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Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
^ Nice job everyone!

Josh Matthews: Did you just see that? Serotonin really crossed the line just then.
Don West: Sure thing Joey, and I wouldn't be surprised if Rhino comes back and bites them in the ass after what they just did.
Josh Matthews: Well up next, is the mighty Judas Mesias, vs. "The Monster" Abyss!

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Steel Cage Match, and can be won by doing the following:
1) Climbing over the cage, past the barb wired fence
2) Pin fall
3) Submission
If the match exceeds the 20 minute time limit, this contest will be declared a draw. Introducing first, from Down in the Catacombs, Abyss!

Abyss heads to the ring, as his music plays.

David Penzer: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by "The Cryptkeeper," James Mitchell, from Parts Unknown, Judas Mesias!

The lights turn off, as we see Judas Mesias heading to the ring, with scary entrance music.The match begins, after the cage is lowered. Judas Mesias attacks with a quick throat thrust, followed by a diving clothesline. Abyss gets up, but gets grappled by Mesias, and taken down by a reverse snap suplex. Abyss falls, and Mesias covers...1 - quick kick out by The Monster, Abyss. As Abyss lays on the ground in pain, Mesias grabs the steel chair, as seen earlier, and smashes the skull of Abyss with it. Abyss falls, and Judas Mesias looks like a force to be reckoned with already, in XWE, as he holds his arms up with his palms open. After Abyss manages to crawl up to his feet, Mesias grabs Abyss' legs, and puts him in a position as if he is about to hit a Samoan backdrop. Mesias taunts again, then hits a mighty Samoan backdrop slam! Suddenly, Mesias races over to Abyss, and puts both hands on Abyss' chest, for a pin fall. Earl Hebner counts, as a clear shot of the completely white eyes of this new monster, by the name of Judas Mesias can be seen...1 - 2 - shoulder up by Abyss! We're now at the 1:13 mark, and this crowd seems to really be giving some heat to Judas Mesias. Mesias begins to be frustrated, but continues this crazy beat down on Abyss. He picks Abyss up yet again, and holds his arm. Suddenly, he hits an extremely hard Irish whip on Abyss, forcing him into the steel cage. Abyss' face just smashed the cage, causing a small dint in the steel, and Abyss is now trapped between the ring ropes and the steel. Judas grabs Abyss by the head, and smashes his face into the steel multiple times. Abyss begins bleeding, and his mask seems to be tearing. Judas raises his hands up high, making his palms visible for a third time. Judas then runs right up to Abyss' trapped, defenseless body, and hits a big boot on Abyss' head. We're now at the 3:02 mark, and things look even worse for Abyss. Abyss drops to the floor, and rolls under the bottom rope, escaping from the steel that is being smashed onto his face. Judas does not seem to care, as he just picks Abyss right back up by pulling his hair. Abyss tries to fight out, but Judas Mesias has the hold locked in tight, and he transforms the hold into a headlock at the 5:03 mark. Judas Mesias has the hold locked in tight, but Abyss swings his arms around, trying to force Mesias into letting go of the hold. However, Mesias does not let go of the hold, and looks like he's got the upper hand, at the 5:15 mark. After a few more moments pass us by in the match, just seconds before the 5:35 mark, Abyss seems to have regained all of his energy back, and begins fighting his way back out of the hold. This crowd is stomping their seats and clapping their hands, as they cheer on The Monster, Abyss. Mesias has a worried face, as if he knows he's about to be in lots of trouble if he cannot fight back quit. At the 5:52 mark, Abyss begins nailing the side of Mesias, and Mesias lets go of the hold. Mesias turns around an wobbles, just before Abyss his a big boot! Mesias seems even more groggy, but still manages to remain on his feet. Abyss clotheslines Mesias, but still fails to take him down. Abyss decides to try a third time, and takes off hard at Mesias, preparing for a takedown to a gore. As Abyss' head is ducked under, Mesias picks up the steel chair, and tosses it at Abyss, saving himself just in time. On the way towards Mesias, Abyss' head caught in the steel chair. Abyss tries to take it off, but Mesias tightens it up, by closing it as tight as possible. As Mesias climbs the cage, we see the slow motion instant replay of Abyss' head being smashed by the steel chair, and caught inside it. As we head back to full screen, we see Mesias close to the top of the cage, barely managing to avoid the barb wired fence at the top. Mesias dives from all the way up the cage, back down to the mat, where Abyss' neck is being choked by the steel chair. Mesias intentionally lands on the chair, causing Abyss to grunt in pain. Abyss is nearly coughing up blood, as Mesias covers...1 - 2 - Abyss has still managed to kick out! This jam packed Los Angeles crowd is extremely amazed at the fact that the match is continuing, and looks to be in complete shock. Not only is this crowd in shock, Judas Mesias is, and shows it, as he quickly picks Abyss up off his feet, and Irish whips him into the ropes, but Abyss comes back, and boots Judas Mesias in the face! Abyss grabs the steel chair, and nails Judas a few times in the face, knocking him down after four heavy blows. Judas falls, and Abyss covers Judas quickly, not wasting anytime at all. 1 - 2 - shoulder up by Judas Mesias, just a split second before Earl Hebner's hand hit the mat a third time! The crazed front row begins a loud chant, which carries its way all the way across the sellout arena. The chant consists of three letters..."CWE, CWE, CWE!" As the camera heads back to the ring, we see Abyss picking up Judas Mesias, and Irish whipping him. In the background, a steel chair that was set up by Abyss can be seen. Judas runs the ropes, but gets taken down quickly by a drop toehold face-buster, which forces Judas' head onto the setup steel chair. Judas Mesias begins to bleed at the 8:45 mark, and both of these amazing competitors are laying on the mat, exhausted. Abyss gets up off the ground at the 9:02 mark, and awaits Judas Mesias to get up. Mesias does, but gets taken down shortly, by a monstrous choke-bomb! Abyss pulls out a tiny set of pliers from his vest, and begins snapping the steel cage apart in an area towards the bottom of the cage. Mesias gets up, and slowly moves toward Abyss, but Abyss uses the pliers to cut through the face of Mesias.' Now, Mesias is cut even deeper, and it can be seen by the pouring blood. Judas Mesias falls, and Abyss now has finally snapped a huge chunk of steel off the cage, at the 9:45 mark in this exciting steel cage match. One is left to wonder why Abyss has snapped part of the cage off, but we find out when Abyss reaches through under the ring and grabs a bag! Abyss gets up to his feet, and pours the thumbtacks all over the ring, and by now, even Judas Mesias looks intimidated. Just before Judas can get back up to his feet, Abyss does his signature taunt, leaving Mesias on the ground, worried. Mesias gets up quickly, but gets taken down by a few forearms from Abyss, followed by a choke-hold. Abyss picks Mesias up, and Irish whips him right into the piled of thumbtacks. Mesias stops just before he steps into the pile. Abyss tries to clothesline Mesias to the mat, causing him to land on the tacks, but Mesias ducks, and as Abyss runs through the tacks and makes his way back to Mesias, Mesias boots Abyss' bloody face, and as soon as Abyss' head hits the boot, he snaps his head back, and lands extremely hard on the pile of tacks. After Abyss' head hits the tacks so hard, he begins grunting and jumps right back up off the pile. He begins rolling around on the floor, but finally catches a knee. He wastes no time on his knee, and just begins rolling around even more. A full shot of Abyss' back is now shown and tacks can be seen stuck in Abyss' back everywhere. Judas Mesias grabs the steel chair, and begins wrapping barbed wire all over the chair. The barbed wire was apparently obtained from the top of the cage. After the barbed wire is wrapped around the chair, Judas places Abyss' head between his legs, as he sits on his knee. Now, at the 13:27 point in the match, Mesias grabs handcuffs out of his tights, and cuffs Abyss' hands behind his back. Now Abyss is definitely defenseless, with cuffs around his hands, and his head being pinned down by Mesias. Mesias grabs the barb wired chair, and smashes Abyss' back with, causing the tacks to cut deeper into the body of Abyss. Abyss is now completely helpless, as we reach the 14:56 mark. Mesias pulls Abyss up, and stands him up straight, in the center of the ring. Abyss cannot do anything, but watch Judas Mesias run the ropes. After Mesias gets to Abyss, he hits a 'Straight to Hell," right onto the pit of thumbtacks! Abyss cannot help but to grunt as loud as we've ever heard him. Mesias gets up off his feet, and steps on Abyss' chest, as Referee Earl Hebner counts...1 - 2 - 3! And Judas Mesias wins the match at 16:17. After the match, Judas Mesias taunts Abyss, by holding the key to the handcuffs up to his face, knowing Abyss cannot take the key. Abyss yells even louder, but Mesias doesn't seem to care. Mesias leaves the ring with the key, and slips it through his tights, as he delivers an evil grin to the beat down Abyss. Finally, the emergency crew from the back comes to unlock Abyss' cuffs, and take him away on a stretcher.

Don West: Oh, that was crazy! This is totally insane!
Josh Matthews: Wow. I am totally stunned.
Don West: Oh, can we please get a replay of what we just saw! Oh, that was INSANE! Abyss' whole back was all red after the thumbtacks stuck in him, and he was hit with a barb wired chair!

* A replay is shown, which highlights a few crazy parts of the match. *


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
One of the matches from my other BTB

Victoria vs. Karielle

Meg and Dia’s “monster” hits the arena as Victoria makes her way to the ring and she has an evil smirk on her face. They replay highlights of the hennas assault that Victoria inflicted upon Karielle. Victoria stated in an interview earlier in the evening that she will not only beat Karielle tonight, but she will end her career. Victoria again says that Stephanie made a mistake in hiring her, as the UWWF as no room for whores with fake tits trying to sell there bodies to the fans in a pathetic attempt to get over. Victoria stated that once she as beaten Karielle and sends her back to the playboy mansion in pieces, she’s going to focus her attention on the UWWF Title. All of this played in a short video package as Victoria is making her entrance. She looks primed and ready to go, as she motions for Karielle to get her ass out to the ring.

She doesn’t have to wait long as Karielle’s theme song hits the arena. But there is a problem, as the music plays but Karielle doesn’t show. Victoria begins to gloat in the ring as Karielle’s music restarts.

JR: What’s going on? Has Karielle decided to back out this match after all?

Karielle’s music plays in full again, but still Karielle doesn’t show. At this time everyone, including Victoria has assumed that Karielle is a no show, and just when the match was going to be awarded to Victoria, Karielle’s music plays for a third time but then all of the sudden a loud screeching siren can be heard as the music stops. A loud voice begins to repeat over and over “warning a virus as been detected, a fatal error has occurred.” The arena goes pitch black, as the biohazard symbol flashes repeatedly over the Titantron. Blood starts to pour from the ceiling as a dense fog fills the arena. Karielle’s once Popish, R and B style of music has been replaced by fast and heavy death metal as “Raining Blood” by Slayer plays. As heavy red strobe lights begin to flash throughout the arena, a pale figure appears at the top of the entrance way. It’s only until the figure starts to walk towards the ring through the blood and fog that people could see who the figure was. It was indeed Karielle, but this wasn’t like her at all, this figure was dressed in black, had on black make up (lipstick, eye shadow) to emphasis the fact that she looked like she came straight from hell. She wore a black coat, with a two piece wrestling outfit. She had long black pants that were covered in a barb wire design running from top to bottom and ending in an impressive display on her backside as the barbwire overtook a bleeding skull. The girl had, for some reason busted herself open before the match, and had a prominent gash on her forehead, in which her own blood tricked down her face, down her neck, and into her cleavage.

Sherri: Oh My God! Is that Karielle? What the hell happened to her?!

But perhaps the most chilling thing about this woman, and the thing that probably intimidated Victoria the most, was the weapon that the Karielle look alike carried in her hand, which was none other than a Baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. When she entered the ring, she didn’t even acknowledge Victoria until the bell had sounded. The ref managed to take the deadly weapon away from the woman, as the two women began to size each other up, as the new Karielle just stared a hole into Victoria. Victoria, not that impressed so far, gets right up into the larger woman’s face and starts to trash talk, but the girl just gave her a sadistic smile, and then it happened…

The so called Dark Karielle exploded onto Victoria, driving her back to the turnbuckle with lighting fast heavy rights and lefts. Karielle whipped Victoria across the ring and into the opposite turnbuckle only for Vicky to explode out of the corner with a clothesline. To her shock, the blow didn’t even faze Karielle, it only seemed to enrage her as she overpowers Victoria and threw her into the corner, where she hits some more rights and lefts. Karielle hits a side Belly to Belly Suplex, before tossing Victoria to the outside. Karielle rams Victoria into the stairs before tossing her into the timekeepers table, scaring Lillian Garcia out of her mind. Karielle beats down Vicky some more and delivers more punishment by hitting a Flatliner Facebuster on the floor. Karielle whips Victoria into the stairs again. Karielle pulls out a table from underneath the ring table and begins to set it up. But before she does anything with the table, Karielle follows up with a double arm DDT on the floor before picking up Victoria’s body and placing her on the table. Karielle delivers more punches before sliding back into the ring, and climbing up to the top turnbuckle. Karielle then dives off the top, all the way to the table below, driving her elbow through the heart of Victoria.

Karielle rolls Victoria back into the ring, and further overwhelms Vicky with her lightning fast strikes; she hits a clothesline, then mounts Victoria and throws out some vicious ground elbow strikes. Karielle is so persistent in her attack on Victoria, she manages to bust Victoria open (legitimately) with a flurry of elbow strikes to the face. Karielle throws Victoria into the ropes, but she ducks and hits a flying clothesline. Vicky tries to hit a suplex, but Karielle blocks it and hits a spinning neckbreaker. Karielle goes right back on the attack, as she drives Victoria shoulder first into the steel post. Karielle chokes Victoria on the bottom turnbuckle, before using the turnbuckle to balance herself while she jumps into the air and kicks Victoria in the back of the head (See Jeff Hardy’s maneuver). Karielle pulls Vicky to her feet, and hits a brutal double underhook suplex. She tosses Vicky into the ropes and delivers a huge front powerslam, more power and high impact from this runaway freight train. But she doesn’t cover, instead this utterly deranged form of the diva known as Karielle, insists on delivering more punishment to Victoria.

Karielle hooks Vicky in a standing crossface chickenwing, only to transition the hold into her deadly maneuver, the Millennium Suplex, driving Victoria on her bloody head. But instead of pinning Victoria, this woman insists on more torture. She sides out of the ring, and starts to throw chairs and trash cans, a crowbar, then she retrieves her unholy Barbie Bat. But she not finished, she somehow manages to get the ring steps free, and hoist them into the ring. Karielle lifts the stairs and drives them into the face of Victoria. This evil clone of Karielle, who became well known in the diva search for her kind and gentle ways, then does the unthinkable. She position’s Victoria’s leg on top of the steel steps, then starts to wail away on the leg with a chair, as Victoria screams for her life. The ref can’t do anything because this match is indeed No Holds Barred. Dark Karielle chokes Victoria with the chair, and grabs her pet baseball bat. She drags Victoria by the hair and chokes her on the bottom rope. Dark Karielle then takes her Barbie bat and begins to rearrange the face of Victoria as she begs for mercy, but this hideous human being, granted if she is a human being, could care less. She uses the crowbar on Victoria, opening the wounds on her face even further, and going back to work on her leg. Dark Karielle sets a chair in the middle of the ring, then she picks her prey off the ground into a powerslam position, and hits a running powerslam onto the chair. This time Dark Karielle goes for the cover but Victoria, despite all the abuse she’s received, kicks out.

At this point, the ring is covered with blood, mostly Victoria’s, as she struggles just to survive the onslaught of this unforgiving woman. Victoria didn’t sign up for this, this wasn’t supposed to be happening, where was this aggressiveness two weeks ago? Then out of the corner of her mind she remembers, Karielle’s warning, right before she put her head through a window. She said that she might be expendable but others like her would be willing to kill her to extract revenge and that she would have to deal with those consequences up front. That’s when she realizes that Karielle and this woman are somehow two different beings sharing the same body in one big disassociate identity crisis. She decides to test her theory by calling out to her tormentor, calling her by the only name she knows. It doesn’t work as Dark Karielle seemed to only get madder and increases her intensity by hitting a capture suplex followed by a gutwrench powerbomb. Victoria is just trying to survive, as she manages to reverse a suplex into a reverse DDT, but Dark Karielle just shakes of the attack and resumes her beat down. Victoria manages to sidestep a clothesline attempt by Dark Karielle but gets caught in mid air as she attempts a crossbody by her supercharged, raged filled opponent. Karielle dominates her with a spinning backbreaker onto the knee, and then locks in a stretch muffler. Victoria, favoring her leg and is almost KO’d due to loss of blood continues to fight, despite being in horrible pain.

Vicky came into this match as a hated heel, but after being dominated by a crazed psychopath with mental problems reaching far beyond hers, she suddenly finds herself being cheered and willed on by the fans, despite being the heel. Victoria won’t quit, so Karielle releases the hold and goes back to work. Vicky suddenly catches a lucky break when Karielle tries for gutwrench powerbomb onto a chair, but Victoria gets out of it and powerslams Karielle onto the chair. Vicky takes in the moment and fights back using chair on Dark Karielle, she goes crazy and beats Karielle mercilessly with the chair. Victoria finds her second wind, and begins to get the upper hand on Karielle for the first time in the match, and manages to weaken Karielle to the point where she can safely try for a widow’s peak. She gets the opportunity after reversing Karielle and getting her up for the Spiders Web. She follows up with a standing moonsault, then tries for the Widows Peak again. She had tried earlier but Victoria’s leg had given out, so she couldn’t complete the move. Using her newfound momentum, she manages to get the 175 pounder up into the air en route to delivering her finisher.

Vicky collapses into the cover and hooks the leg but is downright shocked when Karielle not only kicks out but gets right back up almost unscathed. Victoria is desperate at this point, but Dark Karielle kicks it into a higher gear, delivering the overwhelming body shots, as she hits her devastating elbows, trying to do permanent damage to Vicky’s face. Victoria’s face is now almost completely covered in blood, and she has lost all the blood she can afford, as she can hardly stand. Dark Karielle is virtually untouched, save for the wound she herself opened on her face before the match even started. The ref wants to call the match but Karielle intimidates her and says not yet. She grabs a chair and places it in the center of the ring. She picks up Victoria and positions her into a fireman carry. Dark Karielle then gives Vicky a Canadian Destroyer onto the chair (Psycho Driver). The ref pleads for Karielle to stop the match, but she says one more. She tells Victoria that this was payback for throwing us through a window and trying to choke us. Karielle repositions the chair, and picks up the limp body of Victoria. She then proceeds to give Victoria a Psychclone (F5) onto the chair. She covers Victoria to get the easy 3.

Lillian: Here is your winner, by Pinfall, …….

Karielle wanders over and interrupts Lillian before she can finish. Karielle threatens the medical team as they make their way down the ramp. She wants to spent some more quality time with Victoria here, before she gets wheeled into surgery so that they can make her a new face. The strange woman goes on to say, that she is not Karielle, she is just unfortunate to share the same mind with that half brained c**t. She says her name is Lilith, and that she has her own agenda separate from Karielle’s. She says that when Victoria hurt Karielle, she hurt her, and she just couldn’t put up with that. She gets down right in front of Victoria’s bleeding face. Lilith tells her that if she ever hurts them again, Lilith will come for her again, the only difference is that next time the medics will be hauling off Victoria in a body bag instead of a gurney. Lilith leaves to her music and allows the medics to take care of Victoria.

Sherri: JR, what the hell just happened, please tell me what I just saw?


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
THis is back from September. I thought this was a great number one contenders match that I had on Anarchy. Also this solved the problem of how to get Benoit in my BTB lol.

Number 1 Contender match for the World Heavyweight Title
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. the Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit​

Austin and Benoit circle around the middle of the ring gazing at each other with fierce intensity. As they meet in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up. Austin ducks under Benoit's right arm and wraps his arms around Benoit's waist as he stands behind him now. Austin Lifts Benoit and executes a nice waist lock takedown on Benoit. As they bounce of the mat Benoit shifts so he sits straight up. Austin cannot regrip around Benoit's waist and Benoit quickly rises to his feet to stare Austin in the eyes. Austin flips Benoit the finger and walks away to the other side of the ring and stands in the corner opposite Benoit. Benoit stands and looks at Austin frustrated and confused. They circle around the ring once more and meet in the middle of the ring. As Austin reaches for a collar elbow tie up, Benoit ducks it and grabs Austin's left and wrenches in a hammer lock it behind his back. Austin ducks under and grabs Benoit's arm and locks in a hammer lock it back but quickly releases Benoit's arm and grabs him in a side head lock. Benoit unleashes a few elbow shots into Stone Cold's ribs. Austin spins around allowing Benoit to stand up right but Austin drops to his knees grabs Benoit's ankles and pulls sending him face first on the mat. Austin quickly climbs over Benoit and in front of him and locks in a front face lock on a grounded Benoit. They rise to their feet and Benoit lands a few forearm shots to the gut of Austin backing him into the ropes. Austin breaks the front face lock and Benoit lands a kick to the gut as Austin now leans against the ropes. Benoit grabs Austin's forearm and Irish whips Austin across the ropes, Austin Reverses and sends Benoit into the ropes. As Benoit comes towards Austin, Austin sends Benoit over with a high arm drag. Benoit quickly gets up only to be caught with a arm drag take down as Austin presses his knee against Benoit's shoulder and his hand still clenched around Benoit's wrist. Austin lifts off with the knee and slams it back down into the shoulder of Benoit. Austin places a hand on Benoit's chest, lifts off, and slams his knee once more into the shoulder of Benoit. Austin stands and pulls on Benoit's arm lifting him to his feet. Austin wrenches the arm a bit more only to receive a forearm shot to the face by Benoit. After several more forearm shots, Benoit reverses it and wrenches Austin's arm while standing on the side of him. Austin reverses it right back. Benoit lands a forearm shot once more to Austin's face. Austin drops down and takes Benoit down with a drop toe hold and lands a reverse arm bar on Benoit.
Jim Ross: "Austin unbelievably out wrestling Chris Benoit."

Jerry Lawler: "I bet Austin got Benoit in such a rage that he was looking for a brawl and has been completely thrown off guard by this superb wrestling game from the rattlesnake."

Jim Ross: "Well it looks like Austin is trying to hyper extend the elbow with that arm bar after focusing on Benoit's shoulder for the past several minutes."

Jerry Lawler: "That's smart trying to take that crossface away from Benoit"

Austin Lifts up and locks in a hammer lock as Benoit lies on the mat. Austin lifts up and slams the knee down into Benoit's arm. Austin lifts up Benoit to his feet only to be caught with a few straight right hands to the face from Benoit. Austin gets backed up into a corner and releases his grip on Benoit's arm. Austin reverses and Benoit now stands in the corner. Austin unleashes a flurry or right hands on his own to the face of Benoit. Austin irish whips Benoit across the ring to the opposite corner. As Benoit comes away from the corner and looks at Austin. Austin darts at him with a clothesline, but Benoit ducks it and grabs Austin from behind and lifts him over in a back suplex. Austin rolls onto his stomache and Benoit quickly gets to his feet. Benoit stomps in the middle of Austin's back and walks away from Austin for a second to catch his breath. Benoit walks o Austin as he tries to get to his feet. Benoit grabs Austin around his sides and lifts him up. Benoit holds Austin horizontally and drops down to one knee with the other extended landing a devastating back breaker on Austin. As they hit the mat Benoit collapses over Austin in a lateral press. 1… and Austin kicked out of the pinning predicament. Benoit gets to his feet and allows Austin to get to his own feet. Austin rises clutching at his back and stumbles towards a corner. Benoit grabs the tights of Austin and pulls him into a forearm shot to the lower back. Austin than stumbles into a corner back first facing Benoit. Benoit lands a stiff right hand to the jaw of Austin and than a well placed kick to the mid section. Two more kicks follow before Austin gets Irish whipped hard across the ring. As Austin hits the turnbuckles, he is hunched over down on one knee. Benoit grabs Austin behind the head and Austin quickly grabs Benoit's weakened arm. Benoit throws right to the face of Austin but Austin hops up than pulls down on Benoit's arm multiple times. Austin attempts to pick up Benoit for a scoop slam but Benoit shifts his weight and lands in a pinning predicament on top of Austin. 1…2…and Austin kicks out. As Austin rises to his feet he is quickly knocked down from a shoulder block by Benoit. Austin crawls to a corner and places his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Benoit follows him and stomp on Austin's chest as he sits in the corner. Benoit places his foot on the throat of Austin and presses as hard as he can. Benoit backs off and Austin pulls himself to his feet using the ropes as he is still propped up in the corner. As Austin gets to his feet, Benoit lands a right hand to the face of Austin. Benoit grabs Austin behind the head and drags him to the middle of the ring. Benoit puts Austin's arm over his head and snaps off a snap suplex on Austin in the middle of the ring. Benoit quickly rolls into the cover 1…2… and Austin kicked out. Austin rolls out of the ring while Benoit looks to the ref holding up 3 fingers. As Benoit nears the ropes, Austin grabs Benoit's feet and trips him up. Benoit lands on his back and Austin pulls his legs to where both of Benoit's legs are around the steel ring post. Austin grabs Benoit's ankles and gets ready to make Benoit straddle the ring post when Benoit pulls his feet back and Austin's cranium crashes into the post instead. Austin stumbles away checking his forehead to see if he is bleeding or not. Benoit quickly rolls to the outside in pursuit. Austin turns and kicks Benoit in the gut and grabs him behind the head. Austin attempts to smash Benoit's face into the steel ring steps but Benoit puts his foot up and locks it. Benoit grabs Austin behind the head and slams Austin face first into the steps. Austin bounces off and lays face first on the mat on the outside of the ring. Benoit hesitates for a moment and Austin crawls to his knees. Benoit grabs Austin behind his head and picks him up to his feet. Benoit than lams Austin face first into the announce table. Benoit grabs Austin by the tights and behind the neck and throws him back into the ring. Benoit soon follows. Austin uses the ropes once again to help himself to his feet and is met with a Benoit right hand. Austin uses the ropes to stumble himself to a corner. Benoit grabs Austin's wrist and hard Irish whips him across the ring. As Austin's back hits the turnbuckles, the velocity causes him to fall to the mat face first. Benoit picks up Austin as he begins to rise and lands a forearm smash across the face of Austin as he gets to one knee. Benoit than lands a well placed kick to the abdomen. Benoit lifts Austin to his feet once more and Irish whips him across the ring with just the same intensity. Which causes Austin to yet again fall face first onto the mat. As Austin laid face first in the middle of the ring, Benoit climbed to the outside and ascended the turnbuckles. Benoit leapt off and landed a flying head butt to the lower back of Austin. Austin flops on the ground rolling away from Benoit. Benoit quickly dives on top of Austin and covers him. 1…2… and Austin kicks out yet again. Austin rises to his feet and Benoit presses him against the ropes. Benoit Irish whips Austin to the ropes but Austin reverses it. As Benoit come closer to Austin, Austin side steps a little and grabs Benoit in a sleeper hold right when Benoit passes Austin. Benoit ducks his arm between Austin and Benoit's body so it turns into a side head lock. Benoit pushes Austin off into the ropes. As Austin comes back he is met with a shoulder block sending him back first to the mat. Benoit lateral presses Austin once more 1…2… and Austin kicks out once more. Benoit stands frustrated and Austin get to his feet and stumbles to a corner yet again. Benoit follows and lands a kick to the gut of Austin. Benoit grabs Austin's wrist and attempts to Irish whip Austin into the opposite corner, but Austin reverses it. As Benoit comes out of the corner, Austin grabs Benoit turns and lands a hard spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Austin falls to his back of exhaustion right next to Benoit. As Austin attempts to get back to his feet, Benoit is doing the same. Benoit is the quicker one to his feet and turns Austin around. Benoit places a kick to Austin's mid section and Irish whips him into the ropes. Austin reverses and Benoit comes at Austin once bouncing off the ropes. Benoit rolls on the mat to avoid a punch from Austin on to get one anyways once returning to his feet and facing Austin. A few more right hands followed until Benoit's back was against the ropes. Austin Irish whips Benoit off those ropes and into the ones across from them. As Benoit comes back at Austin, Austin lands the Lou Thez press on Benoit and unleashes a flurry of right hands. As Austin begins to dismount, Benoit throws his legs up and latches them under Austin's arms and pulls him down onto his shoulders in a sunset pin. Austin rolls with it and puts his arms underneath Benoit's knees and rolls him up. Benoit moves his body to the right and latches on the crippler crossface on Austin. Austin reaches for the ropes but they are just inches away. Austin tries to slowly move his body towards the ropes. His fingers twitching in eagerness to tap out but Austin continues to move his body until he latches onto the ropes. Benoit breaks the hold after a 3 counts and stand sup. Benoit stomps on the back of Austin's shoulder a few more times. The referee backs Benoit up and Benoit attempts to threaten the referee but the referee stands strong. Austin meanwhile gets up and stands braced up in the corner. Benoit walks around the referee only to receive a few well placed kicks to Benoit's gut. Austin gets out of the corner and lands some stiff rights to the face of Benoit backing Benoit to the middle of the ring. Austin attempts to Irish whip Benoit back into the corner he was just in but Benoit ducks under Austin's arm and lands a kick to Austin's gut. Benoit grabs Austin's tights and behind his head and launches him into the steel ring post shoulder first. As Austin backs out of the corner, Benoit grabs the tights of Austin and latches his arms around Austin's waist. Benoit lifts Austin over and lands a German Suplex. Benoit rolls with his arms still latched so they both are standing once more. Austin throws back some right elbows to the face of Benoit. Even after 4 elbow shots to the face, Benoit still sends Austin over for a second German Suplex. Benoit rolls once more as they rise to their feet. Austin reaches for the ropes but Benoit pulls him to the middle of the ring. Austin throws back a series of right elbows to the face of Benoit again which causes Benoit's grip to finally be released. Austin turns around and Austin and Benoit share and exchange of right hands in the middle of the ring. Benoit seems to win the exchange landing two rights in a row. Austin ducks the third right and stands behind Benoit. Benoit turns to see the two middle fingers of Austin and is caught with a Stone Cold Stunner. 1…2…3! The bell rings and Benoit sits in the ring devastated and Austin ascends the turnbuckle and gives the finger to the crowd. Austin steps off the turnbuckles and comes face to face with Benoit in the middle of the ring. Benoit extends his hand to Austin and stares at him dead in the eye. Austin reaches out and grabs his hand and shakes it. Benoit attempts to turn away but is caught in Stone Cold's grip. Austin pulls Benoit into yet another stunner. Benoit lies on the mat out cold as Austin walks to the ropes asking for a microphone and a chair. The stage hands hand Austin a microphone and a chair.
Steve Austin: "This son of a bitch here thinks he can stand in the back bitching because he doesn't get title shot after title shot. Than stand there and complain. Stone cold screwed me; that is not fair. Well son, life isn't fair. Besides if you think Stone Cold screwing you out of a World Title shot is bad. Well damn how are you going to feel now that I am gonna screw you out of your own damn career!"

Austin throws down the microphone and kicks the steel chair to the outside of the ring by a steel post. Austin drags Benoit over to a corner head first. Austin than slides out of the ring and grabs Benoit by the wrist and pulls until Benoit's head is resting against the steel ring post. Austin picks up the steel chair and looks to the crowd. Austin than swings the chair as hard as he possibly could against the head of Benoit. Benoit's body goes limp as Austin swings the chair 3 more times before officials come down and take the chair from Austin and restrain him. Benoit is lifeless and is bleeding from the ears. Officials and EMT's rush to ringside as the carefully place the neck brace on Benoit and get him on the stretcher. Austin breaks through the sea of officials and chases after the stretcher. Austin knocks down the EMT's and pulls Benoit off the stretcher in the middle of the ramp. Austin rips the neck brace off and Flips off a very spaghetti legged Benoit. Austin than kicks him in the gut once more and lands a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin flips off the crowd and backs up the ramp as EMT's and SWA officials surround a lifeless Benoit trying to get him onto the stretcher.

Jim Ross: "What a disgusting display by Austin! A horrendous ending and act of sportsmanship to a phenomenal match up!"

Jerry Lawler: "I have got to agree J.R. that was simply disgusting and totally uncalled for. Well nonetheless Austin is our new Number one contender for the World Championship and I would be extremely cautious if I was Shawn Michaels right now!"

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
This is sure a terrific match SWA! This two works very well and we haven't seen this two in the ring in real life and I think that could be a phenomenal match!

Now, I just posted this one last November during the Overheat PPV, when Shelton Benjamin finally captures the HEW Heavyweight Championship by defeating Chris Jericho and The Samoan Rosey in a Three Way Match, and also this ends Chris Jericho's eight month reign as HEW champion.

Main Event: HEW Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Samoan Rosey vs. Shelton Benjamin
Rosey's music hits as the Samoan Monster enters the arena with his trusty mentor, Haku while the crowds are really upset, throwing him some loud boos as he walks down the ramp. Then Chris Jericho's music hits and huge red and blue pyros implode as the HEW Heavyweight Champion enters the ring with his belt around his waist as the crowd starts to pop and cheer. Both men are in the ring as both men comes face to face, nose to nose when suddenly the bell rings as the match starts and the Samoan Monster suddenly rages and starts to attack the champ. Jericho fights back until both men pummels each other, exchanging some punches in the head. Rosey then suddenly gives him a huge knee to the midsection and knocks the champ down with a side suplex. Rosey then continues pummeling the champ at the side of the head as the champ counters and kicks him away. Rosey charges as Jericho drops him down with a toehold . Jericho then quickly gives him the Walls of Jericho as the Samoan Monster kicks him out. Rosey gets up as Jericho waits him and both men got lock up. Rosey then gives him an armbar as Jericho reverses it with his own. Rosey goes for a clothesline as Jericho ducks it and knocks Rosey down with a side head enzuigiri. Jericho then runs toward the ropes as he attempts for the Lionsault. Rosey quickly gets up as the champ notices it and lands back on his feet. Rosey then quickly strikes him with a huge shoulder block. Rosey then works on his arms and shoulders as he applies an armbar. Jericho gets up and gives the Samoan Monster with some backhand chops. The champ then throws him to the ropes as the Samoan Monster bounces off the ropes and receives a huge spinebuster from Chris Jericho. Jericho then goes for the cover, 1.. 2.. and Rosey manages to kick out. Both men then gets up as Jericho charges while Rosey waits him and hits him with a thrust in the throat, knocking the champ down to the mat. Rosey then grabs him up as Jericho counters, punching him in the head. Jericho then gives him a snapmare takedown and hits the monster with a low dropkick in the face. The Samoan Monster gets up while Jericho quickly runs and bounces off the ropes as Haku quickly climbs on the apron for distraction. Jericho tries to grab the monster's mentor when suddenly his protigee strikes him at the back of the head. Rosey then pulls him toward and catches him with a Samoan Drop. Rosey stands up as his mentor shouts him to do the Tongan Death Grip. Rosey then walks toward the champ and grabs his neck as he applies the Tongan Death Grip. Jericho then tries to release the grip as Rosey applies more pressure to it. The champ is about to fade when Shelton Benjamin's music suddenly hits as Shelton enters the arena.

Steamboat: It's Shelton Benjamin! The fans here can't believe it but it is really Shelton Benjamin!
Snow: But he should not be here.
Steamboat: Well... he can't resist it! He wants the title and he will do anything just to have the chance to become the HEW Champion tonight.

Shelton walks down the ramp, holding his injured ribs when Rosey couldn't believe it while he stares the upcoming superstar. Shelton enters the ring when Rosey attacks and he gives the Samoan Monster a knocking spear. Shelton then started to give Rosey some huge punches in the head as the champ recovers from the Tongan Death Grip. Jericho stands up as Shelton stops his assaults on the Samoan Monster. Both men stood up at the center of the ring as Shelton offers a handshake on the HEW champion. Jericho accepts and suddenly he starts gving Shelton some chops at the chest. Shelton fights back as he kicks Jericho at the midsection, Shelton then goes for a suplex as Jericho counters and hits Shelton with a swinging neckbreaker. Shelton ables to hold and hits Jericho with a reverse neckbreaker. Shelton gets up as Rosey is about to attack him and Shelton hits him with a Super Kick. Shelton then quickly goes for the cover when Jericho quickly breaks it out. Jericho grabs and throws him some punches, Shelton then fights back until both men start to exchange some punches. Rosey then charges in and hits both men with a massive double clothesline. Rosey then throws the champ over the top rope and quickly grabs Shelton and hits him with a body slam and starts working on his injured ribs as he kicks it. Shelton tries to fight back as The Samoan Monster grabs him up and applies a bearhug on him. Shelton tries to escape from the Samoan Monster's arm as he punches him in the head. Shelton gives him some blows in the head until Rosey released him. Rosey gets up as Shelton charges in and The Samoan Monster ables to catch him with a huge swinging side slam. Rosey then starts to scream and grabs Shelton up and lifts his opponent up to his shoulder as he is about to give Benjamin a Samoan Drop. Shelton tries to escape from it by holding on the top rope. Shelton then ables to jump over the top rope and lands his feet on apron, Rosey then attacks as Shelton counters him with an elbow shot to the head. Jericho then hooks Rosey for the roll up and then applies the Walls of Jericho on the Samoan Monster. Rosey tries to escape from it when Shelton suddenly hits Jericho with a springboard clothesline. Shelton gets up as Rosey follows, the Samoan Monster attacks as Shelton kicks him in the midsection and goes for the T-bone Suplex. Haku then suddenly climbs up the apron as he makes a distraction. Shelton then changes his mind and throws the Samoan Monster to his mentor and both men knocks each others out. Shelton then grabs Jericho up as the champ counters and drags his opponent legs as he goes for the Walls of Jericho. Shelton fights back and kicks Jericho away. Shelton then quickly gets up as Jericho goes for a clothesline. Shelton ducks it and then kicks him in the midsection and then finally connects with the T-bone Suplex and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Shelton Benjamin wins the match.

Snow: I can't believe it! Shelton Benjamin wins the match and become our new HEW Heavyweight Champion!!!
Steamboat: The kid just overcome the odds and ables to fulfill his dream! He's the new champion!

Shelton continues to celebrate his victory as the ref handed him the HEW title. Jericho then walks toward the new champ as he stares him furiously. Jericho then offered a handshake as Benjamin accepts him as the crowd goes on.


Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
That's pretty sweet Levy. I posted this match on my last show and wanted to get some real feedback on this match up. This has been a huge rivalry all around the world and now I have brought it to the SWA.

[Cellers: “Now we have this video that was taken by Riots superstar CM Punk earlier today.”[/COLOR]

[We see CM Punk and he is walking around the arena with a camera pointed at himself.]

CM Punk: “Hi I am CM Punk, the straight edged wrestler and I am here tonight to destroy Raven and all of Ravens fans.”

[Punk then came across a crowd near the snack bar ad he yelled out to the crowd.]

Punk: “Who the hell here is a Raven fan?”

[Some booed but a lot of the cheered.]

Punk: “You guys have no sense! No damn sense! You are all drunks with no sense!”

[The crowd then started to chant, “alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, alcohol.”]

Punk: “Yeah you keep on drinking! Your gunna end up dieing! Keep on smoking, that will kill you too!”

[Punk then looked back at the camera.]

Punk: “You know talking about death. Tonight in that ring.”

[He then showed the ring with the camera.]

Punk: “Tonight in that very ring, like I have done before, I’m gunna dominate you Raven. And your time in the SWA will be never more. Quote that one, bitch.”

[Punk then shut off the camera as we went to commercial.]

-Commercial Break-

CM Punk Vs. Raven​

Roberts: “Making his way into the ring, the straight edged wrestler, CM Punk.”

[Punk walked out on the stage and right down the ramp. He walks to the right side of the ring, and slides into the ring.]

Roberts: “And his opponent, from the bowery, Raven.”

[Raven walked out on the stage and stuck his arms out. He then walked down the ramp and got on the second ropes, stuck his arms out again and looked at the crowd around him. As Raven got into the ring Punk slid out of the ring , so Raven just sat down in the corner. Punk got back into the ring, but Raven just sat there in his corner. He then finally stood up after a minute of staring at each other. Punk then asked or a mic.]

Punk: “Hey Raven, I have a proposition for you. You and I have fought many time here in the states and even once in England.”

[We sort of hear Raven respond saying, “What’s your point?”]

Punk: “How about we step this match up and make it a sadistic rules match?”

[Raven then asked for a mic.]

Raven: “You want to get hardcore with me. Then your on.”

[The both then dropped their mics and started the match.]

The two tie up in the middle of the ring and the Raven punched Punk in the head and threw him out of the ring. Raven got out of the ring to get Pun and Punk ran around the ring and slid back in. He then walked to the corner and sat down mocking Raven. Raven then jumped right back into the ring. Punk stood up and the two walked to the center of the ring. Raven then kicked CM Punk in the groin and threw him out of the ring again. Raven went after him and once again Punk ran back into the ring. This time though Raven grabbed a mic and started to talk.

Raven: “What the hell is with the running away. I did not come out here tonight to chase around a non drinking, non smoking mommas boy. I know last week you kinda got hurt and can’t wrestle like everyone expects. You know what, I’ve watched you wrestle, and there is nothing there anyways.”

[Raven the stood up on the ring apron.]

Raven: “Punk, sometimes in life we make our own choices. Sometimes it is made for us and sometimes there is no damn choice. Quote the Raven nevermore.”

Punk then ran at Raven and Raven pulled down the top rope and Punk went over it falling to the floor bellow. Raven the jumped down to the floor and grabbed Punk. He rammed him into the ring and ten rolled him into the ring. Raven whipped him into the corner and ran at him with a clothesline. He then whipped Punk to the corner opposite from him. Raven walked over and punched Punk in the head. Raven pulled him out of the corner and whipped him across the ring again. Raven ran at Punk and punk lifted his leg and kicked Raven in the head. Punk then ran at Raven and nailed him in the head with an elbow with Raven falling to the mat. Punk then dropped a knee on the face of Raven. Punk then started to choke Raven and rub his forearm into the face of Raven. Punk lifted Raven up and started to choke him with the middle rope now. He then sat Raven down in the corner and started stomping on Raven. Punk the ran across the ring and then bounced off the ropes. He ran back at Raven and kicked him right in the face. Punk then pulled Raven to the middle of the ring and hit him with a suplex. Punk then went right for the cover, 1..2.. and Raven kicked out.

Punk put Raven in a headlock sleeper. Punk had it locked in for a good forty-five second and then the crowd started to chant for Raven. Raven found the power to stand up and he elbowed Punk in the guy twice. He then punched Punk twice, bounced off the ropes and then clotheslined Punk. Punk got up and Raven punched him in the head again. Raven whipped CM Punk across the ring and Raven went for a clothes line but Punk ducked. Raven turned around Punk bounced off the ropes and hit Raven with a flying forearm smash. The two men stood up and Raven grabbed Punk and looked as if he was going to hit the Raven Effect. Punk the pushed Raven into the corner, but the referee was behind Raven and got sandwiched between Raven and the turnbuckle with the referee falling to the mat. Punk saw what happened, Raven grabbed him and nailed him with the Raven Effect and went for the pin. Raven had Punk down for a good ten count but with no ref to count it did not matter. Raven then stood up and tried to wake the ref and the referee move slightly. Raven the picked up Punk but Punk hit him with a low blow. Punk went for a roll up and the ref slowly counted 1..2.. and Raven kicked out at two.

Raven rolled out of the ring and Punk got on the ring apron. Punk dropped off the apron and hit Raven in the head with his elbow. He then Punched raven in the head as Raven started to walk away. Punk the followed Raven to the entrance ramp and punched Raven again in the head and dropped him to the floor. With Raven down Punk taunted him and Raven slowly rolled over and Punk lifted him up. Punk the grabbed Raven and walked further up and ramp and then pushed Raven down to the floor. Punk lifted Raven up and set him up for a suplex. Raven blocked it with his leg and reversed it suplexing Punk to the floor. Raven the walked up the rest of the ramp and backstage. When he came back out he came back with a steel chair in hand. He then walked over to Punk and when Punk was almost to his feet, Raven hit him in the back with the chair. Raven the grabbed Punk and pulled him down the ramp and rolled him into the ring and then threw that chair in there as well. Raven had the chair in hand whipped Punk across the ring. Raven looked as if he was going t hit Punk with the chair and Punk slid between Raven’s legs and right out of the ring. Before Raven could even turn around Punk pulled his feet out from under him and Raven fell to the mat hitting his head on the steel chair. Punk then got back into the ring and sat up the chair. He then bashed Raven’s face into it. Punk lifted Raven and wrenched his arm. With the arm of Raven wrenched he then kicked him right in the face. Punk bounced off the ropes and when he got back to Raven, Raven gave him a drop toe hold onto the steel chair. Both men laid on their back and we waited to see what would happen. Eventually they both stood up and raven punched Punk 4 times, spun around and hit him with a clothesline. Raven whipped Punk into the turnbuckle and he bounced off of it. Raven ran against the ropes, ran at Punk and hit him with yet another clothesline. Punk stood up and Raven hit him in the face with e knee lift. Raven the ran at Punk, grabbed his head and dropped him with a bulldog. Raven then went for the pin 1…2… and CM Punk kicked out.

Raven then stood up and waited for Punk to get up. He whipped Punk into the corner and hit him with a clothesline to the turnbuckle. Raven the lifted Punk up and sat him on the top rope. Raven went to punch Punk and Punk blocked I and punched raven. He the kicked Raven in the gut and the punched him again. Punk then pulled Raven on the ropes with him and attempted to set Raven up for the Pepsi Plunge. Raven reversed it with a back body drop. Punk crashed and burned to the mat below. Raven the motioned for Punk to get up. Punk slowly got to his feet and Raven set him up for the Raven Effect. Punk reversed it and nailed Raven with a Diamond Cutter. Raven sat up and Punk bounced off the ropes ran at Raven and hit him with the Shinning Wizard. Punk then went for the pin on Raven 1…2…3.

Roberts: “Here is you winner, the straight edged wrestler, CM Punk.“

The Rated R CMStar

The promos from both wrestlers were great, you reall portrait the great indy heel that was CM Punk.

As for the match, it was nice, exchanging blows and maneuvers. MY only complain was the ending, it was going out smoothly until you ended a match with a Shining Wizard. It would have made more sense for Punk to attemt a second Pepsi Plunge, would be great storytelling considering he failed the first one


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Here is a match that I wrote recently. Feedback on it would be nice if possible rep would go your way. I don't expect o get much back though, because hell this is a really long match around ten pages on word.

AJ Styles vs. Homicide
New York City Street Fight

*Brooklyn, Brooklyn plays to a ton of heat as Homicide comes down to the ring with his trademark bandana around his throat. He gets into the ring taunting the fans as he gets up onto the turnbuckle holding his hands high. He takes the title off of his waist giving it to the referee of tonight’s match*

*AJ Styles music plays to a phenomenal pop as AJ Styles comes down to the ring as the “Impact Zone†goes wild for their fan favorite. Styles then slaps hands with a couple of his fans as he gets into the ring taking down his hood. He goes face to face with his opponent as they get ready for a battle of a lifetime*

Ding, Ding, Ding! The ref rings the bell as the two great TNA superstars circle around the ring getting ready for their match. AJ begins moving his arms in circles stretching out for this big match when his fans begin to chant his name over and over again as he soaks up the cheers. Homicide then being cocky, challenges Styles to a test of strength in the middle of the ring. When AJ starts to accept the challenge, Cide’ quickly pulls his hand away laughing much to the dislike of AJ and the crowd. Homicide finally decides to accept it as they lock hands, with each person trying to get the advantage. Styles begins to take advantage of this as he twists his arm around again and again, and then drives an elbow into the joint. AJ then Irish whips him off the ropes, and as he comes at him he jumps over him with his opponent still going.

Styles quickly turns around into Homicide who takes him down with a hard short arm clothesline. The opponent gets back up as the champ fires him with punches laying him on the rope. Styles comes back with a knee to the stomach, and then pushes him out hitting a dropsault! Homicide doesn’t look hurt as he gets up almost immediately, and then they meet in the middle of the ring once more. The challenger tries throwing a punch at him, but he ducks under it. AJ then turns around into a spinning reverse elbow sending him lying onto the bottom rope. He then walks over to him and grabs his legs and he slingshots AJ throat first into the rope!

Homicide laughs as he continues the assault to AJ hitting him with a couple of boots to the body. He then lifts him up, and shows off his strength hitting him with a T-Bone Suplex! The Notorious 187 laughs at AJ as he hovers over him, beginning to choke him with his two hands. Homicide shows some strength after choking him by lifting him up to a vertical base. Cide’ then kicks him in the gut and grabs his head and lifts him up in a suplex position where he drapes him on the outside of the apron. Homicide then gives him a hard punch to his stomach making him bend over as he runs off the ropes and hits the Ace Cutter through the ropes! The crowd boos the heel as he smiles and hooks his far leg for the pin



The challenger kicks out! Homicide doesn’t look surprised as he patiently waits for his opponent to get up. AJ slowly gets up as he tries to shake off the pain, but when he looks up e is met by a huge Shining Wizard nearly knocking him out! 187 lifts him back up, and Irish whips him off the ropes and as he comes back Homicide tries to back drop him but Styles kicks him in the face. Styles then bounces off the ropes himself but is hit with a shoulder block from the champ. The challenger gets back up quickly but the champ lifts him up hitting a scoop slam on him, slamming his back hard into the mat.

Styles who begins to sit up causes Homicide to put him in a bow and arrow lock, pulling his arms back while driving his knee into his back. AJ’s face begins to grimace from the pain this hold is causing on his lower back. Homicide is in total control of the match, as he even begins to laugh at his opponent’s attempts at coming back. The crowd gets behind their hero chanting his name repeatedly through the Impact Zone, “AJ, AJ, AJ…..†The Phenomenal One responds to his fans chanting by beginning to get of the hold standing up. He then breaks his opponents grip on his hands and hits him with the Pele Kick!!!

The crowd goes wild for that innovative move, especially Don West who marks out screaming Pele Kick over and over again to the dislike of the viewers at home. Both men are down on the ground as the crowd begins to clap, trying to get them to stand up, and continue the match. The ref begins to count as both men are lying down. The ref gets to an 8 count when both of them get up with the help of the ropes getting to a vertical base. They meet in the center where the two begin to trade punches to each other back and forth. Styles then blocks one of the punches, and then hits him with a spinning roundhouse kick to his head sending him into the corner.

AJ backs up into the opposite corner that Homicide is in and then charges at him hitting a spinning heel kick to his jaw in the corner. Homicide starts to fall forward where Styles helps him on his way down knocking him with a ring rattling DDT! AJ plays to the fans a little before he goes out onto the ring apron where he springboards himself up in the air hitting the Shooting Styles Press! The crowd goes wild for his athleticism as Styles rolls over covering the downed champion



AJ rolls off of him as he helps him self back up in the corner. Homicide gets up on his hands and knees when the challenger bounces off the ropes running at him delivering a dropkick straight to his temple. Styles goes over him stomping him hard into the ground. Styles tries to lift Homicide back up, but Homicide rakes his eyes. The champion kicks him in the stomach, and then he gets him in a double underhook where he flips him over his head with a double underhook suplex. Notorious 187 leaves the ring slowly where he looks under the ring for a weapon to use for the first time.

He takes a little too long looking for a weapon to use letting his opponent regain his health and stamina. Homicide finally comes out with a steel chair, but when he turns around we see Styles running flying over the top rope hitting the Fosbury Flop on to the champ! Styles gets up holding his arms up in his pose to the fans. He lifts up the champion where he drives him back first into the ring railing. AJ then hammers him with punches to the forehead before backing up, and clotheslines him over the top of the rail! The crowd goes wild as some of the screaming Impact fans get to see their favorites fight up and close.

AJ Styles lifts him back up where his opponent fires back with a punch to the gut. AJ crunches up his face, as he squints from the sudden pain. Homicide then fires a punch at him which is responded with a punch right back from the challenger. The two trade punches back and forth as they go deeper into the crowd when they reach an open spot near the beginning of the bleachers. Cide’ then drives his thumb into his eye, and then grabs his head and slams it into the railing of the bleacher. Styles looks up holding the top of his forehead when Homicide grabs his arm hitting a hip toss on him, slamming him hard onto the ground.

The pain is shown clearly on his face as he holds his lower back. Homicide laughs as he taunts the fans yelling “How’s your man looking now?†AJ is sitting on his butt where the champion starts slapping him across the head and then throwing him back down. Styles starts to get back up when the champ grabs him throwing him through a black curtain which appears to lead to the backstage area. The camera finally gets to the back where we see Styles on the ground with Homicide walking at him.

Styles start to get back up on his hands and knees when Homicide hits him over the back with a punch to the back. Homicide grabs Styles into a side head lock where he brings him over to the wall where he slams him into the wall back first. The champ then knees him in the gut a couple of times before hitting him with some stiff chops to his chest making it turn red. Homicide the gets somewhat of a sadistic smile on his face where he brings him out and bear hugs him throwing him over his head with an overhead belly to belly suplex into the wall!!!! The crowd lets out a gasp of shock where we see a huge move much like what Angle did to Shane McMahon in their match years ago. Styles is down and out, and appears not to be moving where Homicide covers him cockily thinking he has this one in the bag




NO AJ STYLES KICKS OUT!!! Homicide can’t believe his eyes as he thought this match would be over for sure, showing the resiliency of AJ. This however seems just to piss of Homicide even more who drags him around the backstage are by the arm. We see him take him back into the crowd dragging him back towards the ring. Homicide lifts AJ up onto his shoulders in a fireman carry bringing him over the railing into the ring. The champ then tosses him into the ring with his head just hanging a little over the ring apron.

Homicide begins slamming his forearm into Styles’ forehead, when he begins grinding his forearm over the bridge of his nose. AJ yells in pain as the Notorious 187 stops showing Styles face which has turned bright red. The champion gets onto the apron where he runs and jumps up hitting a knee drop onto his head. He slides back into the ring where he lifts him up in a scoop slam position where he brings him to face down hitting the Scoop Slam Piledriver! Styles rolls over to his back where he seems knocked out from the pain of this move. Homicide this time hooks his leg looking to win the match



AJ surprisingly kicks out of the move to the dismay of the champ. The Champion grabs AJ’s head and tosses him over hitting a snapmare takedown. He then drops down onto one knee where he locks him in a reverse choke hold. The crowd cheers for Styles to get back into this match with repeated clapping and the chants of, “Let’s Go AJ, Let’s Go.†At first Styles doesn’t seem to respond to the chants, but after ten seconds of being in the hold he finally begin to show some life for the first time in a while. AJ begins to push away at his opponents chin trying to get him off.

Homicide tries to tighten the grip on the challenger putting more pressure on his head, turning it bright red. The Phenomenal One still fights back getting back up onto one knee where he begins to elbow him in the stomach. Finally he is able to stand up and breaks the hold, but is immediately tossed over the top rope, but he lands on the apron. The champion thinks that he through him out of the ring, but he turns and Styles grabs his head and jumps down slamming his throat into the ropes!

Homicide goes back into the center of the ring from the momentum of the move, while Styles gets back up onto the apron slowly. AJ tries to springboard himself over the ropes, but his foot gets caught in the ropes! Homicide then runs over to him knocking him off of the apron. 187 then looks at him on the ground when he runs and bounces of the ropes diving over the ropes hitting the Tope Con Hilo! The champion however lands hard on the railing hitting his lower back hard, catching just as much body as steel.

Both men are down on the ground as the TNA fans begin to chant “This is Awesome, This is Awesome!†Neither man shows a sign of life until the champ rolls onto his butt holding his lower back. Cide’ shakes off the cobwebs in his head as he taunts the fans when Styles gets up. Homicide slams him with fists into his back, but Styles grabs him driving him into the ring apron hard! AJ then grabs his head slamming it furiously into the steel steps, he does this again and again, until Homicide falls back over.

AJ then grabs his arm as he throws him hard into the steel steps. Styles then slides him back into the ring where he follows him stomping him hard into the mat. AJ lifts him back up where he hits him with a couple of stiff chops, and then he lifts him up hitting his patented Spine Breaker! Homicide falls down onto the ground showing the grief on his face from the pain. AJ then bounces off the ropes jumping way up hitting a huge knee drop! The challenger lifts his arm into the air where he grabs him, and puts him in the torture rack. Instead of holding onto the submission he throws him off hitting the Rack Bomb! Styles gets onto his knees covering him



Kickout from the champion! AJ falls back over wiping off his face from the sweat, crawling over to the ropes trying to help himself up. He gets up to his feet where he goes over to his opponent giving him a couple of forearms to the side of his head. AJ then irish whips him off the ropes, and as he comes back he quickly slides underneath his legs. As his opponent comes closer he nips up wrapping his legs around his head hitting the kip-up hurricanrana. That move gets a major pop from the crowd as AJ goes outside of the apron on the opposite side of the ropes.

He waits their patiently waiting for his opponent to get back up, and when he does he jumps onto the ropes diving forward hitting the flying forearm! The challenger rolls around the ring before he sits back taunting Homicide. Homicide gets back up in the corner where Styles charges at him hitting a back elbow forcing him to come out. AJ then goes behind him grabbing him hitting the Starmaker! The crowd goes wild as Styles flips him over pinning him



The Notorious 187 kicks out! Styles shakes his head thinking that he should of won the match with that high impact move. The Phenomenal One goes over to his opponent grabbing his arm putting him into the fujiwara arm bar. Styles pulls it back even more, making it seem his shoulder has been hyper extended. The champion yells in pain from the move, and the ref asks him if he wants to quit. Homicide responds with a loud “HELL NO†which is heard throughout the arena. Styles decides to release the hold, but he keeps a hold of the arm lifting him up.

AJ then pulls him closer trying to clothesline him, but the champion ducks underneath the move. He then grabs his neck taking him down with a huge neck breaker changing the pace of this match again. Homicide slowly rolls out of the ring, and grabs one of the steel chairs that he tossed out earlier. He tosses the weapon back into the ring where he climbs up in under the ropes grabbing the chair stalking the downed challenger. Homicide tries knocking him over the head with the chair, but Styles ducks under kicking him in the stomach making him drop the chair.

AJ then grabs him putting him in between his legs where he tosses him up in the air about to hit a powerbomb, when Cide’ reverses it hitting a head scissors take down on the chair! His skull fought the chair, and the chair obviously won as AJ rolls around in the ring holding his head. Homicide gets a sadistic smile on his face up the steel chair, and going over to AJ who is sitting up. He then nails him right over the head with the chair which is heard all throughout the arena! The crowd lets out huge “Ohhhhs and Awwwws†as the camera looks at Styles head which has been cut open a little on his forehead. The champ then covers him with the pin in a lateral press




A kickout from AJ Styles, keeping the match alive. We then see AJ crawl over into the corner lying on the bottom of the turnbuckle. The champ backs up into the other corner, and then charges at him hitting the running knee scarpe to the head of his challenger. Homicide grabs his arm and lifts him up out of the corner where he knees him in the gut lifting him up hitting the Falcon Arrow! Homicide then rolls out of the ring looking under the ring when he comes out with some rope.

He takes it into the ring where he grabs AJ and puts him in the cross leg STF, but instead of choking him with his hands he uses the rope! He brings it back and back choking the hell out of AJ who is slamming his fists on the ground in pain. Styles is getting choked away as you can see the life being choked out of him. He tries to breathe harder, but to no effect but turning his face a bright shade of purple. Homicide shakes his head up and down knowing that he has this match in the bag.

The ref gets down on his body looking at his face asking him if he wants to give up. The Challenger shakes his head not wanting to give up his hopes of regaining the title back. Styles extends his arm as far as he can, and tries to drag his body over to the ropes to break the hold. Through the loss of his blood AJ has forgot that getting to the ropes will do nothing as this is a NO DQ match. With Homicide on his back and him not being able to breathe is making the task nearly impossible. Styles however uses all his might trying to get his hand on the rope, and he is nearly there, and he finally grabs it with his hand! Styles looks relieved, and he looks up at the ref who tells him that it’s a No DQ match so there are no rope breaks.

AJ lets go and falls back on his face looking rejected rubbing the blood over his eye into the canvas staining a little part of the mat crimson red. The ref looks down at him to see if he has faded from the pain, and then raises his hand in the air and it drops back down to the ground. The ref lifts it up once more, but it flops down onto the canvas with a thud. Homicide shakes his head up and down about to retain his X Title, when the ref lifts it up in the sky again, but this time it stays in the air! The challenger shows off his resiliency not giving up even from the incredible amount of pain. AJ begins elbowing Homicide in the side of his temple trying to get him to release the hold. He finally hits him in the head hard enough releasing the hold, finally being able to breathe once more.

Homicide can’t believe it as he falls back into the bottom corner regaining his stamina. The champion wipes off the sweat from his face as he goes over to AJ Styles who is laying his head on the bottom rope. Cide’ runs off the ropes and jumps up driving knee into his neck knocking him backwards. He then grabs his opponent by the hair lifting him up, and then hits him over the back a couple of times. He puts him underneath his legs about to powerbomb when he lifts his arms in the air, and tries to lift him up, but AJ rolls him up with a school boy pin




No Homicide kicks out of the surprise pin. Homicide looks really surprised from the move by almost getting pinned. He gets up stalking his opponent who gets back up as the two of them meet in the center of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. They break out of it trading punches between themselves slowly slugging it out. Homicide blocks one of his punches, and then grabs his arm and Irish whips him off the ropes. As AJ nears the ropes he springboards himself backwards doing a moonsault, hitting the Stylin’ DDT on him! he crowd goes wild as you can feel the momentum in the match changing going back into the challengers favor.

AJ shakes his head as he wipes his face off as he begins to get up. He slides out of the ring as he walks over and picks up a trash can and a street sign saying “New York, New York.†He throws the weapons into the ring where he gets up onto the apron. The challenger stalks his opponent waiting for him to get up, and when he does he jumps up onto the ropes hitting the springboard forearm strike! The crowd cheers as AJ gets back up picking up the street sign that he got under the ring. He takes it over to Homicide who is lying across the ropes, and then nails him over the head with it twice knocking him over.

Styles continues to beat on the champion with the sign, hitting him repeatedly over the back and ribs of him. Styles has an enraged look in his eye as he goes over to pick up the trash can lid. He lifts up Homicide where he tosses him into the turnbuckle of the ring. AJ takes the trash can lid back, and then delivers one more skull rattling hit to his opponents forehead. Cide’ falls forward onto the ground where AJ begin to put the trash can on top of his body. Styles stomps him a couple of times before climbing up onto the top rope. He lloks at the body of Homicide before looking up into the sky, and diving off hitting the SPIRAL TAP ON THE TRASH CAN!!!! The crowd lets out a huge “Holy Shit†chant throughout the arena as AJ drags himself over to him putting an arm across his chest for the pin




NO He just gets his shoulder up with a millisecond to spare. AJ can’t believe it as he truly thought that he had the match won with that amazing move. He falls backwards holding his hamstring which connected hard with the steel trash can. Styles walks over to him, and takes off the trash can to revile his head which has know been cut open on his forehead. Styles goes over his head and takes his hand firing punches repeatedly to his forehead trying to open up the cut even more. He keeps doing this for a couple more seconds before getting up, and hitting him with a stomp to his sternum.

The Phenomenal One lifts him up by the arm, and Irish whips him off the ropes. As he comes back Homicide tries to clothesline him, but he ducks under it and when the champion turns around he connects with an enziguri. Homicide is on the edge of the ring when AJ bounces off the ropes, and hits a baseball slide taking him out of the ring. Styles slides out of the ring and kicks his opponent into the guard rail. He picks him up, and then slams his head on the steels steps several times. He then grabs his head, and brings it back, and tosses him hard into the ring post!

He then slams his head off of the apron, and tosses him back into the ring. AJ climbs up the steps to get back into the ring slowly, and then climbs up the top rope. Homicide gets up and tries knocking him off, but he gets kicked in the face. Styles then dives off hitting a tornado DDT onto him sending him crashing down into the mat, but he gets right back up. Homicide turns around as AJ runs right at him hitting a spinning heel kick knocking him off his feet. He lifts him back up once more, and he goes under about to hit a back suplex, but he throws him in front of him with a facebuster. AJ then hooks the far leg



Homicide kicks out of the pin! AJ then slams that mat breaking out of character visibly angry that he hasn’t won yet. Styles then slides out of the ring, and looks underneath the apron, and he pulls out a ladder! The crowd goes wild as they know that anything he does with the weapon will be death defying and insane. He brings the ladder back into the ring, where he waits for Homicide to get up to make sure he stays down. Cide’ gets up, and is rudely awakened with the taste of ladder right into his face, looking like he got a tooth knocked out. Styles looks pleased so he sets up the ladder near the corner of the ring.

AJ climbs up very slowly, but he eventually gets to the top of the ladder. AJ takes a little too long performing to the fans, taunting his opponent saying that this is the end. He then looks up at Homicide who is racing up to the top of the ladder, and then fires at him with a punch. He keeps hitting him with punches seeming to have gotten an extra adrenaline boost nearing the end of the match. He then hits him with a hard uppercut on him, and then looks at the ground before grabbing his head diving up hitting the Ace Cutter off of the top rope!!!!!!!!!

There is a silence over the crowd with most people on there feet with their hands over their mouths. Nobody is moving in the ring as the ref checks on both to see if either of them is even breathing. After about 20 seconds of nobody moving Homicide finally seems to show a sign of life by putting his hands over his face. Homicide rolls over onto his stomach, and tries to drag himself over to his challenger. He then slowly flips him over onto his back where he drapes his hand over his chest for the obvious pin




NO!!!!!! He gets his shoulder up just in time! The crowd goes wild knowing that their fan favorite is still alive in this match. The crowd goes wild chanting, “This is Awesome, This is Awesome†over and over again. Homicide falls back over from the pain in his back, and how tired he is. He begins to crawl over to the ropes to try to get himself up. The champion gets up, and then he goes over to him hitting him with a couple of stomps, and then lifts him up. He grabs his arm, and then takes him down with a quick arm drag as he holds his arm in an armbar. He wrenches it back as Styles has a disgruntled look on his face, as his face scrunches up from the pain.

Homicide holds it in as he shakes his head up and down trying to make him give up ending the match. AJ sticks his arm in the air trying to get the fans behind him. Styles slowly begins to get up onto one knee, and then he begins to stand up, but is quickly taken back down as Cide’ hits him with a clothesline to the back of his head. Homicide then reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a fork! He holds a firm grip on the fork, and then he gets the challenger in a headlock with one arm, and begins to stab him in the face repeatedly with the fork!

AJ yells in pain as the blood pours down his head like a river which is starting to become very gruesome. The mat where he is starts to turn red as the blood has stained the mat. Notorious 187 finally stop as he thinks that he has done enough damage to his forehead. Homicide then rolls out of the ring, and he looks under the ring and pulls out a table! He slides in into the ring, and then he gets back in himself. Homicide picks up the table, and as he’s walking to the corner, he knocks him in the face with the table to put him down for good.

Cide’ sets up the table in the corner near the turnbuckle as he drags AJ over to it by the hair. He lifts him back up, and then he tosses him onto the top rope, and then he climbs up himself. Homicide hits him with a couple of punches to the back, and he puts his arm over his shoulder looking to hit a superplex through the table. As Homicide tries to lift him in the air AJ won’t budge, and keeps his legs locked on tight to the turnbuckle. He keeps trying to get him off, but he won’t move, and finally Styles starts fighting back hitting him with punches to the gut. Homicide bends over, and Styles continues the beat down hitting him with clubs to his back.

The challenger then gets up onto the top rope himself, and slams the champs head on the turnbuckle. Styles then lifts him up in the Styles Clash position, and puts his legs in front of his arms constricting him. AJ then looks up into the sky, and then dives off hitting the SUPER STYLES CLASH THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!!!! The crowd goes insane with cheers, and begin chanting “Holy Shit, Holy Shit.†We then see the carnage of both men down and out in a pool of their own blood. No one moves for a couple of seconds as they are just laying their appearing dead. The crowd chants “This is Awesome†a couple of times trying to get their fan favorite superstar to get up. We then see AJ show a tiny sign of life as he moves his arm a little. He finally begins to sit up as he musters up just enough strength and energy to roll his long time foe over for the pin





*The crowd erupts in applause for the amazing match these two performs put on, and for the new X-Division Title AJ Styles. The ref presents him with the title belt without him even knowing what is going on. We then go off the air with AJ having the title laid over his body*

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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I just thought of putting this one as this is my first Wrestlemania match wrote. I think it's not that okay for a Wrestlemania Match but what do you think though.


*Bell Rings*

Howard Finkel: The following match is scheculed for one fall and it's for the WWE Championship.

*crowd pops when Turn Up the Trouble hits*

Kennedy enters the arena as the crowd starts to pop. Kennedy raised the money in the bank briefcase and he throws it to the ground to a huge explosion. Kennedy then walks down the ramp as the crowd continues to cheer for the challenger. Kennedy straights toward the center of the ring as the lights fade and turns a spotlight on the superstar while his mic is bringing down.

Mr. Kennedy: The wait is finally over people, I am finally here in Wrestlemania 24 to become the next WWE Champion! I want to say more but I really want to start this match this instance so without further ado. I weigh in tonight at 243 lbs. I hail from Green Bay, Winsconsin. Your future WWE Champion, and if I mean Champion I mean not a transitional champion, MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEEEDDYYYYYY!!!!!! KENNEDY!

*crowd cheers*

Mr. Kennedy: KENNEDY!

Then Burn In My Light hits as the WWE Champion, Randy Orton enters the ring with his title on his shoulders as the crowd respond to negative reaction. Orton enters the ring and joined Kennedy to the center as both men goes for a heated staredown. The ref calls for the bell as both men starts throwing some thrash talks to each other. Kennedy then gives Orton a slap to the face as the crowd cheers. Orton then quickly goes for a headlock and Kennedy pushes him to the ropes. Orton bounces back as Kennedy knocks him down the mat with a shoulder block. Kennedy then locks his head up as Orton tries to get up. Orton gets on to his knees and he starts throwing some punches to Kennedy's midsection. Orton then gets up and gives Kennedy an inverted backbreaker and covers, 1.. 2..., and Kennedy kicks out. Orton then grabs his opponent to his knees and throws him some forearm smash to the chest. The ref tries to stop the champ when he then applies his opponent with his own headlock. Kennedy tries to get out from the lock as Orton connects him with a neckbreaker followed by a knee drop and covers, 1.. 2.. and Kennedy once again managed to kick out. The champ grabs Kennedy back to his feet and starts hitting him with some european uppercuts and backhand chops to the corner. Orton continues as Kennedy counters and puts him to the corner and he climbs up the second turnbuckle as he starts throwing Orton some punches in the head as the crowd counts every punches. Orton then counters and hits Kennedy with a snake eyes to the turnbuckle and then goes for a school boy roll up and places his feet above the ropes, 1.. 2... and the ref stops the count after seeing Orton's feet above the ropes. Orton starts complaining at the ref then turns himself back to the match. Orton grabs Kennedy and whips him to the ropes, Kennedy bounces back and Orton hits him with a dropkick. Orton stares on his challenger while he tries to get back to his feet and he do the Destiny taunt to the center of the ring to a huge boos from the crowd. Orton waits for Kennedy to get up, preparing himself for the RKO. Kennedy gets up and looks for Orton as the champ tries to connect him with the RKO but Kennedy pulls him away and Orton bounces off the ropes and the challenger catches him with a Mic Check attempt but Orton shoves him away and the champ exits the ring. Kennedy follows him and grabs his head throwing him to the announcer's table. Kennedy grabs Orton as he sends Kennedy to the steel steps hitting his back. Orton then walks back and then runs as he hits Kennedy with a boot to his shoulder and the steel steps. Kennedy shouts for pain as the champ grabs him up and scoops him as and throws him to the steel post, hitting the injured shoulders. The ref counts to seven as Orton enters back and exits the ring to restart the count. Orton then grabs Kennedy's arm and swings it to the the steel post as Kennedy cries. Orton then wraps his arm around the post to apply more pressure to it as Kennedy counters and throws Orton's head to it. Kennedy tries to rebuild his momentum after knocking Orton down as the ref's count is six. Kennedy then rolls inside then out of the ring to restart the count once again and grabs Orton up. Kennedy lifts Orton above his shoulder and tries to hit him with a Green Bay Plunge down the concrete. Kennedy runs as Orton manages to get out from his opponent. Kennedy turns and Orton knocks him down with a huge clothesline. Orton then grabs him up and throws him back inside the ring and he follows. Orton then applies him with an armbar on the injured arm as Kennedy writhes in pain. The champ continues to apply the pressure as Kennedy starts to stomp the mat and tries to build some momentum as the crowd joins him by clapping their hands and tapping the barricades. Kennedy slowly gets up and tries to escape from the armbar. Kennedy is finally back to his feet as Orton twists the challenger's arm. Kennedy tries to full some strenght as he lifts Orton up to his shoulder with his one arm and nails him with the Green Bay Plunge down the mat to escape from the armbar. Kennedy shouts his name as the crowd starts chanting it as well. Kennedy waits for Orton to get up and grabs him for the Mic Check but Orton surprises him with a RKO. The crowd makes some noise as both men are lying down the mat. The ref starts counting as Orton tries to crawl towards Kennedy. Orton places his arm above Kennedy's chest for the cover and the ref slides for the count, 1... 2... 21/2.... and Kennedy lifts his shoulder to break the count. The cheers from the crowd gets louder after Kennedy manages to get out of it. Both men gets up and goes head to head and starts exchanging some punches to the head. Orton then manages to throw simultaneous punches to his opponents then followed by a kick at the midsection and goes for an RKO but Kennedy counters it and pushes Orton away to the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and Kennedy catches him by finally connecting him with the Mic Check. Kennedy is about to cover the champ to win the match but he suddenly changes is mind and heads toward the top rope. Orton is still lying down the mat as Kennedy goes for the Kenton Bomb and nails Orton to the chest. Kennedy then covers, 1... 2... 3... and Mr. Kennedy becomes your new WWE Champion. Tears started to pour in his eyes as the ref hands over the title on the new champ. Orton is still lying on the mat as Kennedy kneels at the center of the ring and gives his title a kiss on the center plate.


Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
I'm going to post some promos I wrote for various attempted btb's that never started and I'll post match recap. I believe I got my promos down good it's my matches I need improvement on.

After an extensive Wrestlemania recap and the opening video the camera cuts to the entrance.


The camera then cuts to the announcers table where we see The Coach with Michael Cole and Tazz.

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Friday Night Smackdown and we are live form the American Airlines Arena here in Miami Florida. I’m Michael Cole here along my broadcast partners The Coach and Tazz.

Tazz: Cole even though I’m happy to be back on Smackdown I am not to happy to see you. But enough about me and more about the Smackdown superstars. I’m really looking forward to seeing Batista taking on Chuck Palumbo.

Coach: Tazz I can see that you and me will have a good time cause we share similar views. But what I’m looking forward too is coming up right now and that is Edge’s state of the union address to the Smackdown locker room and audience.

* Metalingus * hits to a huge amount of heat as the former World Heavyweight Champion Edge makes his way down to the ring in casual wear and with Vickie Guerrero(walking) Chavo Guerrero and the Edgeheads with a visibly upset vibe in the group. Edge gets in the ring and is given a microphone he looks really annoyed as the fans chant you tap out.

Edge: Last Sunday at Wrestle….(Taker chants) Shut up!(heat) Last Sunday at Wrestlemania 24 I lost the most prized possession in this business. I lost the most important thing in the world to some Deadman(pop). I may have fell victim to The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania but I’m not going to give the Undertaker any respect. (heat) What did he do to deserve to win that belt from me? He did nothing, cause he knew I had him beat.

Edge smirks as Vickie pats him on the back encouraging him to keep on going while the rest of the Stable claps.

Edge: He threw every move that he had in that pathetic arsenal of his just to defeat me. He threw out a Chokeslam but I survived. He pulled out the Last Ride and I still kicked out. He then even hit the Tombstone Piledriver……(Taker chants fill the arena heavily as Edge gets a sadistic grin and the camera zooms in on his face) I still managed to survive.

Edge continues to grin as his group encourages him to go on. Vickie and Chavo keep on saying he survived as Edge begins to speak again.

Edge: See at Wrestlemania 24 I did not lose the World Heavyweight Title. I was screwed out my World Heavyweight title just like Chavo was screwed out the ECW World Heavyweight title.

Tremendous amount of heat for Edge as the crowd cannot believe what he is actually trying to make them believe.

Edge: Let me explain this in simple terms for all of the ignorant people in this second rate city.

Cheap heel heat for Edge.

Edge: On the weeks heading up to Wrestlemania 24 I was shocked to see The Undertaker debut that Gogoplata submission finisher. But here’s what really shocked me is that the WWE referee’s allowed him to apply such a deadly move.

The crowd is silent as Edge gets a worried look on his face and tries to sell Taker as a killer.

Edge: The WWE let him apply a life threatening move onto his opponents. This move cuts of someone’s air supply it made people bleed form the mouth and superstars complained that the Phenom was taking things to far. I had WWE superstars coming up to their champ saying beat The Undertaker for us they said kill his legacy, put him down for good.

The crowd gives Edge heat as he continues to degrade the new World Heavyweight Champion.

Edge: I told them I’ll do it with full confidence, but I should’ve known better. I should’ve known once The Undertaker realized that he could not defeat the Rated R Superstar . I should’ve known that he would go to a desperate level and try to end my wrestling career.

Edge looks extremely irritated that the crowd does not care at all and expression changes to a dark one as he points to his neck.

Edge: My neck has been broken before, my neck took a year off my career and you hero knowing this….( Edge pause running his finger through his hair as he tries to ignore a cheering crowd) applied that vicious move on me. Because of me trying to save my life and my career that is why I had no choice but to tap out. I tapped out for Vickie and her family, I did it for my physical well being, I did it to save my career.

The crowd is still chanting for the Deadman to appear.

Edge: It was a conspiracy I lost my title to an illegal wrestling maneuver and everyone backstage knows it and you all know it. I don’t know who has something against me up at WWE headquarters, I don’t know who The Undertaker cornered to get everyone to bend the rules for him. But point blank I was screwed out of my World Heavyweight Title.

Huge pop as The crowd is pro Taker of course.

Edge: No it’s not okay cause tonight me and Vickie were going to get married and until I can recapture my title that can’t happen.


Edge: Oh, that makes all of you folks happy huh, well I’ll bet this announcement form my lovely fiancé the love of my life Vickie will set the record and all of you straight.

Edge and Vickie kiss in the ring to a bunch of heat afterwards Edge passes Vickie Guerrero his microphone.

Guerrero: Due to the circumstances of the finish at Wrestlemania 24 and after reviewing the rules and the tape extensively. I decide to strip The Undertaker of the World Heavyweight Championship and reward to the love of my life. So taker you got until the end of this show to hand over the World Heavyweight Championship to my Rated R superstar.


Edge: Thank you Vickie you did the right thing, just don’t listen to these people who are jealous of you. Now Taker get your sorry ass down this ramp and hand over my belt.

* Also sprach Zarathustra * hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes down to the ring to an enormous pop he has on suit and enters the ring to the annoyance of Edge’s group. The Naitch lets out a Woo! And grabs a mic.

Coach: What in the hell is Ric Flair doing out here I thought we had his retirement on Raw.

Tazz: Maybe Ric Flair thinks he still got something left in the tank Coach.

Cole: I’m just glad that something stopped Edge from continuing with that ridiculous long rant that he was just on.

Flair: Edge I know your wondering why the Nature Boy is out here. Well after Raw I got a call from Linda McMahon and she was telling me about the situation on Smackdown. She was telling Naitch about how Edge was basically a tyrant using Vickie to keep a grip on the World Heavyweight Title. She said that it was unfair to the Smackdown superstars and is diminishing the prestige of the belt. Now Edge I worked sixty minutes classics, I fought in gyms, arenas, domes any place imaginable that you can wrestle in for the title The Undertaker rightfully won. So Linda offered me the job to be the co general manager of Smackdown. WOOOOOO!

Edge’s jaw drop at what the Nature Boy just said and looks at Vickie with a shocked expression.

Flair: So Edge it looks like the dirty games, your politics, your grip hold of Smackdown is over WOO! So I hate to break it to you son but The Undertaker is hereby not stripped of the Big Gold belt. Your going have to beat the man to be the man to hold the World Heavyweight title strap son. But since I’m out here I guess I could make the rematch tonight.

Edge is fuming with anger and can’t believe this is happening.

Edge: Ric I’ll try to put this in a nice way… I’m tired of you attention seeking attitude. You just can’t leave can you? You just don’t realize that your dead weight who’s trying to salvage another fifteen minutes of fame. And I’m getting sick of tired it. So instead of me wrestling The Undertaker on free television how about you let me put you down once and for all.

Heat ensues as Flair takes off his jacket, Ric looks furious and even unbuttons his shirt and slaps Edge and gets in his face.

Flair: You gonna put me down boy huh, how is a half of man gonna beat me. Your are a apathetic excuse for a WWE superstar. But if you wanna try and stop the Naitch go ahead cause tonight when I’m through with you I will put you back in your place …. LITTLE BOY!!!!!

Flair gives Edge a couple of jabs but after a good exchange with the Rated R superstar the Edgeheads finally intervene and begin stomping on Flair. Chavo goes to the top and hit’s the frog splash. The lights then go out.


The lights come back on and the World Heavyweight Champion and the ECW World Heavyweight Champion Kane clear the ring. Vickie halfway up the ramp looks with the Edgeheads at her feet in pain. She then watches Taker and Kane do a Chokeslam on Chavo and Edge simultaneously. They then stalk the two and wait as their rivals get up. Taker grabs Edge and Kane grabs Chaco they then put the two in position for the tombstone Piledriver. The brothers of destruction signal thumbs down and hit the deadly finisher. Vickie mad grabs a mic.

Guerrero: You two may still be champions and may think you run this show but I do. So tonight the Brothers of Destruction and the Nature Boy will take on Edge, Chavo and the Edgeheads.

Second one

The show quickly goes backstage to see Lena Yada with the straightedge superstar CM Punk.

Yada: Ladies and gentleman will you please welcome my guest at this time the Straightedge Superstar CM Punk.


Yada: Last Sunday you were close to capturing the Money In the Bank briefcase. Until MVP who was carried out om a stretcher came back out and threw you off to capture the briefcase and victory he then had claimed that he proved he was better than you and his other opponents. Your thoughts?

Punk: You want my thoughts Lena well here they are, MVP you claim to be half man half amazing. But the only thing you proved Sunday is that you are a coward. You are a deceptive, opportunistic superstar, but montle are you really better than me? We both worked the indys you drifted to job to job gym to gym, where I garnered a cult following, I was the King of the indies. You were not, never was, and never will be have the ability to hang with me in the ring. Cause Montel what are you without your cunning ways what happens when someone can play your own game. The answer is simple then you are nothing but a dark match worker someone who gets called up to get beat by some genetic freak of nature. You are about worthy of those pathetic acolades as you are being scum on my boots. So Mr. Primetime my only addiction is competition. So how bout you prove yourself and put the United States on the line against me restore the title some prestige. Prove to people that you really are better then them, prove to me your not someone who caught a lucky break and some ridiculous power ranger. It’s time to see if you can walk the walk that you talk Porter.

The crowd goes crazy as CM Punk leaves and has a serious look on his face the camera then cuts to ringside.

“ No Chance” hits to major heat as a pissed of Mr. McMahon makes his way down to the ring in a suit and with a mic he is also holding the classic WWE Championship.

Vince: I’ve come out here to address two unfortunate situations that happened last night at Wrestlemania. These situations will be rectified immediately. So I’ll begin with the first situation. Finlay last night you beat JBL while I was at ringside and then hit me with that shillelagh of yours.


Vince: And all of these bastards ate it up. They thought that some reckless employee had beat Mr. McMahon well let’s get this straight. No one wins a war against Mr. McMahon.


Vince: Finlay you came out here and hindered me form disciplining that the mutant. You tried to stop me from administering tough love on my supposed illegitimate child. These people thought that I was a poor father to that little bastard but what about you Finlay? How are you going to claim to be a good father. You sold your child and your soul to my family. You then tried to benefit form the fiasco you put me in so you could become a World Champion.

Vince walks around smiling as the crowd chants Finlay to a now mixed reaction.

Vince: Finlay I know your not here tonight. But you need to drop this nurturing nature you developed. You claim to be some tough irish bastard well in all reality your are nothing bit a fraud. I took more care of Hornswoggle then you ever did but now you want to fight me Finlay?


Vince: Well guest what there is no chance in HELL!!!


Vince: You heard no chance in hell, but since you want to get your hands on somebody so bad. How’s this Finlay versus I don’t know the entire ECW roster tomorrow. But that’s not all cause tonight your son will be going against Umaga.

Vince: Now that we go that mess out the way it’s time to move onto my second problem the WWE champion Triple H.


Vince: I did everything within my power to make sure a catastrophe like this would not happen. I tried to keep you out the rumble but you made a mess until I let you in. I throw Cena in and he wins but somehow you won an elimination chamber.


Vince: But then I came to realize that if you want things you got do it yourself.

Vince walks around to a lot of heat but looks annoyed as they turn into Triple H chants.

Vince: SHUT UP!!!

The fans continue to chant Triple H but even louder this time.

Vince: I said SHUT UP!!!!

“ The Game” hits to a deafening pop and a standing ovation. Triple H is in wrestling gear with a King of Kings tee and has the spinner belt on his waist. HHH makes his way to the ring and is given a microphone as he goes through the middle ropes and is now looking directly at Mr. McMahon.

HHH: Vince do you have a problem being outsmarted, outclassed, outmatched. I thought that you would get use to it after getting your ass pedigreed so many times. But obviously you haven’t learn your lesson and in all honest even a four year old can grasp this simple concept. See you can lay the game but I am the game and I am that damn good. You manipulated events and had all the odds were stacked in your favor but when it was all said done the King of Kings reigned supreme. In summary Vince you tried really, really hard but here’s the result. Game over!!!

HHH gets in Vince face as the crowd goes crazy!

Vince: Hunter this isn’t a game see this is me telling you that you are not the WWE champion. So how about you just hand over my title.

Vince holds his hands out mouthing give it here. Hunter just smirks at Vince.

HHH: Are you serious Vince? Do you seriously expect me to give up my World title? Huh?

Vince: Yes Hunter, I do expect you to give me the WWE title. What you don’t understand is that I made this company with my sweat and tears. I made sports entertainment a billion dollar industry. This industry is my empire and that belt is the premier prize in my empire. That belt means you are the best and I don’t what some degenerate rebel punk like you representing the best in this business. I can’t have you be at the top of my company.

HHH smirks as the crowd chants Triple H.

HHH: Vince I’m sorry I am going to have to correct you. I don’t mean to burst your bubble but if you would’ve built this company we would be a asset to WCW. We would’ve lost the Monday Night Wars we would’ve been like everything you have ever built. The WWE in that case would’ve been shit so remember your father made this company you just benefited cause in all honest you can’t run a business to save your life.


Vince: What do you mean that everything I touch turns to shit?

HHH: Well your not King Midas, Queen Grapefruit. But let me refresh your memory Vince the XFL.

We see the XFL logo with the words started by Vince and the word dead splattered on the logo in green.

HHH: The World Bodybuilding Federation I’m sure that was you favorite failure you know you like it when the men squatted in the gym.

Laughter erupts from the crowd as Vince looks mad.

HHH: Then you got Coliseum Video and your most recent failure the World. Now we’re going to talk about the positives. There’s only two I carried this company and your daughter to do things and to places they wouldn’t achieve without me. In both cases I still do.

Triple H smirks.

HHH: Vince your company and your daughter can’t survive without their King, the Game.

Triple H pedigrees Vince as the show goes off.

The camera then cuts to the impact zone as we know see Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan in the ring. Cornette waits for the crowd to calm down and starts talking about Lockdown. He says that tonight starts the qualifiers for the Xscape match. He also says that tonight we will find out who will fight LAX at Lockdown for the TNA Tag Team Titles when Tomko and Styles attempt to run the gauntlet and if those two somehow make it to the end they got to have two matches at Lockdown. Cornette then announces that Awesome Kong will be in a 8 women escape the cage match with their qualifiers starting tonight as well. Morgan then passes Cornette a clipboard. Cornette says that right now we’re going to have the contract signing for Joe versus Angle. Cornette jokes about the problems with the tables and pens and says this clipboard and the pen attached to it will get things done easily he hopes.

“Gold Medal” hits as angry Kurt Angle makes his way down to the ring in his wrestling gear and with the world title on his waist he enters the ring with his microphone and gets face to face with Cornette.

Angle: Jimbo you are pushing my buttons aren’t you?

Cornette: No Kurt I’m just doing what TNA management pays me to do and you know that.

Kurt paces around and gets a little chuckle before his face turns dead serious.

Angle: Jimmy then you obviously need to learn how to do the job right. Because the last time I checked I am the biggest star in TNA history. Which means me and everything associated with the name Kurt Angle becomes your top priority. But you Jimmy are going out of your way to make me lose everything I got. Your practically trying to put Tomko and Styles in two matches at Lockdown and the your losing focus of the reason why you’re here?

Cornette: And what would be the reason that I’m here Kurt please tell me cause I thought I was here to please the fans?

Angle: No you’re here to please me and lately you’ve been acting like Samoa Joe’s little bitch. Your on your knees begging for that chubby overrated punk to sign a contract. But wait little Jimmy decides to piss me offer and try to offer that bitch a higher paying contract then me. So I suggest you get your act together grow some balls and tell Samoa Joe that he has to earn the right to fight me in the sides of steel at Lockdown.

Cornette: Kurt as far as I’m concerned Joe has earned the right to face you for the title and your not going to come out here and disrespect me either.
Angle: What happened to being Mr. Fair Jimbo? Well if you want to pick favorites let me tell you that I am going to break every bone in your boyfriend’s body at Lockdown. Oh it’s true it’s DAMN TRUE!!!

Angle then hit’s the Olympic Slam on Cornette Morgan goes towards Angle but turns towards Cornette and kicks him before leaving Angle then hooks in the ankle lock and after a while hooks in the grapevine. Angle yells “ this is you Joe”.

“ Crush U UP ” hits as Samoa Joe come out on the ramp and grabs a mic. Angle then releases the hold and stares a hole through Samoa Joe.

Joe: Kurt are you proud of yourself? Beating up poor old Jimmy because he know what’s best for TNA. Is it because your mad I am the top priority and your becoming yesterday news. Well if that’s the case why won’t you man up and take all that frustration out on me Kurt?

Angle: Joe I’m saving that ass whipping that I should give to you at Lockdown.

Joe smirks at Angle.

Joe: Are you scared that Joe’s gonna kill you? Or did you ego mistake me for some lackey or curtain jerker cause Kurt I’m TNA. I went undefeated for eighteen months, I was named Mr. TNA and I was the 2007 TNA MVP.

There is a lot of Joe chants going on and it’s really pissing Angle off.

Joe: Kurt do you know realize that I am the best professinal wrestler in TNA, you may have the biggest name. But as far as everyone in the Impact zone is concerned I am the best and I an better than you.

Angle: No Joe no one’s afraid of the Samoan hot dog eating machine. Secondly you are not the best wrestler in the world cause I am the best pound for pound wrestler in the world. I’ve main evented countless of paper views. I headline television shows, I’ve won real world titles not some little toy belts. Joe I’ve beaten you twice I’m two to zero against you. I am the best wrestler in this freaking company and come Lockdown I’m goona be the one that kills.

Angle shows intensity as Joe looks at him expressionlessy. The commentators note how intense the two are that they both believe that they are pound for pound the best in the wrestling industry today. The fans continue to chant Joe as Angle preparesd to speak again.

Angle: Joe you and all your fans will realize on April 13, 2008 in Lowell, Massachusetts at the Tsongas Arena why I am the best that this business has to offer. Joe at Lockdown I’ll bring my A game but can you match my A game. Can you go hold to hold move to move, strike to strike with the only Olympic Gold Medalist in professional wrestling? Cause when I break every freaking bone in your body I want you to admit it and quit my industry once I make you tap out.

Joe now visibly annoyed enters the ring and gets face to face with Kurt Angle. The impact zone explodes into cheers as the two stand practically nose to nose. Tenay and West say that security might be needed as a brawl might erupt right here in the impact zone.

Joe: Kurt I noticed that you got a lot off your chest and that you began to show the intensity of the Kurt Angle of old. But I realized that you are really a punk who’s talking a big game. So now since I made my way to this ring. I just want to know one thing before I kick your ass was all that stuff you was talking, was it you boasting are was it real Kurt.

Samoa Joe drops the mic and starts mouthing to Kurt are you gonna back it up are you going to man up for once. The announcers realize the change in Kurt’s attitude and start asking their selves the same question. Kurt gets a sort of sadistic grin on his face.

Angle: Oh it’s real …. it’s DAMN REAL!!!!!!

Angle drops the mic and Joe throws a quick jab to Kurt. Kurt then throws a left hook and the two continue to exchange shots until Angle ducks one and tries to take Joe down with a single leg take down. Joe gives Angle a thunderous blow to the back. The crowd chants Joe’s gonna kill you as a crouching Angle gets halfway caught in a sleeper hold. Joe tries to hook the leg so he can send Angle to the ground and hit the Coquina Clutch but Angle taps Joe right leg and spins behind Joe and grabs a leg and lift Joe for an Olympic Slam. Joe wiggles out and tries an muscle buster but before Joe can lift Kurt he finds that the World Champion maneuvers free and finally scores the double leg takedown. Angle then hooks the Ankle Lock into a grapevine. Joe shows for a while that he won’t tap but Angle takes the pain up a notch and Joe taps as TNA security rushes down the ramp to break up the altercation.


A WrestleMania 24 recap Plays showing the finishes of the matches and celebrities there. We then hear the RAW theme music and hear. “King of Kings” blast through the arena as we see the new WWE Champion Triple H in the ring with some blue jeans and a King of Kings shirt.

Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Monday night RAW and as you can see we’re kicking of the first post mania show with the new WWE Champion Triple H.

Lawler: JR this is going to be a great show and I can’t wait to hear what the Game has to say on becoming a twelve time World Champion.

HHH: The king of kings is back on his rightful throne. Last night I did what I said I would do. I came out the victor in the WrestleMania main event.


HHH: I know, Vince tried everything in his power to make sure this day wouldn’t come. Orton tied to squirm his way out of giving me my title match, and John Cena even tried to deny my damn right. My right to be the WWE champion.


HHH: So I’m just going to give the RAW locker room a warning. See the Game once again reigns supreme on RAW. Once again the cerebral assassin is at the top of the RAW pecking order.


HHH: Once again I am the hunted.


HHH: This gold spinning baby ( Hunter holds the spinner belt) is back where it belongs.


HHH: I save us from Randy Robot Orton I saved us from another year of John Cena taking up the television time that only I deserve. Plus nobody wants to see the kid have my belt for another whole year.


HHH: But now sine I’m done with that part of my fifteen minute celebration routine I designed for tonight. Let’s move on to the Cena free part. Well that’s a lie because he finds his way into everything.

Triple H digs in his pants pocket and pulls out a list of stapled sheets of paper. Triple H then unfolds the paper and smiles as he gets ready to speak again.

HHH: First of all I would like to think Vince McMahon.

HHH: Look guys I know he’s an asshole but If it wasn’t for his cock loving ass we wouldn’t be having my celebration.

Triple H clears his throat as he gets ready to read.

HHH: Vince, I like to thank you for not sending one of your butt buddies Snitsky and Umaga to rape me when I let your secret out.

What cheer.

HHH: Oh, you didn’t know Vince loves Cock fighting and Umaga. Which means Vince is gay cause last year someone said Umaga means shriveled up monkey penis in Samoa.


HHH: Finally I can get back to the letter. Vince I would also like to thank you for screwing me out the title cause well it got me some tongue action at the fifteenth anniversary show. Cause if I was the champ I probably be beating up people in some one on ten handicap knowing your hatred for me. But let me say your daughter did what shed id best with my bazooka cocked, loaded, and ready to shoot.


HHH: Also Vince let me thank you for making my WWE Hall of Fame resume more important and letting me at main event Mania and winning the belt your butt buddy and your boyfriend Randy screwed me out of. Now I got the belt at Mania when I would’ve probably been demoted to some ladder match or raw versus Smackdown match. I would be a eleven time champion and now I’m a twelve time champion.


HHH: Vince, I’m sorry this list is to long. So in summary Vince thank you for being a dumb ass.

Triple H claps his hands and the fans join in laughter.

HHH: Wow I mismanaged my time it’s starting to get like 2000 again when I used to get on the mic. So I guess we’ll cut the list a little short.

Some boos.

HHH: Thank you Shawn for not winning my title it’s nothing personal though Shawn.

HHH paces around.

HHH: Thank you Umaga and Snitsky for letting me destroy and credibility you tow had as monsters.


HHH: I would also like to give honorable mentions to Jericho and Hardy for not getting the job done. Which made my victory over Orton all the more satisfying.

Triple H slings the belt back onto his shoulder and touches his chin thinking as the crowd is laughing at his celebration.

HHH: But I would really like to thank Orton for being a bitch.

HHH: The bitch finally got cornered. So now since that was over and I didn’t include Cena. It’s time to get to get to the part where I top a signature JBL celebration.

We watch as black balloons with the letters HHH fall from the ceiling and green pyros go off simultaneously.

“Born Naughty” hits as William Regal come out in a suit and tie.

Regal: Triple H you’ve gone on for far too long and neither Mr. McMahon or I found your comments about him, his daughter, and RAW top superstars amusing.


HHH: Are you mad because I forgot about you Regal?

Regal: No, Hunter but since you think you one upped me and Mr. McMahon your wrong because tonight your Backlash opponent Randy Orton requested I put you in a brutal match. So I found an opponent who is bound to bloody you up a bit.

HHH looks unfazed

Regal: So Triple H tonight you’ll be going against JBL in a no holds barred match. I’ll bet that will knock that silly little smirk of your face won’t it Hunter?

“ Longhorn” hits as JBL comes out smiling in wrestling gear and his jacket and hat. He then looks dead straight at the Game.

JBL: Hunter how dare you mock my boss, see hunter people who mess with Mr. McMahon. Pay the consequences, when they have to step in the ring and be beaten down by a wrestling gawd. Hunter I’ll beat you like I beat that son of a bitch Finlay.

HHH: Wow John your really standing up for you man aren’t you?


JBL: Nothing that the clown just said was funny so if your not chanting my name. Then why won’t you people just shut the hell up? So your American hero can speak. Now boy don’t play with me because I am who I say I am and right now I’m your worst nightmare. I’m the longest reigning champion in Smackdown history.

HHH: Newsflash, Johnny this is RAW.

JBL: Don’t interrupt me while I am talking. I’m dead serious tonight I’m going to beat you and that peter pan nose of yours within a inch of you life. So I’m warning you that you might not walk out of here healthy and that you better bring you’re A game cause tonight I’m going to give you a good old fashioned beat down.


HHH: Well Regal your boy John doesn’t impress me. To be honest I thought you would pick someone with a least a tad amount of ability. But then again I’ve been waiting to give John this ass whipping for way to long. Cause tonight your going to find out why I am the game and the reason why I am that damn good.

Triple H drops the mic and tells a retreating JBL to bring it


MVP in a suit with the US title wrapped around his waist with Extreme Expose behind hima as he is live via satelite from a local club where there seems to be a celebration going on.

Cole: Ladiea and Gentlemen I am interviewing your new United States Champion live via sattlelite Montel Vontavious Porter. So MVP I see that your celebrating your title win but still some feel you have not proven your self as a superstar your take and are your confident that you’re a top supertsar in the WWE?

MVP looks at Michel Cole like he just lost his mind. by making that statement

MVP: Woah, woah.woah, Cole did you just lose your mind? Wait don’t answer that cause I am going to take this time to correct you. See MVP has proved to critics that I am half man half amazing. I am the highest paid superstar in Smackown history. And I am surprised that you haven’t jumped on the MVP bandwagon. Cause I am the future of Sports enetertaiment and I’m the most ballin’ superstar in WWE history. So Cole you can see that all the hype was worth it. I won the second biggest title on this show within months. I predicted I would win the United states title at WrestleMania 23 and I did. I’m going to cement my self as a main event player on this how which is now mine stomping grounds . So yeah I am confident to say that by the end of the year I will win more titles than any other superstar and at Wrestle Mania 23 you will see MVP competing to be the champion of the WWE.

Cole shakes his head as MVP looks pleased with hiself.

Cole: Montel I have to ask do you think you can continue to live up to these expectations that you set up for yourself and prove that your worth the price tag on your contract?

MVP looks slightly upset.

MVP: Pressure? Cole I’ve got my own cheerleaders, I‘m the Franchise Player and Mr. Prime Time . I got an agent who could tke care of my problems. Look when your MVP everything comes easy. This house was paid for by your former boss. Nothing is too hard fo me. I am Mr.305 and and Smackown’s Most Vauleble Player and most importantl I am better then you. So I know that I can represent the USA as their champion and if anyone I mean anyone wants MVP just ask about me. So Cole tell th e boys to lune up so I can kock them down and when I do they wll find out why MVP is better than you?

MVP gets up mad as him and Extreme Ecpose tries to comfort him as he walks out.

MVP: Cole you may be a hater and my only critic but tonight I’m gonna shut him up once and for all. Tonight I’m issuing an open challenge to anyone who thinks they may be better then me.

Some match reacps

Match 1
London vs. Cor Von
The match up starts with London going on the attack. London starts by dodging a clothesline and hitting aspring board cross body. London hit’s a runnig standing shooying star press and covers. A two count is all Lodon gets and starts to hit Cor Von with quick kicks but Cor Von manges to get up only to get kicked in the gut. Cor Von kneeling watches a lightnig fast London hit the ensuing/ Lomdom cover but agin gets a two count. London seems to be in firm position to pick up the win as he hit’s a Legsweep DDT, diving cross body and Superkick in quick succession. London confident that he’s got this one in the bag goes fo the 450° splash on Cor Von but meets two unpleasant knees. From there on Cor Von controls hitting his aresnal of suplexes in minutes. Cor Von then is hit with some chops by London who then goes for the super kick but London missfires. London is then scooped up and is devastated by the Alpha Bomb. Cor Von covers abd gets the win to a pop in his hometown at 7:33.

We come back to see Jaime Noble in the ring ready for his match. * Ain’t no Stoppin’ Me * hits to a good amount of heat as Shelton Benjamin makes his way down to the ring with a good amount of confidence he then grabs a mic.

Benjamin: Last Sunday I was the most impressive athlete and I put on the best performance. But I came up just a little short. But tonight I’m gonna remind you all why I am the Gold Standard. Cause there ain’t no stoppin’ me now.

Cole: This match should be an excellent one with two athletic superstars battling it out.

Tazz: Cole any match is good with the golden standard.

Coach: I disagree with the both of you and I think Shelton will win this match rather handily.

Cole: Well you just can’t underestimate Jaime Noble.

Match 1
Shelton Benjamin
Jaime Noble

Ending: The match proves to be fairly good in the first couple of minutes with a lot of flashy offensive maneuvers exchanged. Coach finally acknowledges that Jaime Noble is a respectable athlete with some heart but that it’s not enough to beat the gold standard. Coach words prove true after a dumb move by Noble trying to lock up the much larger Benjamin. Tazz then mentions that Benjamin was a college level amateur wrestler. It showed to as Benjamin rolled out the headlock and took Noble to the ground and flip in position for a side headlock. Noble eventually struggles to his knees and gets a couple of elbows onto Shelton’s leg. Shelton lets loose a little bit and Noble takes the extra space and gets a schoolboy. Noble gets a two count and notices Chuck Palumbo laughing at him. Noble tells Palumbo to bring it he then turns around and is hit by the pay dirt 1.. 2.. 3.

Match 2

Ending: Morrison and K-Kwik locking it up. Morrison pushes Killings into his teams corner turnbuckle. Morrison released the lock and gave Killings a kick to the mid section Morrison then takes a step back and hit’s the capoeira kick. Morrison quickly covers 1.. 2.. The ref saw the foot on the rope. Morrison then runs to the rope and bounces off to jump on the rope in front of him. The Truth scouted the move well and dodged the Springboard moonsault. Morrison lands on his feet turns around and sees a lightning fast he then kips back up and launches his own superkick but Killings sidesteps it. Morrison leg is then hooked as Killings applies the arm triangle choke and gets a reverse STO. Killings hooks the leg and gets a two count Killings then hops back up with Morrison a step behind him. Morrison gets up and is positioned for the german suplex killings launches it but Morrison flips over the head of Ron. Morrison grabs Killings head and slams it back and gets a STO back breaker. Morrison straightens up and then attempts a quick STO. Morrison quickly rolls over for a quick cover but it doesn’t happen with Killings kicking out at two. Killing trying to regain composure instinctively rolls over to the ropes. Killings pulls his head up to the middle rope and is helpless when Morrison pulls his head. Morrison then pulls away from the rope and signals for the corkscrew neckbreaker Killings however pushes off. Killings balances himself and goes for the heel kick Morrison catches the leg and throws it and dodges the second one. Killings turns around and sees Morrison try that spinning wheel kick, Morrison however finds nothing but air. Morrison try to flip in a position to land on his feet but is caught mid air for a cutter. Killings tries to go for the cover but the ref calls for the bell when he sees Deuce n’ Domino beating up on the Miz.

Winner: The Miz and John Morrison by disqaulfication

Third Match
Matt Hardy
Chavo Guerrero

Ending: The two pace around the ring for a bit until Chavo lunges forward for the lock up. Hardy spins behind Chavo and hooks a leg Hardy then hit’s a Russian legsweep. Matt swiftly goes back on the offensive and applies a headlock. The commentary team notes this is Matt return match and that he should play the match safely. Matt seems to be listening as he flips over onto Chavo’s back and attempt a camel clutch Chavo however rolls onto his back making Matt flip over. Chavo escapes the hold as Matt tries to hold onto the lock. Hardy then tries to get back on the attack and goes towards Chavo who gets a hold of the arm and manages a quick hiptoss. Hardy catches his breath before attempting to get off his knees. Chaco seeing this ricochets off the ropes and hit’s the drop kick on Hardy who body collapses down back onto the mat. Chavo then covers but Hardy kicks out at 1. Chavo then rolls Hardy onto his stomach gets a headlock and flips his body north of Hardy’s the crowd is chanting on Matt. Chavo continues to execute this precise offense as he slowly lets Hardy to his knees. Hardy taps Chavo arm trying to break the grip but it’s too tight, Matt then tries to swing at Chavo but Chavo pulls Hardy in the air to fast. The commentary compliment Chavo on keeping Matt down but wonder what suplex Matt will Chavo execute. Chavo hit’s a rolling vertical suplex to a minor pop after executing three in a quick succession to complete the three amigos. Chavo quickly rolls his body onto Matt and goes for the cover this time he gets a two count. Chavo now on his knees complains to the ref about the count Chavo continues to complain until he sees Matt recovering Chavo snaps back into offensive mode and slams Matt’s head into the ground. Chavo does some taunting and stalks Matt to hit the brain buster Matt staggers and turns around and is greeted with a kick to the midsection. Mat however pushes the leg away and drop Chavo with a side effect Matt covers and gets the three count.

Here' the promo that set up the tag team match

The camera then shifts backstage to see John Morrison and The Miz at a concession area the two go over to talk to Cherry.

Miz: John and I just came back from a autograph signing in Tampa.

Morrison: Millions of people came to see us and they fainted at the sight of the shaman of sexy.

Miz: They actually came to see your chick magnet the Miz Hooh Rah! But we came back and wanted to know if you wanted to come with the A-List to a club my friend owns.

Morrison: Or I could let you into my palace of wisdom. Where I could be your stem you know you want that Cherry.

Miz looks at Morrison likes he’s crazy as Elijah Burke comes near.

Cherry: I think I should go.

Cherry leaves as Elijah Burke lets out a smile.

Burke: I watch that pathetic show you got the Dirt Sheet and I don’t like it. See you two seem to forget that I was the guiding light of ECW and I don’t appreciate being mocked behind my back. So how about you two put those titles up against me and my homeboy and get a taste of the Elijah Experience.

Morrison: You will find out that not even the Paragon of Virtue or the Black Pope could hold his own against the A-List. The guru of greatness and the shaman of sexy. So tonight preacher boy you will be defeated and go back to the existence of uselessness.

Miz: Elijah your fifteen minutes of fame that we gave you ends tonight. Hooh Rah!

Morrison: Ah, Miz those fans actually cane to see me but lets go get prepared for the beating we’re going to give pulpit boy.

The Miz and Morrison leave as an angry Elijah Burke looks on and leaves.

Tazz: I can’t wait to find out who’s Burke partner going to be.

Cole: I’m just wondering how Deuce n’ Domino are going deal with Morrison and The Miz.


Compare and Contrast Hulkstar

Here is my first BTB match I ever typed...

Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar V. Triple H and Randy Orton
Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton start off the match. Randy and Brock Lock up. Brock breaks the lock up and wraps his arms around Orton in an attempt to hit a belly to belly suplex, but Orton grounds himself and knees Brock.
Orton Runs to the ropes and hit’s a Clothesline. Brock gets up quick. Orton gets a headlock on Brock. Brock picks Orton up by the legs and back Suplex’es him. Brock walks to Kurt and makes the tag. Kurt jumps in and circles around Orton. He flips Orton around multiple times. Kurt Then lifts Orton up and hits his German Suplex’s once, twice, three, four, Randy kicks his leg backwards and hit’s a low blow on Kurt. He tries to hit an RKO but Kurt pushes him off into the corner. Kurt tries to clothesline him while he’s in the corner, but Orton moves out the way. Orton makes tag to Triple H. HHH comes in and immediately goes for a clothesline. Kurt ducks and hit’s a drop kick on H’s back. HHH falls to the floor. He gets up at a normal pace. Kurt stalks him for a clothesline. He rushes for it, but HHH ducks and hit’s a spine buster. HHH picks Kurt up and whips him to the ropes. Kurt comes back at HHH and gets knee dropped. HHH begins stomping on Kurt. HHH picks Kurt up and attempts to whip him to the turnbuckle, Kurt turns around and clotheslines HHH. Kurt tries to turn HHH over and lock Angle lock but HHH kicks him off. HHH quickly gets up and begins jabbing at Kurt’s face. Kurt eventually grabs HHH’s hand and flap jack’s him. Kurt makes a tag to Brock. Brock jumps in and rushes HHH for a spear. HHH gets his boot up and nails Brock in the head. Brock gets up and rests on his knee.
***Commercial Break***
HHH makes tag to Randy Orton. Orton jumps in and hit’s a neck breaker on Brock. He ruthlessly stomps Brock. He circles around Brock on the floor then quickly turns around and elbows Kurt off the apron. Orton locks a head lock on Brock, and applies a knee to Brocks back. Orton lets go and lifts Brock up. Orton kicks Brock in the gut and DDT’s him. Orton Gets in the corner and begins stomping on the mat. Once, Twice, he runs at Brock for the kick in the head. Brock sticks his arm between Orton’s legs, lifts him on his shoulders and hit’s the F-5. Brock begins shouting “First One!â€. Brock walks to HHH and flicks him. Brock turns around and walks back to Orton. HHH comes in and Low Blows Brock. Brock falls on his knees. The Ref begins arguing with HHH at the corner. Orton Gets up, but Kurt runs in low blows Orton, and hits Angle Slam. Brock makes cover, but Ref is still arguing with HHH. Brock gets up and pushes Ref to the side and punches HHH off the apron. Brock turns around and heads for Orton. He picks Orton up and tries to whip him to the ropes but Orton reverses and whips Brock to the ropes Orton clotheslines Brock. He spits on Brock out of disrespect. Brock gets up Orton tries to hit the RKO but He pushes Orton off to the ropes. Orton slides out the ring crowd begins to boo. Orton shows he is about to quit. Triple H talks to him. Kurt jumps in ring and dives through the ropes. Orton dives out the way but Triple H gets hit. HHH surprisingly gets up quick and as Kurt slides in he pulls him out and whips him to the stairs. Kurt’s back hit’s the stairs hard. HHH goes for a running clothesline but Kurt Reverses and turn’s him around for a DDT. Kurt whips HHH to the security barrier and goes for a clothesline. HHH ducks and flips Kurt outside into fans. HHH quickly looks under the ring and pulls out a Sledge Hammer. Brock runs to Orton for a running clothesline. Orton Ducks and Brock hits the ref. Orton slides outside and grabs a chair. He stalks Brock for the chair shot. He goes in but Brock spears Orton before Orton gets to him.
***Commercial Break***
Brock grabs chair and thinks about nailing Orton with it. The Ref gets conscious a bit but still is resting at second turnbuckle.
HHH slides in and Nails Brock in the gut with the Hammer. HHH throws Hammer Outside, and places Brock in his legs. He locks his arms for the Pedigree and hits it. He makes the cover. Ref refuses to count due to the fact that he didn’t see the tag. HHH continues to try and convince him that he did make the tag. Orton gets up and makes cover, one, two, Kurt makes the save. HHH tries to brawl with Kurt, But Kurt hit’s a German Suplex after he got behind him. HHH rolls out and leaves Orton. Orton who is pissed off calls HHH back. Brock stands behind Orton ready for an F-5. He lifts him on his shoulders Orton jumps off and hits RKO. He makes a pin 1.2 Brock kicks out. Orton knocks Kurt off apron again. Then sets up for a kick on Brock. Again Brock catches Orton, but HHH comes from entrance runs in, kicks Brock and Pedigrees him. The Ref is about to disqualify HHH but HHH knocks him down. HHH goes out and picks up Sledge Hammer. He is about to nail Brock with it, but Kurt comes in and goes for HHH. HHH hits Kurt with it, and Hit’s a Spine Buster right after. He goes to the corner gets tagged by Orton and becomes Legal man. He calls out Paul Heyman. Paul runs in and HHH makes cover 1,2, Kurt attacks Paul. Orton comes in to attack Kurt, Kurt clotheslines him outside the ring. Brock and HHH start grappling each other on the other side of the ring. Kurt locks in Angle Lock on Paul. Samoa Joe comes out with a bat at hand, wearing a shirt that says “SPECIAL ENFORCER†He comes in and tells Kurt to let go of The Angle Lock or he’ll regret it. He picks Paul up and whips him out the Ring. Joe begins taking control of the match, and when one of the superstars shows they are not going to cooperate he nails them with the baseball bat. Samoa Joe eventually gets HHH, and Brock as the legal men, and Kurt and Orton illegal men. Joe gets the ref out in a stretcher to avoid one of the men being disqualified. All men are fatigued and have trouble taking big shots. HHH and Brock lock up. Each time They take turns pushing each other back. HHH eventually rakes Brocks Eyes. And hits an Inverted DDT. HHH drops and chokes Brock on the floor. Joe pulls HHH back and pushes him. HHH is about to punch back but thinks twice. Brock comes flying from the second rope and spears HHH. Brock makes cover 1,2... HHH kicks out due to Joe’s slow counting. Brock argues with Joe. Orton goes off apron and under the ring. He pulls out a bag and digs in it. He pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles. He calls HHH and slides it in to HHH while Joe, and Brock are arguing. Brock turns and gets nailed by the Knuckles. HHH puts the knuckles in his boots. HHH makes the pin 1,2.… Brock kicks out. HHH argues with Joe. Brock gets up and rolls up HHH 1,2-. Brock gets a near fall. Brock makes the tag to Kurt. Kurt Rushes HHH, But HHH gets the tag to Orton. Orton comes in and catches Kurt with clothesline. Orton sets up for the Kick to The head and begins Stomping on the ground. Once, Twice, Three Times he rushes Kurt, Kurt catches his leg and drops Orton. He turns Orton over and locks in Angle Lock. Orton is about to tap. HHH comes in and goes to clothesline Kurt. Brock catches Kurt and hit’s a Power Slam. Brock gets HHH on his shoulder for an F-5, But Orton pulls HHH down and they hit a double clothesline on Brock. Joe gets HHH back to the corner, But HHH turns back around and nails Joe with the knuckles. HHH hit’s a Pedigree on Brock, opening Brock’s cut he got earlier. He makes the pin, 1- Kurt grabs HHH’s Leg and pulls him off, then applies Angle Lock. Orton and Brock are still the Legal men. Orton sneaks up behind Kurt for A RKO but Brock turns Orton around and hit’s a Tremendous F-5. He makes the cover with one arm. But Paul doesn’t make the count. HHH kicks Angle off and clotheslines him out the ring. HHH grabs Sledge Hammer and is about to nail Brock with it. Joe comes in and spears HHH. He kicks Paul and hits Muscle Buster. He makes the count for Brock 1,2,3.

Now Compare this Hardcore Match I did awhile ago for my former partner's Show on my Fresh Start BTB...

Hardcore Title is on the Line!
Finlay vs Chavo Guerrero vs Gregory Helms vs Chuck Palumbo vs Jamie Noble

Jamie Noble starts off the action by rushing Chuck. Jamie starts delivering Kicks at Chuck in the corner.
Mean While, Chavo and Helms form an Alliance and attack Finlay. Jamie attempts to whip Chuck to the ropes but Chuck lifts him up over head and drops him on his knee. Jamie Squirms in pain as Chuck drops down and begins choking Jamie. Chuck tucks Jamie between his legs setting up for a Powerbomb. But Jamie crawls out from under Chuck. Chuck turns around and gets Eye Raked by Jamie. Jamie Starts Kicking Chuck’s legs to take down the Tall behemoth. Chuck slaps a choke hold onto Jamie and tosses him right over the top rope. Chuck grabs Gregory Helms by the hair from behind and Body Slams him. While, Chavo is distracted by Chuck taking his partner Finlay gets up and low blows Chavo. Finlay grabs his Shillelagh and knocks Chavo out with it. Finlay turns Chavo and Locks in a Half crab working Chavo’s legs. Jamie who is outside with a Chair at hand calls out Chuck who is inside beating on Helms. Chuck directs his attention To Jamie who is outside by his Motor Cycle. Jamie lifts the Chair and starts thrashing the Motor Cycle. Chuck changes Persona and becomes a beast and runs outside towards Jamie. Jamie throws the Chair at Chuck. Chuck catches it and begins getting ready to use it against Jamie. Jamie Paces backwards to the top of the ramp. Jamie stumbles and looks pretty nervous but isn’t begging for Mercy. Michel McCool appears from the entrance and distracts Chuck. Jamie Kicks his leg up and low Blows Chuck. Jamie grabs the chair and Nails Palumbo with it Once…. Twice… Three Times! Chuck gets pretty busted open and falls right back. Jamie Stands up and stares down at Chuck. Michel McCool grabs the chair and swings hard [as hard as she can] at Jamie and Nails him dead on the back. Michel Walks out on Jamie.

Finlay, Chavo, and Gregory Helms battle it out in the ring. Finlay Back Suplex’es Chavo. Helms rushes Finlay but walks into a Elbow to the face. Chavo gets back up and gets Arm Dragged by Finlay. Helms slide out and Grabs The Chair. Finlay grabs his Shillelagh and hit’s a Gut Wrenching Shot to Chavo. Finlay Slams Chavo face first onto the mat. Helms comes in with the chair and measures Finlay. Finlay turns around in the knick of time and dodges the Chair shot. Helms turns around shocked that the middle aged man ducked his quickness Gets nailed by a clothesline by Finlay. Finlay gets Helms up on his shoulders and measures for a Celtic Cross. But Chavo kicks him in the gut, and he drops Helms. Chavo and Helms hit a double DDT. Mean While Jamie is crawling to the Ring and Palumbo just sat up. Jamie is pretty exhausted and begins standing up. Chuck comes running down and nails Jamie in the back of the head. Palumbo throws Jamie into the steps and slides in. Helms see’s Palumbo and rushes him. Palumbo Big Boots him down. Chavo jumps at him for a Cross Body but Chuck catches him and hit’s a Last Call! Chuck grabs the chair that was in play and lifts if over Finlay’s head who is down on his knees. Jamie comes from Behind and hit’s a low blow with Finlay’s Shillelagh. Jamie rolls up Chuck for the

Chuck Palumbo is Eliminated!

Jamie lays back and rests. Jamie eventually gets up and starts trading punches with Chavo. But a Pissed off Chuck grabs Jamie by the hair and Punches Chavo down. Chuck lifts Jamie and hit’s a Full Throttle onto the chair! Chuck leaves out the ring pissed off. Gregory Helms climbs the top rope and Measures Noble who is lying flat on the Chair. Helms leaps for a Spiral Tap and Hits IT! Helms crawls over to Jamie and Makes the hook for the
Jamie Noble is Eliminated!

Gregory Helms Gets up, and walks into a Shoulder Block from Finlay. Chavo gets up to aid Helms but gets arm dragged by Finlay. Helms hold his arm in pain and stares down Finlay. Finlay stares back not showing any fear for the 3rd Generation Super Star. Helms slides out and grabs a Garbage Can from under the ring. Chavo Gets up and starts trading punches with Finlay. Finlay hit’s a Razor Edge Chop that knocks down Chavo. Finlay starts stomping down at Finlay, but in comes Helms wielding a Trash Can. Helms nails Finlay in the back with it and starts stomping on him. Helms hit’s a Spring Board leg drop. Helms gets Finlay sitting up and places the Trash Can on his head. Helms runs to the Ropes and hit’s a Shining Wizard onto the Trash Can!

Helms rolls over Finlay and makes the cover 1.…….2.………..Finlay kicks out! Helms is in shock and mouths “Damn!†Chavo gets up and faces Helms. Chavo climbs the turnbuckle and goes to Hit a Frog Splash. Finlay rolls out the way! Chavo eats the mat and squirms in pain! Helms is outside and cant believe what just happened. He thought Finlay was done for sure. Helms goes under and pulls out a Kendo Stick!

He comes in and stares at Finlay with it. Finlay picks up his Shillelagh and tells him “Bring It On Chump!â€. Helms strafes at him with the stick and swings. Finlay blocks it with a swing of his Shillelagh. They Clash about Three Times. Finlay hit’s a gut kick to Helms. Helms bends down. Finlay hit’s him in the back with it.

Finlay DDT’s him down. Finlay Grabs the Trash Can and places it onto Helms’s head. He Lifts the Shillelagh and measures for a shot at the Trash can. Chavo come’s from behind and turns Finlay around. Chavo throws a kick, but Finlay catches it and nails him with the Shillelagh. Finlay lifts Chavo up on his shoulders and hit’s the Celtic Cross! He makes the cover 1.…..2.……. Helms Breaks it up.
Finlay starts hitting Helms with rights and lefts all over. Chavo hit’s a cheap shot that drops Finlay to his left knee. Chavo taunts Finlay and the crowd beside Helms. Helms laughs with Chavo but His Facial Expression changes as he gets behind Chavo. Helms rolls his own partner Chavo up!

Chavo Gurrero is Eliminated!

Chavo is sent outside and begins yelling at Helms. Helms stretch’s his arms and tells him “Business, is Business.†Helms turns and starts kicking Finlay. Helms places Finlay laying down at the Bottom Turnbuckle. He gets a Trash can and puts it in front of his face. Helms runs to the ropes and comes back and hit’s a baseball Slide that destroys Finlay’s face! Finlay starts bleeding from his forehead. Helms drags Finlay to the center and makes the cover 1.…..2.…..Finlay gets his shoulder up!
Helms begins yelling at the ref. Finlay sits up on his knee’s and stares into space. Helms shoves the ref and goes for Finlay. He stands in front of him and say’s “Night Night Old Manâ€. He taunts the crowd one more time. He runs to the ropes and comes back at Finlay For The Shinning Wizard. Finlay gains his conscious state for a split second, grabs the Shillelagh, and nails Helms in the Jewels when Helms spread his legs for The Shinning Wizard. Finlay gets up and Picks up Helms who is Screaming in pain. Finlay hits the Celtic Cross and makes the cover!

Gregory Helms is Eliminated

CT Styles

The Match That I Couldn't Wait to Write

This would have been the Shawn Michaels/Triple H match where it was Shawn Michaels' last match. I'm just not up to writing a full PPV currently sorry... So this would have been the match.

Match 7
Shawn Michaels vs Triple H

Both men circle around the ring, both with a confident smile on their seasoned faces. Michaels leans back on the ropes and Hunter just watches his every move, knowing what Shawn Michaels is capable of. Michaels then gradually comes to the center of the ring and puts his hand out for a handshake. Hunter moves into the center as well and looks at Michaels before shaking his hand, almost with a tear in his eye. Both men step back momentarily but then return to their positions and lock up. Neither gains an inch, they then lock up again, trying to showcase their amazing strength. This time, Michaels manages to get a side headlock locked in. He then turns that into a takedown and keeps the painful maneuver locked in. Hunter stays still as the referee surveys him, seeing if his shoulders touch the ground. At one point Hunter's shoulders hit the ground and the referee makes the count, 1... Hunter gets his shoulder up quickly. Michaels though, keeps the hold locked in. Michaels then begins to stand up, trying to keep the hold locked in but Hunter lands some of his deadly right hands to the chest of Michaels and then whips him to the ropes.

Upon Michaels rebound off the ropes Hunter sets up for a backdrop but Michaels counters into a capitalizing swinging neckbreaker. He then follows up the offensive maneuver with a hook of the leg, 1...2 Hunter kicks out strongly. The Show Stopper gets back to his feet and leans upon the ropes cockily as the crowd pop and The Game staggers to his feet. Michaels rebounds off the ropes and charges at Hunter who sidesteps and pushes Michaels over the ropes. Michaels lands on the apron and regains his composure only to cop one of the deadliest right hands in the game from The Game. Michaels falls off the apron and crashes and burns on the outside, holding his nose. Triple H exits the ring and walks along the apron before walking down the steel steps casually. Michaels is on his feet, just when Hunter charges at him and nails a powerful clothesline knocking Michaels off his feet and back down to the hard concrete. Hunter showcases his amazing muscle as he taunts the crowd in his usual position. He then grabs The Heartbreak Kid by the hair and stands him back on his feet. Hunter knees him in the gut, forcing Michaels to yelp before he throws him back in the ring.

Hunter rolls back in the ring and hooks the leg of Michaels, 1.. Michaels kicks out straight away. Hunter guides him back up and throws him in the corner where he immediately unloads some strong right hands to the vulnerable face if UWA's greatest. Hunter continues the punishment until the tide finally turns. Michaels blocks a right hand and emerges out of the corner with right hands followed by knife-edge chops to the chest of Hunter. He then kicks him in the gut before whipping him to the ropes. On the rebound Hunter runs into a backdrop from Michaels, thus him landing back-first onto the canvas. Hunter shows his pain and holds his back as he stumbles up to his feet. Michaels approaches him and lands some snap jabs to the face of the Cerebral Assassin thus making him groggy. Michaels then retreats backwards to the ropes and rebounds off for a clothesline but Hunter ducks and Michaels continues to the opposite ropes. Michaels rebounds and is greeted with a deadly high knee knocking him down to the canvas. Hunter drags the lifeless body of Michaels to the center of the ring and locks in the cross-face submission maneuver. Michaels tries to withstand the pain.

Hunter maintains the hold as Michaels is wrapped in a web of pain. He considers tapping numerous times but Hunter just can't seem to make Michaels give up in the last match of his illustrious career. Hunter then releases the hold and measures the Icon as he gets to his feet slowly but surely. Michaels gets to one and then gets to the other one. He turns around and Hunter lifts him up for a spinning spinebuster but Michaels counters in midair and nails a tornado DDT. Both men remain down as the referee makes the count, 1...2...3...4...5...6 Hunter and Michaels gradually get up. Hunter is in better condition than Michaels and it shows as they exchange blows. Hunter gains the advantage after nailing two right hands to the face of Michaels in a row. Hunter then whips Michaels to the ropes and on the rebound Hunter is in search of a spinning spinebuster but Michaels sidesteps it and continues on to the opposite ropes. He then rebounds off and catches Hunter by surprise with a flying forearm. Both are down again as the referee makes the count, 1...2...3...4...5 Michaels nips up! He then turns around and Hunter is also standing.

Hunter charges forward with a strong clothesline but Michaels ducks and nails an inverted atomic drop when The Game turns around. He then nails a right hand, knocking him down. Hunter gets back up and Michaels nails another right hand and retreats backwards to the ropes and rebounds with a clothesline that takes down Hunter. Michaels awaits Hunter as he gets up and immediately greets Hunter with a scoop slam as soon as he is standing. Michaels moves over to the corner and begins to climb the ropes and reach the top rope. He stands at the top and points around the arena with a tear in his eye. He then leaps off the top with a flying elbow drop and.. He nails it! It connects with the heart of the Cerebral Assassin. Michaels is suddenly alight he is jumping around the ring ding his theatrics to his home state. He is electric as he goes to the corner and tunes up the band with the crowd counting, 1...2...3...4...5 Hunter gets to his feet and turns around, Michaels nails the superkick but to air as Hunter ducks and Michaels' leg is over his shoulder. Hunter then takes advantage of the position and lifts up Michaels to nail an electric chair.

Hunter crawls back exhaustedly and hooks the leg of Michaels, 1...2.. Michaels kicks out and the crowd cheer in his favor. Hunter gets to his feet and calls HBK up. Michaels gradually gets up and turns around to a kick in the gut from Hunter, who then sets him up for a Pedigree but Michaels pulls his head out and stands back up to charge forward with a clothesline taking both men out, but only momentarily. Hunter gets back up and grabs Michaels by the hair. He whips him to the ropes but Michaels reverses and Hunter goes to the ropes. He rebounds and Michaels is bent forward for a backdrop but Hunter counters into a facebuster and Michaels bounces off Hunter's knee and crashes down backwards to the canvas. Hunter covers, 1...2.. Michaels kicks out again. Hunter measures him again as Michaels slowly gets back up. Michaels gets up and blocks a right hand from Hunter and tries to nail one of his own, only for Hunter to block and bury a kick into the weak gut of Michaels. Hunter then shocks everyone in the audience and everyone at home when he nails... The Pedigree. Everyone in the crowd is in shock as Hunter then goes for the cover.

Everything seems slow-motion from thereon as Hunter then manages to cover Michaels and the referee makes the cover, 1......2....... Michaels kicks out! Michaels kicks out! The crowd cannot believe it and neither can Triple H. Hunter gets up and leans over the ropes in disbelief. He turns around and another shock comes. Michaels nips up! Hunter backs away as Michaels comes forward. Hunter then takes the risk and goes for the clothesline but Michaels ducks. Hunter is caught off balance momentarily but then turns around to connect with a superkick! Michaels drops to his knees and hooks the leg of Hunter, 1.....2...... Hunter kicks out! No-one can believe that both these men can kick out of the other's finisher. Michaels is in disbelief like Hunter was and he backs into the corner to tune up the band again, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7 Hunter gets to his feet and Michaels gradually moves in closer to connect with the superkick but is unsuccessful as Hunter dodges the kick by bending back. He then replies with a kick to the gut and a Pedigree setup but Michaels manages to back out of it and get back to a standing position where he...

Nails another superkick! Michaels drops Hunter with the superkick and goes performs his theatrics around the ring. Michaels is crying as he goes around the ring taunting the crowd, daring the crowd to cheer, to join in to what is the last minute you will see of the greatest to ever step in a ring. Michaels goes to the outside apron and climbs to the top rope. He stands up, still crying and mouths the words, 'I love you' to the crowd. He then leaps off with a flying elbow drop that connects and he walks into the corner for the last time to tune up the band. He is absolutely exhausted but he is going to give it everything. Hunter gradually gets to his feet and turns around into yet another Sweet Chin Music from Michaels and Hunter drops again. Michaels looks around at the crowd with tears running down his cheek. He then drops to his knees and hooks the leg of his best friend, 1...2...3

Winner - Shawn Michaels via Pinfall

Michaels stands up and applauds the crowd. He looks around and sees every single person in the crowd give him a standing ovation. Not only for his performance, but his career. Michaels then looks at the ramp to see every UWA superstar stand at the top of the ramp applauding him too. Michaels shakes his head as if to say he doesn't deserve it, but he does. After looking around at the crowd he turns around to see an angry Triple H. He looks directly in his eyes and.. Hugs him. Michaels and Hunter, Best friend and Best friend hug in the center of the ring and then release the hug to look around the arena, Hunter holding up Michaels' arm. Both men cry as they look around. Michaels then climbs the turnbuckles and stands on the second one and faces the crowd, applauding with them..

Evil Austin

well in two minutes I can't read the whole match so I will not sit here and say I have but will you be posting your other matches for your ppv ? or just do them here ? cause its really sad to see you like this....

(I will edit this with my thoughts on the match once I am done reading)

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I really hope this isn't a permanent thing man. You could be IWF's nuumber 1 booker one day soon.

CT Styles

^^ I never said it was permanent. And thanks for the kind words. I'm just kinda running outta steam and need some time on the bench if ya know what I mean.