ROMANVM HISTORIVM: A Roman History Mafia Game Thread

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It me.
Dec 28, 2020
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~15 hours.

But the longer it takes now, the more dead time we're gonna have all afternoon tomorrow.


Tiffy Time
Dec 7, 2019
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It me.
Dec 28, 2020
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It's kind of funny that we'll get the flip before we get the duel result.

Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
Mar 7, 2019
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Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
Mar 7, 2019
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Sleepy Eye
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Destruction of Carthage, 146 BC

Hannibal and Rome's most hated enemy, Carthage, has fallen.

Hannibal (Anti-Roman Carthaginian)
Hannibal Barca


"We must either find a way or make one."

Speak the name of Hannibal, and fear will wash over the face of any Roman who remembers the horror stories of his deadly humiliation of the Roman armies during the Second Punic War. Hannibal Barca’s hatred of Rome runs in his blood, as his father was a victim of the war machine and Hannibal swore to defeat Rome to his last breath. He is remembered as one of the greatest military generals in all of history, and even after his death, his name struck fear in the hearts of Roman citizens.

You are Hannibal, the Anti-Roman Carthaginian. Because of your military exploits, you’ve been given the gift of Benedictio Imperator. The first time you are investigated by a Consul, you will return as Roman Republic Aligned, as well as coming back weaponless. Furthermore, you are also a 2x Ninja, which allows you to perform a kill silently. This does not replace the factional kill. As an additional bonus, it requires an extra vote to lynch you.

You win when Rome can no longer stop your dominance.

Fake: Julius Caesar (Roman Republic Aligned Dictator Magni)
Gaius Iulius Caesar


"I had rather be first in a village than second at Rome."

Julius Caesar, the most consequential Roman in the history of mankind. Born into a wealthy family, his political and military skills were second to none. Former Consul, conqueror of Gaul, winner of the Roman Civil War, and dictator for life, his life was cut tragically short by several conspirators who wished to see his reign end. It was his death that brought forth the conditions for the Roman Empire to come into being. Even after his death, he was beloved by the people of Rome and is considered a god.

You are Julius Caesar, the Roman Republic Aligned Dictator Magni. Because of your beloved nature with the citizenry of Rome, it requires one extra vote to lynch you.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Augustus has regained his lost legions from the battle of Teutoburg Forest. Arminius has been slaughtered, and Rome now controls Germania uncontested.

"Varus, give me back my legions!"
- Augustus, in regards to his loss at Teutoburg Forest

Arminius was directly responsible for one of the most embarrassing losses in Roman History, the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, in which a German army obliterated the Roman legions and left no man alive. Arminius, better known as Hermann the German, is considered a National Hero to Germany.

You are Arminius, the Anti-Roman German. Once during the game, you may choose to duel another player during the day. This will not replace the lynch and will run beside the lynch. The person with the most votes at the end of the day will die. Also, your ability to spot weaknesses in Rome's defense is uncanny. You also have the ability to execute a player if the votes on their wagon are 1 more than halfway. You cannot use this execution while you are dueling another player.

You win when Rome can no longer stop your dominance.

Fake: Scipio Africanus (Roman Republic Aligned Salvator Autem Romae)
Publius Cornelius Scipio


"Prepare for war, since you are unable to endure peace."

During the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus came into his own during the thought-to-be suicidal Hispanic campaign. He eventually conquered Hispania and was at Carthage's back door until he finally came face to face with Hannibal. The two met at the Battle of Zama, where he decimated Hannibal's army and earned the agnomen "Africanus".

You are Scipio Africanus, the Roman Republic Aligned Salvator Autem Romae. As the man who bested Hannibal, you are gifted with a Duellum. Once during the game, you may choose to duel another player during the day. This will not replace the lynch and will run beside the lynch. The person with the most votes at the end of the day will die.

You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated.

With no enemies left, Rome rose once again and became the dominant power for the next thousand years. Slowly, Rome became federated, giving Gaul, Britannia, Germania, Africa, Hispania, and many other great regions semi-autonomy. Working together, the Novae Terrae, otherwise known as Americae, was discovered, and habituated by the Roman Federation. Now, the Civitates Foederatae Americae serves as Rome's second great imperial power, conquering the new continent while the Roman Federation controls much of Europe and the Meditteranean. Long Live Roman Glory. Ave Romae!


Cleopatra on the Terraces of Philae

Meanwhile... Egypt was saved from conquest by Rome through thrifty diplomacy and through a strong alliance which left the kingdom completely autonomous from Roman control. Cleopatra created an alliance with Octavian and together formed an eternal relationship between the two nations. Egypt continues to live free from Rome and even conquered much of southern Africa, from the Nile all the way to Cape Hope, and from Abbysinia to Ethiopia. The Egyptian Empire and Roman Federation live on today as an incredibly friendly international alliance.

Rome and Egypt have won!
Congratulations to the winners!

Your Winners:
Marcus Aurelius (Roman Empire Aligned Philosophus Regem)
Marcus Annius Verus


"The happiness of your life deepens upon the quality of your thoughts."

Marcus Aurelius is the Philosopher King of Rome. His stoicism and musings on philosophy are considered one of the greatest in history. He is also the last of the Five Good Kings. Pax Romana would, unfortunately, end following the death of Marcus Aurelius, and Rome would slowly descend into hell for the next 200 years.

You are Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Empire Aligned Philosophus Regem. As the Philosopher King of Rome, you know Stoicism. At any time during the game, you may choose to ask Jupiter Optimus Maximus (the host) two questions regarding who exists in the game. This will give you a census of all occupants of the game at that current moment, including the split.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Trajan (Roman Empire Aligned Optimus Princeps)
Marcus Ulpius Traianus


Trajan followed his adoptive father Nerva as Roman Emperor, and it was during his reign that the Pax Romana entered the height of its golden age. Trajan oversaw the greatest extent of the Roman Empire, and during his time helped continue to create many great works and public items. He was declared Optimus Princeps by the Senate and is still regarded as one of the best Roman Emperors.

You are Trajan, the Roman Empire Aligned Optimus Princeps. Thanks to your ability to command the empire to its greatest height, you have been gifted with the command of a Consulship. With this Consulship, you hold Fasces first. As such, every odd night, you may choose to investigate a player and see their alignment.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Aurelian (Roman Empire Aligned Restitutor Orbis)
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus


Aurelian was a Roman Emperor during the time of the Crisis of the Third Century. During his reign, he marked military advances in the Empire and twice saved Rome from conquest by barbarians. He is also responsible for re-conquering the Gallic Empire and the Palmyrene Empire. His exploits earned him the name Restitutor Orbis: “Restorer of the World”.

You are Aurelian, the Roman Empire Aligned Restitutor Orbis. As the man who rescued Rome in one of its greatest times of need, you have been gifted with Imperium. Three times during the game, you may choose to target a player at night to kill.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Alexios I Komnenos (Eastern Roman Empire Aligned Crux Imperator)
Alexius Comnenus


Alexios I Komnenos is among the greatest Byzantine Emperors. His reign would see the whole of Western Europe attempt to unite under the First Crusade. His attempts to hold back the Seljuk advance were also notable during his reign.

You are Alexios I Komnenos, the Eastern Roman Empire Aligned Crux Imperator. As the Emperor of the Roman Empire during the First Crusade, you have been gifted with Subvectio. Your ability to transport the rowdy and vicious armies of Western Europe into Muslim lands is noted. As such, three times per game, you may choose to move two players at night to different locations. Roles will affect the opposite person. You cannot move yourself.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Constantine I (Roman Empire Aligned Imperator Christianus)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus


"With free minds, all are to worship their gods."

Constantine I was a member of the Roman Tetrarchy and once it fell, he won a civil war to become sole emperor of all Rome. Constantine is perhaps most remembered as both founding Constantinople, and converting to Christianity, effectively bringing an end to the persecution of Christians. Whether he actually believed in it or not is another matter entirely.

You are Constantine I, the Roman Empire Aligned Imperator Christianus. As the first official convert to Christianity, the Lord has gifted you with Vitam Aeternum. Should you be lynched, you will still be able to post following your death, however, you will not be able to vote. Should you die at night, however, you will be able to vote, but unable to post otherwise.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Cicero (Roman Republic Aligned Pater Patriae)
Marcus Tullius Cicero


"While there's life, there's hope."

Marcus Tullius Cicero was considered by many to be the last Republican of Rome. His murder on the orders of Marc Antony was a tragedy and is a black mark in the history of Rome. He is generally regarded as the greatest statesman in Roman history and his consulship in 63 B.C. saw him take down the Catiline Conspiracy.

You are Cicero, the Roman Republic Aligned Pater Patriae. As the man who took out the Catiline Conspiracy, you have been gifted with the power of Interrogatio. 4 times per game, you may choose to investigate a player at night and see if they are Catiline Conspiracy Aligned.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Gaius Marius (Roman Republic Aligned Conditor Tertio Romae)
Gaius Marius


"The law speaks too softly to be heard amidst the din of arms"

Gaius Marius is a famous Roman general and participant in Sulla’s infamous first Civil War. His rivalry with Lucius Cornelius Sulla is one of the biggest historical Roman rivalries outside of Cato & Caesar, and Octavian & Antony. Marius was also a 7-time Consul, the most of any other Roman.

You are Gaius Marius, the Roman Republic Aligned Conditor Tertio Romae. As a seven-time Consul, you have been gifted with the command of a Consulship. With this Consulship, you hold Fasces second. As such, every even night, you may choose to investigate a player and see if they are capable of using a killing role.

You win when all threats to Rome have been eliminated.

Cleopatra (Egypt Aligned Seductress)
Cleopatra VII Thea Philopater


"I will not be triumphed over."

Queen of the Nile, the mysterious last Pharoah of Egypt, Cleopatra. She is known for her associations with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, as well as her defeat at the hands of Octavian led to Egypt becoming the last Mediterranean province to be controlled by Rome. Cleopatra was known to be one of the most interesting people alive during her reign, knowing 6 languages, creating incredible administrative policies, and being beloved by her people by the end of her reign. In the end, Cleopatra cared about Egypt, for better or worse.

You are Cleopatra, the Egypt Aligned Seductress. Your purpose in this game is to survive until the end, regardless of who else wins. To help with your mission, you are given three great powers. Your first is if you are investigated by a Consul, you will come back as Roman Empire Aligned. The second power is the creation of alliances. At the beginning of the game, you must choose another player to gain private communications with. You will not know their alignment or their character. You will also gain access to the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Three times during the game, you may choose to watch a player at night and see who visits them, but not what role is used on them. Additionally, your skills have given you a 1-time Scutum; this will protect you from being shot at night.

Fake: Diocletian (Roman Empire Aligned Magnum Reformator)


Diocletian, the great reformer of the Roman Empire. Following the Crisis of the 3rd Century, he made grand sweeping administrative and military reforms to keep the empire from falling further into despair. His greatest legacy was that of the Tetrarchy, a failed experiment that delegated control of the empire between four men. He abdicated in 305 to retire, becoming one of the only Roman Emperors to ever voluntarily abdicate.

You are Diocletian, the Roman Empire Aligned Magnum Reformator. As a man of great reform, you are gifted with the Tetrarchy system. At the beginning of the game, you must choose another player to gain private communications with. You will not know their alignment or their character. Secondly, as the senior co-emperor, or Augustus, three times during the game, you may choose to watch a player at night and see who visits them, but not what role is used on them.

You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated.

Mod QT
Dead QT
Anti-Rome QT
Catiline Conspiracy QT
Egyptian QT
The Tetarchy QT

Thank You For Playing!
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I can be your long lost pal
Nov 24, 2019
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Man, I really did not have a strong start, teammates didn't hesitate on a bus either.

Thanks for the game Barry!
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