LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL this is fucking awesome, makes me actually like Ryback a little more.
I think it would be awesome for Ryback to go around singling out members of the audience and 'bullying' them by saying things like this to 'em on the mic. It was sort of an idea I had about how Ryback could further utilize his bullying gimmick before he was paired with Heyman and it could still work. He could even really get in someone's face and sling them over the barrier and whoop the shit out of them (this person would have to be a plant, of course.)
No. Just let them be real fans. More entertaining. :haha:
Yeah well everyone can believe they're "real fans" in the way that Cactus Jack thinks CM Punk does "real shoot promos". It's cute.
CM Punk is more scripted than Shakespeare.ity:
lol exactly. So is everyone on the show. But he's UNPREDICTABLE and he tells those damn script writers to shove their dialogue!! He's a rebel, mannn! Fighting against the system!!
I have to credit the guy he is doing an amazing job with this bully character
what have been to being a star!?