Shelton Benjamin Appreciation Thread

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BTW, Shelton might be an awesome wrestler and getting over Punk and Rey might be on his realm, but here's the deal.

If you have Orton as the champion, you would have Cena challenging him first, then as second option Batista, then HBK, then CM Punk and hell, then Rey Mysterio, all before Shelton Benjamin.

In SD, he would only line up after Triple H and Hardy

Wot no Edge?

IMO, MVP would probably be in that queue before Shelton and considering I think Shelton is keeping the belt warm for Mr Kennedy, I'd add Ken ahead of him on that list too.




He's good in the ring but WWE make him do so much shit that he just can't do well all the time which is why he has many big botches. He had a huge botch in MITB I remember too, probably cos I laughed for ages. He's a good performer and will have good matches but he will never be a huge draw. I saw someone say a face turn would/might help, he has been switching between face/heel all throughout his career which shows that WWE don't know what the hell to do with him so why change him and make him face again after hes started making progress as a heel? He's a solid midcarder, and thats all he should be unless he were to improve alot more over the next year or so.


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Aug 13, 2007
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I agree his ring skills are very good and he is a great worker. But his charisma or lack of it let him down, That and he ain't that great on the mic. I really don't see him as a ME eventer tbh. He may get some sort of title run with one of the big two titles. But probs only in a transitional capacity nothing that will be lengthy. But hey thats only my opinion.

Oh and i agree with the above post he is in line behind MVP Kennedy. Id even add umaga to that list.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
I think that's why they repackaged him from a high flyer type style, to a quick agile power-house in the Gold Standard, so he wouldn't have a lot of botches. Since he's been the Gold Standard, his mic skills has gotten better, his ring work has gotten better, and he's starting to get some heel heat. I didn't like the Gold Standard gimmic at first, but it's better for him.

The Rated R CMStar

Of course his promos have gotten better. They are all pretaped.

Beer Money Army

benjamin he won't get the world title until for another 5 yrs.. He is solid U.S. Champ for the company....In which i think is what bewst for benjamin and the company...

He is a solid in ring work but the needs more respect from Fans.. He will pby need to work much harder than he is right now..

because his promos have improve, but there not Really Good ones. but atleast he is improving on them...

He had a good match with HHH a couple months ago. not ****, but you rarely get **** in a WWE ring these days now...


^ Lol, I was wondering why nobody had brought that up earlier.

Anyway, what I think Shelton needs is a legitimate feud over the US title to hopefully get him more over, possibly one where he eventually drops the belt to Mr Kennedy. He then gets moved to ECW and become a main eventish heel there, and maybe have a short run with the belt down the line.

Imo, Shelton will never win a World title or even feud over one at the level he is at now, barring on ECW. His ability to connect with the crowd has improved as has his ring skills, but I cant recall any promos lately that have shown real improvement, that have not been pre taped. He is trying more nowadays and his ring skills have improved but without that charisma it will get him nowhere.

The Rated R CMStar

You know what's the main problem. It doesn't is the fact that he sucks at the mic, but it's that he just can't connect with the crowd.

Bobby Lashley had worst mic skills, but the crowd still went crazy for him. That's the main point, Shelton just can't connect with the audience, and seeing how his abilities didn't do the trick, and he can't talk, I have no idea how he will do it.


His in-ring work is unmatched, but as it stands he'll be stuck in mid-card land for awhile.

lmfao. Fucking bullshit, that is. Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Randy Orton, John Cena, John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio. ALL of those guys are better than Shelton Benjamin.

CMStar nailed it on the head; Shelton doesn't connect with the crowd. Being a good wrestler is all about connecting with the crowd, and Benjamin fails miserably at it. He got multiple wins over Triple H in 2004 and/or 2005 and STILL failed to stay over. He beat Jericho for the IC title and defended it successfully and he STILL didn't stay over. When he turned heel, he got a rub from both Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and he STILL didn't stay over. The guy just doesn't connect. You can beat your meat to his SUPER FLIPZ and KEWL MOOVEZ all you want, but that DOESN'T make him a good wrestler, and it sure as hell doesn't make his "in-ring work unmatched."

Hometown Kid

lmfao. Fucking bullshit, that is. Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Randy Orton, John Cena, John Morrison, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio. ALL of those guys are better than Shelton.

You say that all Shelton has is flips and cool moves yet you say Jeff is better. :laugh: And I actually wish they wouldn't put him as a high flyer because he is unmatched when he works his technical game. JoMo + Rey are better acrobats, not wrestlers. Hardy and Trips are...well the fact they get cheered more than anyone proves that overness means nothing about how good you are as the fans are either 10 or sheep. (Trips is a great promo though.) Orton and Cena are mediocre. Taker and HBK can put on some good matches but rely on gimmick/status to stay over. And WWE Punk is pretty good, he's no Shelton though.

CMS was right about connecting meaning everything on pushes, but it doesn't make anyone good because they get a reaction. And Shelton has little charisma and bad mic skills, nobody is arguing that.


Jan 12, 2009
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Jeff Hardy is WWE Champion. Shelton is US Champion.

That proves Jeff is better sillyhead.

The Rated R CMStar

Just when the forum was recovering, this fucker comes back

Moonlight Drive

Hometown Kid, your arguments are all extremely stupid, Shelton is good, but saying he's better than guys like HBK, Taker, Mysterio and Punk is a joke. He does pretty flips, yay. His mat wrestling is average and he is in the spot he needs to be, the mid-card.

Hometown Kid

Hometown Kid, your arguments are all extremely stupid, Shelton is good, but saying he's better than guys like HBK, Taker, Mysterio and Punk is a joke. He does pretty flips, yay. His mat wrestling is average and he is in the spot he needs to be, the mid-card.

Maybe you're stupid as you must be illiterate. I clearly said he shouldn't do any flips as that's what gives peeps reason to hate on him. His mat wrestling is clearly at elite status, on par with Styles, Danielson and other technical wizards. He's at the best spot now with a U.S. title reign though, in 5 years at least a Punk/Kozlov-like chance should come his way. He can make it work better than those did with better booking.

Micheals and Taker can go but as wrestlers they're heavily overrated by most of the IWC at this point. Although their "moments" and craftiness are easily above anything Shelton will ever pull, their overall work is just a notch below Shelton's or guys like MVP as well.

Moonlight Drive

You have misunderstood, I didn't mean to imply you thought he should do flips, but that's what makes people think he's so great. Anyway...

Maybe you're stupid as you must be illiterate. I clearly said he shouldn't do any flips as that's what gives peeps reason to hate on him. His mat wrestling is clearly at elite status, on par with Styles, Danielson and other technical wizards. He's at the best spot now with a U.S. title reign though, in 5 years at least a Punk/Kozlov-like chance should come his way. He can make it work better than those did with better booking.
His mat wrestling is at an elite status? Lol. Average at best. Shelton has been the exact same for the entirety of his singles run. Why would that change in 5 years? He hasn't improved or changed, it's still just 'look at me jump onto the top rope in one go~!'. Punk has had tonnes of great matches and promos, and is a lot better and deserved than Benjamin, although Koslov does suck. Shelton was booked with a huge IC title run, and people didn't care and still do not care. He has no mic skills whatsoever. In five years, he'll either be released or in the same spot at this rate.

Micheals and Taker can go but as wrestlers they're heavily overrated by most of the IWC at this point. Although their "moments" and craftiness are easily above anything Shelton will ever pull, their overall work is just a notch below Shelton's or guys like MVP as well.
So you're trying to say Shelton and MVP are better than HBK and Taker? That is beyond a joke. If anybodies heavily overrated by the IWC, it's Benjamin. Shawn and Undertaker are and always will be two of the greatest of all time, Benjamin is far, far, I really cannot stress how far, below them.