Before I say anything, I'd implore anyone that enjoys anything to do with the prequels to watch these asap
I've had some difficulty ranking them lately but as it stands,
3. Return of the Jedi
2. Empire Strikes Back
1. A New Hope
A New Hope is my favorite because as a stand alone movie, it's essentially perfect. We have clarity on everything, the main character, the main villan(s), a reason to like Luke, a reason to hate Vader and the Empire, a supporting cast that means something, a clear plot, a reason to care about the outcome and the story itself is so simple yet so effective due to how well it was executed. This movie deserves a lot of praise, it's a classic. If I was to look at the originals as one movie and the titles as parts, Part 2 (Empire) is the best because it flipped the switch with the advantage going to the Empire, thus adding new dimensions to every character. As a result, Return of the Jedi is now host to a complete cast, every character has been through good and bad and we got to see them push back and destroy the empire. Plus, in Empire, we learn a ton of new and important info about the characters that mattered, which made for an entertaining viewing.
As for the prequels, I'll let Mr. Plinkett explain.
Fuck those movies.