Got this from a sports board connected to BBC in the UK, 606 Boards. Was wondering if anyone here had heard anything about this.
"TNA creative writer Vince Russo has plans to move from Colorado to Nashville, Tennessee and has made noise about assuming a different job within the organization, away from writing."
Source: Wrestling Observer
It apparently comes from a paid area of the Observer, so the poster was giving it more credability than normal.
I can't go check myself, as the bloody site is blocked here at work.
Anyways, heres hoping that its true.
"TNA creative writer Vince Russo has plans to move from Colorado to Nashville, Tennessee and has made noise about assuming a different job within the organization, away from writing."
Source: Wrestling Observer
It apparently comes from a paid area of the Observer, so the poster was giving it more credability than normal.
I can't go check myself, as the bloody site is blocked here at work.
Anyways, heres hoping that its true.