Thats like the next thing to Prostitution, People! My Gosh. If u need money GET A JOB. A REAL Job. Selling one's Virginity can most certainly be unsafe and wrong in so many ways. How/Why is this even allowed?!
It's really not the next thing to prostitution. It is the very definition of prostitution.
However, I do agree it's her choice. Personally I feel it's a poor choice. I mean, my memory of losing my virginity is priceless to me. I was very lucky that it was with someone who loved me deeply and I reflect back on the memory often.
Then again, I think tons of people have awful virginity losing experiences. So I guess at the very least her virginity made her rich. Again, not what I would have done (even though I had it going on so I probably would have made about five times what she made), but yeah, her life and body.