It isn't really a mindset.Yeah, I get the point. But I don't like that 'beat the shitty Kane/Khali to put yourself over' mindset.
Here's to hoping that Cena will take that Kane's spot and put younger and better talent over. But I doubt Vince could swallow that pill.
Victories are always sweeter when the opponent has a vast size advantage. This is the case in all walks of life.
In terms of kayfabe, Cena is Vince's last star, so I doubt he would be the guy he wants putting HHH"s handpicked guy over.
I highly doubt Cena will ever get to the point where he jobs with any sort of regularity (at least not on Vince's watch).
The best way to remedy your dissatisfaction is to find another legitimate big man to replace the Kane/Big How/Khali(s) of the world.
Rusev seems on is way, as well as Sheamus quite possibly. Even so, neither of those two are that tall.
As for Cena, his time will come. I'd rather enjoy it, now. Once he hangs it up, people will be clamoring for one more match. It's cyclical.