Ring Of Honor: Death Before Dishonor

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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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ROH TV on YouTube!
Episode #2: MIRAI v. Exo
CNN Studios
Atlanta, GA


We open the show backstage with the All-Night Express and Veda Scott. Veda puts over their surprise return and challenge for the tag team titles.

King says hes done alot in his career… but no matter what he's done, hes never stopped chasing the high that is… wrestling in an ROH ring!!

Rhett then chimes in and says it's like an addiction and one they have both been itching to scratch. Rhett says ROH has been through alot the last few years… and it seems that alot of people keep questioning “what honor in pro wrestling means”...

King pats his brother on the shoulder and tells him that they are gonna show the people in the ring, just what Honor means. King smiles and then says they are gonna lead the charge to restore honor..

Rhett then brings up the OGK and how they are a symptom of what is wrong with ROH and why the company has had to surfer.. he then says that as soon as OGK grows a pair and agrees to face them… they will be taking the gold from them and thats a promise.

King then jumps in with a stern/serious warning to Taven and Bennett.. he tells them they are real disrespectful to the brand, the fans… and the legacy of this company and that's real talk… he says its not only a new chapter for Ring Of Honor… but its a new chapter for the All-Night Express..

Rhett cuts in and hypes up King and then says “we are the All-Night Express”… King then all hyped up jumps in… and yells “we are the Goddamn best!”

Veda then thanks them for their time and wishes them luck on their path towards to the World Tag Team Championships..
6 minutes 03 seconds
B Block
Women of Honor
Championship Tournament

Miranda Alize v Vita VonStarr
The finish of the match came when yhe action between Vita and Alize spills out onto the arena floor. Alize smashes Vita's face into the steel steps and then rolls back into the ring as the referee begins to count Vita out.

Miranda taunts Vita to get up, but she is moving very slowly.. as the referee reaches 6 on the count out, Vita manages to climb back onto the apron, but before she can get back into the ring, Alize hits her with a devastating spear knocking her back to the arena floor with a loud thud. Miranda is back to her feet and yells for the referee to start the count..

Vita is unable to recovery in time and is counted out.. Giving Miranda the win and advancement to round 2 in the Women of Honor Tournament!

Miranda taunts & mocks Vita by making a dramatic crying gesture and then laughs celebrating her win, while Vita is recovering on the venue floor being checked on my medical staff.
7 minutes 42 seconds

We then move to a video package of Minoru Suzuki training with Kaze Ni Nare playing in the background. Suzuki continues to train we get a voice over of him speaking in Japanese.. subtitles then appear on the screen. Suzuki talks about how Strong Style and Pure style are one in the same..it's about having HEART and HONOR and showing you are the true best of the best in the world! He say that he going to make this championship synonymous with his name..

We then cut to a Suzuki Sizzle reel showing his career highlights from Pancras to NJPW to Noah. The voice over continues and Suzuki talks about how he is a fighter and he is going to be a fighting champion…Suzuki then dares anyone to step up and face him and prove their might! ..as the video package ends we see Suzuki lacing up his boots backstage and getting ready for a fight.. the voiceover of Suzuki then says… the only way that he is losing this championship, is when someone is strong enough to kill him and pry it from his cold dead hands..
3 minutes 19 seconds
Pure Rules Match
Josh Woods v Fred Yehi

Woods and Yehi wrestle a hard hitting technical match.. but it didnt last long.. The match felt like it started and ended in a flash.. Woods came off like he had something to prove..

The finish of the match came when Woods hit his signature Running Knee on Yehi and then followed that up immediately with a second and then a 3rd…the referee checks on Yehi, who is trying to recover but he collpases in the ring and Woods is announced the winner via TKO. The crowd were not happy with the brutal attack from Woods and booed him like crazy.

Caprice Coleman then joins Josh Woods, in the ring. Coleman says that last week in the trios match Woods was able to pin Pure Champion Minoru Suzuki and tonight he was able to win an impressive Pure Rules match.. Woods puts over his training regime and says that Suzuki wants to talk about being a fighting Champion and wanting someone to pry that champion from his cold dead hands.. Well he beat him last week and he just proved he is one of the greatest pure wrestlers in the world and he wants to fight Suzuki and he wants the championship.

Coleman ends the promo putting over the dominating performance from Woods since the ROH relaunch and puts him over possibly being one of the most dangerous men in the world today.
4 minutes 03 seconds

Jonathan Gresham is backstage with Veda Scott… and she welcomes him. Veda says that last week Gresham made a huge challenge, when he stepped up to KENTA… immediately after what some are calling one of the best matches in Ring of Honor History.

Gresham puts over that it was one of the best match in Ring Of Honor and it will be hard to top.. he puts himself over as being the best wrestler in ROH history.. but now has an asterix next to his name.. and the only way he can fix that, is by beating the man who now stakes that claim..

Gresham puts over KENTA’s career and says it will be an honor to step into the ring with him and help restore honor… he then pauses and promises that he will beat KENTA and when he does… he's setting his sights back on the Ring of Honor World Championship and that's a promise. Gresham then intensely tells KENTA that he will see him soon and walks away… to end the segment.
3 minutes 12 seconds

The Boss Speaks....
We come back from the promo and Cary Silkin is quickly making his way to the ring.. Silkin grabs a mic and says that he came outhere to address the “The New Era” of Ring Of Honor… their dishonorable actions at Supercard of Honor.. and the stunning revelation that Harvey Wippleman is pulling the strings.

Silkin says that none of this feels right and it doesn't belong in Ring of Honor.. He then says the assault on Young, Taylor, RUSH and Bandido, put them out action indefinitely.... but they won't be on the shelf forever.. and they aren't going to just sit back and take being jumped.. So The New Era, better expect a war!

He then says that seeing as Harvey let the cat out of the bag and let the world known that Glory By Honor will take place on July 6th.. he is going to make it official… it will be Team New Era against Team ROH… but it wont be a normal 8 man match… He puts over that the 8 men will go to war and that war needs to be contained.. they will do battle inside a steel cage!! The crowd erupts cheering, screaming and chanting “ROH”.

Silkin puts over how the match is must win for Team ROH and he doesn't know what will happen to the future of the company.. if they don't prevail… he then thanks the fans again for supporting ROH and sits the mic down in the ring and waves and then is gone.. just as quickly as he appeared.
9 minutes 18 seconds

Next Week Preview
A video package airs hyping next weeks episode, while commentary narrates along with it. The full card for next week episode is revelaed and that for the first time ever, The Mercenary Flip Gordon will take on The Horror King Vincent in the Main Event.. the commentary team puts both men over.

The promo then moves onto talking about The Women of Honor Tournament and commentary reveals we will see B Block action, as we will see Mai Sakurai battle Mandy Leon, with both women fighting for the honor to advance to Round 2 in the tournament. We see a video package of Mai Sakurai highlights from her career in Japan and then footage of Mandy Leon's ROH career.

Finally we see a recap of Dalton Castle hitting the Bang A Rang at Supercard of Honor and winning the World Television Championship and then we get a recap of his promo about wanting to be a fighting champion.

Commentary puts over Dalton Castle and his want to be a defending champion and they have received word from ROH management.. that Dalton's request has been approved and going forward… starting next week, he will be defending TV Title weekly!

Commentary then say they have received word, that Dalton's very first defense will happen against Rhyno… and it will open the show!

The segment finishing with commentary talking about the upcoming Honor United Tour.. they talk about how important the tour will be and how historically the tour sets the stage for the entire year.. they put it over as anything can happen and that the fans won't want to miss it!
10 minutes 10 seconds
A Block
Women of Honor
Championship Tournament

Delmi Exo v MIRAI

The finish of the match came when Delmi and MIRAI are trading heavy punches in the center of the ring with neither woman holding back. The two women trade punches for what seems like eternity, with each blow getting more intense; the crowd is in complete silence, except for the odds screams of “Delmi” and “Mirai”.

Suddenly out of nowhere Mirai shoves Delmi backwards and palm slaps her on the chest, which staggers Delmi, sending her stumbling backwards. Delmi quickly caught herself and she starts to turn around to yell at MIRAI for the slap... but as soon as Delmi turns around she is leveled by a devastating "Shotgun Lariat".... that knocks her out of her boots, giving MIRAI the huge win and advancement in the tournament!

The crowd is going insane clapping and cheering for MIRAI... she stands in the ring very humbly and raises 1 arm into the air to acknowledge the support from the fans. Mirai then signals she wants to be the champion as the show fades to black.
33 minutes 54 seconds

We then cut to a surprise ending of the show and we see Chris Hero who is inside an empty gym and he is sitting on the edge of a wrestling ring; restlessly tapping his fingers and lost in thought.

He slowly looks up towards the camera and says that eventually time comes for all of us.. and we have to make the most of the time we have... he says you can go from being a KING on top of the world to a nothing... in the blink of and eye...

Hero says hes been away from the ring for a very long time and he's been wanting to get back inside the squared circle… but the cards were just never right.. but its now or never.. and he called his shot..

He starts talking about his history with Ring of Honor and how much the company means tl him.. he then says when Ring Of Honor was set free.. he knew that he had to be a part of it..
Hero says that he needs to prove something to himself.. just like Mark has something to prove.. Hero then challenges Mark to defend the championship against him at Glory By Honor in NYC!

Hero then stands up and walks over to a punching bag and starts intensely practicing elbow shots… each one more and more intense. Hero then stops and looks towards the camera and says "Mark... the signal has been lit……. and right now Ring Of Honor needs a………… Hero!!"

With that Hero starts training with the punching bag again as the show fades to footage of a city skyline and we see Hero's logo illuminated in the sky.
9 Minutes 23 seconds

**Writers note
matches on the weekly show will only have short descriptions and ppvs will have the longer write outs.
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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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Match Announcement!

Glory By Honor
July 6th, 2024
The Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, NY

Don't miss Tag Warfare on July 6th at Glory By Honor
in New York City at The Hammerstein Ballroom!

At Supercard Of Honor, The New Era made their presence felt when they attacked RUSH, Bandido, Silas Young and Shane Taylor and put them out of action for for 10 weeks..

On last weeks ROH TV, Cary Silkin said his team isnt going to allow Harvy Wippleman and his New Era to get away with their "dishonorable" actions and at Glory by Honor, only Team ROH will be left standing when the dust clears.

Will the Steel Cage be able to hold these 8 men as they go to war... with what feels like the future of Ring Of Honor on the line!


Steel Cage Tag Warfare

Team Ring Of Honor

RUSH, Bandido, Silas Young and Shane Taylor


The New Era
Tankman, Jake Something, Brody King and 1 Called Manders
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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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I like Kenny King tribute to ROH in his promo, sure, he's had success elsewhere in his career but I feel like he's a stalwart of ROH that doesn't always get his flowers. I think the same could be said for Titus too, both men don't always make the top ten lists of stars associated with ROH but as mentioned previously, ANX are a staple of Ring of Honor and I'm glad you've used this new era to reunite them. I will say, their loss last week makes it a little hard to understand why OGK would give them a title shot but you've still got a month of build until Glory by Honor.

I was a fan of Miranda Alize, I think she was a rising talent and you could see ROH rallying behind her as a top heel in the women's division only for her to become jobber fodder in the AEW era. A decisive victory and one that leads me to believe that Vita VonStarr won't be featuring in any Righteous movements for now.

Suzuki saying he's going to be a fighting champion is fine, but we just had Dalton Castle give a promo about how he intends to do the same the week prior. I appreciate a little bit of character work for the new Pure Champion though.

I'm a Yehi fan and I feel like Pure rules suits him but also understand that you're pushing Woods. I think he would make a credible opponent for Suzuki, which confuses me more as to why Suzuki was talking about being a fighting champion when it feels like he's got a ready made challenger but I guess that is kind of the point Woods makes in his post-match interview. I know you're painting Woods as a dominant force, so him winning in quick fashion makes sense but I do wish the Pure rules were acknowledged more.

I really enjoyed the Gresham promo, not letting the loss prevent him from saying he's the company's best wrestler but also having a bit of self awareness. I like the tease that there may be more to come between him and KENTA.

I think using Cary Silkin to make a rare on-screen appearance to address the New Era sells them as a threat to the locker room. I'd like to see more of ROH team built up over the next few episodes to try and even the scales a bit and make them feel like credible opponents to your pet project.

Castle facing Rhino next week is an interesting development and a nice little surprise. I like this aspect of the fighting champion angle you're going for and this is also a nice way of trialling roster members as part of your expansion.

Half an hour is a long time to give, particularly when neither woman has a particularly rich history with the company but I also think back to the Mae Young Classic and how the crowd can get behind unsigned talents. I also think Delmi has come a long way as a singles competitor and she's someone I can see intregrating into the division. Losing after half an hour, definitely keeps Delmo strong and MIRAI looks great in victory. I'm not as familiar with her, so I love that you're using this tournament to introduce us to atypical talents.

Nice promo from Hero, I know I mentioned expecting to see a follow-up in the previous episode so I'm glad that it's been addressed here. I also kind of like how it was done to close out the episode, it gave a nice visual to linger on.

Overall, I'm continuing to enjoy your vision take shape. You've got some stuff to build towards at Glory by Honor and your women's tournament is shaping up nicely. I look forward to the next one.


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Sep 13, 2022
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ROH TV on YouTube - May 5, 2024

It's no question that for the longest time Ring of Honor has needed a facelift - it goes back to before Tony Khan purchased it from Sinclair Broadcasting. Something never sat right with me when it came to promoting ROH intellectual property on network television whilst the actual show remained pigeonholed away behind the paywall abomination that is HonorClub. How it became a second-rate version of AEW Dark is beyond me, and I would argue that the attempted revamp into the AEW Collision setup in the past year has been nothing but detrimental of the brand, akin to the days of independent household names competing before silent arenas for 205 Live, taped after SmackDown.

I'm not completely on-board with the premise of financial constraints, but it establishes a unique backstory you can trifle with, at least. It's almost a dystopian idea to retain a lot of the AEW heavy weights and apply them to the ROH roster. Further, I do think studio-based action is the best venue for a brand such as ROH to grow and hopefully create buzz.

Having browsed back through Supercard of Honor, I see a lot of the tinier things in motion - namely the beginning stages of establishing a new base for the talent roster. I feel it may be a little soon to run the Copper Box Arena for instance, but maybe with the AEW stigma still applied it can hold some hope of getting in a decent house. That said, there is still the second-rate stench attached to the brand in 2024, and that may take more time than believed to rescind.

I think for all purposes, the return of Chris Hero could momentarily help get ROH a buzz off the bat - do I think he's worthy of the ROH World Championship? No, but the chief problem with Mark Briscoe as champion is the inherent lack of genuine competition he's been handed. Hero isn't someone to build around in 2024, but he's an established veteran, albeit he probably needs rebuilding up after last being seen roaming the NXT undercards.

Starting off with the second episode, I do like the ECW Hardcore TV approach to character-work. The All-Night Express can work well for the tag team division, but I don't know if they are a solution any more than the OGK are.

Based off of your name, you're clearly a big fan of this genre of wrestling, so I don't doubt you've researched well when it comes to the competitors in the Women of Honor Championship Tournament. I feel there is work to be done to establish who these individuals are and give us a reason to get behind them. The use of a count-out is a unique decision in this stage, but it trains the reader to expect the unexpected, outside of the norms of strict pinfalls and submissions.

Age aside, I feel like Minoru Suzuki could be a viable threat to the ROH Pure Championship. Given his shooter background, he could be incredibly fun as the monster to beat, in the twilight years of his career.

I can't say I've ever been big on Josh Woods, but he definitely has the look down, and is crafted well for the Pure Division. Fred Yehi is a name I've always been familiar with, but I can't see him getting far on this brand.

I suppose Jonathan Gresham works better in this environment than he ever would have in AEW, and even in TNA I've struggled to see him on the level of his run with ROH. The use of KENTA is a curious one, given everything we know about his devolvement in recent years. I just hope the House of Torture stay well away.

I could have done without the Cary Silkin and Harvey Wippleman segment, but props for the originality here. Team New Era and Team ROH doesn't sound like a bad idea on paper, and the steel cage is an added novelty to throw in. I maybe would have paused on the gimmick matches to allow heat to build naturally, as opposed to just announcing it. Alas, it gives me NXT WarGames 2021 vibes, with the 2.0 vs Black and Gold angle. We're still a way away from Glory by Honor in two months, but with an apparent one-hour format to these shows, you have more than enough leeway to build the narrative and characters well.

I think it's a little ambitious to have the ROH World Television Championship defended weekly, but it does bring back what I used to enjoy about WCW's handling of the TV belt. Rhino is a star power, but I wonder how he and Dalton Castle will fare in a match in 2024.

The Women of Honor Championship Tournament rightfully are the ones rounding out the show right now. I'm not sure about it going as long as it did, but it unquestionably would have brought to light just how good Delmi Exo and MIRAI are.

Strong promo work from Chris Hero after the match, further working on getting the ROH World Championship match set up for Glory by Honor. As mentioned, we've got a long way to go, so there is no need to run with any hot angles yet for this feud.

Very promising project on display thus far.


King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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ROH TV on YouTube!
Episode #3: Mercenary v Horror King
Coca-Cola Roxy
Atlanta, GA


Ring Of Honor World TV Championship
Dalton Castle(c) v Rhyno

The show cold opens with Rhyno making his entrance and he looks ready for a fight.. The crowd goes crazy chanting ECW and Rhyno just smiles and takes it all in, but as the crowd is in the heat of the chant, Dalton interupts and makes his entrance.

The match quickly gets underway and Dalton isn't able to gain any headway and Rhyno is completely dominating the TV Champion. The crowd is really behind Rhyno and it looks like a new champion is about to be crowd.. Dalton tries suddenly tries to fight back, but Rhyno was ready for it and drops him with a huge Exploder Suplex..Rhyno quickly pops to his feet and signals for The Gore and the crowd roars and cheers.. he begins stalking Castle, who is slowly pulling himself to his feet with the ring ropes..

Just as Dalton gets to his feet, Rhyno rushes in for The Gore… and just as hes about to connect with it… The Boys pull Dalton out of the ring… The referee yells at The Boys and Dalton looks at them in a very scolding manner and pushes them away and tells them to leave.. The referee then begins to count Dalton out, who is still standing outside the ring and he looks really upset.. The referee yells for Dalton to get back in the ring and continue the match, but Dalton doesn't seem to be paying attention and he is staring at the entrance where The Boys just left from.

Dalton finally gets back in the ring, but Rhyno quickly rushes in for The Gore.. but Dalton counters it with a kick to Rhyno's face, staggering the Manbeast!.. This invigorates Dalton, who yells and starts pumping up the crowd.. he wastes very little time and is quickly ontop or Rhyno and sets him up for and hits a huge Bang-A-Rang to secure the win and retain the Television Championship!!

Dalton is ecstatic and celebrates his victory and 1st successful defense of the gold.... he then looks around for The Boys… but then realizes he sent them to the back earlier in the match.. Dalton's faces then goes blank and he looks down at the belt.. his faces slowly starts to change into a eerie smile as he longingly looks at the TV Championship and kisses it.. Dalton leaves the ring talking to himself and the belt as we cut backstage.
14 minutes 08 seconds​

The Challenge has been issued....
Backstage we are with Veda Scott who is with Eli Isom and Delirious.. Delirious grumbles and yells angrily and Veda looks concerned.. Isom calms Delirious down and puts his arm around him.. he says what his Tasmanian friend just said.. is that what's happened between them and SOS isn't over. He says that Burger maybe on the shelf for awhile.. but they aren't and they want justice.

Delirious then yells gibberish and grumbles and shakes his fist. Isom says let me translate for my friend and says we want SOS in a match next week and they hope ROH management makes it official.

Delirious then grumbles and yells and points at the camera again and walks off hitting himself in the head.. Isom apologizes to Veda for his friend as the segment ends.
3 minutes 19 seconds

The Mercenary Speaks
We cut to Flip Gordon, who is in his locker room pacing back and fourth.. he turns towards the camera and says tonight he takes on that maniac… know as Vincent.. and he iisnt afraid of him or his mind games..Flip says hes a solider and he doesnt back down from anything.

He then takes a deep breath and says tonight is the start of getting his career back on track.. Flip then gets super intense and says he is going to do what should be done to all cult leaders and that's a double tap to the skull.. he then points his fingers at the camera like its a gun and mimics firing two shots.. then he smiles and says I'll see you tonight Vinny as the segment comes to an end.
5 minutes 14 seconds​

Women of Honor Championship Tournament
B Block
Mandy Leon v Mai Sakurai

The match starts with both women circling each other and waiting for the right moment to strike.. they finally lock up in a test of strength and Leon is quickly overpowered by her opponent..

However Mai doesnt stay in control long as Leon, jabs her thumb into the eye of her opponent, causing her to stumble backwards in the referee.. Leon quickly is ontop of her opponent but is shoved backwards onto her ass..

The referee checks on Mai and asks her if she wants to continue the match and she refuses to give up. Mai quickly grabs Mandy and goes to pull her to her feet, but Leon pulls a small bottle of what looks to be perfume from her pants and sprays Mai in the face.. Leon then quickly throws the bottle the arena floor and wastes little time and takes her opponent out with a brutal “Backcracker”.. allowing Mandy Leon to pick up the win and advance in the tournament.

The referee raises Leon's hand in victory as the crowd begins pelting her with garbage, but she stands tall in the ring… celebrating like she just won the entire tournament.
7 minutes 09 seconds​

The start of "New Era" in ROH
A video package plays showing the arrival of The New Era in Ring of Honor and their brutal attack on Bandido, Silas Young, Rush and Shane Taylor. The video packages then shows then shows the reveal of Harvey Wippleman. We then get a recap of Silkin announcing Tag Warfare at Glory By Honor.. The video package puts over that the very essence of ROH will be on the line in the match. As the video package ends, its revealed that we will hear from The New Era live next week.

We cut to the commentary team and they somberly talk about what the future of ROH will be like if The New Era wins at Glory By Honor..
6 minutes and 45 seconds

The Tag Team Championship Conundrum
The commentary team change gears and begin talking about The OGK being the reigning Tag Team Champions and how The OGK have been unstoppable since winning the gold at Supercard of Honor 2023 and have defeated teams like The Lucha Brothers, Aussie Open, Top Flight, Best Friends and FTR.. They put over OGK once again and say how hard it will be for anyone to beat them as they have proven themselves to be one of the best Tag Teams in pro wrestling today.

They start talking about ANX making their shocking return at Supercard Of Honor and confronting OGK, but OGK have yet to accept the challenge from AnX and they make mention how OGK has never been able to defeat them and they speculate that OGK might be afraid to face AnX.

Then they say that while on the subject of the Tag Team Championships, they have been informed by ROH management that the Tag Team Championship will be on the line at Glory By Honor in a 3 way dance..

They reveal that the challengers will be determined in the coming weeks and it all starts on the upcoming Honor United Tour in the United Kingdom! They announce that there will be Four 3 way dances to determine the qualifying teams and when ROH returns to the United States the 4 qualified teams will do battle to then determine who will move on to the 3 Way Dance at Glory By Honor! They put over all the great teams currently in ROH and on the UK scene and they can't wait to see them collide and fight for the honor to earn a ROH Tag Team Championship opportunity.
5 minutes 50 seconds

Oh, Maria, Maria
We then cut backstage and we are with Veda Scott… and she introduces the returning Maria Kanelles. Veda asks Maria where she has been since Supercard of Honor and asks what she had to say to Rust, Williams and Haskins. Maria tells Veda that what she spoke about with them is confidential…. but she can confirm, they have all retained her services.

Veda then asks when we will see her clients in action and what their goals are going forward. Maria tells her that they are currently training and preparing for their in ring return... she then says that she can confirm that her clients will make their Ring of Honor return during the upconing Honor United Tour and unlike Harvey and his “New Era” they will put the company on notice and they will restore Honor to this company!

Maria finishes the segment by telling Veda that her word is absolute truth and soon their actions will speak louder than words. Maria's phone then rings and she excuses herself; as Veda thanks her for her time and she walks off.
4 minutes 18 seconds

The Bewildered Peacock
Dalton Castle appears and walks past Veda and he is still talking to the TV Title and telling it thats its his favorite boy… Veda stops Dalton and asks him about about the match tonight with Rhyno.. Dalton pauses and walks over to Veda, but ignores the question about the match with Rhyno..

Dalton tells Veda that next week in Boston, he is issuing an open challenge to any former ROH TV Champion to step up and face him..

Veda asks Dalton if he is worried about who could accept the challenge next week, but he says no.. and yells because THE PEACOCK IS THE KING OF TV!!

Dalton then walks off mumbling to the TV Championship.. leaving Veda looking concerned… As Dalton vanishes down the hallway, The Boys come running past and stop and ask her if she has see Dalton.. Veda then points down the hall where Dalton went and they thank her and run off down the hallway after searching for him.
3 minutes 09 seconds

All Heart and The Sauce!
We cut backstage to Alex Zayne and Blake Christian who are with Caprice Coleman.. Coleman thanks them for joining him. Zayne says that The Honor United Tour is coming up and they are ready to make their mark in the new ROH.

Blake sys they don't have any opponent's yet, but they want to face the best that the UK has to offer.

Coleman then brings up that earlier tonight that it was announced that on the Honor United Tour, there will be 4 qualifying 3 way Dances to determine who will face The OGK at Glory By Honor.. Zayne and Christian both smile and and Zayne tells Coleman that it would be nice to win Tag Gold with his brother and best friend.. Blake then says it would be an honor for them to be the ROH Tag Team Champions and asks ROH management to consider including them in the qualifiers.

Coleman then asks Zayne and Christian about The OGK.. Both men then put The OGK on notice and promise that if they make it into the 3 way at Glory By Honor, there will 100% be a new team walking out with the belts.

Coleman puts the duo over as one of the top teams in Ring Of Honor and the Independent scene and says he cant wait to see them in the ring during the UK Tour.. Coleman thanks them for their time to end the segment.
5 Minutes 02 seconds
Main Event
Vincent v Flip Gordon

The match gets underway and it's a no nonsense affair right from the bell.. Flip and Vincent are beating the crap out of eachother and each man is constantly trying to put away the other with their finishers, but neither man can connect..

The match eventually breaks down into a brawl and the action spills to the arena floor and then into the crowd.. Vincent and Flip are fighting all over the arena as the crowd is going crazy.. Flip attempts a Superkick but Vincent grabs his foot and laughs at him..

Vincent quickly gains the upper hand by taking a beer from someone in the crowd and throwing it in Flips face causing him to fall to the ground… Vincent quickly follows up with several direct elbow shots to the forehead of Gordon… who is struggling to even get to his feet.

Vincent is getting an earful from the crowd and they are not happy with his actions but he just smiles and pulls the struggling Gordon to his feet and throwing him over the guardrail and back into the ringside area..

Vincent stomps away at the downed body of Gordon and he is smiling and laughing as if he is getting some kind of sick pleasuring from this brutal attack on Flip. Vincent then throws Flip back into the ring and quickly tries to put him away with The Shining!! But Flip manages to counter out of it and drops Vincent with a huge Butterfly Kick and the crowd comes to life cheering for Flip..

A very loud Flip chant and stomping fills the area as both men are down for the count.. Flip makes it to his feet first, shortly followed by Vincent.. but before Vincent can do anything he is dropped with a huge dropkick.. Flip doesn't waste anytime and then drops his opponent with 3 quick Snap Suplexes and the crowd is going crazy.. Flip points to the top rope and the crowd cheers and he ascends the corner and as Vincent is back to his feet, Flip comes flying off the top rope with a huge shotgun dropkick..

Flip is a house on fire and quickly pulls his opponent to his feet and floors him with a huge Superkick.. Flip doesn't let up and quickly pulls Vincent to his feet and drops him with a huge Falcons Arrow and goes for pin but only gets a long 2 count..

Flip wastes no time and drops Vincent with a huge spike ddt and then quickly climbs the to the top rope once again and within seconds he comes flying through the air for his signature 450 Spalsh but at the last second Vincent gets his knees up.. devastating Gordon.. Vincent is laughing and grabs Flip by the throat and yells what happened to you Mercenary and then quickly drops him with The Shining… Vincent then ascends the top rope and lands a huge RedRum to put Gordon away and win the hard fought match.

After the match Vincent demands a mic And he sits in the corner of the ring with his back against the bottom turnbuckle. Vincent says that fate and destiny are preordained and come from something much greater than ourselves and he is the one who has been tasked with cleansing Ring of Honor. He says that we are just cosmic game pieces and the things we do are decided for us by a much greater power.

Vincent rambles and says that fire is the only way to properly cleanse sins and he is the fuse that will set Ring of Honor ablaze and burn it to the ground. He says when he is done… all the sins of those who failed Ring Of Honor will be cleansed.. he pauses for a few moments and says he hasn't forgotten about his best friend Jamar..

He tells Lethal there are rules to the universe and he doesn't set them, he just follows them.. and he is also going to make sure Lethal follows those rules.. he says Lethal failed Ring Of Honor by becoming Khans lackey.. he then tells Lethal to not be afraid as the fire burns hot and he wont feel a thing..

The show comes to an end as Vincent poses for the crowd and starts laughing... we then cut to a split screen view of Vincent in the ring on one side and we can see Jay Lethal watching the show from his home on the otherside... and Lethal looks very disturbed over what he has just witnessed.
21 minutes 32 seconds​
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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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Breaking News!

Moments ago on all Ring Of Honor social media channels, a huge main event was announced for next week's episode of Ring Of Honor on YouTube!

"The Knockout Artist" Chris Hero will return to a Ring Of Honor ring for the first time in 10 years, as he teams with ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe to take on the team of Christopher Daniels and "The Franchise" Jay Lethal.

You don't want to miss this huge main event as 4 of the biggest names in Ring Of Honor history collide!​
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King Of Joshi Style
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ROH TV on YouTube - May 5, 2024

It's no question that for the longest time Ring of Honor has needed a facelift - it goes back to before Tony Khan purchased it from Sinclair Broadcasting. Something never sat right with me when it came to promoting ROH intellectual property on network television whilst the actual show remained pigeonholed away behind the paywall abomination that is HonorClub. How it became a second-rate version of AEW Dark is beyond me, and I would argue that the attempted revamp into the AEW Collision setup in the past year has been nothing but detrimental of the brand, akin to the days of independent household names competing before silent arenas for 205 Live, taped after SmackDown.

I'm not completely on-board with the premise of financial constraints, but it establishes a unique backstory you can trifle with, at least. It's almost a dystopian idea to retain a lot of the AEW heavy weights and apply them to the ROH roster. Further, I do think studio-based action is the best venue for a brand such as ROH to grow and hopefully create buzz.

Having browsed back through Supercard of Honor, I see a lot of the tinier things in motion - namely the beginning stages of establishing a new base for the talent roster. I feel it may be a little soon to run the Copper Box Arena for instance, but maybe with the AEW stigma still applied it can hold some hope of getting in a decent house. That said, there is still the second-rate stench attached to the brand in 2024, and that may take more time than believed to rescind.

I think for all purposes, the return of Chris Hero could momentarily help get ROH a buzz off the bat - do I think he's worthy of the ROH World Championship? No, but the chief problem with Mark Briscoe as champion is the inherent lack of genuine competition he's been handed. Hero isn't someone to build around in 2024, but he's an established veteran, albeit he probably needs rebuilding up after last being seen roaming the NXT undercards.

Starting off with the second episode, I do like the ECW Hardcore TV approach to character-work. The All-Night Express can work well for the tag team division, but I don't know if they are a solution any more than the OGK are.

Based off of your name, you're clearly a big fan of this genre of wrestling, so I don't doubt you've researched well when it comes to the competitors in the Women of Honor Championship Tournament. I feel there is work to be done to establish who these individuals are and give us a reason to get behind them. The use of a count-out is a unique decision in this stage, but it trains the reader to expect the unexpected, outside of the norms of strict pinfalls and submissions.

Age aside, I feel like Minoru Suzuki could be a viable threat to the ROH Pure Championship. Given his shooter background, he could be incredibly fun as the monster to beat, in the twilight years of his career.

I can't say I've ever been big on Josh Woods, but he definitely has the look down, and is crafted well for the Pure Division. Fred Yehi is a name I've always been familiar with, but I can't see him getting far on this brand.

I suppose Jonathan Gresham works better in this environment than he ever would have in AEW, and even in TNA I've struggled to see him on the level of his run with ROH. The use of KENTA is a curious one, given everything we know about his devolvement in recent years. I just hope the House of Torture stay well away.

I could have done without the Cary Silkin and Harvey Wippleman segment, but props for the originality here. Team New Era and Team ROH doesn't sound like a bad idea on paper, and the steel cage is an added novelty to throw in. I maybe would have paused on the gimmick matches to allow heat to build naturally, as opposed to just announcing it. Alas, it gives me NXT WarGames 2021 vibes, with the 2.0 vs Black and Gold angle. We're still a way away from Glory by Honor in two months, but with an apparent one-hour format to these shows, you have more than enough leeway to build the narrative and characters well.

I think it's a little ambitious to have the ROH World Television Championship defended weekly, but it does bring back what I used to enjoy about WCW's handling of the TV belt. Rhino is a star power, but I wonder how he and Dalton Castle will fare in a match in 2024.

The Women of Honor Championship Tournament rightfully are the ones rounding out the show right now. I'm not sure about it going as long as it did, but it unquestionably would have brought to light just how good Delmi Exo and MIRAI are.

Strong promo work from Chris Hero after the match, further working on getting the ROH World Championship match set up for Glory by Honor. As mentioned, we've got a long way to go, so there is no need to run with any hot angles yet for this feud.

Very promising project on display thus far.
I wanna say thank you for the reply and breakdown review.. it truly means alot to me.

I wanna start off by address the AEW horse in the room lol.. I kinda went based off real life issues that I could find with the company being in the red over fight forever, the decline in ratings and the attendance issues.. and thought it would be a good premise to run with and get creative with. In the world of this BTB AEW is still going strong now that the ROH brand was sold off.. pretty much everything in AEW is 100% the same minus the few guys you see here in this project. WWE and TNA are also pretty much exactly like real life but there could be some minor changes like with AEW.

ROH and the UK go hand in hand and I feel with the buzz coming off Supercard and the tv episodes building to the show it would draw big time, especially with some NJPW guys and top UK stars peppered into the show.. alot of fun stuff planned for Honor United.. I hope you will enjoy it. The roster is ever growing and changing and will continue to evolve over time.. I want it to have that special roh feel to it..

The return of Hero was something I felt ROH needed... the company needed another established legacy figure.. You raise a good question tho and that does Hero deserve to be in a world title match in 2024 and thats the whole thing in the feud.. can he still go at the level he used too. I'm not very familiar with Marks AEW and Ring Of Khan run.. but I know he is the current champion and I wanted to continue his run. Mark himself has alot to prove... arguably as much as Hero going into their match at Glory By Honor. . It will be interesting to see who walks out with the gold.

I want to do alot of character work and build up the wrestlers and be able to move stories along.. I didn't even think of ECW when I was doing it lol but you are 100% spot on there mate and that's cool lol

The Tag Team Championships even in the pre Ring Of Khan era felt like they were left on the backburner.. I can promise that the tag belts will be elevated... also don't talk bad about the OGK you melvin! lol

The Women's tournament is something I have put alot of work into and while a countout does seem odd.. think of this round 1 as more of qualifying rounds to make it into the tournament proper.. once round 1 is finished, there will be alot more character establishment done for all the women. Trust the process :) Do pay attention to all the little things that happen for characters because tiny things grow into character tent-poles.

The Pure Division is something that I'm honestly struggling to book.. but I feel once I get past this feud with Suzuki and Woods, it will start to take root and become what it once was. Suzuki is in the twilight of his career and a young monster like Woods knows that's and he smells the blood in the water. Don't count put Yehi.. he may have lost to Woods but he is far from out.

Gresham is another one of the pillars of ROH and from what I've heard hes been drug through the mud and has struggled to regain his footing since ROH shutdown.. I personally want to restore Gresham to what he once was but he has to go through Kenta to reach the top again. I have no plans to include HoT or alot of elements from Japan.. Kenta v Gresham is going to have major stakes on the main event seen tho.

The New Era are a forced to be reckoned with and I wanted to give them a mouth piece.. not only are they a unit but they are single stars all under the umbrella of Harvey.. I was also a big fan of Harv growing up and wanted to have some fun here and I feel like having him here, helps establish that a new chapter is unfolding.. Silkin won't be around much and he's not going to be a regular authority figure.. he will only show up with something big.. with 4 of the top names in the company on the shelf, it was logical the only step to further the feud at this point.

I fully understand where you are coming from about the Steel Cage.. but this is a huge match and to wash off that aew stink and to draw new eyes to the company you need to have that gimmick.. gimmick matches won't be featured often and will only happen when they matter. I also haven't watched nxt since fall of 2018, so I never saw the build up for that match. The build does continue going forward and the future of ROH will be on the line at Glory By Honor.

The TV title being defended weekly is very ambitious but Dalton has a chip on his shoulder and wants to restore honor to the company... how long can Dalton successfully keep defending the belt on a weekly basis... eventually chips will start to show in his armor. Rhyno is officially part of ROH going forward and he still has enough in the tank to be a danger to Dalton.. so we could very well see a new Champion on Episode 3.

The main event between Delmi and Mirai was long for a reason.. to establish that the women's division is just as good as the men's. Not all matches will be this long.. not all matches will be the same as you brought up with the countout.. As the tournament progresses things will grow and change and when it's all said and done all the pieces will make a whole that makes sense and cement the new belt as something special.

I felt like Hero closing the show was the only way to go here and he even questions his own ability to win the gold...but he has to prove to himself that he still has what it takes, like I mentioned before.. the build is going to be very enjoyable to read and I hope all of you will enjoy it.

Once again thank you so much for the detailed review ♡


King Of Joshi Style
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I like Kenny King tribute to ROH in his promo, sure, he's had success elsewhere in his career but I feel like he's a stalwart of ROH that doesn't always get his flowers. I think the same could be said for Titus too, both men don't always make the top ten lists of stars associated with ROH but as mentioned previously, ANX are a staple of Ring of Honor and I'm glad you've used this new era to reunite them. I will say, their loss last week makes it a little hard to understand why OGK would give them a title shot but you've still got a month of build until Glory by Honor.

I was a fan of Miranda Alize, I think she was a rising talent and you could see ROH rallying behind her as a top heel in the women's division only for her to become jobber fodder in the AEW era. A decisive victory and one that leads me to believe that Vita VonStarr won't be featuring in any Righteous movements for now.

Suzuki saying he's going to be a fighting champion is fine, but we just had Dalton Castle give a promo about how he intends to do the same the week prior. I appreciate a little bit of character work for the new Pure Champion though.

I'm a Yehi fan and I feel like Pure rules suits him but also understand that you're pushing Woods. I think he would make a credible opponent for Suzuki, which confuses me more as to why Suzuki was talking about being a fighting champion when it feels like he's got a ready made challenger but I guess that is kind of the point Woods makes in his post-match interview. I know you're painting Woods as a dominant force, so him winning in quick fashion makes sense but I do wish the Pure rules were acknowledged more.

I really enjoyed the Gresham promo, not letting the loss prevent him from saying he's the company's best wrestler but also having a bit of self awareness. I like the tease that there may be more to come between him and KENTA.

I think using Cary Silkin to make a rare on-screen appearance to address the New Era sells them as a threat to the locker room. I'd like to see more of ROH team built up over the next few episodes to try and even the scales a bit and make them feel like credible opponents to your pet project.

Castle facing Rhino next week is an interesting development and a nice little surprise. I like this aspect of the fighting champion angle you're going for and this is also a nice way of trialling roster members as part of your expansion.

Half an hour is a long time to give, particularly when neither woman has a particularly rich history with the company but I also think back to the Mae Young Classic and how the crowd can get behind unsigned talents. I also think Delmi has come a long way as a singles competitor and she's someone I can see intregrating into the division. Losing after half an hour, definitely keeps Delmo strong and MIRAI looks great in victory. I'm not as familiar with her, so I love that you're using this tournament to introduce us to atypical talents.

Nice promo from Hero, I know I mentioned expecting to see a follow-up in the previous episode so I'm glad that it's been addressed here. I also kind of like how it was done to close out the episode, it gave a nice visual to linger on.

Overall, I'm continuing to enjoy your vision take shape. You've got some stuff to build towards at Glory by Honor and your women's tournament is shaping up nicely. I look forward to the next one.
Thank you again Looking Glass for following along since the beginning it means so much to me. BTB are a passion project for me and I've been in the community since Wrestling Forum was the top place to be and when WC closed I was heartbroken and then I stumbled onto the discord and WS and it brought back my passion and here we are..

King and Titus are going to get their dues in this project.. especially King as I dont feel like he has ever gotten a fair shake anywhere and its a shame he's not a multi time champion somewhere. King is imo one of the pillars of the company and its about time for him to properly make his mark..

AnX wants the tag gold but that doesnt mean they will get it.. The OGK aren't going to hand anything out and they are going to make AnX fight to get it. Also to address the loss, neither member of AnX were pinned and the finish came between Suzuki and Woods.. and it could be argued that the outcome would have been much different had OGK not had to resort to lowblows to take AnX out of the match.. so we will have to see what happens next.

Miranda won't be an afterthought anymore and this tournament is personal for her and she wants to reestablish herself to what she once was.. I do wonder if she will be able to continue her winning ways as the tournament moves forward, it becomes much more difficult…but she knows what it takes to win and she may double down on her underhanded tactics to keep her winning ways. Vita might be out of the tournament but Vincent's will is! You will see her again.. sooner than you realize.

I get where you are coming from with Suzuki and Dalton.. I feel like for Dalton it's different than it is for Suzuki.. Dalton wants to prove a point and restore honor.. Suzuki on the other hand knows he can kick the entire rosters ass and he wants to fight anyone who steps up to him.. Yehi is going to be a mainstay in the division if that helps..

As for Suzuki looking for a challenge while Woods is clearly gunning for the belt is by design.. Suzuki is overlooking Woods.. due to being cocky and that could end up being a very serious mistake for The King.

Woods did make a very clear statement by taking down Yehi easily and he feels like Suzuki is ducking him.. just how long can Suzuki dodge him, before Woods gets upset and decides to make a statement?..

As for the Pure Rules.. I am struggling with this division a little bit.. but I've been working on writing things around it better and you will see it featured better going forward when it does appear.

Gresham has been floundering since ROH turned into Ring Of Khan.. and with ROH back in full swing.. he like many of the other Roh originals has a point to prove.. he doesnt like that Kenta and Daniels in one night outshined pretty much everything he has done since he won the world title.. Gresham and Kenta are on a Collison course and he has to beat Kenta or where does he go from there.. Kenta on the other hand is back in America and in Roh out of his love for the company.. but he also wants to earn his shot at the world title.. so whenever these two men do battle, the victor will be on a direct collision course with the roh champion.

Cary appearing here felt right and no one else could have been in this role.. Cary is at a loss for what to do and he's trying to save roh.. because he worries what the future of the company will be like with the new era taking over. Team ROH may currently be out of action but we will hear from them very soon.. stay tuned.

Castle may have bitten off more than he can chew here and Rhyno could very well walk out with the gold.. Castle wants to restore honor and by defending the belt weekly is his way of doing that.. but not only the companies honor.. but his own. The TV belt with or without Dalton will continue to be defended weekly and you are right its a great way to bring in fresh faces and pad out the roster.. who knows who will step up and challenge for it and on any given night we could see a new Champion crowned.

The women's main event I felt needed to be long to help establish the tournament.. both women needed to make a statement and going as long as they did solidified both ladies.. and even in defeat Delmi came out looking just as strong as Mirai.. you haven't seen the last of delmi in this project.

Think of round 1 more ro be the qualifiers for the real tournament.. that's why there are singles, triples and 4ways in the first round… before round 2 starts.. Lookout for a special bracketology episode where each of The women who advanced will be able to establish and introduce themselves..

I feel like Hero had to close out the show after not hearing from him since Supercard.. Hero made his point and he has everything on the line here and if he can't beat Mark.. who knows where he goes from here. ROH does need a hero and Chris so desperately wants it to be him.. it will be very interesting to see where Hero and Briscoe go next.

I hope you enjoy episode 3.. it was alot of fun to write and things will continue to move forward as we march full steam ahead towards not only Glory By Honor but the Honor United Tournament as well..
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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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Breaking News & Announcements!!!

Moments ago across all ROH social media channels, several huge announcements were made.

Next week's ROH TV on YouTube will expand from it's normal run time of 1 hour to 3 hours for one night only and you don't want to miss it!!

Announced for Episode #4 of ROH TV, will be a blockbuster 4-Way Dance, featuring 4 of the top international talent from all around the world! The winner will earn the right to challenge Dalton Castle for the Ring Of Honor World Television Championship on Episode #5.

Black Taurus v Tomohiro Ishii v Samuray Del Sol v Naruki Doi

On next week's special 2 hour episode of ROH TV on YouTube, we have learned that Maria Kanellis has requested in-ring time on behalf of her clients, to reintroduce them to Ring Of Honor.

Another huge match confirmed for the special 2 hour edition of ROH TV on YouTube will see the continuation of the Women Of Honor Championship Tournament with A Block action in a 4-Way Gauntlet, featuring 4 of the top Women Athletes in pro wrestling today!
Jungle Kyona v Bozilla v Vix Crow v Janai Kai

Already confirmed for ROH on YouTube Episode #4!

Next Week's Main Event will be one for the history books as four of the top names in Ring Of Honor History collide for the first time ever!!

"The Knockout Artist" Chris Hero returns to a Ring Of Honor ring for the first time in 10 years, as he teams with his opponent at Glory By Honor, reigning and defending ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe to take on the team of the newly returned Christopher Daniels and "The Franchise" Jay Lethal.

You don't want to miss this huge tag team battle, that is sure to have huge World Championship implications!
Chris Hero & Mark Briscoe(c) v Christopher Daniels and Jay Lethal

In a feud that started at SuperCard of Honor and continues to burn brightly, the Soldiers Of Savagery will take on Eli Isom and Delirious in Tag Team action! SOS looks to prove their dominance by putting Crazy Ninjas on the shelf like they did to Cheeseburger and putting this whole mess behind them..but Crazy Ninjas looks to avenge their fallen brother.
Kaun and Moses v Eli Isom and Delirious

The Women Of Honor Championship tournament continues with A Block action, as "The Legendary Luchadora" Faby Apache makes her Ring Of Honor debut and will face off with cocky young upstart "The Future" Mazzerati.
Faby looks to prove that she still has what it takes to compete at an elite tournament level, while Mazzerati looks to show that her resume speaks for itself! Championship asparations drive both women forward, but only one will walk out of this match as the victor and advance to Round 2!
Mazzerati v Faby Apache

Upon winning the ROH World Television Championship, Dalton Castle declared that he wanted to be a fighting champion and wanted to defend the title weekly.. Last week he would successfully defend the Television Championship against Rhyno, but he wouldn't rest on that win and later in the evening would issue an open challenge to anyone who was a former ROH TV Champion to face him in Boston!! Who will step up to take on The Peacock or has he pecked off more than he can chew?
The Dalton Castle World Television Championship Open Challenge
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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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I thought I hadn't seen a post from you in a while but wasn't aware that I had missed one!

- It's obviously too soon to be taking the World TV title away from Dalton and I much prefer him as a heel, with The Boys being used beyond the entrance - I always felt Castle did his best character work as a heel. Rhyno was a really fun choice of opponent, he's a veteran but he's still just about able to move and one of the better choices from the ECW vault. I'm looking forward to where this goes next.

- I'm not the world's biggest CB fan so I'm not mad that he's on the shelf. I also think this allows Isom, who I always found lacking in the personality department, to have a moment and get some momentum going.

- Interesting that Flip Gordon is just Flip again. I know he had the split personality gimmick going on before the buyout but I think the changeover makes sense to reset him.

- I felt like Mandy was improving towards the end of the SBG era and really surprised she's not popped up anywhere since (beyond a few fleeting MLW appearances). It's great to make use of the partnerships but good to see another ROH original go through. I wonder if an Allure reunion is in the pipeline for Mandy in the future.

- Intrigued to hear from The New Era live, see what more can be added to their intentions and motivations.

- Nice way to put over The OGK, I know they are already your champs but reminding everyone of what they've capable of is unfortunately a task you've been for a lot of the ROH originals in the post-AEW era. I'm shocked that they aren't going to defend in a regular tag match against All Night Express but the tournament adds some stakes to the Honor United tour.

- Interesting follow up on the Maria angle. I feel like it's only natural for her to mention the New Era as they are the 'big bad' of your stories so far. However, I hope we don't end up too far down a stable wars storyline. I do feel like ROH loved to introduce a stable - Violence Unlimited, Lifeblood, etc - and rotate matches around. I'd rather see Maria's faction do their own thing for a bit, be it as a trio or three individuals.

- I like the idea of Blake Christian and Alex Zayne, similar styles and I think they could add some depth to your tag team division. Obviously, it makes sense to introduce them ahead of your tag tournament. I hope they get some wins as I could see them developing pretty well.

- Vincent was always getting the win but I think Flip looked good in defeat. Part of me wondered whether the Righteous One would try and recruit Flip, but I like how you gave Vincent the motivation of purifying ROH after being tainted by AEW and calling Lethal out on essentially following the money. I look forward to seeing where this goes. I'm a Righteous fan and I think these things can be hit or miss to execute but I'm enjoying your portrayal.

- I also like the rotation you have going. I do feel like I need more Hero if he's the World title challenger. So far, we've had taped promos but I see he's back next week in somewhat of a strange bedfellows match. Always interested in what Castle is going to do next and excited to see the continuation of the women's tournament with Faby Apache and Mazzerati.


King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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ROH TV on YouTube!
Episode #4:
Hero/Briscoe v Daniels/Lethal
Lowell Memorial Auditorium
Boston, MA


The TV Championship Challenger Arrives...
The show cold opens with the camera panning all over the arena with the crowd chanting, cheering and yelling ROH… Suddenly the lights in the arena go out and a hush falls over the crowd.. Then a wolf howl echoes through the sound system… followed by the voice of Rocky saying “It aint about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” then Sawtooth by Crushpile blasts through the arena and the crowd goes insane and starts chanting “Holy Shit”... as Eddie Edwards emerges onto the stage and the crowd goes even wilder and starts chanting “Eddie Eddie Eddie”.

Eddie pauses at the top of the ramp and takes it all in with a smile and pulls a mic from his back pocket.. As he is about to speak, the crowd goes silent in anticipation of what he is about to say.. but just as he is about to speak a very loud “Welcome Back” chant starts.. Eddie just pauses and takes it all in and then calms the crowd down and speaks..

Edwards says he isn't one for long winded promos.. but he is here tonight, because last week Dalton Castle made an open challenge to any former TV Champion to face him…

Eddie then puts over being the first ever ROH Television Champion and says he likes the sound of being a 2 time champion… Eddie then finishes the promo by putting over Dalton and how impressive he's been since becoming the champion… but it all ends tonight.. because Eddie Edwards in his hometown walks out with Championship Gold and that's a promise!
8 minutes 27 seconds

Kaze Ni Nare...
As Eddie is leaving… Kaze Ni Nare hits and Minoru Suzuki makes his entrance… Suzuki and Edwards have a friendly staredown on the ramp, hitting there could be a future March between the two. As Suzuki heads to the ring, the entire crowd sings along to Kaze Ni Nare.

He quickly gets to the point and speaks in Japanese, with the commentary team translating for him. Suzuki talks about wanting to be a fighting champion and about how Pure Rules and Strong Style are one in the same.. he says that if Josh Woods wants to face him for the championship.. then he needs to prove he has what it takes to step into the ring with him.Suzuki says he has nothing to prove and he will defend the belt when someone proves themselves worthy. He says he hopes Josh can prove himself as he would love to fight.

Suzuki then says he looks forward to seeing if anyone on the Honor United Tour will be worthy of facing him and them puts over British wrestling and then smiles and says he cant wait to return to the UK to end the segment.

As Suzuki goes to leave the ring he is ambush attacked by Josh Woods from the crowd.. Woods beats down Suzuki and then drops him with a huge Butterfly Suplex… Woods then quickly jumps to his feet as the crowd boos him wildly. Woods then locks Suzuki in the Ankle Lock and wrenches the hold hard.. Suzuki tries to fight out of the hold but Woods drops down and wraps his legs around Suzuki and locks the hold in...

Referees and Agents rush to the ring to pull Woods off Suzuki.. Woods refuses to initially let go, but does so after what feels like an eternity.. He picks up the Pure Championship and raises it in the air and then throws it down and leaves the ring.. The segment ends with ROH staff checking on Suzuki's wellbeing as Josh Woods backs up the ramp yelling “Are you gonna fight me now old man.”
7 minutes 18 seconds
Women of Honor Championship Tournament
A Block

Mazzerati v Faby Apache

The match doesn't even get underway as Faby and Mazzerati are standing in the center of the ring and trading words.. Faby says something in Spanish that Mazzerati clearly understood. The referee finally separates the two and calls for the bell..

But as soon as the bell rings Mazzerati is attacking Faby and she is pissed… Faby is pushed into the corner as Mazzerati is swinging wildly, but Faby counters and sends Mazzerati shoulder first into the turnbuckle pole.. Faby plays up to the crowd and is then stalking Mazzerati as she slowly removes herself from the corner..

Mazzerati is finally up and stumbles towards Faby, but Faby counters and drops her with a Dragon Suplex.. causing the entire venue to come alive.. Faby then signals for Tormenta and pulls Mazzerati to her feet by her hair.. Faby sets up for her finisher but Mazzerati counters it and hits Faby with a sudden “Spinning Back Kick”.. Mazzerati quickly goes for the pin and gets the victory, but commentary points out that Faby had her foot under the bottom rope.

Mazzerati celebrates after the match and yells that this is her tournament and then poses and signals she will be the champion.

Faby is shown talking with the referee over the outcome of the match and the referee tells her it was a clean count.. Faby then points to Mazzerati and yells something at her in spanish.. Faby and Mazzerati them come face to face in the ring and are arguing.. they two women are eventually seperated by the referee, just as it looks like they are about to come to blows.. the referee then tells both women to shake hands and after what feels like an eternity, both women do but you can feel the animosity in the air between them.
11 minutes 09 seconds​

All Night In London
We cut to a skyline view of London, England and we see various famous landmarks. We then cut to AnX standing outside of Buckingham Palace.. Kenny King and Rhett Titus are dressed head to toe in UK flag clothing and are acting like over the top tourists..

Kenny King notices the camera and says they are here in the UK to promote the Honor United Tour and sadly they can't be at the historic episode tonight of ROH TV in Boston. But they promise they will be in action on all 4 Nights of the Honor United Tour!!

Rhett Titus stops snapping photos behind King and walks into frame and says OGK still hasn't accepted the challenge to face them for the tag team titles at Glory By Honor.. but thats expected because they are… Kenny King then starts clucking like a chicken.. Rhett then starts speaking again and says yeah what my Fowl friend just said.. Rhett then says they havent forgetton about the disrespect from OGK.. or that lowblow on ROH TV #1.. and they will soon learn what respect is.

King then says Yooo Rhett… is that fuckin King Charles?? Rhett spins around and runs towards the gates of the palace and starts taking pictures. King then says that he has heard from ROH management and that because OGK are cowards and wont accept their challenge, ROH management has taken things into their own hands and booked a mini tournament to determine who will face OGK for the Gold at Glory By Honor and they have been placed into one of the Glory By Honor Qualifying matches.. King says that it doesnt matter, they have no issues fighting for what they want.. and says we are coming for you OGK.

YOOOOO!! Kenny get over here, he's finally coming out.. The segment comes to an end as King excuses himself from the camera man and runs off towards the palace gates excited to meet the King.
10 minutes 53 seconds
Eli Isom & Delirious v Kaun & Moses

SoS dominates the match and it doesn't seem like Isom and Delirious can any any headway.. Just when it looked like Isom and Delirious were about to make some headway, Oshay Edwards hit the ring and quickly sends Delirious flying out of the ring with a hard thud.. but he is suddenly dropped by a superkick from Isom.. but Edwards falls onto the referee… this causes the crowd to go crazy..

Kaun and Moses then jump Isom from behind, before he can get anymore offense going.. it’s a 2 on one assault and they signal for the Facebuster… but before they can hit their huge finisher Delirious hits the ring with a Steel Chair and is swinging it wildly and takes both members of SoS down with chair shots..

O'shay Edwards rushes Delirious but he eats a shot from the steel chair to his sternum and Delirious then drops the chair and hits Edwards with the Bizzaro Driver onto the chair, this causes Edwards to roll out of the ring.

Isom takes advantage and ascends the top rope and hits a huge Moonsault onto Kaun.. just as the Moonsault connects.. Delirious has revived the referee.. allowing Eli Isom to pin Kaun for the win.

Crazy Ninjas quickly leave the ring as SoS quickly recovers and are irate over having just lost, the way they did.. SoS hit the ring and are yelling at Crazy Ninjas as they back up the ramp celebrating their victory, mocking SoS. SoS yells to then that this is far from over.
6 minutes 15 seconds

Beer and Gold...
We cut to bonfire somewhere in Milwaukee and we see Brawler Milonas and BeerCity Bruiser hanging out drinking beers and listening to country music and having a good time.. Milonas and Beer are talking about the upcoming qualifying matches on the Honor United Tour..

Beer says he has always wanted to be a Tag Team champion and Milonas says that means we can buy more beer right?

Brawler cracks open another beer and says that's right buddy.. and it means more money, it means championship gold.. Milonas then says most of all it means the attention of beautiful women!!

Milonas then says toss me another beer man and a Brawler throws a beer over the fire to him.. Milonas chugs the beer and says he has a good idea.. Brawler then says he can read his mind… Beer says that they are officially throwing their beers into the running and want in on the tag qualifying matches.. they want a shot at the gold at Glory By Honor..

Milonas says it doesnt matter who they face, but they are going to take those belts from OGK and that will make it all the sweater taking the gold from those losers.. Brawler then yells, Hell Yeah I can drink to that..

Brawler and Milonas then walk over to the back of a truck and open up a new case of beers… They each pour 1 beer out and say this is for the OGK and laughm. Both men each crack open a beer and slam toast it and say this is the early celebration for winning the gold at Glory By Honor as the segment ends.
8 minutes 36 seconds
4-Way Dance
World Television Championship
No.1 Contenders Match
Tomohiro Ishii v Black Taurus v Samuray Del Sol v Naruki Doi

Tomohiro Ishii and Black Taurus immediately lock eyes and engage in a brutal test of strength, trading stiff forearm shots in the center of the ring and the crowd is loving it.. Across the ring, Samuray Del Sol and Naruki Doi showcase their speed and agility, executing a series of rapid chain wrestling maneuvers, countering each other’s moves seamlessly.

Ishii and Taurus are still trading stiff firearms with neither man seemingly being phased.. Suddenly Ishii gains the upper hand over Taurus… when Taurus shoves him backwards… but Ishii quickly rushes him hitting a powerful lariat, that sends Taurus stumbling into the corner. Ishii then hypes up the crowd and charges Taurus with a running shoulder strike, but Taurus sidesteps, causing Ishii to crash shoulder first into the ring post… Taurus pulls Ishii out of the corner and drops him with a punishing headbutt, knocking Ishii to the mat… Taurus then roars in victory..

Across the ring, Del Sol has gained the upper hand on Doi dropping him with a snap hurricanrana, sending him flying out of the ring.

Del Sol capitalizes on the momentum.. and not missing a beat, quickly jumps to the top rope.. running the ropes with seemigly little effort and comes flying off the top with a huge Tope Con Hilo. Del Sol slams into Doi, sending him crashing to the arena floor.. causing the crowd to erupts in cheers!!

Back in the ring, Taurus whips Ishii into the ropes and catches him with a brutal spear. Taurus goes for the pin, but Ishii kicks out at two…. Frustrated, Taurus lifts Ishii for a powerbomb, but Ishii counters out of it and the two men breakout into a brutal slugfest of punches, forearm and elbow strikes, with neither man giving up.. Taurus out of nowhere staggers Ishii with a brutal headbutt.. that is so vicious that the crowd goes silent.. Taurus then lifts Ishii for the powerbomb again, bit Ishii was ready for it once and takes down the big man with a huge back body drop and the crowd roars alive..

Del Sol seeing the carnage in the ring, and decides to take action.. he slides in the into the ring and quickly goes for a standing Shooting Star Press on Taurus.. but the big man essily powers out at after a 1 count..

As Del Sol is getting back to his feet, he doesn't see that Doi has recovered.. Doi takes advantage of the opportunity and nails Del Sol with a devastating running knee to the back of his head. He then lifts Del Sol into a Half Nelson and signals for the Muscular Bomb and floors Del Sol with it. Doi wastes no time and quickly covers Del Sol, but Del Sol kicks out after a long 2 count..

Ishii hits Taurus have recovered and once against are trading blows.. but this time its a series of blistering chops.. Ishii quickly takes advantage and counters one of the clotheslines by ducking under Taurus attempt and dropping him with a snap German suplex. Ishii goes for the pin attempt, but Taurus kicks out with force after a 1 count... Ishii doesnt lose his cool and quickly pulls Taurus to his feet and goes for the Vertical Drop Brainbuster…but Taurus slips out and counters it and floors Ishii with a Spinning Back Kick to the back of his head.

Taurus wastes little time and quickly turns his attention to Del Sol and Doi and attacks them. He quickly throws Del Sol over the top rope to the arena floor with ease.. Taurus then turns his attention to Doi.. but Doi was ready and he rushes Taurus.. but at the last second Taurus steps out of the way and throws Doi through the middle rope and he collides with a barley recovered Del Sol, taking both men out of action..

Ishii takes advantage of a distracted Taurus and takes the fight to the big man.. this time Ishii is able to lift and hold Taurus for a stalling Vertical Suplex, showing his incredible strength.. Ishii Slams Taurus to the mat after the crowd reaches 12 seconds on the Stalling Suplex. He quickly goes for the cover, but Taurus kicks out at two and a half.. but Ishii once again keeps his cool as he knows what Tarun isn't the indestructible monster he has come across as the entire match.

While the fierce battle between The Pittbull and The Bull rages on inside the ring.. Doi has recovered and whips Del Sol into the barricade and follows up with a pointblank shotgun dropkick, sending Del Sol over the barricade into the crowd.

Doi then vertically leaps onto the barricade yo a huge pop from the crowd and executes a beautiful moonsault onto the Del Sol and several members of the crowd.. Sending both competitors and several fans crashing to the floor..The crowd goes wild and starts a “This is Awesome” chant.

Somehow Del Sol has recovered and is on stalking Ishii from the ring apron, but is very visably exhausted and hurt.. as Ishii turns around to see Del Sol, he springboard off the ropes from the ring apron and plants Ishii with a springboard DDT..

Taurus grabs Del Sol, before he even realizes what is going on.. but Del Sol quickly counters out of it and spins around and connects with a huge jumping knee to the forehead of Taurus..

Del Sol then runs and bounces off the ropes but Taurus catches him and flattens him with a devastating Samoan drop… Taurus then looks around at all the devastation in the ring and then climbs to the top rope… The crowd watches in awe as Taurus is perched on the top rope and then launches himself with a diving headbutt, attempting to eliminate Del Sol.. but at the last second Del Sol rolls out of the way, causing Taurus to crash Into the mat. All 4 men are down and out and the crowd is going crazy and starts chanting “Fight Forever”. The referee looks around at the devastation and begins the count out..

Doi rallies and hits the ring, and quickly hits a recovering Ishii with a Bakatare Sliding Kick… Doi goes for the cover, but Ishii kicks out at 2.. Doi is ontop of Ishii and lifts him for the Doi 555, but Ishii counters with a series of staggering headbutt… quickly followed by a Shotgun Lariat… Ishii goes for cover, but Doi kicks out at the last second..

Del Sol has gotten to the top rope and is waiting for Taurus to get back to his feet.. as Taurus gets up, Del Sol comes flying off the top rope, but Taurus catches him mid-air and destroys him with a monstrous Black Hole Slam and then covers Del Sol for a very decisive three-count to score the first elimination at the 18 minute mark.

With Del Sol eliminated, Ishii, Taurus, and Doi circle each other warily. Ishii and Doi form a brief alliance to take down the powerhouse Taurus, hitting him with a double suplex.

However, the alliance quickly dissolves as they turn on each other.

Ishii hits Doi with a series of blistering chops, sending Doi staggering backwards.. but Doi quickly counters with his signature jumping enzuigiri, sending the Stone Pittbull crashing into the corner.. Doi attempts to capitalize on the situation with a running corner dropkick….but Ishii with what seemed like superhuman speed, comes rushing out of the corner and counters the attempted dropkick with with a thunderous lariat!!! Ishii quickly goes for the cover.. and the crowd is super invested and counts along with the pin attempt.. but Doi kicks out after a long 2 count.

Taurus then re-enters the fray, hitting Ishii with a brutal spinning back elbow. Taurus roars in defiance and quickly sets his sights on Doi..

Taurus charges at Doi and drops him with a Bicycle Kick, that sends him crashing to the mat.. Taurus then sets his sights on Ishii and floors him with a thunderous powerslam..

Taurus then turns his attention back to Doi, who is staggered and pulling himself to his feet, with the ropes. Taurus grabs Doi and lifts him high into the air… and then slams him into a slowly recovering Ishii, with a vicious military press slam!! Taurus roars again as the crowd goes wild cheering and screaming.

Taurus then targets Ishii and pulls him to his feet, but Ishii was ready for it and attempts to mount a comeback, by hitting Taurus with a series of stiff chops and a headbutt… but Taurus barely flinches, responding with an attempted spinning back elbow Ishii…

The match reaches a fever pitch, as Ishii manages to counter Taurus Spinning Back Elbow, with a stiff headbutt, stunning the beast… Ishii quickly follows it up with a brainbuster, dropping Taurus with authority…

Out of nowhere Doi attacks Ishii, hitting a flurry of strikes that seem to stagger Ishii..but it was too good to be true for Doi.. as Ishii hits Doi with a huge headbutt.. but Doi shakes it off and the two men start trading heavy strikes, with Ishii gaining the upper hand due to his brute strength. Ishii then hits Doi with a German suplex, but Doi counters it and lands on his feet.. but it was for nothing as Ishii quickly turns around and catches Doi with a sliding lariat! Ishii goes for the cover, but Doi kicks out at a long two count..

Ishii signals for the end and lifts Doi for the Vertical Drop Brainbuster… but he is attacked by Taurus from behind.. Taurus makes a cutthroat motion and whips Ishii into the ropes.. Using the moment to hoist Ishii into the air with a gorilla press.. Taurus then quickly turns the press into a devastating Sitout Powerbomb, to eliminate The Stone Pitbull at the 25 minute mark.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats.. going insane chanting and cheering and unsure what is about to happen next.

The match has come down to Taurus and Doi, with Taurus looking nearly unstoppable. Doi, determined to not give up… but he is clearly wary and broken..

Taurus rushes Doi, but he uses his speed to avoid Taurus's attack.. landing a combination quick strikes and kicks.. Doi then hits dropkicks that sends Taurus into the ropes. Taurus then rushes Doi, but Doi was ready for it and hits a stuff kick to the midsection of The Beast and then drops him with a Spike DDT.

Taurus rises to his feet, unfazed and grabs Doi.. He lifts Doi up for the Taurus Driver, but just as it’s about to connect; Doi counters and quickly climbs to the top rope.. He launches himself at Taurus with a diving crossbody, but Taurus catches him in mid-air. Showing incredible strength, planting Doi into the mat a devastating Black Hole Slam with authority!!! Taurus hooks the leg to secure the pin and eliminates Naruki Doi at the 32 minute mark to win the match..

The crowd erupts in applause as Black Taurus stands tall, menacing and dominant.. The referee raises his hand, but Taurus pulls him arm away and backs away in fear.. Taurus climbs to the middle rope and signals he wants to be the World Television Champion as commentary puts over that Dalton Castle has a very tall task ahead of him in next week's Main Event!!
35 minutes 17 seconds

The Angel and The Franchise...
Backstage Veda Scott is with Christopher Daniels. She asks Daniels about returning to ROH and references his promo about not having many matches left in him. Daniels tells her that the match with Kenta lit a fire in him that he hasn't felt in a long time.. he says ROH is his home and he will finish his career in an ROH ring… he talks about how he has put hid blood, sweat and tears into every match he's ever had in ROH and he's not going to stop.. until he physically can't anymore.

Veda then asks Daniels about teaming with Lethal in tonights main event to face ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe and Chris Hero.. Daniels says tonight he steps into the ring with 4 ot the best to ever do it and he's going to make his mark tonight, as he wants to be the one to pin Mark.. as that will put him next in line for the World Championship and he really likes the idea of being a 2x ROH World Champion..

Daniels then says he doesn't know where he goes after tonight… but he is happy to announce that he will be on the upcoming Honor United Tour and he can't wait to preform for all the amazing fans in the UK.. Daniels reveals that he will be on all 4 nights of the tour.. he then excuses himself from the interview and tells Veda that he has to prepare for tonight's main event.. As Veda thanks him for his time and wishes him luck tonight..

Jay Lethal walks up and the two men have a short friendly staredown.. Lethal then shakes Veda’s hand and tells Daniels it's good to see him again. He then tells Daniels that it's been a long time since they've been in the ring together… but they never been partners… only opponents.. Daniels says that they know eachother well inside the ring and they dont have the same animosity that Hero and Briscoe have and that gives them a big advantage. Lethal then says once this is all behind them..

Veda interjects and asks Lethal if he is worried about Vincent… and he tells her that he isn't worried about that madman and tonight he only has three things on his mind… putting on one of the greatest tag team matches in ROH history, winning the match… and sending the fans home happy… Lethal then slightly slips into his Black Machismo character and yells OOOOOHHHH YYYYYEEEAAAHHH.. Daniels laughs at Lethal and says lets go talk about tonight.

Veda thanks both men for their time as they walk away talking strategy for tonight..
6 minutes 52 seconds

It's Peacock Time!!
Dalton Castle then joins Veda Scott seeminly popping out of thin air.. she asks him about his title match tonight. Dalton says that tonight he faces the first ever ROH TV Champion.. but peacocks are better than wolves and he is going to take a bite out of that wolves ass… Veda asks him about the boys getting involved last week and he says he isnt about about it, but he knows they come from a place of love… Dalton then mumbles under his breath you are the only boy I need in my life and he stokes the tv title thats around his waist.. Dalton then snaps out of it and tells Veda that tonight The Boys will not join him as he has to do this alone… he has to prove he can do this without them... Dalton then walks off to prepare for his match to end the segment..
4 minutes 12 seconds
Women of Honor Championship Tournament
Gauntlet Match

A Block

Bozilla v Jungle Kyona v Vix Crow v Janai Kai

Bozilla and Crow lock up in the center of the ring as the bell rings.. but Bozilla's power advantage is evident as she quickly overpowers Vix, throwing her into the corner.
She delivers a series of heavy strikes, followed by a crushing body splash. Vix tries to mount a comeback with quick strikes, but Bozilla counters the 4th strike and drops Crow with a huge Spinbuster..

Bozilla signals for the end and climbs to the middle rope and hits a huge devastating Vader Splash to quickly pin and eliminate Vix Crow at the 4 minute mark.

As Bozilla stands tall, Janai Kai rushes to the ring, not giving Bozilla any time to rest. Janai uses her speed and martial arts background to keep Bozilla on the defensive, with a series of stiff kicks, that Bozilla can't seem to counter.. Janai then bounces off the ropes and hits huge superkick to Bozilla, knocking the big woman to her knees. Janai wastes no time and goes for an enzuigiri… but Bozilla counters and grabs Kai.. lifting her up onto her shoulders and quickly stands to her feet.. from on her knees and hits a devastating Running Release PowerBomb on Kai.. Bozilla hooks both of Kai's legs to secure the pin and eliminates her at the 7 minute mark.

Jungle Kyona enters the ring, knowing she's the two women engage in a fierce stare-down before locking up.

Kyona uses her speed to dart around Bozilla, landing quick strikes and kicks to keep the powerhouse off balance. Bozilla absorbs the blows and counters with a massive shoulder tackle, sending Kyona to the mat. Bozilla follows up with by hitting a huge body slam and a big Running Splash on Kyona, but she only gets a long 2 count.

Kyona uses her agility to get to her feet and tries to weaken the monster with more strikes and kicks, but Bozilla shoves Kyona away..

Kyona quickly connects with a springboard crossbody to take Bozilla down.. Bozilla is quickly back to her feet and Kyona whips her into the corner..Kyona attempts a running corner splash, but Bozilla catches her in mid-air and slams her to the mat with a thunderous uranagi slam..

Bozilla ascends to the top rope to go for a Huge Splash.. but Kyona was ready for it and quickly jumps to her feet and then staggers Bozilla with a huge dropkick.. Bozilla keeps her balance but is staggered on the top rope.. Kyona takes advantage of the situation and climbs up and goes for a Hurricanrana… but to no avail.. As Bozilla was playing possum and she catches the move and pulls Kyona up to her shoulders and the crowd goes quiet in awe of what they are seeing.

The crowd gasps as Bozilla slowly fully stands up on the top rope with Kyona on her shoulders.. Kyona tries to fight out of it with a series of punches but they don't effect Bozilla, who then hits devastating super powerbomb from the top rope on Kyona, sending her crashing to the ring, with a thunderous impact.. Bozilla yells as Kyona is motionless in the ring and then comes flying off the top rope with a huge Body Spalsh to pin Kyona and win the match at the 12 minute mark to advance to Round 2 of the Women of Honor Championship Tournament!

Bozilla stands victorious in the ring, having dominated all three opponents in impressive and quick fashion. She raises her arms in triumph as the crowd, despite their initial boos, have begun to show respect for her dominant performance..
14 minutes 23 seconds

The Absolution of Maria Kanellis...
We cut to the dark arena and then it slowly lights up revealing Maria Kanellis standing in the center of the ring, a cunning smirk on her face. Behind her are her clinets Mark Haskins, Rust Taylor, and Tracy Williams.. who she reintroduces to the crowd and the fans watching at home.

Maria says that the world of pro wrestling is about to change.. She looks at the 3 men standing behind her and smiles... she says dominance, power, and excellence are not just goals, but standards.. Standards that have been missing for a long time.. She says that they are not here to ask for approval or to seek acceptance.. but they are here to take what is rightfully theirs.. they are here to make a statement, they are here to take respect... by proving they are better than the best!!

Maria then says that for too long, the landscape of pro wrestling has been cluttered with pretenders, weaklings and fakes, who cosplay as wrestlers.. who are only in this business because their friends started a company and hired them.. she says people like her clients are pushed to the side for these cosplayers.... she pauses as she receives a mixed reaction of boos... but the boos are drowned out by wild cheers from the crowd, who agree with her message.

Maria takes it all in for a few moments and smiles... She says tonight, her clients stand together as a united force of nature... unstoppable and unrelenting

She puts over that they are more than just a stable, they are a movement, a revolution… they are here to show the world who they are and her word is absolute!

Mark Haskins steps forward and Maria hands him the mic.. he says Absolution isn't just a name…it's a declaration…. It's a promise that every single member of the roster will be held accountable too. He then says that Rust Taylor, Tracy Williams, and himself, will cleanse this industry of the fakes impurities and cosplayers… they will raise the standard of what pro wrestling is.. Maria, Taylor and Williams nod in agreement, their expressions stern and determined.

Haskins then hands the mic to Tracy Williams.. he says are a reckoning... they are the end of mediocrity. And under Maria's guidance, they will be unstoppable. Williams then promises that they will not stop until they have taken every bit of respect that this business has to offer.. Rust Taylor then fistbumps Tracy Williams in solidarity and takes the mic..

Taylor is short and sweet and quickly gets to the point.. he says that this is the final warning. Absolution is here, and there's no turning back. We are the future of professional wrestling... and the future is now!!

Maria then takes the mic from Taylor and thanks her clients for believing in her vision with such passion and intensity.

She then looks around at the crowd and then focuses on the ring side camera… she then tells everyone who can hear her voice to remember this moment… because it's time to remove the cancer and the rot from pro wrestling…

Maria pauses again for dramatic effect and and says We are Absolution, and we will redefine this industry!

The group stands united behind their leader as they all raise their fists in the air.. Maria stands in front of them with her arms proudly stretched out to end the segment.
12 minutes 42 seconds
Ring Of Honor World Television Championship
Dalton Castle(c) v Eddie Edwards
The match begins with a lock-up in the center of the ring. Edwards uses his technical prowess to gain an early advantage, taking Castle down with a headlock takeover. Castle quickly counters out of it with a headscissors. Edwards then quickly locks Castle into a hammerlock, but Castle Counters of it just was quickly and locks Edwards into his own headlock.. Edwards wiggles out of the hold and the two men quickly scramble to their feet, and then have stare down as the crowd applauds.

They two men lock up again, with Castle using his strength to push Edwards into the corner. The referee calls for a break, and Castle backs off, but not before delivering a cheeky slap to Edwards face.. Edwards responds with a series of stiff chops, driving Castle across the ring into the opposite corner. Edwards whips Castle across the ring, to the corner Castle just had him in and follows it up with a running forearm smash.

Dalton yells for Edwards to get to his feet and the two men circle each other… each looking for the perfect opportunity to make their move.

The two men eventual lock up in the center of the ring again, but Castle uses his agility and technical prowess to gain the advantage, hitting Edwards with a series of speedy arm drags, then at the last moment he hits a dropkick.. that rocks Edwards causing him to roll out of the ring to regroup.. The crowd cheers loudly and give both men a standing ovation.

Edwards re-enters the ring and takes control of the match with a series of quick knee strikes and a well-executed snap suplex. Edwards goes for an early pin, but Castle kicks out on a long 1 count. Both men are back to their feet once again and the crowd begins cheering and screaming and begins dueling chants of, “Let’s go Castle!” and “ Let's Go Edwards!”.

Castle quickly regains control of the match, when he hits a spinning heel kick out of no where and follows that up a running knee strike, that knocks Edwards loopy.

Dalton rushes the dazed Edwards with a flying forearm smash and quickly a swinging neck breaker… Castle attempts the cover, but Edwards kicks out at 2…

Dalton hypes up the crowd and signals for the Bang-A-Rang and pulls Edwards to his feet.. but Edwards quickly mounts a comeback, hitting Castle with the Blue Thunder Bomb. He covers Castle, but Castle is able to just get his shoulder up at the last second... Edwards wastes no time and quickly locks Castle into a Boston Crab.. Edwards wrenches the hold and causes severe pain to Castle’s lower back.

Castle struggles to break the hold and the referee checks on him and asks if he wants to give up.. Edwards continues to wrench the hold causing Castle extreme pain, but just as it looks like Castle is about to tap out, he refuses. Castle continues to struggle while in the hold, but he is eventually able to pull himself to the closest bottom rope and force Edwards to break the hold..

Edwards and Castle look exhausted, but determined to continue the match as the referee checks on both men, as they take a moment to catch their breath..

Edwards stays in control of the match and quickly follows up with a Tiger Driver, and nearly puts Castle away, but Castle is able to kick out just as the referee is about to make the 3 count.. the crowd responds with a mixture of cheers and gasps.

The intensity ramps up as both competitors dig deep. Castle hits a series of strikes and follows those up with spinning forearm smash and then floors Edwards with a huge Discus Lariat that nearly knocks Edwards out. Castle goes for a near fall… but Edwards just manages to kick out. The crowd roars alive with excitement, fully invested in the match.

Castle, looking determined, pulls Edwards to his feet, but Edwards attempts to counter with an elbow strike, but Castle ducks under it and hits a huge snap German Suplex, folding Edwards in half… Dalton falls to his knees holding his lower back, which is clearly severely damaged from the Boston Crab earlier in the match.

Edwards takes advantage of the situation lays into Dalton with his signature Kicks of Death!!
Edwards then signals for his finishing move The Die Hard… but just as its about to connect Castle counters out of it with a desperation German Suplex.. but Dalton wasnt able to give it his all.. as his back is clearly in visual pain..

Edwards spins Castle around and quickly hits hurricanranna, sending Castle into the corner. Edwards charges with a running corner dropkick, that hits with a mack truck and causing Castle to collapse to the mat.

Edwards attempts to finish the match as the crowd is cheering and going crazy.. Edwards pulls Castle to his feet and goes for Die Hard once again, but Castle counters it at the last moment and goes for his finisher The Bang-a-Rang… the crowd roars alive even louder in anticipation of Dalton winning and retaining his TV Championship, but Dalton’s back gives out.. and both men fall to the mat.

As both men are down Black Taurus walks out onto the ramp to watch the match.. as he is set to challenge the winner in next weeks main event with the TV Championship on the line.

We then refocuss on the match and Castle cis climbing to the top rope, but Edwards quickly springs to his feet and climbs up after Dalton…. The two men engage in a fierce exchange of strikes, teetering on the top rope. Dalton gains the upperhand and pushes Edwards off the top rope, giving Dalton a moment to breathe.. but it doesn't last long as Edwards comes out of nowhere and hits a Superkick to the perched Castle, dazing him..

Edwards then ascends to the top rope again and successfully executes a devastating Superplex from the top rope to Castle, causing both men to crash to the mat… Dalton screams out in pain due to the severe pain in his lower back.

Edwards isn't down long as he wills himself to get back up and attempts to seize the moment.. and goes for another attempt at Die Hard, but Castle counters with a well-timed roll-up, catching Edwards by surprise. Castle holds the tights for leverage.. but Edwards somehow still kicks out at the very last second…. The crowd erupts with excitement and starts clapping and chanting “This Is Awesome”.

The Champion fights through his back pain and applies a front facelock, trying to wear Edwards down… Edwards battles back to his feet, breaking the hold with a flurry of gut punches.

Edwards takes Castle down with a snapmare and quickly follows it up with a quick elbow drop to Dalton’s chest… Edwards goes for the cover on Castle, but he kicks out at a 2 count… Edwards wastes no time and quickly transitions into a single-leg crab, targeting Castle’s lower back, once again..

Castle struggles and screams in pain and tries to fight out of the hold.. Edwards holds and wrenches it for what seems like an eternity, as Dalton tries to reach the ropes to break the hold.. Just as it looks like Dalton has no choice but to submit.. he uses the last of his energy and channels it into his free leg to spring himself forward… and grabs the bottom rope, just before he was about to tap out… forcing Edwards to break the hold and the crowd goes insane cheering over the pro wrestling clinic they are watching..

Edwards stays on top of Castle and continues to target his back…Delivering a series of backbreakers and following that up with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle.. Castle winces in pain and collapses to the mat.. The referee checks on Dalton seeing if he wants to give up, to prevent a possible back injury, but Dalton refuses..

Edwards once again goes for the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Castle counters it with a T-bone suplex and almost gets the pin, but Edwards gets shoulder up at the very last second..

The crowd is fully invested, cheering both men on as they are giving it everything they've got and refusing to give up.. Castle in a desperation attempt goes for The Bang-A-Rang… but Edwards once again fights out of it…Edwards quickly spins Castle around and drops him with a stiff Superkick…. Both men are down, and the referee begins the countout..

Both competitors somehow manage to give it their all and just get to their feet at the count of eight.. with the help of the ring ropes.. Both men starr exchanging strikes in the center of the ring, with each one getting more and more intense.

Edwards manages to get the upper hand with a flurry of chops and punches, followed by a jumping enzuigiri to Castle’s temple, staggering the TV Champion… Edwards quickly goes for the Emerald Flowsion, but Castle wriggles free and counters with a bridging German suplex and almost puts Edwards away, but he kicks out just as the referee is about to count 3..

Castle, feeding off the energy of the crowd, is able to ignore his back pain... and quickly follows up with a running knee, but somehow Edwards digs deep and delivers a devastating lariat that turns Castle inside out.

Edwards signals that he is ready to end the match and as Dalton gets to his feet, he rushes in for The Boston Knee Party… but somehow Dalton counters it and and drops Edwards with The Bang-A-Rang!!!! Castle collapses over Edwards to get the pin and retain his Television Championship for the 2nd time..

Dalton wins after a very hard fought match and the crowd gives both men a huge standing ovation. Dalton is shocked and amazed as the referee hands him the belt and he stares longingly at the championship..

Eddie is back to his feet and the crowd cheers as he approaches Dalton and offers a handshake…. Which Dalton accepts and then the two men hug in the center of the ring.. as the crowd goes insane and chants “please come back” to Edwards. Edwards and Daltons talk for a minute and then Edwards bows to Dalton as a sign of respect..

As Edwards is heading backstage, The Boys come rushing down the ramp to check on a visibly hurt Dalton and hug him… but Dalton rolls out of the ring at the last second and hobbles his way up the ramp, caresses the TV Belt and hugging it tightly to his chest.. the camera shows The Boys looking on upset.. as the segment ends.
27 minutes 43 seconds

The Following Announcement
has been paid for by
The New Era!

The lights in the arena go out and the video screen comes alive and we see King, Manders, Tankman and Something outside of the venue.. they are instantly booed by the crowd..

King speaks first and he says they are here in ROH to make a point that honor isn't everything and they are going to prove that. King says its time for a changing of the guard and sometimes violence is necessary for change.

Tankman says that they made their mark at Supercard of Honor by attacking 4 of the so called biggest dogs in the yard, but they proved they were bigger dogs.. Tankman then starts barking loudly and the rest of the guys laugh.. and Manders puts his arm around Tankman and smiles.

The commentary team put The New Era over as extremely dangerous and as a threat to the future of Ring Of Honor...

Manders starts to speak but then pauses and just slaps his arm to symbolize his dangerous lariat..

Something then speaks up and says Manders is a man of few words, but he's a bad MF.. you don't want to step in the ring with. He then says that like his brothers have said, they took out 4 of the biggest names in the company.. on their debut.. and no one is going to be able to stand up to them and wishes someone would try.

King then finishes the promo by saying this is now their company.. they are The New Era of Ring of Honor and they are here to stay. A cell phone starts ringing and Something pulls out a phone and tells Brodie it's Mr.W.. King takes the phone and the men walk off to end the segment.
8 minutes 37 seconds
Main Event
Chris Hero and Mark Briscoe v Christopher Daniels and Jay Lethal

Before the match begins.. there is a respectful handshake between all four men.. and the crowd goes insane cheering..

The match gets underway and Daniels and Briscoe start things off with a test of strength, but Daniels pulls a tactic out his heel book and hits a kick to Briscoes midsection, knocking him back.. Daniels quickly locks Briscoe in a headlock, but Mark counters of it with a quick arm drag, that sends Daniels into his corner.

Briscoe tags in Hero, and the crowd explodes. Hero and Daniels lock up, with Hero demonstrating that he hasn't lost a step. Hero hits a powerful elbow strike, and then whips Daniels into his corner.. He follows up and goes for a running big boot, but Daniels manages to counter out of it at the last second and makes rush to his corner to tag in Lethal…

Lethal and Hero, immediately start trading strikes.. and Lethal gains the upperhand when he hits handspring back elbow on Hero.. But Hero eats the elbow and grabs Lethal and drops him with a cravat suplex, to insane cheers from the crowd.. Hero then quickly tags Briscoe back in, who immediately takes the fight to Lethal with several stomps to his legs and arms.

Briscoe the yells for Hero to get back in the ring and say lets show them what a tag team can do. Hero sets Leth up for a Monkey Flip and as Lethal Flips, Briscoe spears Lethal out of his boots.

The referee forces Hero out of the ring as Briscoe pulls Lethal to his feet, but Lethal was ready for it and counters with superkick, tnat rocks Mark.. Lethal then uses his last bit of strength to tag Daniels back in. Daniels takes control, targeting Briscoe's midsection with knees and a gutbuster. Lethal and Daniels begin to work in tandem, executing a double suplex, before the referee makes Lethal leave the ring.

Briscoe fights back with a desperation enzuigiri, creating space and making the hot tag to Hero. Hero storms in, delivering devastating strikes to both Daniels and then another to Lethal, knocking him off the apron to the arena floor. Hero hits a rolling elbow on Daniels and quickly goes for the pin, but Daniels kicks out at 2…

Hero pulls Daniels back to his feet signals for the Ripcord Elbow, but Daniels ducks under it at the last second and quickly spins Hero around and drops him with The Angel's Wings, to a huge standing ovation from the crowd. Both men are down and out in the ring as the referee looks around at the carnage.

The match breaks down into chaos… and becomes a back-and-forth affair.. Briscoe and Hero hit a double-team powerbomb/neckbreaker combination on Daniels, but Lethal breaks up the pin attempt at the last second.. Lethal grabs Hero and dumps him out of the ring through the middle rope as a return for what Hero did to him earlier..

Lethal and Daniels turn their attention to Brisceo and take him down with a combination Lethal Injection and and a beautiful BME, that causes the crowd to explode and start cheering like crazy.. Hero makes the save for his team by breaking up the pin, before the referee can even reach the two count.

The crowd is on their feet going crazy as Hero and Briscoe take control of the match once again.. Hero drops Lethal with a huge back body drop and then Briscoe and Daniels stsrt trading blows and the action spills out of the ring and they continue brawling at ring side.. Briscoe sends Daniels hard into the steel steps..

In the ring Hero drops Lethal with a huge roaring elbow.. and out of no where Briscoe comes flying off the top rope with the Froggy Bow.. but somehow Lethal jumps to his feet and drops Briscoe with a Lethal Injection, and at the same time Daniels pulls Hero out of the ring, which causes the crowd to explode cheering.. Lethal and Briscoe are both down in the ring as Hero and Daniels are brawling outside the ring.. the action follows Daniels and Hero trading blows outside the ring, when out of nowhere Lethal comes flying over the top rope with a suicide dive and takes out his partner and Hero..

Lethal is quickly back to his feet and hits the ring and pulls Briscoe to his feet, who starts delivering a series of hard forearm strikes to Lethal.. but Lethal counters after the 3rd strike and drops Briscoe with a huge Lethal Combination!!! And the crowd comes alive cheering and screaming!!

Lethal is back to his feet and looks around at the crowd and something changes inside of him and some of his Black Machismo mannerism start coming out as he is spinning around looking at the crowd… Lethal then points to the top rope and the crowd explodes cheering even louder.. Lethal pulls Briscoe into position and then climbs the top rope and flies through the air and connects with his signature Elbow Drop and the cheers from the crowd become deafening!!!

Lethal is back to his feet and signals for The Lethal Injection.. which gets a very loud pop from the crowd…. As soon as Lethal connects hits his finisher… the arena goes dark and a hush falls over the crowd.. when the lights come back up Vincent is standing in the ring face to face with Lethal… Lethal is confused and looks startled and confused..

Vincent greets Lethal with a very sinister smile and a friendly wave.. Vincent thennwastes little time and immediately drops Lethal with The Shining.. and the crowd makes it known that they are not happy over hks actions.. but Vincent just smiles and takes it all in..

Vincent then drags Lethal over to pin the down and out Mark Briscoe.. Vincent then revives the referee and and the lights immediately go out once again.. and when they come back up Vincent is gone.. The referee makes the count and Lethal and Daniels get the victory.. but at what cost… Hero and Daniels are show getting back to their feet and both men look confused about what has happened.. both men hit the ring to check on their partners as the show seemingly comes to an end..
16 minutes 22 seconds

A Challenge Accepted...
A video package airs showing KENTA making his shocking return to Ring Of Honor.. it talks about his history in the company and then his return match with Christopher Daniels. The video package comes to a close showing Jonathan Gresham confronting and challenging KENTA.

We then cut to KENTA.. with subtitles… he puts over Jonathan Gresham as not only one of the best wrestlers in ROH history... but one of the best wrestlers to ever step inside the squared circle.

KENTA smiles and says he is going to prove that he is better... by defeating him!!

KENTA then says he has a message for the squid-man… In NY City at Glory By Honor.. in the city that never sleeps… he will put him to sleep!!! And the show fades to credits.
4 minutes 36 seconds
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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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Breaking News!
Moments ago across all social media channels, Ring Of Honor put out a press release announcing 3 additional PPV events to their 2024 calendar!

Survival of the Fittest will take place on 07/28/24 from Cicero Stadium in Chicago, Illinois.

In the weeks leading to the event, there will be six qualifying matches to determine who will compete in the 6 Way Dance on 7/28/24. The winner of the 6 Way Dance will earn the right to challenge for the Ring Of Honor World Championship at Death Before Dishonor!!

Qualifying matches will be announced at Glory By Honor..

Tournament Bracket
A Block
X v X
X v X v X
X v X

B Block
X v X
X v X v X
X v X

Gateway to Honor will take place on 08/24/24 from The Chase in St.Louis, Missouri.

Ring Of Honor comes to The Legendary Chase in St.Louis, as the march towards Death Before Dishonor gets underway!!

Best In the World will take place over two nights this October on 10/26/24 and 10/27/24 from the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida.

All Championships will be on the line, as the entire roster looks to make a statement on the final stop before the biggest event of the year Final Battle!

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King Of Joshi Style
Jun 12, 2024
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Breaking News!

This morning Ring Of Honor put out a Press Release with details regarding the upcoming 8 Night Honor United Tour in the United Kingdom starting in 2 weeks!!

The Press Release put out several updates.

The first announcement was that ticket sales for the Honor United Tour, were so successful that additional dates have been added to the Tour.

The Honor United Tour will not only feature 4 huge FREE IPPV events every Saturday, available (exclusively on HonorClub), but the next 4 episodes of ROH TV will also be a featured part of the tour.

Confirmed for the Tour
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Night 1 of the tour, will see the return of the
Honor Rumble!!

38 of the top athletes from around the world will fight to earn the right to challenge for the ROH World Championship in the Main Event of Night 4 Edinburh!

The Road to the World Tag Team Championship
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At Glory By Honor, The OGK will defend their World Tag Team Championships in a 3 way dance..

The two teams they will defend against during the Honor United Tour!

18 of the top tag teams from around the world, divided into 2 blocks, will come to the UK to compete in a 3-way dance tournament!!

The following are the 18 teams that will take compete in the tournament. The full bracket will be revealed during Glory By Honor!!

A Block
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Lince Dorado & Máscara Dorada

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Tyler Rust & Tracy Williams

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Michael Oku & Leon Slater

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Dragon Kid & Naruki Doi

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Rhett Titus & Kenny King

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René Duprée & El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr.

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Flip Gordon & Tomohiro Ishii

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Christopher Daniel & Eddie Edwards

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Timothy Thatcher & Chris Ridgeway

B Block
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Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan

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Blake Christian & Alex Zayne

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Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley

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Bateman & Dutch

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Delirious & Eli Isom

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Ace Austin & Chris Bey

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Moses & Kaun

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BeerCity Bruiser & Brawler Milonas

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Man Like DeReiss & Drilla Moloney

The following is the full tour schedule:
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  • 6/6/24 -ROH TV #6- The Olympia in Liverpool
  • 6/8/24 -Honor United Night 1- Empress Ballroom in Blackpool
  • 6/13/24 -ROH TV #7- Download XXII in Donington Park
  • 6/14/24 -Honor United Night 2- Royal Albert Hall in London
  • 6/15/24 -ROH TV #8- Download XXII in Donington Park
  • 6/22/24 -Honor United Night 3- Copper Box Arena in London
  • 6/27/24 -ROH TV #9- National Stadium in Dublin
  • 6/29/24 -Honor United Night 4- Corn Exchange in Scotland

Jonathan Gresham and The OGK will miss The Honor United Tour...

Jonathan Gresham and The OGK will miss the upcoming Honor United Tour, as they will be working several dates in Japan over the next 4 weeks.

All 3 men will make their return to Ring Of Honor on the Go-Home Show for Glory By Honor!



The second Press Release detailed the following..

Ring Of Honor returns to the United States on the 4th of July with ROH TV Episode #10!!

The show will air live from Arena Stage at the Mead Center in the nation's capitol Washington DC!!

This special holiday episode will see it's runtime extended to 2 hours!

Don't miss the final stop before Glory By Honor!!

Announced for the show:

The Main Event of the show will feature a blockbuster Tag Team Match between 4 of the top athletes in Ring of Honor!!


Jay Lethal & KENTA v Vincent & Johnathan Gresham

In Washington DC, the Women Of Honor Championship tournament will continue with B Block action!

3 of the most Legendary women's wrestlers of all time, will collide in a 3-Way Dance to fight for the honor to advance to Round 2 and take one step closer to being crowned the Women Of Honor World Champion!!

3-Way Dance
Nanane Takahashi v Meiko Satomura v Debbie Malenko

"The WarMaster" Josh Barnett comes to Ring Of Honor and he is bringing his top student "All American" Parker Bordeaux with him!

WOH Tournament Update

A Block Advanced to Round 2


B Block Advanced to Round 2
Miranda Alize
Mandy Leon
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