ROH Final Battle 2011 iPPV

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Bennett lost. I thought he'd win for sure here.

Now it's time for STEEN


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Dec 6, 2010
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
more steen/generico :mark: 2012 is already looking #AMAZING


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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2nd half of the show

Tag Team Gauntlet match: The Bravados vs. C&C Wrestle Factory vs. The All Night Express vs. Future Shock vs. The Young Bucks

Bravados and the team of Coleman and Alexander are out first. The Bravados waste no time with their attack. Coleman and Alexander fight back and Alexander hits a splash to the outside. Double team moves from C&C but Bravados are able to regain the advantage. They keep Alexander cut off and double up on him. Coleman runs in but is stopped by the referee. He's hit from behind by Harlem, I believe and is sent to the outside.

From there, he's able to pull a Bravado over with a headscissors. Some action and Alexander is able to get the pin, eliminating the Bravados.

Future Shock now out.

Alexander and Kyle O'Reilly go toe to toe. The "Team Richards" member gets the advantage and tags out. Future Shock puts the boots to Alexander. Suplex from Adam Cole. Tag out to O'Reilly and he takes over. Coleman gets a blind tag and takes O'Reilly by surprise. Coleman then falls victim to a blind tag himself and eats a northern lights suplex from Cole.

Knee drop to the back from O'Reilly. He yanks down his kneepad and does it again. Tag out to Cole. Future Shock attempts a double team move but Coleman hits a split-legged dropkick and tags out to Alexander. Enziguri to O'Reilly.

Double stop to double knee backbreaker tag team move from C&C and Future Shock is in trouble. More action and Richards and Cole are able to get control. Double tree of woe to Alexander. Ride the Lightning -- a take off of Total Elimination -- and C&C Wrestle Factory is eliminated!

The Young Bucks are out!

Bucks take the early advantage. Nick Jackson and Cole are in the ring. Matt tagged back in and they hit some double team moves. Bucks doing a good job of cutting the ring off and keeping Cole away from his partner. Matt drapes Cole across the second rope and Nick hits a double stomp and then runs across the ring and nails O'Reilly with a suicide dive.

Cole then begins to mount a comeback, flipping out of back suplexes and finally tags out to O'Reilly who clears house. He hits EIGHT butterfly suplexes! Cole KILLS Nick by dropping him across the apron! Nick makes his way to the chair in the corner and O'Reilly BUSTS ASS when he jumps from the apron and Nick moves.

Double superkick to Cole and More Bang For Your Buck hits! Future Shock is out.

Out come The All Night Express! I think it's Matt and misses a splash to the outside and the ANX start attacking. King nails some splashes off the rail. Tough to keep up with all the action. It slows down and Matt Jackson is in the ring with King. Nick chokes King from the outside and Matt hits a bodyslam followed by a couple of elbow drops.

The Bucks batter King for a while until he's able to tag Titus in. Titus is nursing a knee injury from an attack at the hands of the Bucks a few weeks ago. He's able to swing the momentum for a while but his knee gives out. King is back in to assist and he scoop Nick up and slams him down. Matt is able to nearly decapitate him with a DDT on the apron.

Back inside the ring, Titus is getting the advantage over Nick but Matt is in to tilt the odds. The Bucks are working over the knee something fierce. Some has Titus' knee twisted around and the other hits a 450 splash off the top! The referee calls for the bell! The Bucks win!

Winners: The Young Bucks via referee stoppage

After the bell, Nick hits another 450 splash for good measure.

Roderick Strong vs. ???

Strong and Truth Martini are out. Strong talking smack. Martini starts a 10 count. He's solid on the mic.

Who will answer?


Hero gets the early advantage. Senton splash from the former tag champ, chops, and a clothesline in the corner. Strong tries to come back with a chop but Hero sends him over the top rope with a boot. Hero follows him out and gets nailed by Martini with the Book of Truth! Devious!

Back drop onto the apron! Strong rolls him back in and begins the attack. He's really taking it to Hero, the King of Wrestling isn't getting any offense for a while. Finally, Hero is able to get some chops in and opens up the opportunity to regain some momentum. A dropkick from Hero puts Strong on his back.

Hero off the ropes and takes a chop from Strong and totally no-sells it. Huge forearm and a power slam force Strong to roll to the outside. He avoids a splash but gets hit with a dropkick. Back inside the ring and Hero is unable to keep up his attack. Strong lands a big knee and regains control.

Strong sets Hero up top and nails a backbreaker on the top turnbuckle! Ouch! Strong with his Strong Hold but Hero is able to get out of it. Suplex from Hero and both men are dazed. Strong starts to pour it on and even hits a Gibson Driver but only gets two!

Both men are exhausted and exchanging chops. Forearm from Hero. Knee to the guy from Strong. Spinning elbow from Hero! ANOTHER! SPINNING KNEE! Each of those was cringe-inducing. Two count for Hero!

Another strike from the former tag champ and the subsequent pin attempt is broken up by Martini. Hero gives chase and grabs a hold of him but Strong tries to sneak up behind him but Hero dodges him. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a Yakuza kick but Strong also dodges and Martini eats it. Strong with a Sick Kick and gets the three count! If Hero is really headed for the WWE in the next couple of months, I can understand this booking.

Winner: Strong via pinfall

ROH World Tag Team Championships match: Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (c) vs. The Briscoe Brothers

WGTT start the match off by whipping their opponents with the belts! They're brawling and Benjamin hits Mark with a suplex on the ramp! Haas hits a back suplex across the guard rail on Jay! Chair shot! WGTT is absolutely killing Dem Boys with chairs. We haven't even had a bell yet.

Seriously, this is an all-out beatdown. This isn't even a match, it's legal assault.

Jay with a straight chair shot to the dome and he's bleeding all over. Ugh.

WGTT slightly botches a Leap of Faith. Mark inside the ring and finally the bell rings? Huh? The dazed Briscoe tries to fight back but the champs overpower him. They set up another Leap of Faith but Jay comes in and nails Benjamin with a superkick. Covered in blood, Jay and Haas stand face to face. They strike back and forth and Haas ends up getting the advantage but only momentarily.

Benjamin hits a Stinger Splash on Mark but it hurts his already weakened ribs. Spear from Mark and Dem Boys take over. Huge double arm drag and chops in the corner from Jay. Benjamin starts to come back with a back body drop and Haas helps out with a handful of clotheslines.

Knee lift, boot, suplex from Haas. Atomic drop, superkick, roll up combination from WGTT. But a reverse STO from Jay into the turnbuckle puts the Briscoes back on top. Dropkick in the corner from Mark and an Alabama Slam gets two. Jay Driller gets countered while Mark and Benjamin clothesline each other on the outside. A trio of German suplexes from Haas has Jay reeling.

Haas of Pain is locked in but Mark climbs to the top! He jumps and Benjamin covers his partner to save him from the splash! He grabs his ribs and rolls to the outside and the referee calls for help from the back. Inside the ring, the Briscoes are taking it to Haas while his partner is helped to the backstage area.

Haas is whipped to the ropes and Dem Boys duck down for a double back body drop. He boots one and slams the other, taking the referee out in the process. Benjamin heads back out and pulls a wooden board from the under the ring and waylays the former champs with it.

They set up Jay for the Doomsday Device but Mark grabs a piece of broken table and hits Benjamin with it. Jay floats over and lifts Haas up ... DOOMSDAY DEVICE! New champs!

Winners and NEW tag team champions: The Briscoe Brothers via pinfall

Seven-time champs. Soak it in.

ROH World Championship match: Davey Richards (c) vs. Eddie Edwards

Oh, damn, they're going at it. Punches, forearms, kicks aaaaand my stream freezes.

Alright, I reloaded and Richards has Edwards in a leg submission but lets go. They go back and forth, Edwards in the corner and takes a hard kick. A modified Texas Cloverleaf from Richards. Action spills to the outside and Edwards whips him to the rail. Richards answers back with a chop and Edwards responds. The chop back and forth, Richards whips to the rail and nails him with a Yakuza kick.

Edwards is rolled back inside the ring. Richards is taken down with a huge chop and gets stuck inside a weird leg submission. He punches his way out of it and gets the challenger to the outside. Edwards ducks under a running punt but eats a back heel and then a running punt anyway.

Back inside the ring and Richards hits a double stomp from the top. Forearms a plenty from from the champ. Jumping forearm is followed up by a belly-to-belly for two. Running knee in the corner, Edwards blocks the German suplex and ends up getting into an ankle lock. He's able to reverse it into a single leg crab, though. Richards counters with a roll up for two.

Edwards scoops Richards up and slams him down. Back to their feet and they start trading shots again. Richards bounces off the ropes and goes for a Muta backhand spring but is caught by Edwards who tosses him to the outside. An Asai moonsault flattens the champ who gets rolled back in. Edwards goes up top but misses a double stomp. Richards up top but the challenger is able to hit a backpack DDT.

A couple of pin attempts only get two but the second is transitioned into an STF. Nice. Edwards then KILLS Richards with some stomps. Somehow Richards is back up and they start slapping the hell out of each other. Richards goes for a spinning backfist but eats a superkick! He comes back with a STIFF lariat!

Richards up top and a double stomp across Edwards' back and then ANOTHER in the chest. The former champ kicks out at two! The champ sets his opponent on the top and they freakin' start headbutting each other! Superplex off the top rope! Richards hangs on for another but Edwards reverses and suplexes his opponent to the outside!!!

Back inside the ring ... double Yakuza kicks! Chop from Edwards, kick from Richards, chop from Edwards, kick from Richards ... they're barely standing. Kobashi Chops from Edwards in the corner. The champ backs him up with kicks and offers up some retribution.

Some asshole throws a streamer. Die in a gutter.

Both men are in the center of the ring. They start exchanging strikes again. Back drop suplexes from each wrestler! My friend brings up the point that Richards is selling them better, acting woozy before he nails his own. He has a point. HUGE knee from Edwards and Richards looks to be out!

Roderick Strong is out! He takes out Team Richards but Dan Severn makes him back up! Michael Elgin is out! Truth Martini is out! Team Richards has recovered! They all brawl to the outside. Only Edwards and Richards remain!

They're back up and exchange forearms then kicks. Double underhooked suplex from the challenger. He sets Richards up on top but Richards elbows his way out. He starts to turn around but Edwards nails him with a huge boot. Super hurricanrana from Edwards!

Powerbomb, sitdown powerbomb ... TWO COUNT!

Richards on his knees and eats a superkick and a chop. Two count! Edwards sinks in the Dragon Sleeper! Richards is able to reverse out and get a pin attempt but the former champ kicks out at two! Edwards with another choke and transitions into a tombstone! Two count! Die Hard! Two count!

Back on the top and Richards is able to regain the advantage! Full nelson suplex off the top rope! Two count! Edwards out to the apron and the champ follows. Full nelson from Richards but Edwards fights back. They chop back and forth and Edwards is scooped up and over onto the floor. Oh, geez, they are killing themselves.


Richards nails his former partner with stiff kicks for a two count. Ankle lock from the champ and it's nearly countered into a pin but Richards kicks out. Another ankle lock but Edwards escapes. Richards then absolutely kills the challenger with kicks. Edwards finally goes out.

Winner and STILL champion: Richards via pinfall

Richards is handed the belt and throws it down. He grabs the mic and puts over how tough Edwards is.


Says Richards is spouting "ass kissing horse $##&" and says the champ should take his "little MMA group" and finish the circle jerk in the back. He says he will take the belt in 2012.



That's it for tonight, folks! Take care!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Titus has been working with an injured knee and had been due to get it checked out. Must be either bad news, or they're just gonna write Rhett out of all storylines for the time being and allow the knee to heal


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Hero's back in ROH. But is it for 1 final match or full-time?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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There was no Hagadorn or Death Rey, so could be his last match