stormtrooper wave that descended upon the building.


"You know, if you put your back into this..."

With the sound of heavy blaster fire all around them, the dynamic duo of Dexon Paxx and Jak Jambore make their 'cunning' escape. Rushing through the corridors as quickly as they can, both men are doing their best to keep their heads down and their entire bodies out of sight. This, however, is proving to be quite a difficult task due to the large amount of illegal spice-filled crates currently being pushed down said corridor on a trolley by Jambore's brilliant Besalisk companion. With two hands on the trolley and another two holding the large blaster cannon that Paxx has become known for during his time of notoriety, they seem to be moving at quite a slow, but careful pace.

"Do you want to push it?" The Besalisk angrily shouts back, watching his cunning companion tightly hold onto the cowboy hat as he runs as he sprints as fast as he can down the corridor to where their ship has been docked for them.

"Oh hell no," Jambore replies back, shouting down the corridor with a humourous tone. "I'm going to leave the heavy lifting for the alien with four arms."

"You really need to stop calling me 'alien'," Paxx angrily shouts back against, keeping his pace with the trolley. His ever-increasing pace looks to be turning into a sprint of his own as he slowly looks to be gaining on his human companion. "I'm sure it's illegal."

"Add it to the list." Jambore nods, jumping onto the side of the spice trolley as it rolls past him in the arms of said Besalisk."Behind the trolley of spice and stolen freighter. Now, let's go before the Imperials find us!"

Speeding down the end of the corridor, Paxx's legs now on the bottom of the trolley in order to make sure it did not slow down, Jambore fires a quick shot from his blaster into the terminal on the side of the door and watches in glee as the doors slide open, revealing his magnificent XS-type freighter for all to see.


"Come on...come on!" Mariya mutters to herself as she turns away from yet another empty hanger. Every hanger seems either vacant or locked behind doors that'd take too long for her to slice open. Seemingly every ship fast enough to escape had taken off the moment the fighting began, leaving her and her friends trapped. Hope rapidly begins to be depleted as the exchange of blaster fire begins to slow down, clearly signifying an escalating body count. Surely there had to be some ship left, right? Someone falling asleep at a cockpit or something. Mariya couldn't accept that this is how her vendetta against the Empire ends. It couldn't end here. She had to find a ship!

And a ship she found. One hanger's terminal was blasted open, sparks flying from the many wires damaged by the shot. Someone had to have rushed through there the moment the fighting started, hoping the shot blended in with the blaster exchange between the Confederate cell and the stormtroopers. Sure enough, the door was wide open, but the ship she saw was already preparing to take off, which Mariya wasn't about to let happen. With a burst of speed, she makes a mad dash for the entrance, darting up the ramp and throwing open the door in the knick of time. Now on board, she raises her E-5 blaster rifle and goes from room to room trying to locate the cockpit. It feels like a ghost town as she fails to encounter crew members through her sweep of the ship.

Suddenly, Mariya is thrown off her feet just as she entered what appeared to be the ship's cargo hold. It was taking off! She rushes to her feet, only for the ship to make a turn that sends her crashing into one of the many spice crates littering the room.

"Did you tie the crates down?"

A voice cries out from part of the ship. Her reaction.

"We are flying ourselves out of an area infested with Imperials looking to arrest people like us and your first instinct is to ask me if I tied the crates down?"

At this point it becomes clear to Mariya she failed. The resistance fighters she desparately tried to save are gone, crushed beneath the boots of the Empire. How many other likeminded redsistance cells were bound to fall for the same trap hers did? How many more Ukians were going to die before people simply accept their new rulers? A mess of emotions floods Mariya's mind, forcing a frustrated scream to escape her lips as she kicks one of the spice crates with enough force to knock it over, spice now decorating the cargo bay's floor.

"What the hell was that?"

"How should I know? It's probably one of the untied crates screeching on the grates."

"Very funny."

The pair were hardly keeping their voices low, making no effort to conceal their approach. Realizing how dire her situation was, the stowaway snatched the rifle she dropped during takeoff and makes her way to the back of the cargo hold, attempting to push the crates together to create a wall to hide behind.

"Well I'd better not go back there and find our spice strewn all over the cargo bay. I do need these credits, you know."

The sound of footsteps echoes throughout the ship. Closer and closer towards the cargo bay they come, before the door slides upwards and reveals Jak Jambore, the captain of the vessel coming to expect his cargo. Abandoning her amature fort plan, Mariya crouches behind one of the crates and aims her weapon at the door hoping to attempt a proper hijacking. She had no idea where the ship was heading or who the crew were, but she saw few other options what with the hand she was dealt. The door slowly opens, immediately the spilled spice catches the eyes of the crew.

"Oh, for the love of..." Jambore immediately sighs, looking down at the spilled spice all over the floor. Using both hands, he walks towards the open crate and gently lifts it back up, making sure that no more of his precious cargo can spill out on the floor. Turning his body back towards the door, he scowls and shakes his head. "We've just lost half a crate!"

"You'll lose more than a crate if you make another move," said Mariya as she sprang up from her hiding place, her rifle aimed towards Jambore. She had never stolen a ship before, but there's a first time for everything.

Immediately throwing himself around on his heel, Jambore reaches for his gun and smirks. Throwing his hand up, he mimics a pistol with his hand, before firing off an imaginary shot with his finger. "Made a move, now shoot me. Although, I'm gonna give you a free piece of advice and warn you about the four-armed, heavily-built co-pilot currently sat in the cockpit who's quite partial to ripping people's heads off."

"I have a blaster, dimwit. I'm not gonna arm wrestle some alien for-"

"Besalisk." Jambore interrupts, tongue in cheek. "And he's got a rather large gun. For example, yours goes 'pew pew' and his sounds like this ship taking off."

"I doubt it'll sound like that when it falls to the floor alongside his corpse," retorted Mariya, attempting to seem braver than she actually was. "Where's the ship heading?"

"Brentaal IV." Jambore replies, folding his arms. "Got a shipment that I'm supposed to deliver to some rather untrustworthy gentlemen. Well, now I've actually got ninety percent of that shipment after you decided to spill half of one of my crates on my ship floor."

Mariya could use the credits. At this point in time she could use a lot of things, in fact. A home chief among them.

"Half the credits are mine and you live," suggested Mariya.

"A third." Jak retorts, wincing as sarcastically as he can. "Remember. Besalisk. Big guy, four arms, big gun..."

Mariya groans. "Your blaster's mine 'till I have the credits. Set it on the floor...slowly."

"Oh come on." Sighing heavily, Jak places both hands on his hips. "You don't even know what you're getting your hands on. This is a DE-10 blaster, mint condition, custom painted and straight from a Mandalorian arms collector. It has my name etched into the grip, damn it!"

"Then half the credits are mine?" replies Mariya with an amused expression.

A growl emanates from Jambore's vocal chords. "Only if you tell me your name."


"Everyone has a name." Jambore grins. "I'll start. I'm Jak. Jak Jambore. Professional smuggler, bounty hunter, vagrant, ectera ectera. Dexon Paxx is currently sat in the cockpit, the same Besalisk that's probably going to throw you out of the airlock as soon as he sees you and you are...?"

"I'm going to regret this..." Mariya muttered to herself. She had no idea what she was doing here, but failed to couldn't think of an alternate identity on the spot. Then again, maybe if she told him the truth she could get a greater cut of the credits. After a sigh, she spills the beans.


A pause. Jak's expression seemed to egg her on.

"Savinest. Formerly Confederate Resistance."

"And currently you are...?" Jambore's expression is still completely and utterly locked into a shit-eating grin. "Besides an incredibly lucky stowaway, of course."

"...apparently a spice dealer." said Mariya weary of Jambore's tone.

Jambore seems to pause for a moment, before unhooking his blaster and throwing it at her. "...Fair enough, welcome to the Gambit. Don't break my blaster."

Mariya lowers her rifle and carefully approaches the blaster, gently picking it up and placing it on the side of her waist. With Jambore disappearing out of view, the only thing that can be heard next cracks a chuckle out of her.

"I have recruited us an incredibly hot crew-hand who now has posession of my prized blaster and is holding us all at gunpoint."

"You did what?!"

Mariya leans back against the cargo hold's wall. This was her life now. Alone on a strange vessel dealing spice with strangers. And that's only for the immediate future. Who knows what she'll do after she gets the credits...but whatever it is, it'll be a thorn in the Empire's side, that's for damn sure.

@Zap Kenobi played a big part in this post. Go give him a hug!