Roger Ruiz and Xavier Donovan vs. The Great Milenko and The Reaper

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Dont we all lol^^^? I think hiac should be only a ppv brand only use. For e.g id say judgement day.


Ooooo good one. Sorry i said that caus eit was coming up plus i couldnt be botherd to think of all 16 wwe ppvs lol.


New Member
Apr 29, 2007
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I didn't mean immediately upon his return.

Personally, I'd love to see HHH v Edge at a Wrestlemania (next year would be ideal!), it's one of the few potential 'big feuds' that has deliberately not occurred yet for one reason or another.

The feud could be with title or without, however, the re-introduction of HIAC at Backlash 08 in re-match would be great. Edge is by far the best heel in WWE right now, and I have no doubt that HHH will return and produce the goods upon his return.
Feb 27, 2006
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I wanted to point out the inexplicable change to the design of the cell itself. They made the ceiling higher. Woopee! With the thicker frame and mesh when see it on tv from the camera outside of the cell you can't see anything. It must be worse to see that thing live. I didn't like it.

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
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Central Minnesota
All roleplays for this match are due Thursday, August 25, at 11:59 PM EASTERN TIME. If you don't know what time that is, please contact myself or another creative member in WKF.

the Reaper

Jun 30, 2011
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Winchester Kentucky
Narrator: The camera shows the Reaper sitting in the rafters looking down at the ring, he is wearing his usual clothes and facepaint, the arena is packed and all the fans are waiting for the show to start when Reaoer hears a voice speak to him.

???: Ah. What a lovely view you have up here Ryan.

Narrator: The Reaper turns to see who said that. It was Syn.

the Reaper: *turns to look back down at the ring again* Ha! yeah. I guess so. But what brings you up here Master?

Narrator: Syn leans onto the guardrail and gazes at the ring below. A look of calmness on his face as he speaks.

Syn: I'm not competing this week, as I'll be training my dearly beloved in preperation for her first match but i have something in store for our *Syn pauses, then smirks* special guest.

Narrator: The Reaper chuckles twistedly before speaking.

the Reaper: And what would that be, Master?

Narrator: Syn rolled his neck, popping it a few times before turning to look at Reaper.

Syn: I want you to go talk to an old aquaintance of mine. He is very (Syn gives a dark smile) gifted, with a needle. I want you to tell him that sometime in the near future, he should be expecting a visit.

Narrator: The Reaper looks up in the air and laughs twistedly and looks back down at the ring again.

Syn: I'm sure you remember Jimmy Gambino. Do you not?

the Reaper: Yes Master. I know who your talkin about and I know where he is. I'm gunna pay him a visit right now.

Syn: Good, good.

Narrator: The Reaper dissapears and Syn continues to stare at the ring for a minute then walks off as the camera gets all staticky and switches over to the outside of a big building. Its a tatoo parlor with the words ''Gambino's Ink'' on the front of it. The Reaper appears infront of the building and walks in it and looks around. The walls are covered with tatoo images and there are a bunch of people sitting in chairs waiting to get tatoos and unlike most places Reaper goes to, the people here dont seem to be paying too much attention to Reaper's appearance. Finally the Reaper see's Jimmy Gambino. He is wearing a red t shirt and black jeans. Jimmy notices the Reaper and gives him a look of fear as the Reaper aproaches him.

the Reaper: Relax Jimmy. I just came to make a peace with you and speak with you.

Narrator: Jimmy calms down and the look of fear on his face slowly fades away.

Jimmy Gambino: Ok man. Thats cool.

the Reaper: Yeah. So. I see your new tatoo parlor is doin pretty good judgin by all these people waitin to get tatoos.

Jimmy Gambino: Yeah man. And I've been watchin WKF and I see yor're fallowin Syn now and it looks like your carear is startin to get better.

the Reaper: Yeah man. Joinin Syn is gonna really turn my carear around. The desciples of Syn are gonna takeover WKF, so far things are lookin great. me and Syn teamed up in a tag team match 2 weeks ago on Carnage and we beat Xaviour Donavon and Charlie White.

Jimmy Gambino: Yeah man. I watched it. Sweet win. So do you know who you're facing this week?

the Reaper: Yeah. I'm gonna be in a tag team match. I'm teamin up with the Great Milenko to take on Xaviour Donavon and the WKF rampage champion Roger Ruiz.

Jimmy Gambino: Thats cool bro. What do you think about you're partner. The Great Milenko?

Narrator: The Reaper laughs twistedly before answering.

the Reaper: Well. Since he aint a desciple and I'm kinda selfish when it comes to my wrestlin carear *twisted laugh* it seems like I would have somethin bad to say about him. But to be honest, I dont, actually, I kinda like him. He's a psychopath like me and Syn so he cant be too bad of a person *twisted laugh* to be honest I think he would make a good member of the desciples. I know it seems like I would be pissed at him because I planned on attackin Ruiz after his match with JC Epick and he beat me to it but at the same time he saved me the job. The way I look at it he did me a favour. He might not know it. But he did. He saved me a job.

Jimmy Gambino: Well. He is a very interestin guy. What do you think about Xaviour Donavon?

Narrator: The Reaper laughs twistedly before answering.

the Reaper: Well. He calls himself the Saviour and says he is here with the Resistance to save WKF from the darkness and supposibly the darkness is us. The guy goes around actin like were a threat to WKF. Well were not a threat to WKF. me and Syn basically made WKF. WKF wouldnt be what it is today if it wasnt for us. We are WKF. Anyways, So far Donavon is doin a shitty job at savin WKF from us. The desciples of Syn have his number. I have his number. Two weeks ago in the tag team match, I hit him with a reaping death drop and pinned him 1, 2, 3, I'll do it again this week if I have to.

Jimmy Gambino: Sweet bro. What do you think about Roger Ruiz?

the Reaper: You wanna know what I think about Roger Ruiz, Jim!? Let me tell you somethin about Roger Ruiz. Ruiz is a piece of shit and a fuckin scumbag who abuses woman by doin things like makin them sleep in dog houses .

Jimmy Gambino: Yeah man. Thats terrible.

the Reaper: Yeah. And the sad thing is that the WKF fans chear for him and boo people like me and Syn. I dont know why. Probably for some stupid reason like because we wear facepaint. Who knows? Anyways. Rick Ruiz has somethin I want. And that is the WKF rampage championship and I will take it from him very soon. Anyways Jim. I'm gonna get goin and let you get back to work. But before I go there is somethin I need to let you know.

Jimmy Gambino: Whats that Reaps?

the Reaper: Expect a visit very soon.

Jimmy Gambino: Ok bro. Good luck in the tag team match. And good luck gettin the rampage championship. I know you can win it.

the Reaper: Thanks bro.

Narrator: The Reaper shakes hands with Jimmy then turns to look in the camera.

the Reaper: I just want you to remember 1 thing Roger Ruiz. Just because seasons dont fear the Reaper. Dont mean you shouldnt!.

Narrator: The Reaper walks away and the camera turns to Jimmy Gambino who is looking in the direction the Reaper is walking with a twisted smile on his face.

fades to black


Aug 3, 2011
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New York
The camera turns on and we see Milenko trashing his dressing room and screaming at no one.

Milenko: I told them I don't like being in tag matches, I hate relying on other people! I have only relied on others a few times in my life and it has always ended up biting me in the ass.

Milenko picks up the TV in corner and throws it across the room and it shatters into a million pieces and with that the furious rage leaves him as quickly it leaves and he sits in the only chair left upright in the entire room and he talks quietly to himself.

Milenko: I swear if Reaper even thinks about not showing up I will make his life a living hell that even he won't want to be a part of.

The door opens and Lilith walks in the door, looks around at the carnage left by Milenko's outburst and smiles as she closes the door.

Lilith: I see you were having fun while I was gone. What happened this time?

Milenko looks up at Lilith with as a spark of fire in his eyes as he answers her.

Milenko: I was put in a tag match with The Reaper against Roger Ruiz and Xavier Donovan. You know more than anyone I hate tag team matches.

Lilith looks at him and sighs as she picks up a chair and sits across from Milenko.

Lilith: I knew that before Management made the match official. You know if you come to me I can tell you these things and you can prepare for it a lot easier and I won't have to pick up furniture in order to sit down.

Milenko looks up quickly and stares at Lilith like he is inspecting her for something and a look of understanding appears on his face and he smiles as Lilith nods her head.

Milenko: Are you telling me what I think you're telling me? Can you see the future with out the cards now?

Lilith: Yes although this was the first time it's ever happened. If you want I can tell you everything you would want to know about your upcoming tag match.

The smile on Milenko's face gets even wider as he gets comfortable like he is settling in for a good story.

Lilith: First off you don't have to worry about Reaper. He is going to be there and he will be a great help in your match against Ruiz and Donovan. They won't know what hit them when they get in the ring with you 2.

A look of relief crosses over his face and he leans forward in his seat and puts his arms on his knees like he is waiting to hear what he's getting for his birthday.

Lilith: I know what you're gonna ask next and yes Donovan is scared of you. After you beat him last week he's been wondering what he did wrong and how he can make up for it. He thinks he can beat you this week with Ruiz by his side.

at the name of the Rampage Champion Milenko's looks up and the fire is back in his eyes as he talks in a soft voice.

Milenko: and what about the pretend Rampage Champion? After what I did a couple weeks ago he has to know that he won't be holding MY title very much longer.

Lilith gets a faraway look in her eyes and doesn't say anything for a few minutes before she says anything.

Lilith: After what you did to him 2 weeks ago he has been very afraid. He doesn't let go of the Rampage title because he knows he is going to lose it to you soon. As for the tag match he knows he has no chance of winning after what you did to both him and Donovan over the last 2 weeks. You're in the head of both of them and that will be their downfall. You and Reaper will win this match and no one will be able to stop you.

The Camera fades to black on Lilith and Milenko sitting comfortably in a see of carnage and broken furniture.


Jul 4, 2011
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The Playboy Mansion
You see Roger Ruiz in his mansion bedroom stroking his Rampage Title in nothing but his briefs and his expensive Armani slippers, talking to himself in front of the huge mirror he has in front of him.

ROGER RUIZ: Good lord this title looks good with me.

His phone goes off and he picks it up.

Uh huh, yea no problem X. I'll take care of them. You don't have to worry about me.

He sets his title down carefully on the bed and gets a more serious look on his face.

What are you saying, look I know I was a tool a couple weeks ago, but I'm all to sticking it too Syn and his band of cronies. I am on your guys' side.

Roger thinks this is idiotic that Xavier would even quetsion his ethics, and says he has a reason to leave.

Yea, well don't worry Xavier, I won't let you down. I gotta go see Gaga perform now man. I'll see you at the match, we'll talk more there bro. Peace out!

As The Overnight Celebrity hangs up he throws his phone into the wall in anger.


The Hollywood Sisters come in and relax him by giving him a kiss.

Ashley Hollywood: Hey baby, calm down you know your the best in the world, don't you worry.

I know babe, but fuck, This good guy thing is making me go crazy. I know these guys are some of the best in the world. I don't have a problem with them but why would he question me?

Brittany Hollywood: Don't worry baby, everything will be settled in this tag match.

Roger takes a deep breath and looks like he isn't thinking about THS, but that he wants some of Reaper and Milenko.

Yea your right, thanks my loves. Go get dinner going, I'll be over in a litle bit.

THS run out but not before giving him a big kiss each and run out hand in hand

I can't beleive that these guys are seriously threating me, I mean come on, I AM THE OVERNIGHT CELEBRITY, and your going to try to come at me after you sell your "soul" to Syn and his new whore? Come on Reaper, I HAD respect for you but you know what, I will destroy you and send Milenko back to where ever the hell that clown fuck came back from.

Roger looks around to make sure THS aren't around so they don't think he's crazy for talking to himself.

I mean, clowns???? I was afraid of clowns when I was like seven. I mean, these people must have downs or something if they think a "clown gimmick" will still scare me.

Roger laughs to himself all of a sudden

I bet those 3 bitches have JC Epick put there make up on, that's cute, I bet he gives them all a handjob when he's done too.

THS yell to him that dinner is ready.

Don't worry my loves, I'm almost done.

He has an expression of, "I HATE THESE DUMB HOES"

Dumb whores.

He picks up his title belt and throws it on his shoulder wiping it clean, even though it's obviously clean.

Look Reaper, Milenko, AND all other challengers to MY Rampage Title, you scrubs won't even come close to getting this beautiful title off my beautiful body. And as for my "leader" Xavier Donavan, I'm looking forward to teaming with you, but don't be surprised when I outshine you in this match, and show you who the REAL LEADER of this group is. Now excuse me people I got dinner to get to.

He turns his back and walks out the door and the camera slowly fades away.

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
Bro, you're lucky I fell asleep early and didn't close the threads, or your RP wouldn't have made it. Try to beat the deadline next time please.
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