AMA Sawyer Xavier v. Brandon Roberts

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Ricky Smarks

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Full Metal Mayhem Match
Sawyer Xavier v. Brandon Roberts with Sean Cutter Jr.

Remember that role-plays are to be received no later than 11:59 PM EST on Friday, January 21st, 2022.


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We flash back to Rush Hour, where we here soft music playing over a video of Brandon Roberts the week before talking to Shabazz, before we hear Brandon's voice talk over it.

Brandon Roberts: They say every man has a price, every man has that price where they will sell out all of their beliefs. Where they will turn their back on everything they know, and they love.

We then flash the video to the Pure Rules match with Christopher McMichaels, and all of the hard hitting action.

Brandon Roberts: But sometimes, sometimes a man has to do what he knows is right, a man has to stand up for what he believes in, because money doesn't always buys happiness, money isn't everything, and sometimes.....sometimes you just know what you have to do.

We then see the end of the match where Jean-Louis Gagnon helped Brandon get the win over McMichales, before fading to Jean-Louis Gagnon vs Sawyer Xavier, we see the part where Brandon makes his way out towards the ring.

Brandon Roberts: You get questions, like what are you going to do, are you going to take the money, are you going to cash out and sell out EVERYTHING you believe in, or will you stand up for your country, stand up and be PROUD of where you came from?

As more action plays from the match, O Canada starts to play over the video, but a more slow sounding version, rather than Brandon's rock version he uses. before it slowly cuts off as we see when Brandon Roberts cost Jean the match up.

Brandon Roberts: Some people question if I messed up on purpose, they question me, and wonder just what it is I'm doing, and the answer is simple....

We then see where Brandon Roberts was being scolded for what had happened, from being yelled at, to being made to SIT and match the match up between Don Marshall and Pariah.

Brandon Roberts: I'm just biding my time, and trying to figure out, what's best for me, what's best for Brandon Roberts. Because it's not about money, it's not about Patriotism and how PROUD I am to be from Canada, no's about what's best for me, and me only.

We then see Brandon leave with none other than Sean Cuttler Jr, before it fades out and we see Brandon at a Hockey Arena, for some local little game going on in Toronto in just a couple hours as he sits in the empty seats.

Brandon Roberts: You see, I am the HOTTEST Free Agent on the market, and everyone wants me, why? Because they look at me and they see perfection, they look at me and see a hot young stud who can climb to the mountain top, and become the face of a whole damn company. So I can't blame everyone for wanting to bid for my services. If I wasn't me I would be doing the same damn thing. Because you see at the end of the day I hold all the cards. I am what the people want.

Brandon gets a small little smirk on his face and laughs.

Brandon Roberts: I mean hell you don't want to know how much I am being paid to come to gets local hockey game tonight, you'd be a little bit jealous. But the great thing is, that when these lights go down, and it is time for me to drop the puck. The crowd want be cheering for the home team, hell they sure as hell won't be cheering for the team from the next city over, no. This crowd will become loud and they will become PROUD, chanting at the top of their lungs. "LETS GO BRANDON! LET'S GO BRANDON!!" and once I am done here, I have to hop on a plane and fly on down to Daytona Beach, FL for Manifest Destiny, where I have a Full Metal Mayhem Match with Sawyer Xavier. Someone who is just torn basically, just annoying enough that you have to take care of it, but not dangerous enough to do any real damage. He's really going to regret asking for this match up, because I promise the only way he makes it out of Florida is in a body bag when he's shipped back home to that disgrace of a state know as Georgia for his own funeral. Mama and Papa X I'm sorry for what I got to do your boy, but it's sadly going to all be his own fault for not minding his own damn business. So if I was you I'd make sure his life insurance was up to date and paid off, make sure he has himself a nice little place to be buried, and make sure you have some black clothing.

Brandon's phone goes off as he smiles and stands up, a cocky little smirk forming

Brandon Roberts: Now if you excuse me, I have some business to go take care of before tonight's game, but soon everything will make sense, and the world will get the answers it wants, and needs.

Brandon started to walk down the stands as the camera fades out to black with thew words coming on the screen. "SOON."​

Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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We start off the promo at what appears to be a gymnasium. Sawyer Xavier walks through a door into the gym, a slight look of confusion on his face.

"George? You here? I got your message."

Sawyer made his way deeper into the gym, as George E. Brilliant popped from out of a room.

"Yep! Welcome to my gym! Pretty homey, don't you think?"

"Sure. Anyways, why did you call me here?"

George would respond by heading to a Storage Closet. He opened up the door and pulled out an assortment of items. Some folding chairs, a few ladders, and some tables.

"I'm going prepare you for your Full Metal Mayhem match!"

"Makes a lot more sense than what I thought. So, how are we gonna do this?"

"Simple. We're gonna do it, montage style!"

"Montage style?"

"Yeah, montage style. All the great underdogs have a montage!"

"That was backhanded."

"Whatever. I mean, it's best to get you fully ready. Can't have a potential client losing, y'know."

Some generic upbeat instrumental music began to play as we cut to our first scene.


Sawyer would be standing in front of a padded wall.

"What's this f-?"

Sawyer would duck out of the way, narrowly avoiding a chair thrown at him.

"WOAH! What the hell was that for?"

"Haven't you heard the classic phrase? If you can dodge a chair, you can dodge a fist."

Brilliant chucked two more chairs at Sawyer, with Sawyer managing to duck them, though narrowly.

"Yknow, I'd like a warning!"

"There's no warnings in combats! So, dodge the chairs!"

Brilliant threw a few more chair as we cut to the next part of the montage.


Sawyer was standing in the foyer, staring at a space full of tables.

"You'll be dealing with lots of tables. And you don't wanna go through one."

"This is starting to seem pointless."

"Bah, humbug. Get to know your tables. Imagine yourself being thrown into one. You gotta learn to keep your momentum so you don't go through."

Sawyer had a look of confusion on his face as he was suddenly grabbed by Brilliant. Brilliant threw him at the table, to which Sawyer hopped over it.

"There ya go."

"You suck."

"I know."

Brilliant would grab Sawyer and throw him at another one, where Sawyer rolled over it. This roll transitioned into the next part.


A bunch of ladders are set up.

"Your obstacles make no sense."

"Get your mind on the match kid. Doesn't matter if they make sense. As long as Full Metal Mayhem is imprinted in your mind, you're already a thousand times better."

"I mean, what does this matter anyways? I came into Full Metal Mayhem to beat Brandon Roberts' ass, not to do some hokey training."

"Ahh, whatever. Next show we'll do things your way. Today though, you're under the Brilliant Treatment."

"Ok, fine. What now?"

Brilliant pointed at padded mats on the floor next to the ladders.

"The fans love your flips! Who doesn't like a good spot monkey?"

Sawyer was about to remark back but stopped.

"So, train your body. Climb the ladders and jump off them."

"That sounds like an injury waiting to happen."

"Not if your safe. I mean, practice. You're facing your biggest rival! Why not show him what you can do. I doubt he can do a moonsault."

"Yeah but. Is it necessary?"

"Remember what I said? Today is my way. Just deal with it."

The music of the montage began to speed up as we cut between clips of Sawyer dodging chairs, bounding over tables, and doing tricks with the ladders. Sawyer was looking less and less annoyed as the montage continued. Eventually, he was doing this stuff with ease as the music came to a halt. A few hours had seemed to past since the "Montage" started.

Sawyer would be exhausted as Brilliant seemed pleased with the training.

"I've dodged too many chairs for my liking."

"Well, now you can dodge a punch."

"Screw you."

"Understandable. Well, you go get some rest. If you don't, we'll just do this again."

The two of them shared laughter as the scene cut away.


Sawyer was standing in an empty field. He seemed to be doing some sort of yoga.

"My time in AMA has been plagued by one man. Brandon Roberts. He's been a thorn in my side ever since I became one of the top stars. From his Canadian boy toys attacking me to trying to cost me my Flag Match, he's been jealous. Jealous that some southern boy consistently outdoes him."

He stopped what he was doing and went to grab something.

"He's messed me up, and I'll mess him up. I specifically chose Full Metal Mayhem to hurt him. I'll have every weapon at my disposal. And I get to use them all. I'll be able to get my sweet, sweet revenge. And there is nothing you or your friends can do about it."

Sawyer would pull out a metal pipe.

"And this guy will be my friend for the match. And once I put you away, the job will be done. You'll be left in irrelevancy while I'll strut my way to the top. Just remember, Southern Hospitality doesn't exist in grudges. After I come out on top, I can assure nobody will pull over for you."

Sawyer laughed to himself as the promo faded away.