SmackDown v. Raw v. WCW 2002: The Brand Extension Featuring ECW

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I would have gone next since I’m on Thursday and you’re on Friday, but no worries.

Going to read your shows now! :mark:

Nah Vince ain't gonna have his show taped, we getting SmackDown LIVE 14 years early :side:

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Nah Vince ain't gonna have his show taped, we getting SmackDown LIVE 14 years early :side:
His show aired on Friday, the date is correct. He just must have told my station to throw me off the air. :side:

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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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2002 sd still aired on thursday also I think if we go into mindsets of how shit went in real life then we are gonna nitpick all of this its a btb we are booking it how we do it so mr.america thing is before time and add in wcw in mix we should judge off of quality of shows and how we do our charcters rather then knowledge of real life.

Also DP can you switch the ppv day of st val massacre to the 14th and in philly?

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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2002 sd still aired on thursday also I think if we go into mindsets of how shit went in real life then we are gonna nitpick all of this its a btb we are booking it how we do it so mr.america thing is before time and add in wcw in mix we should judge off of quality of shows and how we do our charcters rather then knowledge of real life.

Also DP can you switch the ppv day of st val massacre to the 14th and in philly?
We discussed this before Thunder took the Thursday time slot and SmackDown moved to Fridays like it was gonna do in a few years, anyway.

The PPVs are more or less locked in because they're based on many factors including keeping most of them two weeks apart, actual dates booked for PPV, when each brand was getting its solo PPV and the joint brand PPVs and WWE's England PPV schedule, etc.

As a matter of fact, that day is actually a Friday so your SmackDown broadcast that week is on Valentine's Day.

As for it being a BTB, I'm not sure specifically what you mean here, but I assume you mean you did Mr. America early and that's fine. Booking can be done whenever, but realism should be maintained to a certain degree. If I can see no way that it would be possible, I'd be completely taken out a project. Like Benoit wrestling in a 2008 BTB or what have you. Creative can basically be malleable, but you gotta keep certain things realistic and knowledge of real life should play a factor in that. That's why you choose a specific year so you can place yourself in the mindset of what a Booker would do in that year. Our year being 2002 for example.

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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April 1st, 2002

Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York

The scene opens to a hot crowd in the Pepsi Arena in Albany, New York. We are welcomed by the ever familiar voice of Jim Ross on the mic.

Jim Ross:
Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday Night RAW!!! A new era has begun for us here in the WWF as last week the first ever WWE Brand Split Draft occurred! Tonight you’re gonna see action like none you’ve ever witnessed. I’m joined here by my broadcast colleague, the one, the only, Jerry “The King” Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, what an electric atmosphere out here, JR! I’m excited alongside all these fans and we want action now!

JR: Well I don’t think we’ll have long to wait, because here comes the Commissioner of Monday Night RAW, the son of Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon!

From the back comes Shane O’ Mac in a fine crimson suit, fitting for WWE’s Red Brand. To raucous cheers of the crowd, he makes his way to the ring.

Woah mama, check out that suit, JR. You gonna get a suit like that? I bet you’d look spiffy in one.

JR: I’m fine with what I have, King. Shane however does look a little dapper in that, I must admit.

The crowd chants “RAW is War” as Shane grabs a microphone and waits for the chants to die down before speaking, wearing a huge grin all the while.

Thank you, thank you! How do you like the new set, everyone? We on RAW spared no expense to give you a presentation unique to our, shall we say, “compatriots”. I won’t be keeping you guys in waiting, I only have a few things to say, so let’s get the show on the road! First things first, there’s a few things to address. So number one on the list: I will be taking care of the business side of Monday Night RAW, and as such, I need help making sure the matches happen and the wrestlers are kept in line. I’m sure you've heard about him last week at the draft, so without further ado… The official General Manager of Monday Night Raw… “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels!!!

King: What!?

JR: Well I’ll be damned. We haven’t seen Shawn Michaels since almost a year and a half! Now he’s the General Manager of RAW!?

King: Well, you know what they say, “good things come to those who wait”!

JR: You’re telling me. I’m more concerned with what he has in his hands though.

Out comes Shawn Michaels to a huge applause, fans excited to see the return of the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn carries “something” in his hands, covered by a small, thin velvet blanket.

Shane, man. I gotta tell you, it feels great to be back! I missed this, them, and the WWE! I promise to do my best and keep the peace as best I can, Shane. You can trust me, Shane O’. People will be bending to the Heartbreak Kid’s will, I guarantee it. I’m your man for the job, I-

Shane: We got it, Shawn.

HBK: Oh-! Too much? Can ya tell I’m excited?

Shane: I can tell. While you’re here, why don’t you address the second big issue we have.

HBK: Don’t mind if I do! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a major issue here on Monday Night RAW. We… have no WWE Champion. I know! I know! Shocking! How dare Triple H not get drafted.

HBK turns his head and looks at Shane facetiously before speaking again. Shane gives him a look, as if to say he’s slightly offended.

HBK: So what do we do, ladies and gentlemen? Well, we have an idea, I’m sure you guys will love it. First allow me to present the WWE Championship, if you didn't see it at WrestleMania!

Shawn pulls the blanket to reveal the gorgeous and brand new golden championship belt. The crowd cheers at the sight of the Winged Eagle design, reminiscent of the 90's Championship Belt.

What we have planned for the WWE Championship will surely impress! Tonight-

JR: Well it looks like The Rock is not gonna wait long for this! The #2 Official Draft Pick of the Brand Split Draft is making his way down to the ring!

King: It’s The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment, JR, and he looks like he means business.

JR: No doubt about that, King. He looks focused and as intense as ever.

The Rock makes his way down to the ring and poses for the fans before turning over and staring down Shawn Michaels.

The Rock:
FINALLY… The Rock has come back… to Albany! Well, well, well… what have we here in The Rock’s ring? The Heartbreak Kid, I don’t believe my eyes. Where have you been, Shawn? Don’t answer that, I don’t care. The better question is, why do you think The Rock came out here as soon as the WWE Championship was mentioned?

HBK: Well-

The Rock: It doesn’t matter what you think!!!

The crowd "oohs" at the sight of Shawn getting roasted.

I walked into that one.

The Rock: No no, you know your role and shut your mouth while The Rock talks. Now then; The Rock is here for one reason. One reason only… well two, the first one is I’m legally obligated to.

HBK: He’s talking about you Shane, better do something!

The Rock looks over at Shane, who points to himself and mouths, “Me?” He then looks back to Shawn. The Rock points over to the WWE Championship that Shawn Michaels is holding.

The Rock:
The second is that right there. The WWE Championship. I want it. Now tell me, Shawn, which roody-poo candy ass Jabroni does The Rock have to kick between the legs to get that belt.

HBK: Very good question, Rock. However, I wouldn’t advise kicking anyone between the legs, or you might just not get the WWE Championship, if you know what I mean.

The two stare each other down and The Rock steps right up to Shawn.

I’m a fair minded man, but you step outta line, Rocky-boy, and I’ll make sure your ass is grass.

The Rock: You’re lucky you’re retired, Shawn, or I’d beat your candy-ass all over this building.

HBK: Well, you know what they say, some things just don’t last forever. It’s funny, though Rocky. We never did have a wrestling match. Maybe you were just afraid I’d show you up like the Heartbreak Kid shows everyone up?

King: Is our General Manager really antagonizing The Rock like that!?

JR: It definitely seems like it. Shawn’s been retired for four years now, but he sure knows how to fire people up.

JR: Uh-oh, here we go.

King: It’s my favorite wrestler, JR! Kurt Angle is in the building!

Kurt Angle walks down the aisle but stays out of the ring, a safe distance away from The Rock.

Isn’t this precious? A lovers spat! Rock, Shawn, you’re gonna make me cry.

JR: Oh, please.

Angle: Cry of laughter of course. Rock, you really think you’re gonna be the new WWE Champion? Not on my watch. You’re not an Olympic Gold Medalist, are you? No, you aren’t.

The Rock: Angle, you’re absolutely right. I’m not a Gold Medalist. We all know your story, won a Gold Medal with a broken neck-

Angle: A broken fricken neck! Gotta put the frick in there. It’s very important.

The Rock: … What you said. But you know what else you’re a Gold Medalist in?

Angle: Oh, oh! Don’t tell me! Is it the Gold Medal for the best smile in WWE? I do have a great smile, don’t I?

HBK: I don’t think that’s what Rocky-boy means, Kurt.

Angle: How can’t it? Everyone knows it’s true. It’s damn true. Well if that isn’t it, is it the Gold Medal for healthiest lifestyle!? Most American? I give up, Rock, tell me.

The Rock: You are a certified Gold Medalist in getting your jabroni ass beaten by “The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment”!

The crowd chants and uproariously laughs at the expense of Kurt Angle, who huffs about in a state of embarrassment and anger.

Are you gonna take that, Angle?

Angle: N-no!? I’ll show you, Rock, just get in the ring with me tonight, I’ll show you who deserves to be WWE Champion-

JR: People are coming out of the damn woodwork! What the hell does that snake Jericho want!?

King: What else, JR!? He wants to be WWE Champion! He’s beaten The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin before for it, who says he can’t beat Angle too?

JR: You bring up a good point, King. Who knows?

Jericho comes out, looking absolutely disgusted with what's been going on out here. He walks over to Angle and shakes his head at him.

Will you all PLEASE, shut the hell up!? You all sound like a bunch of assclowns! If anyone is worthy of being the WWE Champion, it’s me, I beat you, Rocky, and Stone Cold in the same night to become Undisputed Champion, and the only reason I "lost" was because Stephanie McMahon is a god damn snake. I main evented WrestleMania too, something you didn’t get to do, Rock, because everyone knows I’m a bigger star than you.

HBK: That’s fighting words, Rocky-boy. How do you react?

JR: Good lord, Shawn’s antagonizing everyone!

The Rock: You two want to step in the ring with The Great One? So be it, I’ll shove my boot up both of your asses.

Jericho: Brave words for a stupid idiot. When I get done kicking yours and Gold Medal Masturbator over there’s asses, hopefully everyone will finally see that I’m most definitely deserving of the WWE Championship.

HBK: If you say so, Jericho.

Jericho: I wouldn’t talk if I were you, Heartbreak Kid. You’re just here because Shane knows we’d all kick his ass.

HBK: So you’re saying you won’t be able to beat little ol’ me if we fight?

Jericho: W-wait- Shut up, you assclown!

Angle: What am I, chopped liver?!

The Rock, HBK, and Jericho: Yes!

Angle: O-oh. B-but-

JR: DDP!? How many people are gonna come out here?!

DDP comes out with a big grin on his face and mic in hand. He walks over to Angle and pats his back, putting an arm around his shoulder.

Look, Angle, being chopped liver is not a bad thing. It’s a good thing! First of all, you taste great, and second of all, you don’t have to be bothered by anyone! You’re a Gold Medalist, after all, and what else matters?

Angle: But… the WWE Championship-

DDP: You don’t need that! You’re already a winner in everyone’s eyes!

Angle: Y-you really mean that, Dallas?

HBK: No, he doesn’t, Angle. He just doesn’t want you competing for the WWE Championship.

DDP: Now, now, Shawn, why would I… D… D… P… ever lie to someone?!

Angle: He does have a point, Shawn.

HBK: There’s your “Gold Medalist” everyone.

Jericho: DDP, what are you even doing here? I thought for sure you would have gone to WCW.

Shane McMahon interjects and looks a bit surprised.

D-Did you not pay attention to the draft after you were picked, Jericho?

There's an awkward silence in the air as Jericho shifts a look at everyone around him.

Of course I did… I knew you picked him-

The Rock: Let me guess, Dallas, you want to be the WWE Champion.

DDP: What? Me, D… D… P? No- I’m just a motivational speaker!

HBK: I didn’t know RAW needed one of those; back when I was wrestling we had dr-

JR: Well, people want the WWE Championship, and I can understand why. I never expected Eddie Guerrero to come back into the fold, though!

Eddie Guerrero makes his return to the WWE to a standing ovation, he gives a big cheesy smirk and struts down to the ring, standing before The Rock.

Orale! Holmes, you all bicker like a bunch of chihuahuas, mang! I’m no Chihuahua, I’m a pitbull and if you all wanna step up, I’ll put you all down to size, chicos.

HBK: It’s the Mexican Jumping Bean, everyone!

Eddie: Real funny, Kid mang. I’m so scared- You’re about as intimidating as Mr. Broken Fricken’ Neck over there, holmes.

Angle: See, he puts the “frick” in there! Also I’ll snap you in half, Eddie, you wanna go? I’ll show you intimidating.

Eddie: Woah, don’t blow a gasket, chico. You might hurt your neck again. Now then, I’ve dreamed of getting my little hands on that WWE Championship. Orale guey, if you don’t make me WWE Champion, I’ll have to take it by force.

The Rock: You’ll get that championship over The Rock’s dead body.

Eddie commits to faux retreat, acting "scared".

Woah, holmes, I guess I better back off.

King: Look, it’s Mr. Perfect! I guess he’s looking to become the “perfect” WWE Champion!

JR: Well it’s certainly not surprising, Mr. Perfect is a former Intercontinental Champion with nearly 20 years of experience.

Mr. Perfect stands up at the entrance way, and after a few moments of looking out at the crowd, spits and hits the gum he had in his mouth out (perfectly, of course).

Mr. Perfect:
If anyone is gonna take the WWE Championship home with them, it’s gonna be me. Who else is more deserving than me?

HBK: Everyone else here, Curt.

Perfect: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn. Remember who named you “The Heartbreak Kid”.

HBK: Well… well, that was you!

Perfect: I made you, Shawn. Perfectly, I might add, and I made people’s careers. Yours, Bret Hart’s-

The crowd cheers raucously and on cue starts to chant “You Screwed Bret” at Shawn Michaels. Shawn just rolls his eyes and lets the fans have their fun.

...and I made Scott Hall who he was. These other guys? Only one man’s beaten me. DDP, I know you know. But I won’t let you beat me again.

DDP: Curt, baby, losing to me isn’t a bad thing-

Jericho: Jesus Christ, this guy’s a broken record-

Perfect: Funny you mention that, Jericho. You can thank me for you not having a broken neck like Kurt over there-

Angle: I won a Gold Medal with one! You forgot the “frick” too!

Everyone But Angle: Shut up!

Angle: You know what? No, I won’t shut-

JR: Well I guess he’s gonna have to, because here comes Goldust!

King: I didn’t realize they still allowed freaks in the WWE!

JR: Trust me when I say, King, Goldust may be bizarre, but he’s a wily veteran of many years.

Goldust comes past, Perfect and over to where DDP and Angle are standing.

Ooooh, Angle, you’re so tense. What you need to do is relax, take some… deep breaths.

Angle: What.

Goldust: Here, I’ll show you. You breathe in… then you breath out.

Goldust does his usual pose as he talks, and DDP nods in approval.

Don’t do that again-

Goldust: Do what?

HBK: Stop being a freak, Goldust.

Goldust: A freak? No, just… bizarre.

Shawn: Alright, I’ll bite. Why are you here?

Goldust: Well, I am a man of… gold… who better to wear the gold, than Gol… dust…

JR: Oh man. I somehow knew he was gonna show up. Ric Flair has a lot of tension with Shane McMahon, as Flair should have been the RAW General Manager.

King: I bet he's here to stick it to Shane.

JR: Who knows, King. One thing is for certain, the air has gotten heavy, the tension has risen and now Flair and Shane are staring each other in the eye!

Flair walks down the aisle, and brushes up roughly against Goldust, staring him down before getting in the ring and turning his attention to Shane McMahon. He's not styling or profiling. The tension is palpable as Shane and Flair lock eyes.


Shane: Now, Ric, I understand there's a lot of tension between us, but you lost fair and square. You don't have any power here.

Flair: It's a disgrace is what this is.

Shane: Excuse me?

Flair: You thought I would just lie down and die, did you? After losing at WrestleMania, I'd just flop like I do and stay down? You know me better than that, Shane.

Shane: Oh great...

Flair: These seven guys? They're great names. They're some of the best of the best. But. None of them are… "The Man."

HBK: Flair, with all due respect-

Flair: I wasn't finished, Shawn. You look at The Rock, he's the "People's Champion"-

DDP: Hold up, Ric. I know he says a lot about being such and such, but he ain't nothing but a corporate milktank.

Rock: You want to step inside the ring and say that?

DDP: Careful, Rocky. You might feel the bang before you even know what's going on.

Ric: -but The Rock is not "The Man". DDP- You never had a chance against "The Man". Then we have Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero…

Jericho: Old man, cram it. You know better than anyone else Eddie and I were held down from reaching our potential in that shithole, WCW. Speaking of, it's nice to know "The Whore" is running it.

Eddie: Holmes, Flair, mang, it's true you beat me on many occasions, but I was naive then, chico. I'm not now.

Flair: Then prove it, you two. Until then, you are nothing. Of course, Kurt Angle is here.

Angle: Finally, some acknowledgement!

Flair: You may be an Olympic Gold Medalist, but one thing you will never be is "The Man".

Angle: Aww, c'mon, man. Give me a chance, at least.

Flair: Of course there's Curt Hennig himself. A man I think of as a brother and a friend. I respect you, brother. You're one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the business today. But ten years is a long time since we were friends, brother. You will not beat “The Man” again, Curt.

Perfect: Hm. We’ll just see about that, Ric. I drove you out of the WWE once, I can do it again.

JR: Mr. Perfect of course talking about that legendary “Loser Leaves Town” match on the third ever episode of Monday Night Raw, of course.

Flair: Bold words, old friend. But I’m not here for any of you. No… I’m here for… “That”.

Ric Flair points to Goldust who looks a bit surprised.

Look at you. What the hell are you. You look like a joke. You are a joke. I remember Dustin Rhodes. He was a great wrestler. He was the son of my biggest rival ever. He was a man who could whoop ass. Goldust can’t even whoop a rookie’s ass. I hate you for what you are, and I’m here to make your life a living hell until I get Dustin back.

Goldust: Hmn. Is that so? I don’t know who this “Dustin” is, man, but I wish you luck in finding him.

Flair: Exactly what I’m talking about. You forget who you are. As long as you wear that shit on you, you’re never going to be a champion. I have a better chance of becoming WWE Champion than you… speaking of… Shawn.

HBK: Hm? Oh right! I think we can finally announce our plans for the WWE Championship.

Shane: By all means, Shawn, go ahead!

HBK: Well you got it, boss. You eight gentlemen are lucky, because you all get an opportunity to challenge for the WWE Championship. Tonight, you all will face off in one-on-one matches, with the winners moving on to a Fatal Four Way at RAW’s upcoming Pay-Per-View… BACKLASH!!!

JR: What a huge opportunity for these eight superstars of RAW!

King: What a great decision, I don’t know who to choose from, but I think it’ll be Kurt Angle that pulls out the win!

The crowd applauses the decision of HBK and company.

That’s not all, though. The losers, worry not. Next week, four of you will get another opportunity. The winner of next week’s Fatal Four Way will get to contend for the Intercontinental Championship at Backlash!

JR: Shawn Michaels holding true to the sentiment that he’s a fair-minded man, but I have a feeling that Intercontinental Champion William Regal is less than pleased at the news.

King: Rightfully so, JR! You just don’t plop something like that down on the champion!

JR: Well, the champion always has to be prepared for situations like this!

King: It’s not fair, JR!

HBK: So let’s get the matches started right away! Let’s start tonight off on the right foot, with Mr. Perfect facing off against… Diamond Dallas Page!!!

JR: A stellar bout between two legends of the squared circle! Let’s get it on!

King: Here we go, JR! Mr. Perfect and DDP, what a match!

JR: We’ll be back right after this commercial break!


Mr. Perfect vs. DDP

Beginning: The match begins with Perfect taking control and dominating DDP with wrist-locks and technical prowess. DDP attempts to mount a comeback but is continually cut-off.

Middle: Curt becomes overconfident and continually toys with DDP, and as soon as he tries to put him away, DDP pushes Curt headfirst into the turnbuckle, busting him open and finally gaining the upper hand.

End: Hennig is overtaken by DDP and in one last gasp of technical prowess, almost hits the Perfect-Plex, but gets countered into the Diamond Cutter for the 1-2-3 victory.

Winner: DDP


We cut backstage to find Shawn Michaels in his office, when a familiar face walks in. The crowd cheers wildly as it turns out to be “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley.

Well that’s Mick Foley! Mick Foley is here!

King: I’m shocked! What’s he doing here!?

Mick: Hey, Shawn? Can I uh- talk to Shane?

HBK: Mick! My man, glad to see you! Unfortunately, Shane had business back in Connecticut and had to leave, he won’t be back tonight. Why did you need to see him?

Mick: Oh. Well, I was just wondering, y’know...

HBK: Yeah?

Mick: Why me? I’m retired.

HBK: Micky, sit down.

Mick: Alright.

Both men sit at Shawn’s desk.

Fact is, I made the call to draft you.

Mick: You did? Why though?

HBK: I need your mind. You and I have done this dance before, running the show. It’s a different era though, things are spicier, more cutthroat than the 90’s.

Mick: Well, things were only cutthroat because of your shenanigans.

HBK: Hey, I’m a changed man, Mankind. Now listen, I want you to be my partner.

Mick: Your partner? Like, Co-General Manager?

HBK: Ehhhh, more like… Assistant… General Manager?

Mick: Assistant General Manager?

HBK: Yeahhhh. Assistant General Manager.

Mick: Like, getting your coffee, “assistant”?

HBK: No, no! Not that! Just helping me keep the peace, make sure everyone’s right as rain.

Mick: Well… I guess I could.

HBK: Great, that’s settled! Now why don’t we get something to drink!

Mick: Sure, why not?

HBK: I’ll have my coffee black.


HBK: I’m just kidding, Micky.

???: Is this a joke!? What are you thinking, sunshine!?

In comes William Regal, Intercontinental Championship in hand and a very nice suit, red in the face with anger.

Regal, welcome to RAW. Nice suit.

Regal: Save the pleasantries, Shawn. How dare you do this to me. I’ll have no time to prepare for my opponent for Backlash and none of them are worthy of facing a real gentleman, or a real champion.

HBK: Surely you jest.

Regal: I never jest. You’re a fool if you think I’m going to just stand for this chicanery.

HBK: Regal, you’ll have twenty days to prepare for your opponent. That’s more than enough time to strategize and come up with a gameplan, or are you saying you can’t manage that?

Regal: Don’t be utterly ridiculous, of course I can, but the principle of the matter. The champion should have at least a month to prepare.

HBK: I’m not reversing my decision, Regal. I suggest you get over it.

Regal: How dare you-

HBK: No, how dare you! You really want something to complain about? Fine, I’ll give you something to complain about. You’re defending your championship tonight.

Regal: What!? Outrageous!

HBK: You’re defending it against… Bam... Bam... Bigelow.

Regal: I- I’ll have your head for this.

HBK: Shouldn’t you be getting ready for a match?

Regal scowls at both Shawn and Mick, tucking tail and leaving, grumbling and mumbling along the way.


Chris Jericho vs. Goldust

Beginning: Jericho takes control in the early-going, outmaneuvering Goldust on every level and starts toying with him. Overconfident to the umpth degree. However his overconfidence would be his undoing as an attempted Lionsault was missed after Goldust got out of the way in time.

Middle: Goldust starts mounting a comeback after Jericho’s botched maneuver. He runs through his signature move set before finishing up with everyone’s favorite Shattered Dreams kick to the groin (while the ref is distracted, of course).

End: Goldust looks to have the match in hand when Ric Flair comes from the back and starts jaw-jacking with Goldust and the referee, allowing enough of a distraction for Jericho to hit a low blow on Goldust (returning the favor) and lock in the Walls of Jericho, forcing Goldust to submit; Flair celebrates to himself outside the ring and heads to the back, feeling accomplished.

Winner: Jericho


After the commercial break, we're greeted by JR and King.

Welcome back to Monday Night RAW folks, and it has been incredible thus far, DDP overcame the Perfect-Plex and countered it into a Diamond Cutter. We also saw Chris Jericho tap out Goldust just a little bit ago, thanks to a distraction from the former Co-Owner of WWE, Ric Flair!

King: I'm telling you JR, Jericho is fired up at the opportunity to become WWE Champion at Backlash. I don’t know what’s going through the mind of Flair though.

JR: That makes two of us, King. Coming up soon we have Kurt Angle going one on one with The Nature Boy, Ric Flair; after that we'll have William Regal facing off against Bam Bam Bigelow in an Intercontinental Championship match, and the main event: The Rock facing off against Eddie Guerrero.

With that said, "Chase" plays throughout the arena as from the back comes the one, the only Jim Cornette (tennis racket in hand) followed by long time associate and one of the most graceful performers ever to step in the ring: Bobby Eaton. They come to the ring to a smattering of applause and boos (boos for Jim Cornette, applause for Bobby Eaton, of course).

Oh my lord, it’s Jim Cornette and Bobby Eaton! I thought I’d never see Bobby Eaton inside a WWE Ring!!!

King: I’ve seen him wrestle for years, and let me tell you, he’s one of the most naturally gifted wrestlers in the world, JR.

JR: You’re absolutely right about that, King. He was one half of arguably the greatest tag team to ever grace the squared-circle, The Midnight Express. His tandems with Dennis Condry and Stan Lane are well recorded in the annals of history.

Both men get inside the ring, as Cornette grabs takes the microphone from Lillian Garcia.

Jim Cornette:
Well well well, guess who's back! Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express are back to take the world by storm. We're not talking that bullshit "New" Midnight Express either, we're talking about the real deal, baby! Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Beautiful Bobby Eaton!!!

The crowd raucously applauses the arrival of Eaton, who waves and gives a few thumbs up.

What does he mean by the Midnight Express being back? It’s just Bobby Eaton in there.

Cornette: So many of you must be wondering why I, the magnanimous and masterful manager that I am, and Beautiful Bobby are here. The answer is simple. The Tag Team Championships. We want it, and we're gonna get it, one way or another. For a long time, Bobby Eaton’s talents have gone to waste back when WCW was still a shit show; yeah, I’m talking to you, Eric.

JR: Cornette is throwing dynamite down the well, as it were. His acrimonious relations with Eric Bischoff is well known in many wrestling circles.

Cornette: That’s neither here nor there, however. The fact of the matter is, it’s time for Beautiful Bobby to get back on track, and there’s no better way than to prove he’s still the greatest tag team performer in the world today!

Immediately they are cut off by the music of the reigning Tag Team Champions, Billy & Chuck (accompanied by Rico, of course).

Well it appears that Jim Cornette has ruffled the feathers of the current tag team champions, “Chucky” and “Billy”-

King: Something tells me you don’t like them JR.

JR: No, how could you have guessed, King?

Billy: Now hold on, Jimmy. First off, who let you back here? We thought you went to the old folk’s home because you yell at clouds too much.

Cornette: Real funny, where’d you steal that line from, The Simpsons?

Billy: N-no!? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure lots of people are happy to have you back, but things are different than they were in 1988, old man.

Cornette: You know you’re two years younger than me, right?

Billy: Would you-

Rico: What Billy is trying to say, Jimmy-baby, is that it’s a different era. This isn’t the 1980’s anymore, man. Tennis rackets and… that suit… are passe. You know what is also passe? The both of you inside that ring. they’re the best tag team in the world and nobody can beat them. Most certainly not your “Midnight Express”. Speaking of, have you forgotten what the meaning of “Tag Team” is, Jimmy?

Chuck: You need two people to be a tag team, ya nerd. I see only one. You aren’t getting anywhere in the Tag Team Division with a one man tag team.

Cornette: That’s funny, because Bobby Eaton has more talent in his left pinkie than you three have had in your entire malcontented lives. Are you really afraid of getting beat by this man? You should be.

Billy: Us, afraid of him? You kidding?

Cornette: Why don’t you back that up then, Billy Gunn. You vs. Bobby Eaton next week. If Eaton wins, he gets to face you and Chuck for the WWE Tag Team Championships at Backlash.

Billy: Now hol-

Rico: You got it! Billy will have no problem pounding him into dust. Then we can move on to fighting some real teams.

Billy: Wait wh-

Chuck: Billy’s got this. It’s the easiest match in the world for him.

Billy: Please-

Cornette: It’s settled then. You better get ready to lose your championships at Backlash, fellas!

JR: Well just like that, somehow Jim Cornette talked himself and Bobby Eaton into a championship opportunity against Billy and Chuck! The question however, is if Bobby beats Billy next week on RAW, who will team with him at Backlash!?

King: A good question, but Jim Cornette says the Midnight Express is back, so surely that means he has someone in mind right?

JR: Who knows, King. You never know what runs through the mind of Mr. Cornette.


Immediately following that, we come backstage to find William Regal in the locker room, preparing for his match. He’s still pouting and quite irate, that is until a familiar face enters the room.

My lord.

Regal: Wha-

He turns his head and finds Dave Taylor standing before him. The two stare at each other for a few seconds before reluctantly shaking hands.

How fortuitous. That Shane McMahon was at least intelligent enough to bring a man of real talent into the fold.

Taylor: Indeed.

Regal: So what is it that you wanted?

Taylor: Catching up on old times, of course.

There’s a terse silence emanating in the room following the statement.

I’m afraid I cannot extend such courtesies. I have a championship defense to prepare for.

Taylor: I see.

Regal: Tell you what… if I’m able to defend my belt, we can catch up, eh chap?

Taylor nods and gives a smirk. He turns and walks off, leaving Regal in much better spirits than before this little visit.


Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair

Beginning: Flair and Angle start off in a technical standoff, both men not backing down one step, Flair using his veteran wiles to get the better of Angle.

Middle: Angle hits a surprise Angle-Slam, but Flair just barely kicks out in time. Frustrated, Angle attempts a moonsault, only for Flair to move out of the way in the nick of time. Angle is knocked out momentarily.

Ending: Flair is about to lock in the Figure Four, but Angle smartly counters into his signature Angle-Lock and forces Flair to tap out from pain.

Winner: Kurt Angle


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. William Regal

Beginning: The start of the match sees Regal stall for as much time as possible, much to the chagrin of Bam Bam Bigelow, the fans, and the ref himself. When they finally get around to it, Bam Bam is strongly overpowering Regal in every way, using brutal throws and hoss punches to put down Regal.

Middle: Regal, however the veteran, uses a variety of dirty maneuvers to try and get ahead of Bam Bam. However, Bam Bam continues to beat down Regal time and time again.

Ending: It looks like Bigelow has the match won, but out of nowhere comes Dave Taylor, who blatantly attacks Bam Bam and forces a DQ as Regal finally recovers and both he and Taylor put the boots to Bam Bam.

Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow (Disqualification)


We cut backstage to see Terri Runnels in the interview area next to the WWE Women’s Champion, Jazz. She looks fierce and ready for a fight as she stares bullets into Terri.

Thank you everyone and I’d like to introduce the WWE Women’s Champion, Jazz. Now Jazz, you’ve defended the title for well over 50 days thus far, including a shocking victory over Trish Stratus at WrestleMania, in her hometown of Toronto. Do you have anything to say about the rumors that Trish Stratus or Lita may be getting a rematch?

Jazz: I do have something to say, actually. Trish, I beat your ass at WrestleMania, in front of God and everyone. Lita, I beat you too. Neither of you really deserve a rematch at all. Y’all blew it hard at Mania, and I walked away with the championship. Give me a new challenger.

Terri: Who in your opinion would you prefer to have as a challenger for your title.

Jazz: Doesn’t matter. Each woman that steps up, I will put down. Nobody is man enough to beat me. Nobody.

???: Oh, I wouldn’t say nobody, Jazz.

From out of the camera shot comes Trish Stratus on screen.

You may have beat me at Mania, but that was a Triple Threat, and I didn’t eat the pin. Lita did. I think that counts as wanting a rematch, don’t you think?

Jazz: Hun, you never could beat me one on one. Step on back.

???: She’s right Trish, you never could beat her one on one.

In from the other side comes Lita, with a smirk on her face.

You couldn’t either, Lita.

Lita: Oh, get over yourself Trish. You know better than anyone I would have had the match won if you weren’t there to screw me over.

Trish: Is that so? Why don’t we find out next week then? You and me in a #1 Contender’s match to face Jazz at Backlash.

Lita: Deal. Trish, you better get ready to look up at the lights next week.

Both Lita and Trish walk away from each other thoroughly satisfied, leaving Jazz to simply shake her head and turn to Terri.

These girls are looking to get their ass beat at Backlash.

Jazz walks away from the interview area leaving Terri by herself as they cut back to the ring.


The Rock vs. Eddie Guerrero

Beginning: It’s a back and forth affair between these two incredibly popular superstars. Eddie Guerrero uses most of his cruiserweight abilities to outmaneuver The Rock, but Rocky comes back with massive grapples and tough strikes on Eddie.

Middle: The Rock manages to get some leverage in and starts running through his signature moves. As he prepares the Rock Bottom, Guerrero manages to escape and push him right into the ref. With the ref down, Guerrero takes advantage and pokes the eyes of The Rock, and slams him down to the mat. He takes the initiative and hits the Frog Splash on Rocky.

Ending: Wanting to make sure he has this match absolutely won, he waves to the back, and out comes Chavo Guerrero, Eddie’s nephew. He runs into the ring with a steel chair, as Eddie props Rocky up to take the shot. Chavo swings, and misses! The Rock moved out of the way and pushed Eddie into the trajectory of the chair, knocking him straight out cold. Chavo freaks out and in his state of panic walks right into a SPINEBUSTER FROM THE ROCK!!! THE HAS IT SET UP AND HE HITS THE PEOPLE’S ELBOW!!! He picks up Chavo and starts pummeling him, before throwing him out of the ring and jaw jacks with him. While he’s distracted, Eddie comes to and attempts to take advantage of the situation, pulling Rocky towards him… AND GETS HIT WITH A ROCK BOTTOM FOR HIS TROUBLE!!! EDDIE IS OUT! The ref is finally back to consciousness and gets back up. The Rock goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3.

Winner: The Rock


The Rock celebrates in the ring after having thwarted Chavo Guerrero’s attempted interference and winning a close match.

The Rock has done it again! He overcame the interference of Chavo Guerrero to get the victory over Eddie Guerrero! The Rock is going to the main event of Backlash!!!

King: What an utter upset, JR, Eddie had the match won and Chavo just blew it!

JR: With that said, thank you everyone for tuning into another spectacular episode of Monday Night RAW!​

I would first and foremost say kudos on locking down the personalities. I almost felt like I was watching that opening segment.

Great introduction to the brand. I love HBK as Commissioner or General Manager. This should be a fun ride.

You better not be teasing us with Rock and HBK and then not deliver. That's one of the rare dream matches that need to happen.

Eddie Guerrero was a fabulous choice for first main with the Great One. Kind of a preview of what's to come there.

Raw better do the People's Champ justice and I don't mean The Rock. DDP firing off his positivity so soon makes me smile.

Raw off to a great start. This is going to be a solid competition. Let's do this.
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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Ep 1

Reading, PA

April 5th, 2002

View attachment 1914

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to a new era of wrestling welcome to a historic episode of Smackdown as the WWE draft is complete the rosters are set and we are ushered into uncharted territories. I am here alongside "The Coach" Jonathon Coachmen .

Coach: Yeah, that's right baby The Coach was handpicked by the boss man himself the owner of Smackdown Vince McMahon to be the voice of the people.

Michael Cole: We are in brand warfare in the new ruthless aggression era as Raw, WCW, and SD all battle to see who is really supreme.

Coach: It looks as though Vince McMahon is in the ring lets get this rolling.

Vince McMahon stands in the ring he has a microphone in his hand as we hear the crowd with more boo's then cheers.

Vince McMahon: God Dammit! I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon how dare you boo me! All you shut the hell up I got something to say.

Vince waits as the crowds boos go on he looks at his watch before calming the crowd to let him speak.

Vince McMahon: Now as I was going to say. Welcome to a historical Smackdown as tonight begins a new era not just for Smackdown but, for Raw and WCW and the WWE as a whole because we haven taken everyone and split them up and now we are going to battle for supremacy.

Not that Smackdown needs it because we are going to win. We have our eyes set to the future here but the future can always learn from our past that is why I introduce you too the General Manager who will run Smackdown for me. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!

Roddy's music hits and out he walks in a black jacket and his kilt. He gets into the ring and the fans are cheering Roddy shakes his hand as we hear from him.

Roddy Piper: Did you all miss me?

fans cheer

Roddy Piper: Well let me tell you from the bottom of this old mans heart, I …didn't miss anyone of you. You see Smackdown is going to be under my role which means smackdown is going to be Rowdy! This is a new era like Mr. McMahon says.

So lets take care of some business you see we here at Smackdown got the WWE Universal Championship and we got a champion in HHH however we don't have a number one contender so I tell ya what we are going to do. We are going to have ourselves a couple little matches and the winners of these matches are going to qualify for a #1 contenders match next week . So I wonder who should be in those matches? Hmm...Jeff Hardy and he will face Bradshaw and The Big Show will face The Undertaker!

Now as for right now... I say we open up Smackdown with what I like to call a Hardcore Invitational Maven you will defend the championship vs. Hardcore Holly! and Finlay, Al Snow!, and Haku! and that match is next!

Match 1
Hardcore Invitational
Hardcore Championship

End Of Match: This has been a brutal affair for Maven as all four men that are his foes in the match have been striking him hard with a number of chops punches and kicks. Maven has also take some chair shots to the head and was cracked with a kendo stick from Al Snow.

We pick up with Haku & Al Snow fighting on the outside with Finlay just taking the steel steps and throwing them into Holly. Maven tries for a quick roll up but only gets a two. Finlay then with a chop across the chest before grabbing a trash can lid and cracking Maven over the head. Finlay goes for a cover but only gets a two.

Finlay goes for a strike he misses as the champion grabs a stop sign and wails Finlay on the back. Maven then with a dropkick and then tosses Finlay to the outside. He climbs up towards the top as Snow & Haku trade shots. Maven waits as all four men turn and leaps off the top with a crossbody all the men fall to the ground as the crowd cheers Maven for his athletic ability.

Maven after a few moments is back up but there is Al Snow sending him into the barricade. The rest of the men are up as Holly & Finlay hit a double suplex on the outside to Haku. Haku though acts as if nothing happens and lets out a scream. All four men come after Haku who one by one are met with strikes and a stiff side kick to the jaw from Haku to the last Haku grabs Maven and like a lawn dart aims for the ring post but, at the last moment Maven moves sending Haku crashing into the ring post. Haku is dazed as Maven sends him into it again before hitting a german suplex and keeps it bridged for the pin.



Holly from behind breaks up the pin attempt. Holly grabs Haku sending him into the crowd. Haku is in the first row trying to get to his feet but as he finally gets up using the barricade to get up here comes Finlay with a European Uppercut.

Meanwhile in the ring, we got Holly & Snow beating the hell out of one another. Snow whips him into the corner with a corner clothesline to follow that up. He goes for a belly to belly but, Holly reverses it with a couple of nasty elbows to the head.

On the outside we got Finlay and Maven fighting as Maven hits body slam onto the steel steps. Maven now goes under the ring and grabs a table that he sets up on the outside towards the entrance ramp.

Holly goes to send Al to the outside but, Snow reverses it sending Holly reeling to the apron right by the table. Maven slides underneath trying to send him through the table as Snow and Holly trade shows above him finally a headbutt by Snow sends Holly back and Maven powerbombs him through the table.

Maven tries for a pin attempt but, Snow uses the ropes to slingshot into the back of Maven as he hits a crossbody to break the count. Finlay now hits a Celtic Cross on Snow goes for cover




Haku breaks the cover and hits Tongan Death Grip as Finlay tries to gasp for air. Haku though sweeps the leg with the grip still applied sending him to the ground the ref makes the count and this one is over.


New Hardcore Champion


Haku is given the title his hand held high when Viscera from behind strike Haku! Haku turns with a pissed look in his eye as Viscera looks on before Haku with a headbutt. Then another and another until he's on the ground Haku then is seen biting the face of Viscera who is screaming. Haku then stands up with blood all over his mouth and dripping down his chest.

Coach: We got a new Hardcore Champion and with those rules its 24/7.

Cole: You are right Coach but who will try and defeat him Haku is one of the most dangerous men in all of SD.

Coach: Lets be real here Michael he maybe the most dangerous man in wrestling!

Haku leaves ringside as officials take a look at Viscera as the rest of the men ringside.


We go backstage to the GM office where Vince McMahon is watching the TV seeing the match that just happen.

Vince McMahon: Yes this is what I want to see Roddy this is exactly the blood the violence we need to see here on SD.

A knock on the door occurs as McMahon yells come in.

Vince seems a little shocked as its D Von Dudley. Who is in a preachers outfit with the arms cut out. He is not alone as a huge man stands right next to him he has a bunch of tattoos and is bald with white eyes.

Vince McMahon: D Von what can I help you with.

D Von: Mr. McMahon it is not what you can do for me No! It is what I can do for you. You see Mr. McMahon when you drafted me you broke up the Dudley Boyz. I was dishearten , I was with Bubba Ray for a very long time you see and truth be told I didn't know what to do. Mr. McMahon I am a religious man so I got down on my knees I closed my eyes and said Lord show me a sign.

Then I looked up at the TV and saw you select this man Batista and I told myself that this was a sign. I went to this young man and told him that the Lord spoke to me and told me that I had much work to be done and that he would be my right hand of vengeances righteous fury that thy lord has told me to do. Mr. McMahon thy lord told me that you needed our help. That you needed us to fight your great battle here that you needed spiritual help to see that Smackdown be built in your vision his vision. So we are here to serve you Mr. McMahon anything you need let us know.

Vince McMahon smiles with a cocky arrogance.

Mr. McMahon: I never was a holy man but, if the Lord told you that you were to serve me so be it D- Von. So I hereby name you my spiritual leader here on Smackdown.

D Von holds his head down eyes closed Mr. McMahon looks confused before doing so.

D Von: Oh Thank you Mr. McMahon. We will lead Smackdown in your image and all those who stand in your way best be known that there soul will be damned and the sins they commit will come with a price. Oh My Brothers Testify!

D Von and Batista leave as Mr. McMahon looks on.


Roddy Piper is on the screen from his office and begins to speak.

Roddy Piper: Smackdown will have some of the very best tag teams and well we need some Tag Team Champions that is why at Judgment Day we will have four teams battle for the new Smackdown Tag Team Championships in a fatal four way tag team elimination match. Those tag teams will be chosen throughout the next number of weeks.

Coach: What excited news Michael.

Cole: Yes you are right Coach we got a number of fine young tag teams here in Smackdown. It looks like we are moving on quickly though as Teddy Long is in the ring with two men by his side.

Teddy Long: Holla Holla players. I am Teddy Long and I bring to you the best talent here on Smackdown and the clients of my Thuggin & Buggin Enterprises Rodney Mack & D Lo Brown!

Mack is handed the mic.

Rodney Mack: All you will be looking at the future in us here on Smackdown. We don't wanna be held down by people like all of you...

Rodney Mack & D- Lo Brown look across the ring where two jobbers are waiting there names flash up on the screen as Chris Fresh and Johnny Spade.

Teddy Long: Welcome both of you to the white boy challenge. If you can survive in the ring with these two men playa I will sign you to join us in Thuggin & Buggin Enterprises playa but I don't think you will last thirty seconds cause these boys right here are tired of being second class and not getting the same shots you are. You boys ready ok ref ring the bell.

Match 2

5 Minute White Boys Challenge

Thuggin & Buggin Enterprises w/ Teddy Long vs. Chris Fresh & Johnny Spade

End Of Match: Within the first 10 seconds Fresh tries to rush in only to get hit with a spinebuster that shakes the ring. Mack stands over Fresh who is hurting and tosses him into his corner to tag Spade in. Spade hesitates not wanting to come in only to have Mack throw him in. Mack lifts him up for a spinebuster tags in D- Lo who climbs to the top and hits a top rope splash he covers them and this one is over.


D Lo Brown & Rodney Mack

Coach: These boys proving that nobody is on their level tell me have you ever seen anyone go on a rampage like that?

Cole: It was impressive Coach the official end of match time was 28 seconds.

Coach: That's right these boys couldn't even last thirty seconds but take a look at them lasting thirty seconds is probably something they are used too.

Mack & crew leave ring as we go to break.


A limo appears backstage and the fans look on confused about who is in it. The camera pants to the back door as the driver of the limo states Mr. Layfield we are here.

The fans look on as Bradshaw appears. Bradshaw steps out in a gray suit a cowboy hat and a cocky grin. Kevin Kelly is with the camera crew where he tries to get a word with Bradshaw who states that he will go to the ring before answering any questions.

We watch as the camera crew follows Bradshaw through the back and towards the arena during this walk through Bradshaw greets Mr. McMahon and they both shake hands.

Mr. McMahon: Ahhh… Mr. Layfield I just wanted to thank you for your help crushing that family business and putting me in the right position to force the foreclosure on that family.

Bradshaw: Mr. McMahon whenever you need help you just let me know.

Bradshaw then appears to the arena with new theme song.

Bradshaw: Hello everybody my name is John Bradshaw Layfield and I am here to educated you. See you could change your life in a second just like me all you got to do is listen to me. See people in this world love power. Money is power so the more money you have the more powerful you are. See I have a lot of money that's why I am a success unlike each and every one of you see. I made millions of dollars on the stock market because of that. I am a God both in and out of the ring I go to my home state of Texas and people flock to me like I am Jesus they ask me how do I be like you Mr. Layfield they ask me what does it take. They want autographs pictures the women wanna be with me and their men want to be just like me. I will lead Smackdown into a better successful future and all of you will thank me.

APA chant breaks out through boos.

JBL: APA well I know Ron Simmons is sitting at home right now nobody drafted him. He is my best friend too we went through countless roads and so many beers it is a shock we are still standing. I got the power I can ask Mr. McMahon to hire Ron we can run Smackdown just like we ran WWE in the old days. How does that sound? I can get Mr. McMahon to hire Ron to carry my bags and drive my car because that is all that good for nothing piece of human trash is good for.

JBL: The APA is dead!

Ron Simmons is gone!

JBL gets more boos as the crowd chants for Ron Simmons.

JBL: How dare you boo me. I am an American hero a Wrestling God.

JBL goes to talk again but is cut off by

Jeff Hardy who comes out to a massive pop. The "Rainbow Hair Warrior" has his sights solely set on JBL. He begins to speak at the top of the stage.

Jeff Hardy: Man what happen to you? This is the real you? This is Bradshaw huh. What a shame man I used to respect you. These people respected you and now this I see standing before me is pathetic a shell of a man and a kiss ass. I saw the way you puckered up to Vince.

JBL is pissed screaming at Hardy.

JBL: Boy you better watch your mouth because I will knock the color out of that hair boy don't you dare speak to a Wrestling God like that because I may have changed my life but, I know how to fight and I will drop you faster then those thrill seeking alternatives in your life that you love so much.

Jeff Hardy rushes the ring going to attack JBL who rolls out into the crowd.


Cole: During our commercial break. JBL and Jeff Hardy were informed that their match would be next by Roddy Piper.

Coach: JBL has been given time to go change.

Cole: Yeah, coach but that was nearly 5 mins ago.

Jeff Hardy is waiting in the ring as JBL's music hits he isn't there but, instead comes in from behind and strikes Jeff Hardy down. The bell rings and off we go.

Match 2

Jeff Hardy vs. JBL

End Of Match: After the pre-match attack, JBL has this match in his control tossing Hardy into the corner and striking him with a number of punches, back elbows , and stomps. JBL places Hardy on the top rope and begins by slapping his face all that does is anger Jeff who hits a few shots of his own before going for a Tornado DDT.

Hardy connects going for a cover but only getting a 2 count. Jeff is now on the attack he hits a unique jawbreaker before and atomic drop and then he grabs both legs of JBL and in between them he hits legdrop towards the groin area. He rolls back before hitting a front dropkick to the face and pumping up the crowd as he calls for the Twist of Fate.

Jeff is ready for it but, JBL reverses it sending him into the corner but, Hardy jumps to the top... Whisper In The Wind!

Jeff though is caught by JBL who hits a fallaway slam and Jeff rolls out of the ring. JBL on the outside whips Hardy into the barricade before sending him to the ground with a big boot.

JBL now with a suplex into the hardest part of the apron. JBL tosses Hardy into the ring before berating Hardy telling him to get up and fight by kicking the back of his head. Jeff finally gets up hitting JBL with a few shots before hitting a Twist of Fate.

Hardy though doesn't go for cover and instead goes for a Swanton Bomb from the top. Jeff though misses hitting the canvas below. JBL though takes advantage waiting for Hardy to get up before delivering a Clothesline From Hell. JBL makes the cover and this one is over.



Coach: JBL wins what a victory from the Wrestling God Cole that is the look of a future Universal Champion.

Cole: JBL was impressive here tonight but, you cant take anything away from Jeff.

Coach: What are you talking about this was as one sided as it comes.

Cole: Whatever the case maybe JBL moves onto the #1 contender's match next week and later tonight we will see who will join him as The Undertaker faces The Big Show in our Main Event.


Rey Mysterio Coming Soon

Cole: Oh boy Coach I tell you I cant wait until Mysterio comes to Smackdown.

Coach: Even I the coach got to agree its going to be fun seeing Mysterio here on Smackdown.


Match 3

Test vs. Shannon Moore

End Of Match: Test has been in control for the most of the match using his brute strength to get Moore grounded. Test right now has just hit a back drop and is lifting up Moore in the air with a vertical suplex. He is stalling playing to the crowd for a good 15 seconds before crashing him down to the mat.

Test then hits a full nelson slam before quickly lifting Moore up and sending him into the ropes to eat a big boot. Test then waits for Moore to get up before grabbing him and connecting with Test Drive. Test goes for the cover and this one is over.



Test after the match grabs the microphone and begins to speak.

Test: I just want to dedicate that match to my TEST - ICLES.

The crowd seems confused as to what he said.

Test: You people are my

TEST - ICLES. I hold you dear right here.

Test looks like hes about to point to his junk but, instead points to his heart.

Test: Smackdown is my time. This is my chance to prove to the world that I am championship material so Smackdown roster you are now on notice.

Test leaves the ring as we go to the commentary table.

Coach: Test was just talking about his balls on TV god this is stupid.

Cole: He wasn't talking his balls he was talking his fans the

Coach: Right...


The fans are popping as on the screen is Hulk Hogan who knocks on the GM office door.

Roddy Piper: Come on in!

Hogan walks in as Roddy turns to have a disgust look on his face as he sees its Hogan.

Roddy Piper: Oh its you what do you want?

Hulk Hogan: What I want to know brother is why I am not apart of this Universal Championship picture and why I am not on the show Brother I just had the best match at WrestleMania.

Roddy Piper: Tell me Hulkster what happen at WrestleMania? You lost... in front of the biggest crowd on the biggest show of all time you lost. See I don't understand why Vince picked you. The thing is the way I look at it you are washed up. You are like that dog Old Yeller ready to be taken to pasture. Hogan you aren't on the show because honestly the show is better off without you.

Hulk Hogan looks on pissed as he then places his hands on Piper.

Roddy Piper: Get your hands off of me Hogan I am your boss and this is my show to run I tell you what you want on it so bad I will give you the chance next. See I offered a chance to this young man to win a contract to join Smackdown and you can accompany him to the ring and be in his corner as he is a huge fan of yours's he's over 6 ft tall and he weighs over 220 pounds. He is quite a special talent to Hogan .

Hogan lets go of him before thinking about the offer he agrees and we see Roddy Piper grabs his phone talking.

Roddy Piper: Let me talk to the kid.

A few moments pass.

Roddy Piper: Hey how you doing it's Roddy Piper. You ready for your match next. You laced up your boots? Tell you what I got a surprise for you. Hulk Hogan is going to accompany you to the ring for your match. How does that sound.

A scream is heard through the phone.

Roddy Piper: I tell you what I will send Hogan your way. Alright ok goodbye. Good luck.

Piper gets off the phone before telling him to go to the locker room.

Roddy Piper is seen after Hogan leaves with a huge smile on his face.

Roddy Piper: Good luck that kids going to need it.


We pick up to Smackdown with Hogan outside the door of the locker room. He walks in seeing a man as he has his back turned hes seen doing Hogan's pose.

Hulk Hogan: You must be..

He turns the man around as we see

???: Hello my name is Eugene... your Hulk Hogan.... Hulkster oh yea... what you going to do brother. I tell yah Mean Gene.

Hogan looks on and goes to speak but, Eugene hugs him.

Eugene: This is the best day of my life.

Eugene jumps up and down and is so excited. Hogan seems to connect the dots that Eugene is a special talent.

Eugene: Mr. Piper says that you are going to be there during my match tonight.

Hulk Hogan: Yeah, that's right do you know who you are facing?

Eugene shakes his head no.

Eugene: Mr. Piper said that its a surprise like a birthday gift but, its not even my birthday.

Hulk Hogan: alright then Eugene lets get going to the ring.

Hogan & Eugene walk off as we go to break.


Eugene & Hogan enter the arena to Hogan's NWO music . They are seen as they get in the ring Eugene more focused on the fact he's in the ring with Hogan then his match.

They both wait as the ring announcer states and his opponent.

Eugene & Hogan look on concerned as this years World's Strongest Man Mark Henry is Eugene opponent.

Match 4

Mark Henry vs. Eugene w/Hulk Hogan

End Of Match: Henry is no nonsense and is beating the living hell out of Eugene. He is tossing him around the ring and chopping him in the corner the crowd boos Henry and its an uneasy feeling in the ring right now. Hogan tries to get on the ring but, Eugene crying stating this is his dream to be a WWE Superstar like Hogan. Henry enjoys this throwing Eugene to the outside with a Military Press Slam.

Henry steps on the back of Eugene standing there looking at Hogan daring him to interfere. He grabs Eugene whose almost out cold right in the face of Hogan mocking him by saying help him.

Eugene is sent back first crashing into ring post by Henry, who throw him into the ring and runs leaping up for a splash and connecting. Henry lifts him up then and sends him crashing to the mat with a World's Strongest Slam. He looks down at Eugene and over to Hogan says finish it but Henry shakes his head before hitting another and then another. He then grabs Eugene in a bearhug squeezing the life out of him.


Mark Henry

Henry doesn't stop and still squeezing as Hogan finally runs in. Hogan though is attacked quickly by Henry who hits him with a number of strikes. Hogan hulks up though and says YOU! Hogan with a number of strikes and then a big boot. The crowd cheering as he goes for a big boot but, Henry rolls out of the ring. Piper comes out with a smile as Eugene is helped up by Hogan.

Roddy Piper: Well Eugene looks like you just don't got what it takes to be a WWE superstar. However I am a good man, So I am gonna give you another chance at Judgement Day when Hulk Hogan will take on Mark Henry!

Hulk Hogan looks at Eugene before grabbing a mic.

Hulk Hogan: You are on. What you gonna do brother when HULKAMANIA & Eugene RUNS WILD ON YOUUUUUU!

Hogan & Eugene pose to the crowd as we go to break.


Michael Cole: Welcome back folks to Smackdown. We have our main event coming up next.

Coach: That is right, We will see The Undertaker vs. The Big Show. This one should be a hell of a fight.

Main Event

The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

End Of Match: This has been a back and forth brawl between two giants. We pick up in the middle of the ring as Big Show and Taker are both trading shots. Taker gets control after Big show misses with a strike Taker bounces off the ropes and hits a ddt. Big Show is down but, Taker follows it up with a leg drop before going for a cover only getting a two.

Taker uses his strength to get Big Show to his feet and goes for Old School however Big Show catches him sending him down on the ropes. Big Show then uses ropes and bounces them up and down with Taker caught in between. Big Show then with a body slam and a elbow drop before going for a cover still its just a two count.

Big Show begins to choke Taker as the ref starts to count to 5 but, he lets go at four. He sends Taker into the corner and then chokes him again this time with his foot but still waits till four to let go. Taker is seen gasping for air as Big Show locks in a Side Bearhug as Taker tries to reach for the ropes he does and after another long wait before breaking the hold. Big Show ties up Taker in the ropes and connects with a huge hook right to the mouth.

Big Show goes for a cover after he is untied but, Taker somehow kicks out before 3.

Big Show is livid undoing his strap and calling for a Chokeslam. He lifts up Taker for it but, Taker fights out of it before hitting a big boot and sending him into the corner for a splash and then Old School this time connecting. Taker hits a chokeslam and then calls for The Last Ride he lifts up Big Show with all his might and sends him to the mat with the powerbomb.

Taker with the cover and this one is over.


The Undertaker

Cole: What a win by Undertaker proving that this is in fact his yard.

Coach: The Undertaker making people famous tonight .

Taker gets on his bike as his music hits but right before he goes to leave the lights go out. The tron then goes on where a room is seen and on the walls carved in like someone scratched it says.

Undertaker You Are A Fraud!

The lights come back on as Undertaker looks on pissed before riding up the ramp to end show.

I wouldn't have had Cole refer to this as the Ruthless Aggression Era quite yet as Vince or anyone in this timeline hasn't cut a promo declaring that they were looking for Ruthless Aggression at this point, but that's a minor nitpick.

As we discussed a moment ago I don't mind Vince appointing Piper to be his GM. He hadn't seen him in years and IRL Vince literally appoints Eric Bischoff as his Raw GM. So sometimes real life can be used in your favor. ;) Piper is an excellent choice here.

I loved him as the Vice President to Ric Flair in WCW. They were such a devious duo. I look forward to the mischief these two devise.

I love that right off the bat you're taking two of your former tag team specialists that lost their partners and throw right into singles.

Perfect way to establish how different SmackDown is by having your unique division kick off the show and with a unique match.

Perfect choice for the match, too. Finlay and Haku were two of the only good parts of the WCW Hardcore Division. Haku is champ. :)

I have to say I love how you transitioned D-Von into the Reverend character. You addressed Bubba and his religious character.

Bradshaw got no love for the Simmons. :pour

I'm not the biggest fan of Eugene, but I like that his angle starts with his idol. I hope you use him to bring Hulk back the red and yellow since he's not in the NWO anymore and that would honestly be a heartwarming story that Eugene got him back to being the Hulkster.

I also appreciate that you didn't make him related to Eric since Eric wouldn't be on your show, anyway.

Ending SD with the Deadman is the perfect choice and giving your fans a big hoss battle. That's perfectly on brand. Kudos.
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I wouldn't have had Cole refer to this as the Ruthless Aggression Era quite yet as Vince or anyone in this timeline hasn't cut a promo declaring that they were looking for Ruthless Aggression at this point, but that's a minor nitpick.

Cole coined the term in this universe :TI:
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Big D Energy
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Well now that im on my laptop let me explain few things better

First I mean if we are going to nitpick the history of WWE from 2002 plus on irl compared to our BTB ya know what I mean we shouldn't let the real history of WWE 2002 plus on go into what we see in our BTB barring the deaths of wrestlers or if they are seriously injured.

Ricky Smarks

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Well now that im on my laptop let me explain few things better

First I mean if we are going to nitpick the history of WWE from 2002 plus on irl compared to our BTB ya know what I mean we shouldn't let the real history of WWE 2002 plus on go into what we see in our BTB barring the deaths of wrestlers or if they are seriously injured.
Like I said, somethings can be let go and others can't. We picked 2002 to do a 2002 BTB so some thigns that pertain to 2002 should be honored. Especially things that happened before our BTBs started because they're canon to our story. That's why I laid out what happened in the OP so everyone would remember what informed out current story. Canon is still regardless of it being a BTB.

Creative going forward is up to you, though. If you don't do something WWE actually did AFTER our BTB starts, no one should give you a hard time. That's the point of doing a BTB. Like I have no problem with you doing JBL early. That's your creative choice. Something that would bother me is using Matt Morgan before 2003 since he doesn't know how to wrestle yet. That's the line for me if you get my drift.
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Ricky Smarks

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@OMBayBay great first show, though. If you haven't read my review yet, I really enjoyed it.

Great first week from both of you. @Grim.
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I mean history as in post 2002 . Yeah ty I saw review I agree with you with Grims RAW.


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Been 2 months any update?

Ricky Smarks

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Been 2 months any update?
It's not quite been two months, but yes I'll post my show very soon.

TBH I'm not sure you guys need to wait on me unless we're about to post an all brands show or doing crossover angles.

Ricky Smarks

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A little preview of the new logo and intro while we're here:



WCW Thursday Thunder
April 4, 2002
Episode No. 147
Blue Cross Arena
Rochester, New York

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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That intro video is fuckin' awesome
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