Randy Savage - you moan about how bad TNA is, but you want them to effectively do what TNA is hated for (using old has been's in the main event)?
Taker vs Cena is the match we haven't seen for years. Cena is the only guy credible left who could "end the streak", he's a hell of a lot more credible than HHH and HBK even. Why would someone not want this feud before Taker inevitably retires soon? In MSG of all places.
Rock vs Taker is something we've ALL seen before, there is no reason why Rock would want to end the streak (if that's what the feud would be about). Both of them don't turn up often at all so the feud would be shambles. Have Rock vs Punk, Punk would make the feud epic with weekly mic segments and Rock will do what Rock does best, electrify. Would be one hell of a match and could put Punk over incredibly.