RUMOR: GTA5 PS3 exclusive, Crysis on PS3, Mass Effect 2 on PS3 and more.

  • Thread starter Solid Stinger the Big Boss
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Solid Stinger the Big Boss


1. GTA5 to be a PS3 exclusive
2. Sony is buying out Level-5
3. Crysis on PS3
4. Mass Effect 2 on PS3
5. God of War 3 trailer was in game
6. PS3 price cut in 2009. $299 for 80gb and $399 for 160gb

1. Rockstar is making a PS3 exclusive game published by SCEA. We all thought it was LA Noire but that isn't exclusive anymore. It very well could be GTA5

2. Sony and Level-5 are on good terms and most of Level-5's games are published by Sony. After they are done with their DS games it could happen.

3. This rumor has been around forever. I don't think a console can handle Crysis, bullshit.

4. Bioware is owned by EA. mostly everything EA makes is always multi-platform, if Saints Row 2, and Bioshock 2 can do it. I can see Mass Effect 2 being on PS3.

5. The developers did say the in game would look close to it, but I doubt the footage shown at E3 2008 was in-game

6. It could happen.

Also, I just found this on a couple of gaming news sites. I don't know how much credibility he has but lots of people are being racist and saying he has zero credibility because he's black and its called “hiphopgameshow”

Just because its on an awkward site doesn't mean anything.

Alas it is still just a rumor.


Aug 4, 2007
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it would be dumb of Rockstar to make GTA a PS3 Exclusive again. its a popular game and a lot of people always buy it but i doubt that Sony will get much from it because i dont think that its a good enough game to buy a PS3 just to play it.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

You'd be surprised. If many people bought PS3s just for FFXIII, Tekken 6, MGS4, LBP, and VXIII. Why not GTA5?

It would benefit to Sony, the GTA franchise is a system seller.

Anyhow as stated above, Rockstar is making a PS3 exclusive game. I'd rather have a new IP then GTA5. GTA4 was crap unless they completely change the style from GT4 to something more fun


It would be nice if GTA5 was only on the PS3 because it wouldn't be held back and the Blu Ray would reveal it's true potential. If MGS4 was on the 360 then it wouldn't be as good because it's a proven fact that Blu Ray holds a lot more stuff. Mircosoft would be fucked it if was exclusive but i don't really care if it is or isn't. It will still be good but would be better if it was only on the PS3. Hopefully the rest of the rumours are true.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

I doubt it to

I think Rockstar's PS3 exclusive will be Red Dead Revolver 2

GTA4 sold better on 360 and the exclusive dlc has yet to come out.


They won't make GTA5 a Playstation Exclusive since much of the sales would come from the X-Box 360. But as Stinger said, the GTA Franchise is a system seller and it would definetely benefit Sony if GTA5 is a PS3 Exclusive.


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Mar 25, 2007
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I doubt Mass Effect or ME2 would go to Sony, idk y but i just do. I wouldnt care as long as ps3 doesnt get exclusive in game content like what happens with bioshock.

Id then buy it for the ps3 but I enjoy my games on the 360 more, only game I play on the ps3 is Little Big Planet, which is pissing me off cuz i cant beat the last stage.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Mass Effect was published by Microsoft.

Mass Effect 2 is being published by EA.

EA=multi-platform company.

This Guy

GTA won't be exclusive. Rockstar flip flops alot with the opinion on the systems. They hated 360 because of the lack of disc space compared to blu-ray but then hated PS3 more later because of all the programing issues which caused the delay. The PS3 exclusive will probably be either a new franchise or one of there lesser known titles.

Crysis will be on 360 & PS3. Crytec (developer) has decided to stop making PC games. They are just tired of the ever changing PC market. They feel consols are more stable for gaming these days.

Bioware has already gone on record and said that Mass Effect 2 will still be 360 exclusive. EA owns them, but like Blizzard Bioshock still has a lot of independence. And its the developer not the publisher that decides what platforms a game comes out for.

I doubt it was in game footage. Sony claimed that about Killzone when they first showed that quite a few years back. They retracted that in a month saying that it was projected In Game but was actually Computer simulated.

Probably late 2009 (like August till end of year)

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

GTA won't be exclusive. Rockstar flip flops alot with the opinion on the systems. They hated 360 because of the lack of disc space compared to blu-ray but then hated PS3 more later because of all the programing issues which caused the delay. The PS3 exclusive will probably be either a new franchise or one of there lesser known titles.

Crysis will be on 360 & PS3. Crytec (developer) has decided to stop making PC games. They are just tired of the ever changing PC market. They feel consols are more stable for gaming these days.

Bioware has already gone on record and said that Mass Effect 2 will still be 360 exclusive. EA owns them, but like Blizzard Bioshock still has a lot of independence. And its the developer not the publisher that decides what platforms a game comes out for.

I doubt it was in game footage. Sony claimed that about Killzone when they first showed that quite a few years back. They retracted that in a month saying that it was projected In Game but was actually Computer simulated.

Probably late 2009 (like August till end of year)

You really can't say it won't be GTA5 and be 100% sure, anything can happen this gen. Either way I hope its Red Dead Revolver 2 instead of Grand Theft Auto 5.

Crysis would look fugly on PS360. For starters if it was on 360 it'd need more disc for the 360 version. Also Crytek has recently been on PS4's nutsack yes PS4. PS3 could probably run Crysis but it would suffer from a MAJOR downgrade.

Link for that? That is the case normally but EA actually owns the developer. So if they want it multi to employe(Bioware)would end up doing what the boss(EA)asked for.

I doubt its in-game as well. Also Sony really shut LOTS of people up about Killzone 2. The graphics are pretty close to the F.U.D trailer shown at E3. I'm in the KZ2 Beta and the graphics are amazing. This would also explain how the bad media coverage of KZ2 slowly died down. Seeing as how GoW, GoW 2, and GoW Coo really pushed PS2/PSP's graphics to the limit. I expect GoW 3 to look close to the trailer cgi whilst pushing PS3's graphics to the limit.

Then again Uncharted 2 may be the one to do that.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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I'll like it to be PS3 exclusive for GTA5 because Blu-Ray is alot better but either way it don't matter I'll get it on PS3 and if its not on PS3 I'll have a 360 after Christmas.

The rest of the games do not even matter to me so yeah.