SP's RAW Review:4-14-08 (London Calling)

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Yes, it is I! I have finally moved up in the IWF review world and I'm now in charge of recapping the "A show".... yeah!

As the title suggests, RAW was from England this week. Last time RAW was there we got a 55 minute classic (According to some, anyways). Will we get the same this time around?

We start right off the bat with Shawn Michaels who comes out to a huge pop. He basically tells us a recap of what has happened between he and Batista. Your typical good HBK promo until. WOOOOO! Ric Flair's music hits and... Flair doesn't come out, instead we get Chris Jericho. Jericho basically dogs on Shawn for his past trangressions and mentions that he was probably the one that suggested the lose and you're gone stip for Ric Flair. Shawn responds by Superkicking Jericho and leaving the ring. Good way to start the show.

Time for our first commercial, and JR announces that next week will be the return of the KING OF THE RING. Hell yeah, who doesn't love the KoTR?

Paul London vs Brian Kendrick vs Carlito and Santino (1# Contenders Match)

London and Santino start off as London knocks down Santino a couple of times with leg sweeps. Carlito tags himself in but is also knocked down by a leg sweep. Kendrick is tagged in and he goes after Carlito with some kicks. Brian charges at Carlito but he counters with a Sick Sit-down Spinebuster for 2. The heels work over Kendrick until he makes the hot tag to London. Paul Dropsaults Santino out of the ring but leaves his back turned and gets hits with the Backstabber for the win.

Winners:Carlito and Santino

Carlito and Santino cut a promo in their respective languages as Santino says that they will be weiners once they beat Holly and Rhodes. Carlito corrects him on his mistake.

Time for another commercial but not before JR pimps the WWE Kids Magazine. We return and the Women's title will be on the line on our next match.

Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James (WWE Women's title match)

Very good woman's match with Beth Phoenix dominating for the most part. Mickie tries to take down Phoenix with forearm strikes, but her strength is too much in the early parts of the match. Beth puts Mickie in the Double Arm Chickenwing, but Mickie manages to escape. Beth taunts Mickie which gives James time to hit some knees and a Thesz Press of the top rope. Beth goes for the Double Chicken Wing once again, but James counters into the Victory Roll for the pin and the win.

Winner and new WWE Women's Champ:Mickie James

After the match, Maria and Ashley celebrate with Mickie and James is so excited that she kisses Todd Grisham (FUCK YOU TODD!!!).

Backstage, Adamle asks Regal why he wants to face the best in the world (Didn't know Danielson had signed with WWE >_>). Regal says he wants to prove that he can beat the best in the world. Jericho comes in complaining about being Superkicked and Regal announces that Y2J will be the Special Guest Ref in the Batista vs Shawn match at Backlash. Jericho wil also face Umaga, tonight (How that whole saving us thing going, Chris?).


We are back and its tyme for Cryme Tyme (DID U C WHAT I DID THAR?). JTG botches by calling the money in England Euros. You should have just used the word money, I'm pretty sure the fans would have understood what you meant, J.

JTG vs Trevor Murdoch (Each with their respective partners... not that kind of partners!)

This was quick. JTG with a Dropkick on Trevor. Trevor comes back and eventually puts J in an Ortonlock. Murdoch goes up top and hits a Crossbody but JTG rolls through and gets the win. After the match, we get more dissension between the Rednecks.


Backstage and Randy Orton is walking.... COMMERCIALS!!

Randy Orton vs William Regal (Jericho peed in Regal's tea.. See, Orton would have... You know where I'm going with this)

Lockup at the start and with start with some always entertaining European mat-wrestling. Orton eventually hits the Stretch Backbreaker to the advantage on offense. Orton resorts to punching Regal and locks in a Headlock (Yeah, I can't believe it either :shifty:). Regal tries to power out and it looks like, could it be? IT IS! REGALPLEX as William drops Randy right on his head. Regal only gets a two due to Randy putting a foot on the rope. Regal continues the assault with a pair of Exploder Suplexes and hits a Running Knee lift. Once again, the ropes save Orton from defeat. Regal goes after Orton again, but Randy hits the RKO and this one is over.

Winner:Randy Orton

I have to admit, that was a very good match. Anytime you have someone who's willing to take sick bumps against Regal, you get an entertaining match.

Backstage, Umaga cuts a promo in Samoan. Commercial!

Umaga vs Chris Jericho (IC Title Match)

It seems that Umaga and Jericho don't have much chemistry with one another. The match starts a bit slow but picks up the pace once Jericho hits a low-dropkick and a Senton. Umaga splashes Jericho then tosses him out of the ring as we head to a commercial break.

We are back and Umaga is still dominating. Jericho hits a Forearm from the top and a couple more forearms but Umaga refuses to go down. Jeircho Dropkicks Umaga and tries to go for the Walls but Umaga escapes and hits a Samoan Drop (Shouldn't it be a drop since Umaga really is Samoan?). Umaga goes for the Samoan Spike but Jericho ducks. Umaga boots Jericho into the corner and charges at him but goes face first into the turnbuckle. Roll-up by Jericho, he puts his feet on the ropes and gets the win.

Winner:Chris Jericho

Time for another commercial!

Jim Duggan vs Paul Burchill (SQUASH!!)

Breaking news: Katie Lea is hot! Also, squash city! Burchill just clubs Duggan down and ultimately hits the Curbstomp for the win.

Winner:paul Burchill

Backstage HHH cuts a promo. I've developed this condition where I black out whenever HHH speaks, because of it, I can't post what he said. Either that or I just didn't care.

Time for yet another commercial.


JBL actually interrups HHH's entrace to make his own. They basically slug it out for the most part. JBL counters a Pedigree attempt with a Backdrop and follows up with a Neckbreaker. JBL locks in a Full Nelson (lol, Chris Masters) until HHH powers out and hits a High Knee and they brawl outside. Orton comes out and hits HHH causing the DQ.

Winner:HHH via DQ

After the match Orton and HHH brawl. HHH hits Randy with the AA Spinebuster and goes for the Pedigree but is met by a big boot from JBL. Orton hits the RKO on HHH and JBL tells him to go for the Concussion Kick but... SWERVE! JBL Lariats Orton's head off then does the same to HHH. JBL poses with the belt as the show ends.

Best Moment of the Night: A lot of godd stuff this week, but I'm going with the announcement of the King of The Ring.

Worst Moment of the Night: Mickie kissing Todd. I mean, seriously? Todd Grisham?

Show thoughts: All in all it was a solid show from top to bottom this week. This show seemed a bit more serious than normal. Almost as if a guy that makes lame jokes wasn't on the show *Cough*. I would have liked to have seen London and Kendrick get the win, but I'm starting to like the Carlito-Santino team so that wasn't too bad. Mickie vs Beth was once again, a very good Women's match and the best in WWE since.... I can't even remember since when.

I thought the Regal-Orton match could have used a couple more minutes of Regal kicking ass, but it was good while it lasted. I really didn't like Jericho vs Umaga. I'll say it again, it seems that they don't have much chemistry with one another and the it looks like the crowd realized this too because they were dead for the most part. HHH and JBL was bland, slow and uninspiring. We all saw the run-in coming and it happened. I liked JBL standing tall at the end of the show because he seems to be the forgotten man in he fatal 4-way.

Thumbs up for this week's RAW.

Remember to read Kaedon's SD review and his NSZ. And of course, remember to read my ECW review... That's about it for the shills.

That's it and that's all, until next week.. I AM OUT!


very interesting read as always SP. woo, you've been promoted lol. good review and def rep. thanks, i was deciding whether or not to attend this show or not but i decide nah. i'll read sp's review instead.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Good review, Raw was a very solid show this week (I especially liked the absences of one John Cena :D ) and I'm glad Vince remembered that the Women's & Intercontinental Championships still exists...It's nice to see those belts getting defended and not just being used as a prop like those belts have become lately. Hopefully this is a start of something good (with the Women's/IC/ & Tag Team divisions) and I'm defiantly looking forward to next week’s Raw

Wrestling Station

Good review their Mr power of the urn..err i mean soul :)

Good to have KOTR as a special event for next week's 3 hour Raw.
I noticed something, why people are keep saying that HBK is not face and Batista is face or both are face? .. i noticed that Batista is not shaking hands with any kid for like 2 weeks now. i mean, they make HBK shake hands with fans when he comes to the ring, but Batista is not doing so these days. So its kinda heel thing imo. So HBK is def. the face in this match.


To be honest, its things like that that let you know who the heel is. Batista hasn't been doing his usual machine-gun entrance (Which is something the fans like).

I don't why anyone would doubt that Batista is the heel. Here he is bitching and moaning because Shawn retired Flair... It was Flair that wanted to face Shawn, so basically, Batista is just being a little bitch about it.

And being a little bitch=HEEL!!


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Euros, Euros *booooooooooooooooooooooooooo* yeah, yeah?
Apr 12, 2008
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Nice review Soulpower, I agree with Mickie kissing Todd Grisham! C'mon he's a loser! :p


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
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its not fair that orton is always interfering though

im glad santino and carlito won though

cena come back!!