Thank you. I really do appreciate you replying to my whole post.
There is nothing to dodge. You have this ideal that every life is sacred and I clearly disagree. If someone is suicidal, they don't view their life as sacred. I know you are going to say people have mental diseases or that people they care about will miss them, but none of that is important to me. If they have it in their head that death is the only way out, more power to them. I view mental disease and someone who wishes to die as natural selection. I don't wake up in the morning wanting to kill myself, so if someone does that is simply nature taking out one of the millions of beings that it will in that day. I also think suicide is a "Trendy" thing in today's society, and if people are that weak minded that they follow a trend as stupid as killing themselves, I have no sympathy for their "precious life".
I said that every life is a gift, which is it is, and obviously there will be people that abuse that privilege. This doesn't mean they should kill themselves, however, and the ones who love them should support it. People caring about you and your self worth and what you could accomplish or become isn't important to you? That's harsh bro. We should value one's life more than we support one's death. It is better for a nation and a people to think about others before yourself.
The issue that I have with someone having it in their mind that death is the only way out and they want to end it is that sometimes people are unsure. Someone can feel like they want to die after a lot of stress, bad experiences, and shitty situations. All they need is a little help and support and they can realize that are needed and wanted, recognizing the value of life. If we simply say, "If they have it in their head that death is the only way out, more power to them," we're enabling them to end it and not care about others around them. I am all for personal freedoms as well. This is a personal freedom, however, that won't help future generations as it'll degrade any value we see in life.
I actually agree with you that suicide is very trendy today. Agreed 100%. This is exactly why I don't want to tell people that if they see fit, they can or should just end it. So, someone who's "weak minded" and views suicide as a way out of their mess....should just die and it's natural selection? sympathy for their precious life?...hmmm, would you feel this way about your child? if you have any?....they go through a lot and feel that death is the only way for them to end would have no sympathy and not view their life as precious? COLD....
I agree with the idea that people should be able to be euthanized if that is what they want. IMO it is a more dignified way to go then being forced to hang yourself or something similar. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but assisted suicide is legal in some places in Europe, maybe Germany or Switzerland? I know I've read some things on it but can't remember off hand. Who are you to tell people the value of their life? IF I were a suicidal person and I had people trying to tell me I can't die if I wish I would tell them to kindly fuck off. Again, I am pro personal freedoms. Someone's choice to end their life is their business. I don't like the idea of someone telling someone else what to do with their body. It goes against everything I value. So again, suicide falls right in line with that. Suicide is a personal choice and anyone commenting from an outside perspective on another person's choice should just shut the fuck up and mind their own goddamn business.
No one forces anyone to "hang" themselves. People choose to do it in that fashion and they could find a more "painless" way to kill themselves. Idk what naming some countries who legalized suicide has to do with anything?.....I am not telling anyone the values of their life, rather stating that life is valuable because if it weren't, none of us would be here in the first place. I am all for people being able to do what they want with their bodies...and they can....I am just not a supporter of people deciding to kill their body, especially when it may hurt others and affect their lives. It becomes selfish at that point. If you want to get tattoo's, go for it. You want to WWE wrestle, please do . . . But, if you want to kill yourself simply to help yourself, I will disagree...and you act as if I'm holding people in a cell saying, "no killing yourself".....they still can....I just won't support it.
None of us really mind our business, Dolph, you know that. We pick and choose our battles.