New Air Jordans
Some badass shirts
Some badass pants
A nice sexy black jacket
Dissida Final Fantasy(must wait)
RE: Final Fantasy XIII(must wait)
The Eddie Guerrero DVD
Dark Knight on blu-ray
Final Fantasy VII
I feel asleep again, and a fuck load of people popped up out of nowhere screaming and shit like that.
We went to see The Day The Earth Stood Still(great movie)
My face was pushed into the cake.
My girlfriend and friends showed up out of nowhere, and she kissed me in front of everybody. It was really embarrassing and cheesy.
We went to the Arcade, we played some laser tag. I actually ran into the wall, I was being a total kid and pretending to be Marcus Fenix.
Nice Treats
New FFXIII/VXIII trailers released on the internet today.
Thats about it, i'm 18 now. Officially considered a man
who can't drink
EDIT: I also have pictures, but my friend has the camera. He wants to put em on a CD or something like that. So i'll show you them whenever.