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Well recently on RAW Shane made his appearance and it was awesome, he came out to a huge cheer from the crowd and especially me when I was watching! He was cheered like crazy. He is good as a heel and a face and could make a great General Manager for RAW which is what I was hoping for last RAW. What I am getting at is Shane is great at what he does and when Vince fully retires the company will need a new person in charge, I think Vince is leaning towards steph and HHH but I personally along with many others want Shane to take control of the WWE. So who would you rather see as the owner of the WWE, Shane O Mac or his whore of a sister and HHH? and for what reasons?

Moonlight Drive

Shane, since he is the leader in so many BTBs

But yeah, Shane. If a McMahon doesn't take over (Trips doesn't count as a McMahon) WWE won't be WWE. Plus like you said, Shane plays a great heel or face, and in terms of in-ring, he pulls out some crazy spots. He'd be able to do all Vince does and more in my opinion, and I'm not trying to be sexist, but having a female authority figure I don't think would work realistically, plus she wouldn't be able to face people in matches like Vince & Shane.

And Shane would feel very ripped off if Trips/Stpeh took over, since the WWE has so far been a father/son thing


New Member
Jul 31, 2008
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Minneapolis, MN
Well recently on RAW Shane made his appearance and it was awesome, he came out to a huge cheer from the crowd and especially me when I was watching! He was cheered like crazy. He is good as a heel and a face and could make a great General Manager for RAW which is what I was hoping for last RAW. What I am getting at is Shane is great at what he does and when Vince fully retires the company will need a new person in charge, I think Vince is leaning towards steph and HHH but I personally along with many others want Shane to take control of the WWE. So who would you rather see as the owner of the WWE, Shane O Mac or his whore of a sister and HHH? and for what reasons?

Wow, kid. You had me until you went with calling Steph a whore. Grow up, junior.


Mar 29, 2008
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New Zealand
Shane, since he is the leader in so many BTBs

But yeah, Shane. If a McMahon doesn't take over (Trips doesn't count as a McMahon) WWE won't be WWE. Plus like you said, Shane plays a great heel or face, and in terms of in-ring, he pulls out some crazy spots. He'd be able to do all Vince does and more in my opinion, and I'm not trying to be sexist, but having a female authority figure I don't think would work realistically, plus she wouldn't be able to face people in matches like Vince & Shane.

And Shane would feel very ripped off if Trips/Stpeh took over, since the WWE has so far been a father/son thing

You have a good point there

But he could be more of the on sveen Chairman and stephanie is more of behind the scenes that is the only way they can do it in my opinion


Aug 4, 2007
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i think that when he does retire that all three will have equal shares of the company behind the scenes. Then on-screen the 3 will fight for the power, most likely leading to a Survivor Series Match or Triple-Threat. And here are two possiblities of what i see happening.

Theres somesort of draw in the match, assuming all three brands are still running, and they each get their own brand. This brings back the feud between the brands. All titles will unify depending on their prestige. I.E. WHC, WWE, ECW unify. IC and US unify etc. Making it a battle for power all the time.

The other is having HHH getting Stephanie to trust him since they're married. Saying that they will split the power. Triple H turns his back on Steph in that deciding match and gets an on-screen divorice. Steph and Shane align trying to take Triple H down cause he isnt a McMahon. Thats just what i see happening