Gaming is a pretty large part of my life, so I hope this isn't a flex by posting all of this
Here are my current gen games (Switch, Xbox One, Series X, PS5):
I put a lot of hours into PSP and Nintendo DS in elementary school:
I also played a good amount of Gamecube, and PS2. I never had a Wii, but my brothers let me borrow a couple of games I was interested in that I never played:
Nintendo 64 is my very first and also favorite console of all time. Tons of hours spent on Tony Hawk, Spider-Man, Goldeneye, and my personal favorite, Star Fox 64:
The first "system" I ever owned myself was a Game Boy Advance SP. Ended up getting quite a few games for it, but the one I remember the most is Pokemon Red for original Game Boy, and basically completing most of the game on a car ride to Colorado:
Can't forget the James Bond games, my personal favorite set of licensed IPs:
I've also taken up some collecting of Xbox 360 games. They're dirt cheap right now and a lot of times I find these in bundles of 20 or 30 at about 3-4 bucks per game:
In terms of consoles, I was lucky enough to be able to grab the PS5 and Series X. The PS5 I got super lucky and got a pre-order, but the Series X I decided to be a madman and wait in line overnight 16 hours to get one. Was first in line
Got the Switch a couple years back and it's a great console. Just waiting for more first party games I'm interested in to come out for it:
Then there's my Xbox 360. Got this in eighth grade by saving the hell out of my $10 biweekly allowance and BDay/Xmas money:
(Other consoles not pictured: N64, Red GBA SP, Wii, Black DS Lite, PSP 2000, Fat Xbox One)