- The current plan is for AJ Styles to capture the TNA World Heavyweight championship at the upcoming No Surrender pay-per-view. This would set up Styles Vs. Sting at October's Bound for Glory PPV Title vs. Career
Like others said it would make more scense for Sting to win at No Surrender and then have him retire losing the belt to AJ. But either way if AJ does actually retire Sting its a big deal. Not Shawn Michaels/Ric Flair big, but still a big deal.
Also like other say I'd believe it when I see it. Sting has won the belt at Every BFG that he has been the challenger at. And likewise is always rumored to be leaving after that year. Yet here we are again. So it wouldn't suprise me one bit if Sting won the belt and kept going for another year at BFG.
-- The one time penciled Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle Bound for Glory match has been scrapped. The current plan has Angle facing Matt Morgan at Bound for Glory. Both AJ's title win and Morgan being put into the Bound for Glory match are part of Vince Russo's mission to create new top stars.
although it all sounds good on paper, how long before TNA sticks with it. Mission to create new top stars. So AJ is a new top star? He already was one prior to all the washed up and old wrestlers started showing up and stealing the spotlight in TNA. Samoa Joe also got built up great, beat Angle and was the World Champion just to have him lose and fall back to the mid card status. Again building new top stars is good but if after you give them there run you put them back at the undercard no one cares. Just as no one gives a crap about Joe right now and his current X-Division title reign.
-- Sarita and Taylor Wilde are currently scheduled to become the first Knockouts tag team champions at the 9/20 No Surrender PPV.
Also at No Surrender, the current idea is for ODB to beat Cody Deaner to win the Knockout championship.
Well whatever about the knockouts tag belts, I don't think it really makes a difference who the first champions are, however that better be true about ODB winning, because otherwise the knockouts title is an even bigger joke then they have made it with this story line to begin with. However on the other hand if Deaner doesn't actually get a Knockouts Title Win, then it makes the whole angle pointless. They probably shouldn't have done the angle in the first place.