Scott Steiner : the unsung hero

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Feb 7, 2007
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Now Scott Steiner is by far one of the most trashed wrestlers on the IWC. I read about it all the time: "He's too old. He's bad. He's slow. He's terrible" in addition to reading reports about him being in bad shape. He's is made fun of on the net almost every day, and every time he's put into a match for a PPV, it is immediately written off as a bad match by several people.

Yet, I tune into Impact this week, and I see Scott Steiner having a great match with AJ Styles where he put him over.

Why all the hate for Steiner? He's an old guy, but are you honestly going to sit there and tell me he hasn't busted his ass since being in TNA?

He came to TNA in early 2006, and the first thing he did was basically steal the show in the Lethal Lockdown match. What'd he do after that? He went into a program with Samoa Joe, Joe's first big heavyweight feud, and put him over clean after a really intense match with a big atmosphere.

Took some time off, came back, and once again shined in Lethal Lockdown. How? By doing a FUCKING FRANKENSTEINER!!! That's right!! A FRANKENSTEINER!!!! Then what? He reforms The Steiner Brothers! But they suck now right?? Well they go into a great feud with Team 3D, have a good match at Hard Justice 2007 (oh wait, I forgot, that PPV didn't have any good matches ) and then they had a very good tables match at Bound for Glory that, once again, everybody wrote off beforehand as a stinker for the night. Oh and in both of those matches, Scotty did a FUCKING FRANKENSTEINER!!!

After that much success, you'd think The Steiners would win the tag titles right? Well they could have. I honestly wouldn't have had a problem with it. But nope. Came time to wrestle AJ & Tomko at Genesis, and they put the young guys over, adding credibility to AJ & Tomko not juts as tag champs, but as a team in general.

At the start of 2008, Scott then goes into a feud with Petey Williams over the Feast or Fired Cases. Now let me tell you what Petey Williams had done in 2007: NOTHING!!! Oh wait, he had that brief feud with James Storm early in the year, but in reality he was just killing time before Harris came back. He was a jobber that was constantly left off of PPVs. Why on Earth should Scott Steiner work with him? Couldn't Scott be feuding with somebody who is already an established star? He could have, but no, they put him together with Petey Williams, resulting in a really good PPV match at Against All Odds 2008. Steiner won that match, but what happened afterwards? Petey got repackaged and joined with Steiner out of Steiner's respect for the young kid, resulting in Petey getting right back into the X Division Title picture, making him IMO the best X Champ of 2008 by about a mile.

Scott Steiner has only had ONE World Title shot since being in TNA (almost 3 years and only one title shot) It was supposed to be a 3 Way against Champion Joe & Kurt Angle at Sacrifice. And to be honest, I was so disappointed when they threw Angle into the mix. I mean Joe & Steiner have a history together, Angle should have been suffering a let down after losing at Lockdown. I wanted Joe vs. Steiner II. And God basically told TNA I was right when Kurt Angle got hurt and had to be pulled out of the match anyway. Since it was a Triple Threat, Kaz was added to the match last minute. Well obviously Kaz was the one to take the pin for Joe right? I mean he's not a main eventer, nobody honestly thinks he'll win, and he is just benefiting from the chance. But guess what, STEINER TOOK THE PIN!!! He didn't have to, especially in that situation, but he did, and had a really good match with Kaz & Joe as well.

And now with the Main Event Mafia thing, the whole point of the angle was for the young guys to feud with the old guys, which isn't really happening at the moment. But guess what, Steiner is now going to be feuding with Petey Williams. Hooray!!! An actually young guy vs. old guy feud with backstory, history, and meaning. Good!!!

After all of that, I can not for the life of me understand why Steiner gets so much hate. Like I said before, he's an old guy that works hard, puts young guys over, makes guys look good, and continues to be entertaining in the process. Why does everybody trash him so much?

The only answer I can come up with is that his run in the WWE was nothing short of a disaster, symbolized by that atrocious match he had with Triple H at Royal Rumble 2003. Well the Scott Steiner I saw then is not the one I'm seeing now, and I think he has proven his worth in TNA, and he deserves a little bit more respect than he gets.

The Rated R CMStar

In most of you are right, but mainly, there's one flaw in your argument:

You keep putting over the fact that Scott Steiner has always put people over.


He's not a draw, he's old, quite frankly he's washed up and it would be horrible if on top of that he wouldn't have put over Samoa Joe or AJ Styles

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
You've got several good points there, such as his lack of title shots (which could be seen as a negative quality in some eyes, but not here :shifty:), but I think the real big one was him bringing Petey back into the TNA spotlight with "Little Petey Pump". The gimmick was and still is genius, and doesn't devalue either man.

But the problem with Steiner is that he just doesn't have it anymore, and hasn't had it for close to ten years (it being actual wrestling talent).

mama cass

New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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Steiner should put over Petey Williams.....Clean.


Never cared much fore Scott Steiner, or Rick as a Singles wrestler. They are both a few of those teams who should always be together, if there isn't one the shouldn't be the other.

Hometown Kid

He gets pretty underrated at times and he's definitely done some good, but like CMS said it would look completely stupid if Steiner got put over their best guys like AJ or Joe. Even mid-carders like Petey Williams or Kaz would be a stretch for him. And his promo skills are laughable.

But he can definitely still pull out a decent match every now and then...=/

Beer Money Army

scott steiner.. hmmm

my thoughts..

he is pretty much like sting, great in the 80's - 90's.. But probably after Fall brawl 2000 where steiner/goldberg ***, I don't have much to hype about him..

but i would say His tna run is better than his 2nd wwe stint... but it has been a very long time since i have fully enjoyed a scott steiner match....

pretty much the same to all MEM member except for kurt angle... (he a gold medallist you know)

Evil Austin

What I like about Scott Steiner is that he tells it how it is. Without caring of what people think, he is the true Shooter.

And I have grown to respect that, if you saw his last month in the WCW before it closed it's doors, he didn't give a shit. He knew the boat was sinking and he came in every show and told the fans about the backstage politics adn told them exactly what was going on and what his thoughts where on Ric Flair.

kurt angle... (he a gold medallist you know)

So's Dolph Ziggler, :shifty: you know he should be in the MEM he should shake everyone's hands in the front line.


lol Steiner is like the rest of the MEM. He is past his Prime. Kurt Angle imo isn't as good as he was in 2004-2006. They can if given the right opponent can have a DECENT match at best.


Give it a few year, when TNA goes under and he's out of a job he'll join the rest of the washed up disgruntled wrestlers cutting promos on Youtube against WWE's biggest talents.
I swear... one night he almost called Jeremy Borash Mean Gene...lmao.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I know this isn't related to the topic, but I agree fully with the thread maker. Let me ask this:

Whats the difference between Sting, and Scott Steiner? Both have the same in-ring ability, and the promo's are meh. IMO, that is the only thing Sting has on Scotty. But if you look at the roster page of TNA, Sting is next to Booker T in the champions section :smh.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I know this isn't related to the topic, but I agree fully with the thread maker. Let me ask this:

Whats the difference between Sting, and Scott Steiner? Both have the same in-ring ability, and the promo's are meh. IMO, that is the only thing Sting has on Scotty. But if you look at the roster page of TNA, Sting is next to Booker T in the champions section :smh.

Scott Steiner was a much, much better worker in his prime, Sting can cut a promo better, Sting isn't roided up, Steiner never had Ric Flair to make him a star.

All Steiner needs to do now is job to Petey, and stay in this bodyguard type role in the MEM and he keeps his job. Simple :bb:

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

All Steiner needs to do now is job to Petey, and stay in this bodyguard type role in the MEM and he keeps his job. Simple :bb:

He's not going to look good as a bodyguard if he jobs to a guy that goes up to his knee.