Shelton Benjamin

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Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
I think when it comes to Shelton , that he still hasn't tapped into what he truley is in the ring and such.

ya-know....I think he could use more signature moves and such, string together better matches and try to improve his Ring-Generalship..

I mean, when you see someone like Batista or Cena have more "match of the year" canidates then someone like Shelton, then theres something going on there, cause it should be Shelton having a ton of match of the year canidates and stuff..

Guys like Batista/Cena/Triple H may not have the athleticism of Shelton and such, but they're way better in ring generals and know how to call spots and string together a good story in the ring, but when it comes down to shelton, he seems to go in there with no clue of what he's going to do next....he's somewhat kind've out-of-control and blah-blah-blah...

I dunno....I think he might be someone that panics inside their minds and such...who knows..

hopefully he can quit bitching and learn to eat shit and like the taste of it and deal with stuff like wether he's getting pushed or not...he should always remain and attempt to be on the top of his game instead of becoming deflated and all whiney....

he should Boss-Up and Bring It in the Ring as much as possible...

then maybe then he'd be main eventing...

meh, hopefully this new push energizes something within him to Man UP and become as Great as most of us think he is...


Shelton Benjamin is the most underrated wrestler in the WWE. The only reason he don't try in the WWE is because he don't wanna be there.

He doesn't try cos he doesn't wanna be in WWE? ...Since when?

And he don't wanna be there because he will & never has been gave him a chance or a title shot.

Ummmm.... You mean apart from multiple tag title reigns he has already acheived, an IC title reign and now the US title reign.

He should either make a tag team with Kofi or Elijah or just go to TNA.

WHAT?????? ....The OTHER current mid-card champ in WWE? ...Strip 'em both of their belts and stick them in the neglected tag division?

...Just plain dumb.

How any of this reflects him being "underrated", while half the damn internet is on his dick (without a whole lot to back up their enthusiasm), is beyond me....


Do you support his title win?

I concur to the fact that Hardy needed to drop the belt, but I think they should have done it in a repeat of the fatal 4-way from SD a few weeks back. Not having to take a clean 1-on-1 loss would have been better for Matt's momentum (2 clean losses to Shelton in 2 weeks doesn't make Matt look very good at all.... Considering he'll be looked to to carry ECW very soon.).

Not a Shelton fan tho'.

Do you agree with people who say he has no value, except spots?

I think his technical wrestling skills are far more valuable than his spots... They're becoming increasingly less visible outside of MITB anyway.

Is a large push to the upper mid card in line for him?

You could argue that he's there now anyway, but there's no way I can see him going beyond a mid-card title.

Unrelated, but should ECW now get their own midcard title?

No point.... Glad to get the tag belts & US back onto Smackdown... It'll go back to being a solid one hour wrestling show now and we should be able to see a bit more of what the newer/young guys have got to offer.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Do you support his title win?Yes...I was cheering for him going in..

Do you agree with people who say he has no value, except spots?no..he is very talented and has a great background....

Is a large push to the upper mid card in line for him?I hope..he is very good in the ring and deserves one..

Unrelated, but should ECW now get their own midcard title?Once they get another hour...

Hometown Kid

Do you support his title win?

Absolutely. A long overdue win IMO. (And just for the record he didn't get much heat because half of the crowd was cheering for him with dueling "lets go Hardy!" "lets go Shelton!" chants.

Do you agree with people who say he has no value, except spots?

:laugh2: If anyone believes that they couldn't have been watching wrestling for more than 5 years. His technical wrestling is much better than his spots tbh.

Is a large push to the upper mid card in line for him?

Yes. Maybe even WWE title 1 day...that might be optimistic with Triple H on SD! though...

Unrelated, but should ECW now get their own midcard title?

Another hour, another title.


Do you support his title win?

Yes, he is a pretty good wrestler and he deserves it

Do you agree with people who say he has no value, except spots?

No, I think he is improving on the mic and he could be a main eventer if WWE gives him the right push

Is a large push to the upper mid card in line for him?

no, he'll stay where he's at for the rest of his career unfortunately

Unrelated, but should ECW now get their own midcard title?
