* Big Show opens SmackDown and is pissed off. He gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and they have words. Jericho challenges Show to a match. Out next are Booker T and Mark Henry.
* Mark Henry beat Randy Orton by DQ after Orton grabbed a steel chair and hit Henry in the back with it. Orton wailed on Henry with the chair until Henry turned it around and left Orton with a World's Strongest Slam.
* Tamina Snuka defeated Layla.
* Tensai and Brodus Clay beat 3MB. The Shield come out after the match and beat Tensai and Clay down to big time heel heat. Dean Ambrose cut a promo on Elimination Chamber and said it will be just like tonight for John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.
* The Miz beat Cody Rhodes with a Figure Four.
* Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder by submission with The Patriot Act.
* WWE Champion The Rock is out next to a big pop. Rock cuts a promo on CM Punk stealing the WWE Title belt and wants it back. Rock promises an ass whooping for Punk. Punk and Paul Heyman appear on the big screen. Punk says Rock stole the title from him at Royal Rumble. They have words and Rock ends it with some of his signature catchphrases.
Damien Sandow comes out and disses Little Rock and The Rock. Rock puts over the fans and ends up giving Sandow a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow.
* Big Show beat Chris Jericho in the main event. Good back and forth match. Show blocked Walls of Jericho and hit the knockout punch for the win.
This opening with Big Show is fucking awesome, the guy is absolutely red hot right now it's ridiculous. Jericho also added to the quality which was expected. Fantastic opening.
Orton and Henry staredown before their match felt pretty big time and intense. Fun match, loved the setup into the worlds strongest slam from the chair shots. Fucking Henry is on fire too.
Good promo from Rock to head into the title match, straight to the point and 100% serious.
How dare The Shiled attack new the best team in the WWE Now that's an injustice.
This Swagger & Coulter pairing and this Coulter promo
Show/Jericho was a really fun match for the 10 minutes or so it got. The KO punch looked and sounded sick as hell.
Pretty damn good go home show.