Basically Jericho says he is going beat up Takers ass and Rusev makes a joke breaking kayfabe.
Okay...but don't most of the wrestlers break kayfabe with Twitter?
I mean if the WWE had a problem with what Rusev "tweeted"
then shouldn't they enforce that rule across the entire roster?
Seems kind of unfair to take a shot at Rusev for that.
I mean we all know those in charge have had a vendetta against
Rusev since her & Lana got engaged & "ruined" the thrilling love
Quadrangle featuring Ziggler & Summer Bae...and before you
argue against that...just look at Rusev's booking in the last couple
of years & try & tell me he's not being buried at every available
opportunity...hell...they just did it last week at Wrestlemania.
Its not worth getting into an argument about...I just want Rusev
to get a decent push...& he is so over right now with the fans...but
I guess that doesn't matter to those in charge.
I again present this youtube clip as evidence of how
over Rusev is & how the WWE are trying to ignore it.
I bet it burns Vince that he couldn't pay his audience to cheer for
HIS Chosen One like that.