I assume some of you buy shirts, hats, undies, and whatever else from your favorite sports team, band/artist, wrestlers, etc.
Post pics of some of your favorite merch here.
Post pics of some of your favorite merch here.
I've shared this elsewhere but this is a Bryan Danielson shirt from ROH and it's signed. I think the shirt itself goes for over 120 bucks online (without signature). I'd never sell it though. I've actually never worn it lol. BTW this is the shirt they sold after he was fired for being too "violent" He made a couple of indie apperance and one was in michigan.
The Spongebob shirt is really old though :urm: I haven't really watched TV in awhile :haha:
I couldn't find my band shirts and I don't want to make that much of an effort to find them but here's what they are: