So you believe, that if I happen to flip scum, Brad and Jeff are my scummates? Just like that? Even despite everything we've said that shows it makes zero sense.
Okay. You've flipped your lid.
You wanna paint it as our fault that we're headed for a no-lynch when the options you in particular present make no sense whatsoever?
Why doesnt a vote for Barry make sense? Because you think he is town?
SCUM/TOWN - Barry confirmed a pair of town Lovers without any sort of urgency when one of them was heading for a mislynch -- very unlikely.
I can't explain it to you any better than I just did, off of that thought process I think lynching Barry is a terrible idea. You think scum Barry kept you alive so that scum Jeff can direct your kill in a direction that is beneficial for scum. That's a bit too much conspiracy theory for my liking for this stage of the game, and also why would Jeff reveal himself as the President and give us further specifics on his role as scum? I have no reason to read Jeff scum after he made that play.
Long story short, your thought process around Barry isn't horrible, but you also haven't convinced me to follow.
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Official Vote: Sky
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Vote Christo
No one following on KIF? :/
Vote barry
Let's see what's up
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Vote Barry
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Vote Barry
I kinda laid out why I don't wanna lynch Barry but if you're that determined, not much else I can do
vote Barry
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I will also leave my unofficial vote on him too.
I can definitely tell a few people out here have an agenda. Also now Haza likes Jeffs post where he says he's not gonna lynch Barry, when Haza himself is voting Barry. What in the hecking heck.
I refuse to vote with Haza, nothing about his play makes sense to me.
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Vote: Tweet
Alright, I'll follow Jeff since he seems like the only one talking any sense.
Ok, u can point it to me tomorrow.
Vote Ace Dalton
Thinking it over, Barry can wait honestly. Too many variables.
vote ace
Vote: Ace
My god I can't even right now with these people.
Yeah I'd rather vote someone I think may be scummy over an inactive, especially d1.
vote KIF