^Yeah...what he said...
In my opinion...I agree with the heel turn...
mainly because Roman just looks like a heel...
at least to me.
I say he he ditches the old shield music, quits wearing
that "combat" vest and becomes a silent destroyer
and begins tearing through both faces and heels...
and during this time he never speaks...no interviews,
no promos, no nothing. He just appears, destroys
and leaves.
I'd carry this on for a few months to the point where
he is starting to actually scare people...until the time
is right...say just after a babyface Seth Rollins claims
the Universal title...then have Roman appear, beat Seth
down in the middle of the ring, open him up (Not going to
happen...but it would be good to add impact) have him grab
a mic and ask the audience one simple question:
"Is this what you wanted?"
"I hope you enjoy it"
Wow...went on a tangent there...sorry about that...
But yeah...
Everything about Face Roman feels forced and from
the crowd reactions I've seen...its never going to work.