SD over-rated? RAW still #1

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Luke Flywalker

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I swear Batista only had one botch this past week on the stick. Granted it was a HORRIBLE botch of epic proportions... he was actually doing well for himself for a moment at the beginning in comparison to where he used to be.

And Batista hardly gets to talk really. Shit, Randy still stumbles and he's had incredible mic-time. He'll get there eventually, but it's a craft you have to learn... very few are great on the mic the first shot they get. I remember a time in WWE where Triple H was one of the worst mic-men. Just saying, he could develop... I think he just has too much fun with the way the crowd gets pumped.

In-ring, I understand why people don't necessarily like him in general. He's toned down his ringwork a LOT, even more-so recently. When he was first brought to Raw and was being asked to join Evolution and being serious and kicking ass and throwing in diverse moves, he was onto something. But his enforcer role in Evolution/when he won the belts with Flair really held the guy back imo.


Still Dont like him sorry lol. He is one of those big guys like goldberg who can get the job done but is shit at everything else. Im shocked he didn't have an undefeated streak.


@Mike... I know, I just feel as if maybe the Smackdown mid-card would be a little mor interesting in the title was introduced to it.
I will however be extremely happy if this Jericho/Mysterio thing results in Jericho picking up the IC title and resuming his feud with Morrison.
THAT will be great.


If Morrison continues his feud with Jericho then i for one am all for it. Mysterio vs Jericho is different yet obvious.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
No, but it doesn't surprise me you'd say it. Any show that gets Punk pushed obviously would be hated by you :smh

You proved exactly what I said in the opening post in everything with what you said. And I don't watch any Punk matches. When he comes on the tv I turn it, and don't turn back for a while. But is that not the same with you where it seems what ever show is pushing Punk, you love it?

Mike Raw

but SD, with Edge, Jericho, and Punk (3 of my fvaourites)


Alot of people's favorite guys are Edge, Jericho, Morrison, Mysterio, and Punk.

MikeRawand the pushing of younger, newer guys, it's just exciting.

Coincidently, the 1st RAW did the same thing, MVP, The Miz, Rhodes/Dibiase, everyone loved it and praised how good it was, but once they saw they were being mis-lead, with RAW doing the same thing it's been doing for months, a lot of people turned on it.

Look at the past 2 weeks. Raw has had pretty much no quality matches. This past week in specific, there was only one match on Raw more than 5 minutes.

That's been going on for a while now, yet a lot of people still loved RAW. There's been countless times I've come on here when RAW had short matches all night, I critisize it while a majority shoots back and says what are you talking about, that was great. They were pushing storylines and blah blah. Like I said, it's been going on for a while now, so why now is it not good when before it was great? That's not directed straight toward you, but there has been times when you said many times that RAW was great when it had small matches.

I'm all for pushing new, younger guys, but SD is doing it too fast. They are blowing most of their new feuds right now. And pushing their talent too quick to the top. That's my opinion anyway.

Also as I said before, people just look at SD pushing new guys, having fresh feuds, seeing their favorite guys get picked, and that's it. They aren't seeing anything besides that, the flaws. There are things on SD that don't make since (to me anyway) and some of that would be this......

They don't see the flaws in it. Ziggler going from Jobber to pinning the US champ to getting a title shot to jobbing again in 3 weeks? Morrison's all of a sudden face turn? Umaga randomly attacking Punk? Punk cashing in his MitB case what 2 weeks in a row now only to be attacked before the bell rings? Kane being in a #1 contenders match, only to not be seen or heard of afterwards? People are bypassing that because their favorite stars are main eventing.

You've proven that with your 1st statement. So just because Punk is being pushed, and it's new guys or whatever, that's the reason you think the show is "killing RAW"


No, it's not. I enjoy the booking more. Raw is the A show, always will be, but right now, I'm enjoying the B show more.


Also, about 10 other people said the same thing as me. Quote them. I'm not debating this right now. Everybody always feels the need to quote me, when 8 other people say the same thing :smh I can "debate" later, but I'll be gone for a few hours. But as I already said, there's not much to say... I prefer what SD has been doing the past few weeks... The "reasons" I gave were just notes that I noticed. Overall, the past two weeks, I've just enjoyed it more.


Smackdown is better dude cause its being booked better and it has the better stars to book with.


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May 15, 2009
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I've been watching Smackdown more than Raw lately. Smackdown is being booked alot better and they've got some good stars to work with to make some fresh, new storylines. Unlike over on Raw, where it's Orton with the title facing Batista for the tenth time.


What are there, like 2 feuds on Raw anyway?

And none are captivating in the slightest.

Smackdown has all the ingredients to pull off great shows and they are doing so.


Tonight proved again why SD has been dominating Raw in recent weeks. Great matches, and they continued good storlyines. Overall, just complelling. If it wasn't for Batista vs Legacy, I wouldn't even watch Raw as of late.


The whole show was good. When i read results it looked as if the start and the end was good. Overall a very good show and what the fuck is up with Alica fox's hair?


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Also, about 10 other people said the same thing as me. Quote them. I'm not debating this right now. Everybody always feels the need to quote me, when 8 other people say the same thing :smh I can "debate" later, but I'll be gone for a few hours. .

I quoted you because you were the 1st to answer what I said. LKP was talking about Batista and everyone after went on about if Tista sucked or not. I didn't even read what others said after that til now. I quoted you because you are USUALLY a good debater. No point in going into what others said when they typed it a day ago and they prob wont even come back in this thread. If you're going to cry about being quoted by the one who started the thread, I suggest you not say anything in the thread. It'll solve the whole problem.


^I don't see how that's crying, lol. But I have a suggestion for you. If you're not going to read what other's said, seeing as at least 5 others posted before you replied, I suggest ou don't start a thread at all. That'll solve the whole problem for ya.
I have no problem debating, but there's two reasons I didn't this time. The first is that there were plenty of other people you could've quoted, and you quoted me to make it look as if I'mt he only one saying it. Not that that's that bad though. I have no problem debating, especially if there's just two people disagreeing over a subject, or one guy disagreeing with everyone. But if 10 people are all saying the same thing, and you just randomly pick me to debate with, I don't really feel like putting in effort to that.
Secondly, and more importantly, it's not much of a debate. How can you debate which brand I liek more? How can I debate which brand you should like more? Or what makes a show better for you? Frankly, I don't care which brand you like, but you asked for the opinins of others, and I find Smackdown to be a better all around show the past few weeks. I ggave simple reasons, but they`re not ones that can really be debated. I said my favourites, Edge and Jericho and Punk are on there. Obviously that`s going to make a show better. If `your favourite guys are ont he show, and doing good on it, that clearly makes it more enjoyable. I said it had more wrestling, that`s a fact. And to me, it was more exciting with younger, fresh guys. If you like the new fresh guys they`re pushing on Raw, you`ll probably like that show better. Congratu-fucking-lations on that. I like what they`re doing on Smackdown, and that`s all there is to it.