Name: Rocky Ali
Nicknames : Mr.Fusion, The Magnificent One, Mr. Saturday Night
Height: 6'3
Weight: 259

Age: 29
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
House (WHERE HE LIVES): Atlanta, Georgia
Favorite Specialty Match: Ladder, Street
Entrance Music: "I Get Money " by 50 Cent
Gimmick : Cocky Arrogant Heel.
Alignment (face/heel): Heel
Years Wrestling: 5
Quote: Big things poppin, Little things stoppin. Rocky is in CGS so that could only mean one thing.
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Dirty
Move Set
Finishing Moves
1. R-Bomb
2. Lights Out(Rock Bottom)
3. Emerald Fusion
4. The O-Zone
5. Ali Bomb
1. Samoan Drop
2. Sharpshooter
3. Float-Over DDT
4. SpiralBomb
Common Moves:
Jumping Clothesline
Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Running shoulderbreaker
Diving crossbody
German Suplex
Three Friend Germen Suplex
Drop Kick
Extreme German Suplex
Gourd Buster
Running STO