Wow, gay as fuck. Considered not signing back up due to the hassle of it, along with the increasingly overall hassle of posting here. CAPSLOCK, get off your high horse. Awesome, you texted Mike. We get it. ALL HAIL CAPSLOCK FOR DOING WHAT ANYBODY ELSE WOULD HAVE DONE IN THE SAME SITUATION. J-Dawg pulled a stunningly immature move, and the fact that somebody of his moral character is a moderator off the heels of the situation that just occurred here is astounding. If anything, this should show that the staff needs to be revamped so that it is less crowded and more efficient.
Admins: Mike Chaos, This Guy
Super Mods: Noumenon, Xtremebadass
Mods: Great One for wrestling forums, Sex Power for non-wrestling forums and BTB.
Activity is low, so the abundance of staff members only leaves rooms for problems. The notion that a poster has to be a mod to encourage and add to activity is intrinsically flawed and leads to posters filling forums up with bullshit threads and posts just to appear active in the short-term so as to be awarded with a mod position.
Also, everybody chill out about the rep.